DigitalChalk Announces Integration to the Insperity Premier™ Platform

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DigitalChalk has announced the completion and general availability of its integration with Insperity Premier™ platform, Insperity's (NYSE: NSP) human capital management platform. The integration enables direct connection of employee data from Insperity Premier to DigitalChalk's learning management system (LMS), benefiting over 100,000 employees at small and midsize companies nationwide. The integration aims to accelerate employee onboarding, streamline training plan assignments, and reduce risks associated with manual HR processes. As HRIS updates occur, employees can access timely training related to onboarding, promotions, and job location changes.

DigitalChalk ha annunciato il completamento e la disponibilità generale della sua integrazione con la piattaforma Insperity Premier™, la piattaforma di gestione del capitale umano di Insperity (NYSE: NSP). L'integrazione consente una connessione diretta dei dati dei dipendenti da Insperity Premier al sistema di gestione dell'apprendimento (LMS) di DigitalChalk, offrendo vantaggi a oltre 100.000 dipendenti di piccole e medie imprese in tutto il paese. L'integrazione ha l'obiettivo di accelerare l'inserimento dei dipendenti, semplificare l'assegnazione dei piani di formazione e ridurre i rischi associati ai processi HR manuali. Con gli aggiornamenti dell'HRIS che avvengono, i dipendenti possono accedere a una formazione tempestiva relativa all'inserimento, alle promozioni e ai cambiamenti di sede lavorativa.

DigitalChalk ha anunciado la finalización y disponibilidad general de su integración con la plataforma Insperity Premier™, la plataforma de gestión de capital humano de Insperity (NYSE: NSP). La integración permite una conexión directa de los datos de los empleados desde Insperity Premier al sistema de gestión del aprendizaje (LMS) de DigitalChalk, beneficiando a más de 100,000 empleados en pequeñas y medianas empresas a nivel nacional. El objetivo de la integración es acelerar la incorporación de empleados, optimizar la asignación de planes de formación y reducir los riesgos asociados con los procesos manuales de RRHH. A medida que se realizan actualizaciones del HRIS, los empleados pueden acceder a capacitación oportuna relacionada con la incorporación, promociones y cambios de ubicación laboral.

디지털초크(DigitalChalk)인스퍼리티 프리미어™ 플랫폼과의 통합 완료 및 일반 사용 가능성을 발표했습니다. 인스퍼리티의 인적 자원 관리 플랫폼(NYSE: NSP)인 이 플랫폼은 인스퍼리티 프리미어의 직원 데이터를 디지털초크의 학습 관리 시스템(LMS)과 직접 연결할 수 있게 해 주며, 전국의 중소기업에서 100,000명 이상의 직원에게 혜택을 제공합니다. 이 통합의 목적은 직원 온보딩을 가속화하고, 교육 계획 할당을 간소화하며, 수동 HR 프로세스와 관련된 위험을 줄이는 것입니다. HRIS 업데이트가 있을 때 직원들은 온보딩, 승진 및 직무 위치 변경과 관련된 시기적절한 교육에 접근할 수 있습니다.

DigitalChalk a annoncé l'achèvement et la disponibilité générale de son intégration avec la plateforme Insperity Premier™, la plateforme de gestion des talents d'Insperity (NYSE: NSP). Cette intégration permet de connecter directement les données des employés d'Insperity Premier au système de gestion de l'apprentissage (LMS) de DigitalChalk, ce qui bénéficie à plus de 100 000 employés dans des petites et moyennes entreprises à l'échelle nationale. L'objectif de l'intégration est d'accélérer l'intégration des employés, de simplifier l'attribution des plans de formation et de réduire les risques associés aux processus RH manuels. À mesure que des mises à jour HRIS se produisent, les employés peuvent accéder à une formation opportune liée à l'intégration, aux promotions et aux changements de lieu de travail.

