Neotech Metals Corp. Reports 342 meters of 0.50% TREO Including 58 meters of 1.06% TREO from Bedrock Surface on the Pike Zone Extension at Hecla-Kilmer
Neotech Metals Corp. (NTMFF) has announced significant results from its exploratory diamond drilling program at the Hecla-Kilmer Project in Northern Ontario. The program, completed in Fall 2024, consisted of 12 holes totaling 5,047 meters, focusing on Niobium and Rare Earth Element carbonatites.
The company reported results from two drill holes (HK24-033 and HK24-031) that targeted mineralized intervals based on historical gravity and magnetic survey data from VR Resources' 2020 exploration. The drilling program aimed to test for Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) and Niobium Oxide within the alkaline intrusive carbonatite complex.
CEO Reagan Glazier highlighted the significance of broad mineralization zones starting from bedrock surface, noting they provide clear targets for future drill programs. The system remains open in several directions, including at depth. The company is developing plans for an expansion/resource-definition drilling program and preliminary mineralogical-metallurgical test work for 2025.
Neotech Metals Corp. (NTMFF) ha annunciato risultati significativi dal suo programma di perforazione esplorativa con diamante presso il Progetto Hecla-Kilmer nel Nord dell'Ontario. Il programma, completato nell'autunno del 2024, ha consistito in 12 fori per un totale di 5.047 metri, concentrandosi su carbonatiti di Niobio e Elementi delle Terre Rare.
La società ha riportato risultati da due fori di perforazione (HK24-033 e HK24-031) che hanno mirato a intervalli mineralizzati basati su dati storici di sondaggi gravitazionali e magnetici provenienti dall'esplorazione del 2020 di VR Resources. Il programma di perforazione mirava a testare l'Ossido Totale delle Terre Rare (TREO) e l'Ossido di Niobio all'interno del complesso carbonatitico intrusivo alcalino.
Il CEO Reagan Glazier ha evidenziato l'importanza delle ampie zone di mineralizzazione che partono dalla superficie della roccia di base, notando che forniscono obiettivi chiari per i futuri programmi di perforazione. Il sistema rimane aperto in diverse direzioni, anche in profondità. L'azienda sta sviluppando piani per un programma di perforazione di espansione/definizione delle risorse e lavori preliminari di test mineralogico-metallurgico per il 2025.
Neotech Metals Corp. (NTMFF) ha anunciado resultados significativos de su programa de perforación exploratoria con diamante en el Proyecto Hecla-Kilmer en el norte de Ontario. El programa, completado en otoño de 2024, consistió en 12 agujeros que totalizan 5,047 metros, centrándose en carbonatitas de Niobio y Elementos de Tierras Raras.
La empresa informó resultados de dos agujeros de perforación (HK24-033 y HK24-031) que apuntaron a intervalos mineralizados basados en datos históricos de encuestas gravitacionales y magnéticas de la exploración de VR Resources de 2020. El programa de perforación tenía como objetivo probar el Óxido Total de Tierras Raras (TREO) y el Óxido de Niobio dentro del complejo carbonatítico intrusivo alcalino.
El CEO Reagan Glazier destacó la importancia de las amplias zonas de mineralización que comienzan desde la superficie de la roca madre, señalando que proporcionan objetivos claros para futuros programas de perforación. El sistema permanece abierto en varias direcciones, incluida la profundidad. La empresa está desarrollando planes para un programa de perforación de expansión/definición de recursos y trabajos preliminares de pruebas mineralógico-metalúrgicas para 2025.
Neotech Metals Corp. (NTMFF)는 온타리오 북부의 Hecla-Kilmer 프로젝트에서 탐사 다이아몬드 시추 프로그램의 중요한 결과를 발표했습니다. 2024년 가을에 완료된 이 프로그램은 12개의 구멍으로 구성되어 있으며 총 5,047미터에 달하며, 니오븀 및 희토류 원소 탄산염암에 초점을 맞추었습니다.
회사는 VR Resources의 2020년 탐사 데이터에 기반한 광물화 간격을 목표로 한 두 개의 시추 구멍(HK24-033 및 HK24-031)에서 결과를 보고했습니다. 시추 프로그램은 알칼리성 침입 탄산염 복합체 내에서 총 희토류 산화물(TREO) 및 니오븀 산화물을 테스트하는 것을 목표로 했습니다.
CEO 레이건 글레이지어는 암석 표면에서 시작하는 넓은 광물화 구역의 중요성을 강조하며, 이는 향후 시추 프로그램을 위한 명확한 목표를 제공한다고 언급했습니다. 시스템은 깊이를 포함하여 여러 방향으로 열려 있습니다. 회사는 2025년을 위한 확장/자원 정의 시추 프로그램 및 초기 광물학-금속 시험 작업을 개발하고 있습니다.
