ServiceNow Releases New HR Innovations, Empowering Leaders to Fuel Employee and Business Growth

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ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) has announced new HR innovations at the HR Technology Conference to empower leaders in fueling employee and business growth. The updates include:

1. HR and GenAI innovations to enhance employee communications and improve engagement.

2. New capabilities in Talent Development and Employee Journey Management for better insight into employee experiences.

3. Content engagement for Employee Center to make company-wide communications more interactive.

4. Guided Self-Service for Employee Center to help employees get support across departments.

5. Leader Hub in Talent Development for greater visibility into the workforce.

6. Gigs & Projects in Opportunity Marketplace to define short-term work activities.

7. Enhancements to Employee Journey Management's Analytics Center for tailored guidance during career transitions.

These innovations aim to simplify workforce management on the Now Platform and support employees throughout their career journeys.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) ha annunciato nuove innovazioni HR durante la Conferenza sulla Tecnologia HR per dare potere ai leader nel promuovere la crescita dei dipendenti e delle aziende. Gli aggiornamenti includono:

1. Innovazioni HR e GenAI per migliorare le comunicazioni tra i dipendenti e aumentare il coinvolgimento.

2. Nuove capacità in Sviluppo dei Talenti e Gestione del Percorso del Dipendente per una migliore comprensione delle esperienze dei dipendenti.

3. Coinvolgimento dei contenuti per il Centro Dipendenti per rendere le comunicazioni aziendali più interattive.

4. Self-Service Guidato per il Centro Dipendenti per aiutare i dipendenti ad ottenere supporto tra i vari reparti.

5. Leader Hub nello Sviluppo dei Talenti per una maggiore visibilità sulla forza lavoro.

6. Gigs & Progetti nel Mercato delle Opportunità per definire attività lavorative a breve termine.

7. Migliorie al Centro Analitico della Gestione del Percorso del Dipendente per una guida personalizzata durante le transizioni di carriera.

Queste innovazioni mirano a semplificare la gestione della forza lavoro sulla Now Platform e a supportare i dipendenti nel loro percorso professionale.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) ha anunciado nuevas innovaciones en HR en la Conferencia de Tecnología HR para empoderar a los líderes en impulsar el crecimiento de empleados y negocios. Las actualizaciones incluyen:

1. Innovaciones en HR y GenAI para mejorar las comunicaciones de los empleados y aumentar el compromiso.

2. Nuevas capacidades en Desarrollo del Talento y Gestión del Viaje del Empleado para obtener mejores ideas sobre las experiencias de los empleados.

3. Compromiso de contenido para el Centro de Empleados para hacer que las comunicaciones en toda la empresa sean más interactivas.

4. Servicio Autoguiado para el Centro de Empleados para ayudar a los empleados a obtener soporte en diferentes departamentos.

5. Hub de Líderes en Desarrollo del Talento para mayor visibilidad de la fuerza laboral.

6. Gigs y Proyectos en el Mercado de Oportunidades para definir actividades laborales a corto plazo.

7. Mejoras en el Centro de Analíticas de la Gestión del Viaje del Empleado para una orientación personalizada durante las transiciones de carrera.

Estas innovaciones buscan simplificar la gestión de la fuerza laboral en la Now Platform y apoyar a los empleados a lo largo de sus trayectorias profesionales.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW)는 HR 기술 컨퍼런스에서 새로운 HR 혁신을 발표하여 직원 및 비즈니스 성장에 힘을 실어줄 리더들을 지원합니다. 업데이트 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. HR 및 GenAI 혁신으로 직원 커뮤니케이션을 향상하고 참여를 개선합니다.

2. 직원 경험에 대한 더 나은 통찰력을 제공하기 위한 인재 개발 및 직원 여정 관리의 새로운 기능.

3. 회사 내 커뮤니케이션을 보다 인터랙티브하게 만들기 위한 직원 센터의 콘텐츠 참여.

4. 여러 부서에서 지원을 받도록 돕기 위한 직원 센터의 안내형 셀프 서비스.

