Norfolk Southern reaches tentative collective bargaining agreements with all general committees representing SMART-TD

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Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) has reached tentative agreements with all general committees representing SMART-TD, its largest labor union. This latest agreement covers all Norfolk Southern conductors, bringing the total union workforce covered by early tentative agreements to nearly 65%. The agreements, subject to ratification, come four months before the next collective bargaining round and offer:

  • A 3.5% average wage increase per year over the next five years
  • More vacation earlier in careers
  • Enhancements to health care benefits

Norfolk Southern has reached tentative agreements with nine of its 13 unions in the past two weeks, demonstrating a commitment to supporting and rewarding its workforce.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) ha raggiunto accordi provvisori con tutti i comitati generali che rappresentano SMART-TD, il suo più grande sindacato. Questo ultimo accordo copre tutti i conduttori di Norfolk Southern, portando il totale dei lavoratori sindacalizzati coperti da accordi provvisori a quasi il 65%. Gli accordi, soggetti a ratifica, arrivano quattro mesi prima del prossimo round di negoziazione collettiva e offrono:

  • Un aumento medio salariale del 3.5% all'anno per i prossimi cinque anni
  • Maggiore tempo di ferie all'inizio della carriera
  • Miglioramenti ai benefici sanitari

Norfolk Southern ha raggiunto accordi provvisori con nove dei suoi 13 sindacati nelle ultime due settimane, dimostrando un impegno nel sostenere e premiare la propria forza lavoro.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) ha alcanzado acuerdos tentativos con todos los comités generales que representan a SMART-TD, su sindicato más grande. Este último acuerdo cubre a todos los conductores de Norfolk Southern, llevando el total de la fuerza laboral sindicalizada cubierta por acuerdos tentativos a casi el 65%. Los acuerdos, sujetos a ratificación, llegan cuatro meses antes de la próxima ronda de negociaciones colectivas y ofrecen:

  • Un aumento salarial promedio del 3.5% por año durante los próximos cinco años
  • Más vacaciones al principio de la carrera
  • Mejoras en los beneficios de atención médica

Norfolk Southern ha alcanzado acuerdos tentativos con nueve de sus 13 sindicatos en las últimas dos semanas, demostrando un compromiso para apoyar y recompensar a su fuerza laboral.

노퍽 서던 (NYSE: NSC)은 가장 큰 노동 조합인 SMART-TD를 대표하는 모든 일반 위원회와 잠정 합의에 도달했습니다. 이번 합의는 노퍽 서던의 모든 기차 승무원을 포함하며, 조기 잠정 합의로 보호되는 총 노동 조합 인력이 거의 65%에 달합니다. 이 합의는 비준을 조건으로 하며, 다음 단체 교섭 라운드 4개월 전에 도달했으며, 다음과 같은 내용을 포함합니다:

  • 향후 5년 동안 연평균 3.5% 임금 인상
  • 경력 초기 시점에 더 많은 휴가
  • 의료 혜택 향상

노퍽 서던은 지난 2주 동안 13개 노조 중 9개와 잠정 합의에 도달하여, 직원 지원 및 보상을 위한 의지를 보여주고 있습니다.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) a conclu des accords provisoires avec tous les comités généraux représentant SMART-TD, son plus grand syndicat. Cet accord récent couvre tous les conducteurs de Norfolk Southern, portant le total des travailleurs syndiqués protégés par des accords provisoires à presque 65%. Les accords, sous réserve de ratification, interviennent quatre mois avant le prochain round de négociations collectives et proposent :

  • Une augmentation salariale moyenne de 3,5% par an au cours des cinq prochaines années
  • Plus de congés plus tôt dans la carrière
  • Améliorations des prestations de santé

Norfolk Southern a conclu des accords provisoires avec neuf de ses 13 syndicats au cours des deux dernières semaines, démontrant ainsi son engagement à soutenir et récompenser sa main-d'œuvre.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) hat vorläufige Vereinbarungen mit allen allgemeinen Ausschüssen, die SMART-TD, seine größte Gewerkschaft, vertreten, getroffen. Diese neueste Vereinbarung betrifft alle Lokführer von Norfolk Southern und bringt die Gesamtzahl der von vorzeitigen vorläufigen Vereinbarungen abgedeckten Gewerkschaftsmitglieder auf fast 65%. Die Vereinbarungen, die noch ratifiziert werden müssen, kommen vier Monate vor der nächsten Tarifrunde und bieten:

  • Eine durchschnittliche Gehaltserhöhung von 3,5% pro Jahr über die nächsten fünf Jahre
  • Frühere Urlaubstage in der Karriere
  • Verbesserungen der Gesundheitsleistungen

Norfolk Southern hat in den letzten zwei Wochen vorläufige Vereinbarungen mit neun seiner 13 Gewerkschaften getroffen, was das Engagement zeigt, die Mitarbeiterschaft zu unterstützen und zu belohnen.