Neotech Metals Corp. (NTMFF) a annoncé des résultats significatifs de son programme de forage diamant exploratoire au projet Hecla-Kilmer dans le nord de l'Ontario. Le programme, terminé à l'automne 2024, a consisté en 12 trous totalisant 5 047 mètres, axé sur les carbonatites de Niobium et les éléments des terres rares.
La société a rapporté des résultats de deux trous de forage (HK24-033 et HK24-031) qui ont ciblé des intervalles minéralisés basés sur des données historiques d'enquête gravimétrique et magnétique provenant de l'exploration de 2020 de VR Resources. Le programme de forage visait à tester l'oxyde total des terres rares (TREO) et l'oxyde de niobium au sein du complexe carbonatitique intrusif alcalin.
Le PDG Reagan Glazier a souligné l'importance des larges zones de minéralisation partant de la surface du socle, notant qu'elles fournissent des cibles claires pour les futurs programmes de forage. Le système reste ouvert dans plusieurs directions, y compris en profondeur. L'entreprise élabore des plans pour un programme de forage d'expansion/définition des ressources et des travaux préliminaires de tests minéralogiques-métallurgiques pour 2025.
Neotech Metals Corp. (NTMFF) hat bedeutende Ergebnisse aus seinem explorativen Diamantbohrprogramm im Hecla-Kilmer-Projekt im Norden Ontarios bekannt gegeben. Das Programm, das im Herbst 2024 abgeschlossen wurde, umfasste 12 Löcher mit einer Gesamtlänge von 5.047 Metern und konzentrierte sich auf Niobium- und Seltene Erden-Kohlenatite.
Das Unternehmen berichtete von Ergebnissen aus zwei Bohrlöchern (HK24-033 und HK24-031), die mineralisierte Intervalle anvisierten, basierend auf historischen Schwerkraft- und Magnetfelduntersuchungsdaten von VR Resources aus der Erkundung 2020. Das Bohrprogramm hatte zum Ziel, das totale Oxid der Seltenen Erden (TREO) und Niobiumoxid innerhalb des alkalischen intrusiven Kohlenatitskomplexes zu testen.
CEO Reagan Glazier hob die Bedeutung breiter Mineralisierungszonen hervor, die von der Gesteinsoberfläche ausgehen, und stellte fest, dass sie klare Ziele für zukünftige Bohrprogramme bieten. Das System bleibt in mehreren Richtungen, einschließlich in der Tiefe, offen. Das Unternehmen entwickelt Pläne für ein Erweiterungs-/Ressourcendefinitionsbohrprogramm und vorläufige mineralogisch-metallurgische Testarbeiten für 2025.
- 342 meters of 0.50% TREO including 58 meters of 1.06% TREO from surface
- System remains open in several directions for expansion
- Mineralization starts from bedrock surface, indicating potential economic viability
- Robust QA/QC protocols with third-party verification
- Results from only 2 out of 12 drill holes reported
- Metallurgical testing still pending
- Resource definition not yet completed
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 4, 2025) - Neotech Metals Corp. (CSE: NTMC) (OTCQB: NTMFF) (FSE: V690) ("Neotech" or "the Company") is pleased to announce additional geochemical assay results from its exploratory diamond drilling program of the Niobium and Rare Earth Element ("REE") carbonatites located at the Hecla-Kilmer ("H/K") Project near to Otter Rapids in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern, Ontario.
Neotech is reporting assay results from two holes, HK24-033 and HK24-031, at the Hecla-Kilmer Project. This drill hole is part of a 12-hole program totaling 5,047 meters completed as part of the exploration program during the Fall of 2024. This specific drill hole intersected a mineralized interval on a gravity and magnetic anomaly within proximity to the Pike Zone Prospect. The historical gravity and magnetic survey data was made available from work done by VR Resources ("VR") in previous exploration campaigns in 2020. The 2024 program drillholes (see Map in Figure 1) were designed to test for intervals of Total Rare Earth Oxide ("TREO") and Niobium Oxide ("Nb2O5") within the alkaline intrusive carbonatite complex. The results for this hole include:
Highlights from HK24-033
From (m) | To (m) | Interval (m) | TREO* (%) | PMREO** (%) |
38 | 380 | 342 | 0.50 | 0.07 |
-Including- | ||||
38 | 96 | 58 | 1.06 | 0.17 |
-Including- | ||||
38 | 78 | 40 | 1.18 | 0.20 |
-Including- | ||||
38 | 58 | 20 | 1.33 | 0.20 |
Highlights from HK24-031
From (m) | To (m) | Interval (m) | TREO* (%) | PMREO** (%) |
44 | 56 | 12 | 1.27 | 0.16 |
-And- | ||||
160 | 186 | 26 | 0.34 | 0.06 |
-And- | ||||
270 | 290 | 20 | 0.95 | 0.12 |
The 2024 exploration drill program was designed to confirm and validate the previous geophysical surveys that were conducted at Hecla Kilmer in 2020 as well as to identify the structures and mineralized zones present as a preliminary assessment of the site. The results are currently being evaluated to identify potential next phases of development for Hecla Kilmer. Technical studies will continue in order to advance metallurgical testing and other project assessments for the site.