DigitalChalk hat die Fertigstellung und die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit seiner Integration mit der Insperity Premier™ Plattform bekannt gegeben, der Plattform für das Management von Humankapital von Insperity (NYSE: NSP). Die Integration ermöglicht eine direkte Verbindung der Mitarbeiterdaten von Insperity Premier mit dem Lernmanagementsystem (LMS) von DigitalChalk und kommt über 100.000 Mitarbeitern in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen landesweit zugute. Ziel der Integration ist es, die Einarbeitung von Mitarbeitern zu beschleunigen, die Zuweisung von Schulungsplänen zu optimieren und Risiken, die mit manuellen HR-Prozessen verbunden sind, zu reduzieren. Bei Aktualisierungen von HRIS haben die Mitarbeiter Zugang zu zeitgerechter Schulung im Zusammenhang mit Einarbeitung, Beförderungen und Veränderungen des Arbeitsorts.

  • Integration potentially benefits over 100,000 employees nationwide
  • Streamlines HR processes and reduces operational risks
  • Enhances efficiency in employee training and onboarding
  • None.


The integration between DigitalChalk's LMS and Insperity Premier platform represents an incremental operational improvement but has market impact. While the partnership streamlines HR data workflows for SMBs and could reduce administrative overhead, the integration is a routine product enhancement rather than a transformative development. The potential reach of 100,000 employees across small and midsize businesses is modest in scale. No financial terms or revenue projections were disclosed, making it difficult to quantify the business impact. For Insperity (NSP) shareholders, this integration adds a complementary feature to their HR platform but is unlikely to materially affect the company's financial performance or stock valuation.

Easy-to-configure, no-code SaaS integration helps SMBs maximize their HR data investment and speed workforce productivity

ASHEVILLE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DigitalChalk, a leading provider of comprehensive learning management solutions (LMS), is excited to announce the completion and general availability of our integration with the Insperity Premier platform, Insperity, Inc.'s (NYSE: NSP) human capital management platform for its professional employer organization (PEO) HR outsourcing solutions. This new integration allows customers to connect employee data from the Insperity Premier platform directly to the DigitalChalk LMS. Customers will benefit from accelerating employee onboarding and training plan assignment and reducing the risks related to manual HR and learning data processes.

With this initiative, DigitalChalk and Insperity have joined together to help companies offer the proper training to employees at the right time. As updates occur in the HRIS, employees can access just-in-time training related to onboarding, promotions, job location changes and more. More than 100,000 employees at small and midsize companies nationwide can benefit from this integration. In addition, both companies are specialists in their related software categories with proven histories of staying power. DigitalChalk has been delivering learning solutions for 17 years, and Insperity has been delivering HR-focused solutions for nearly 40 years.

“Insperity is a leading provider of comprehensive HR solutions, so it was important for us to work with them to deliver a solution to help America’s small to medium-sized businesses grow,” said Troy Tolle, Chief Technology Officer of Digital Chalk. “This innovation can help thousands of companies realize time and cost savings associated with slow or repetitive data workflows and reduce the risk of manual or semi-manual data feeds.”

“Based on my research and conversations with industry leaders, easy-to-implement integration features are among the most requested features and capabilities for an LMS,” said Craig Weiss, leading industry analyst. “It’s great to see these two leading companies combining forces to make that a reality for companies of all sizes.”

To learn more about DigitalChalk Integrations, visit us online.

About DigitalChalk

DigitalChalk is a leading provider of cloud-based learning management solutions designed to help organizations deliver, track, and manage their employee and customer training programs. With a focus on innovation and user experience, DigitalChalk offers a comprehensive suite of tools that enable businesses to achieve their learning and development goals efficiently and effectively. DigitalChalk is the LMS you want and the partner you deserve. Visit for more information.

Ann Torry

Managing Director of Marketing



Source: DigitalChalk


What is the new integration announced between DigitalChalk and Insperity (NSP)?

DigitalChalk has integrated its LMS with Insperity Premier™ platform, allowing direct connection of employee data and streamlined training management for small and midsize businesses.

How many employees can benefit from the DigitalChalk-Insperity (NSP) integration?

Over 100,000 employees at small and midsize companies nationwide can benefit from this integration.

What are the main benefits of the DigitalChalk-Insperity (NSP) integration?

The integration accelerates employee onboarding, streamlines training plan assignments, enables just-in-time training, and reduces risks related to manual HR and learning data processes.

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