5. 인재 개발의 리더 허브는 인력에 대한 더 큰 가시성을 제공합니다.

6. 단기 작업 활동 정의를 위한 기회 시장의 긱 및 프로젝트.

7. 경력 전환 동안 맞춤형 안내를 위한 직원 여정 관리 분석 센터의 개선.

이러한 혁신은 Now Platform에서 인력 관리를 단순화하고 직원들이 경력 여정 전반에 걸쳐 지원을 받을 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 합니다.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) a annoncé de nouvelles innovations RH lors de la Conférence sur la Technologie RH pour aider les leaders à favoriser la croissance des employés et des entreprises. Les mises à jour comprennent :

1. Innovations RH et GenAI pour améliorer la communication des employés et accroître l'engagement.

2. Nouvelles capacités en Développement des Talents et Gestion du Parcours Employé pour obtenir de meilleures perspectives sur les expériences des employés.

3. Engagement de contenu pour le Centre Employé afin de rendre les communications dans toute l'entreprise plus interactives.

4. Service Autonome Guidé pour le Centre Employé pour aider les employés à obtenir un soutien dans différents départements.

5. Hub des Leaders dans le Développement des Talents pour une meilleure visibilité de la main-d'œuvre.

6. Gigs & Projets dans le Marché des Opportunités pour définir des activités de travail à court terme.

7. Améliorations du Centre d'Analyse de la Gestion du Parcours Employé pour un accompagnement personnalisé durant les transitions de carrière.

Ces innovations visent à simplifier la gestion des ressources humaines sur la Now Platform et à soutenir les employés tout au long de leurs parcours professionnels.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) hat neue HR-Innovationen auf der HR Technology Conference angekündigt, um Führungskräfte dabei zu unterstützen, das Wachstum von Mitarbeitern und Unternehmen voranzutreiben. Die Updates umfassen:

1. HR- und GenAI-Innovationen zur Verbesserung der Mitarbeiterkommunikation und zur Steigerung des Engagements.

2. Neue Funktionen in Talententwicklung und Mitarbeiterreisen-Management für bessere Einblicke in die Erfahrungen der Mitarbeiter.

3. Inhaltsengagement für das Mitarbeiterzentrum, um die unternehmensweiten Kommunikationsmaßnahmen interaktiver zu gestalten.

4. Geführte Selbstbedienung für das Mitarbeiterzentrum, um Mitarbeitern zu helfen, Unterstützung in verschiedenen Abteilungen zu erhalten.

5. Leader Hub in der Talententwicklung für eine bessere Sichtbarkeit der Belegschaft.

6. Gigs & Projekte im Opportunity Marketplace, um kurzfristige Arbeitsaktivitäten zu definieren.

7. Verbesserungen im Analytics Center des Mitarbeiterreisen-Managements für maßgeschneiderte Anleitungen während des Karriereübergangs.

Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, das Workforce Management auf der Now Platform zu vereinfachen und die Mitarbeiter während ihrer Karrierewege zu unterstützen.

  • Introduction of HR and GenAI innovations to enhance employee communications and engagement
  • Launch of Content engagement for Employee Center to make company-wide communications more interactive
  • Implementation of Guided Self-Service for Employee Center to improve cross-departmental support
  • Addition of Leader Hub in Talent Development for better workforce visibility
  • Introduction of Gigs & Projects in Opportunity Marketplace for short-term work activities
  • Enhancements to Employee Journey Management's Analytics Center for tailored career guidance
  • None.


ServiceNow's new HR innovations leverage AI to enhance employee engagement and streamline workforce management. The Content engagement feature for Employee Center enables interactive company-wide communications, while Guided Self-Service simplifies cross-departmental support. LLM-based proactive prompts, powered by Now Assist for HR Service Delivery, offer timely HR reminders without screen switching. These advancements aim to improve employee experience and productivity. The Leader Hub and Gigs & Projects features in Talent Development provide leaders with comprehensive workforce insights and facilitate skill-based project assignments. Enhancements to Employee Journey Management offer personalized career guidance and streamlined journey creation. These tools empower HR leaders to make data-driven decisions and support employees throughout their careers, potentially boosting retention and organizational efficiency.