Future exploration programs will be guided by the ongoing incorporation and compilation of field exploration data to refine geological, geochemical and structural models to help identify and prioritize additional targets for evaluation.
Sample analysis and data compilation remains ongoing, and any additional mineralized intervals identified in the remaining drill holes will be reported in subsequent news releases.
"The additional broad zones of mineralization starting from bedrock surface represent a significant economic opportunity for the Hecla-Kilmer Project," stated CEO Reagan Glazier. "These consistent mineralized zones at surface provide clear targets to guide future drill programs. Furthermore, the system remains wide open in several directions, including at depth, warranting further exploration and deeper drill testing to fully assess its scale."
Map Figure 1 - Drill Map of Hecla-Kilmer's Pike Zone from 2024 Drill Season
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Methodology and Quality Assurance/Quality Control ("QA/QC")
Drillholes were drilled at various inclined angles with the assay intervals as total core widths. The material produced from the diamond drillholes was sampled at two metre intervals with the core split in half, resulting in average sample sizes of 2-4 kg. Half of the core is sent to the analytical laboratory, and the other half is kept in storage as required by industry standards and by Ontario provincial regulations. The original core was logged, photographed, and sampled on location by Neotech personnel.
The bagged and catalogued samples were delivered to Activation Laboratories Ltd. ("Actlabs") in Timmins, Ontario, for initial preparation and final analysis. All sample preparation and analytical work referenced in this report were conducted by Actlabs, an independent geoanalytical laboratory accredited to ISO-IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 standards. In addition to Actlabs' internal QA/QC protocols, Neotech Metals incorporated its own control samples in each batch submitted for analysis.
Quality control samples, including blanks, duplicates, and standards (Certified Reference Materials) were inserted into the sample series at set intervals. For all analysis methods, the minimum number of QA/QC samples was two CRM standards per hole, one duplicate and/or one blank for every 10 samples taken, for a total of
All analytical results reported herein have passed internal QA/QC review and compilation. All assay results of drill core samples were provided by Actlabs, a Certified Laboratory, which performed their measure of the concentration of rare earth elements (REE) with the analytical method that uses lithium borate fusion prior to the second stage sodium peroxide fusion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Major Element Oxides were done using the lithium borate analytical method and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).
Upcoming 2025 Exploration Season
Neotech is currently developing plans for an expansion/resource-definition drilling program and preliminary mineralogical-metallurgical test work on the diamond drill core from this program. Ongoing geological modelling and targeting will continue as the Company receives additional assays.
Reagan Glazier, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Neotech Metals Corp.
About the Neotech Metals
Neotech Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration company dedicated to discovering and developing valuable mineral resources within promising jurisdictions around the world. With a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices, Neotech is positioned to make a positive impact while maximizing the potential of its exploration properties.
The Company has a diversified portfolio of Rare-Earth Element and Rare Metals projects, including the Hecla-Kilmer, located 20 km from the Otter Rapids 180MW hydroelectric power generation station and active Ontario Northway railway, along with its TREO and Foothills projects located in British Columbia. All three projects are
Qualified Person
Technical Information for this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101. Jared Galenzoski VP Exploration, P.Geo., and Qualified Person, has reviewed and approved all of the data and statements made for this news release.
Contact Information
Reagan Glazier, CEO and Director
+1 403-815-6663
*TREO (Total Rare-Earth Oxides) has been used to express the results in the press release. TREO is calculated by converting the elemental ppm to Rare-Earth Oxides using a conversion factor and is the summation of CeO2 + La2O3 + Pr6O11 + Nd2O3 + Sm2O3 + Eu2O3 + Gd2O3 + Tb4O7 + Dy2O3 + Ho2O3 + Er2O3 + Tm2O3 + Yb2O3 + Lu2O3 + Y2O3.
**PMREO (Permanent Magnet Rare-Earth Oxides) has been used to express the results in the press release. TREO is calculated by converting the elemental ppm to Rare-Earth Oxides using a conversion factor and is the summation of Pr6O11 + Nd2O3 + Tb4O7 + Dy2O3
Forward Looking Statements
Certain information contained herein constitutes "forward-looking information" under Canadian securities legislation. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "will", "will be" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made and they are from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different, including receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals. Although management of the Company have attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward- looking statements and forward-looking information. The Company will not update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking information that are incorporated by reference herein, except as required by applicable securities laws.
The CSE has not reviewed, approved, or disapproved the contents of this press release.
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