  • Reached tentative agreements with all general committees of SMART-TD, the company's largest labor union
  • Nearly 65% of union workforce now covered by early tentative agreements
  • 3.5% average wage increase per year over the next five years
  • Enhanced vacation and health care benefits for covered railroaders
  • Agreements reached with 9 out of 13 unions in the past two weeks
  • None.

This agreement marks a significant milestone for Norfolk Southern, covering nearly 65% of their union workforce. The 3.5% average annual wage increase over five years is competitive, addressing inflationary pressures. Enhanced vacation benefits and improved healthcare offerings demonstrate a commitment to work-life balance and employee well-being.

Reaching agreements four months ahead of the next bargaining round shows proactive management and positive labor relations. This could lead to increased operational stability and productivity. However, it's important to monitor the impact on operating costs and potential effects on profit margins. The agreement's ratification and implementation will be key factors to watch in the coming months.

While the wage increases will impact Norfolk Southern's labor costs, the early agreements potentially mitigate the risk of service disruptions and could enhance operational efficiency. Investors should consider the long-term benefits of improved labor relations against short-term cost increases.

The company's proactive approach may positively influence its ESG profile, particularly in the 'Social' aspect, which could attract socially conscious investors. However, it's essential to analyze how these agreements might affect the company's operating ratio and overall financial performance in the coming quarters. The stock market often responds favorably to labor stability in the transportation sector, which could support NSC's stock price in the near term.

Early agreements now cover nearly 65% of company's union workforce

ATLANTA, Sept. 4, 2024  /PRNewswire/ -- Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE: NSC) has reached a tentative agreement with its final general committee of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers - Transportation Division (SMART-TD). SMART-TD is the company's largest labor union, representing train conductors across the company's 22-state network. The latest agreement ensures coverage for all Norfolk Southern conductors and brings the total union workforce covered by early tentative agreements to nearly 65%.

The agreement, which is subject to ratification, comes four months before the opening of the next collective bargaining round and provides a 3.5-percent average wage increase per year over the next five years. Under the tentative agreements, covered railroaders will also receive more vacation earlier in their career and have enhancements made to an already robust suite of health care benefits.

"At Norfolk Southern, we're working closely with our labor leaders to support and reward our workforce, giving our valued employees the pay, health care, and vacation improvements they deserve without the multi-year wait that often accompanied previous bargaining rounds," said Alan H. Shaw, Norfolk Southern President and CEO. "We know that railroading is more than just a job; it's an opportunity for a fulfilling career capable of providing a good life for employees and their families. We appreciate the partnership with SMART-TD and look forward to reaching additional agreements with all of our unions."

"I am proud that now all our SMART-TD General Chairman have been able to negotiate the significant pay, health care, and vacation benefits of this agreement for all conductors on Norfolk Southern," said Jeremy Ferguson, National President SMART-TD. "We thank Norfolk Southern for stepping up at the bargaining table and partnering on a deal that will truly improve the lives of our dedicated members."

Over the past two weeks, Norfolk Southern has reached tentative agreements with nine of its 13 unions, which, in addition to SMART-TD, include the American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA), the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED), the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen Division/TCU (BRC), the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers - Mechanical Department (SMART-MD), the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Transportation Division Yardmasters (SMART-TD Yardmasters), the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Blacksmiths (IBBB), the National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO), and the Transportation Communications Union/IAM (TCU).

About Norfolk Southern
Since 1827, Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE: NSC) and its predecessor companies have safely moved the goods and materials that drive the U.S. economy. Today, it operates a customer-centric and operations-driven freight transportation network. Committed to furthering sustainability, Norfolk Southern helps its customers avoid approximately 15 million tons of yearly carbon emissions by shipping via rail. Its dedicated team members deliver more than 7 million carloads annually, from agriculture to consumer goods, and Norfolk Southern originates more automotive traffic than any other Class I Railroad. Norfolk Southern also has the most extensive intermodal network in the eastern U.S. It serves a majority of the country's population and manufacturing base, with connections to every major container port on the Atlantic coast as well as major ports in the Gulf of Mexico and Great Lakes. Learn more by visiting


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SOURCE Norfolk Southern Corporation


What percentage of Norfolk Southern's union workforce is covered by the new tentative agreements?

Nearly 65% of Norfolk Southern's union workforce is now covered by the new early tentative agreements.

What wage increase does the tentative agreement with SMART-TD offer for Norfolk Southern (NSC) employees?

The tentative agreement offers a 3.5% average wage increase per year over the next five years for covered Norfolk Southern employees.

How many months in advance of the next collective bargaining round were these agreements reached for Norfolk Southern (NSC)?

The agreements were reached four months before the opening of the next collective bargaining round for Norfolk Southern.

How many unions has Norfolk Southern (NSC) reached tentative agreements with in the past two weeks?

Norfolk Southern has reached tentative agreements with nine of its 13 unions in the past two weeks.

Norfolk Southern Corp.


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Railroads, Line-haul Operating
United States of America