ServiceNow's latest HR innovations address critical challenges in talent management and employee experience. The integration of GenAI into HR processes signifies a shift towards more intelligent, personalized HR systems. The Leader Hub feature, in particular, stands out as it provides a holistic view of workforce skills and development needs, enabling more strategic talent decisions. The Gigs & Projects functionality aligns with the growing trend of internal talent mobility and skill-based work allocation. These tools can help organizations adapt to rapidly changing skill requirements and improve employee engagement. The enhancements to Employee Journey Management, especially the Analytics Center and Guided Decision Tree, offer HR leaders valuable insights into employee career progression and simplify the creation of personalized employee experiences. Overall, these innovations position ServiceNow as a strong player in the HR technology space, catering to the evolving needs of modern workforces.

HR and GenAI innovations enhance employee communications, improve engagement, and make it easier than ever to get support across departments from a single point of entry

New capabilities within Talent Development and Employee Journey Management give leaders better insight into employee experiences and aspirations, simplifying workforce management on the Now Platform

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- At HR Executive’s HR Technology Conference, ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW), the AI platform for business transformation, announced new HR innovations that empower leaders to fuel employee and business growth. HR and GenAI innovations enhance employee communications, improve employee engagement, and make it easier than ever for employees to get support across departments from a single point of entry. Additionally, new capabilities within Talent Development and Employee Journey Management give leaders better insight into employee experiences and aspirations, simplifying workforce management on the Now Platform.

Employee Workflow innovations enhance employee communications and improve workforce management. (Photo: Business Wire)

Employee Workflow innovations enhance employee communications and improve workforce management. (Photo: Business Wire)

According to ServiceNow’s Employee Experience Trends Report, the digital transformation imperative is elevating the role of CHROs and their leadership teams across all industries. In fact, almost half of senior HR executives are now more involved in growth and business decisions, and 52% of HR leaders at digitally advanced organizations see talent management skills as the most important skills for their jobs – 10 points higher than HR leaders at less digitally mature organizations. Now more than ever, CHROs must use their growing influence to drive technology transformation, connecting the people strategy to the business strategy.

“AI is ushering in a human renaissance, unlocking new opportunities, creativity, and innovation for employees. In this new era, CEOs are calling on their chief people officers to help shape and implement a strategic plan for people-led, tech-enabled business transformation,” said Jacqui Canney, chief people officer, ServiceNow. “As HR leaders, we need to embrace our seat at the table and harness the power of AI. Doing so delivers clear advantages – higher growth, lower operating costs, stronger engagement, and increased employee productivity.”

Continued HR and GenAI innovation

ServiceNow is innovating across its portfolio of HR products and introducing new GenAI capabilities to enhance employee communications and make it easier than ever for employees to get support across departments, both critical priorities for HR leaders today. This not only strengthens employee engagement but also empowers HR teams to focus on more impactful work.

ServiceNow launched Employee Center with a goal of giving employees a single place to get help across departments, find company-wide communications, and access various enterprise apps. New innovations enhance existing capabilities to drive more engagement and self-service:

  • Content engagement for Employee Center provides a better way to connect with employees. Now, employees can easily like, react, and comment on content posted on Employee Center, making company-wide communications even more interactive and encouraging employee engagement.
  • ServiceNow also announced Guided Self-Service for Employee Center in the Now Platform Xanadu release earlier this month, which provides a new way for employees—including knowledge, frontline, and deskless workers—to get help across departments, including IT and HR. The intuitive new experience guides employees to the right answers through a visual, interactive Q&A experience.

In Xanadu, ServiceNow also announced LLM-based proactive prompts, which are powered by Now Assist for HR Service Delivery. Now Assist for HR Service Delivery uses GenAI to streamline work experiences for employees, managers, and HR teams. LLM-based proactive prompts build on these capabilities, engaging employees and managers with timely HR reminders for proactive task notifications in Virtual Agent, without switching screens.

Innovations improve workforce planning for leaders

HR leaders recognize the critical role digital transformation plays in talent strategy and long-term business growth. But to capitalize on this opportunity, talent executives require a single, connected platform with access to critical data and insights that help them make informed workforce planning decisions while managing employee growth and development.

ServiceNow is supporting this mission with new capabilities added to its AI-powered skills intelligence solution, Talent Development:

  • Leader Hub gives leaders greater visibility into their entire workforce, including identifying skills across different teams, potential talent gaps, and how employees are engaged in learning and development programs. It compiles those insights into a single dashboard, offering leaders a quick and comprehensive view to inform talent strategies and help take their employees and, inevitably, business, to the next level.
  • Gigs & Projects, part of Opportunity Marketplace within Talent Development, allows leaders to define short-term work activities to ensure priority projects are completed by employees with the right skills and that employees have ongoing opportunities to continue to learn and grow. This sets employees up for success while also maximizing productivity and ensuring business needs are met.

Just as important to a talent strategy is the ability to support employees at every stage of their career journey, whether they’re just starting off at a company or getting a promotion. ServiceNow is introducing new capabilities within Employee Journey Management to help employees navigate the moments that matter most in their work lives, such as transferring departments, being promoted, or planning for parental leave, with more personalized experiences on a single platform:

  • With enhancements to Employee Journey Management's Analytics Center, HR leaders gain access to data that helps them understand where employees are on various career journeys. These insights allow for timely, tailored guidance and feedback during critical career transitions.
  • Guided Decision Tree provides an easier way for leaders and HR admins to build employee journeys, which ultimately saves managers’ time. HR leaders and admins can build flow charts with “if this, then that” scenarios for crucial milestones in employees’ careers, which can be easily implemented by managers.

“ServiceNow is doubling down on its commitment to helping HR leaders support employees at every stage of their journey – from hire to retire,” said Gretchen Alarcon, senior vice president and general manager, Employee Workflows, ServiceNow. “We’re harnessing the AI-powered Now Platform to help our customers leverage data and insights in a single system to create future-ready talent and empower employees to do their best work, while driving business growth.”


  • These new capabilities are generally available to all customers today.

Additional Information

  • HR Technology Conference attendees:
    • Join the ServiceNow Breakout Session: “Shaping the Modern Workforce in an AI-Enabled World” on Tuesday, September 24 at 12:45 PM PT in the Mandalay Bay J Ballroom.
    • Visit the ServiceNow Booth (#7209) to see the ServiceNow platform and Employee Workflow solutions in action and find out how ServiceNow is putting actionable AI to work.
  • Read about additional news from ServiceNow:

About ServiceNow

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is putting AI to work for people. We move with the pace of innovation to help customers transform organizations across every industry while upholding a trustworthy, human centered approach to deploying our products and services at scale. Our AI platform for business transformation connects people, processes, data, and devices to increase productivity and maximize business outcomes. For more information, visit:

Theresa Ianni


Source: ServiceNow


What new HR innovations did ServiceNow (NOW) announce at the HR Technology Conference?

ServiceNow announced new HR and GenAI innovations to enhance employee communications and engagement, new capabilities in Talent Development and Employee Journey Management, Content engagement for Employee Center, Guided Self-Service for Employee Center, Leader Hub, Gigs & Projects, and enhancements to Employee Journey Management's Analytics Center.

How does ServiceNow's (NOW) new Content engagement for Employee Center improve communication?

Content engagement for Employee Center allows employees to like, react, and comment on content posted on Employee Center, making company-wide communications more interactive and encouraging employee engagement.

What is the purpose of ServiceNow's (NOW) new Leader Hub in Talent Development?

Leader Hub gives leaders greater visibility into their entire workforce, including identifying skills across different teams, potential talent gaps, and how employees are engaged in learning and development programs, all compiled into a single dashboard.

When will ServiceNow's (NOW) new HR innovations be available to customers?

According to the press release, these new capabilities are generally available to all customers today.



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