ServiceNow Named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for AI Applications in IT Service Management

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ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) has been named a Leader in the first-ever 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for AI Applications in IT Service Management (ITSM). The recognition is based on ServiceNow's completeness of vision and ability to execute in delivering AI capabilities that enhance ITSM, including machine learning, virtual agent, and generative AI (GenAI).

ServiceNow attributes this recognition to its customer reach advantage, innovative product roadmap, and strategic investment in research and development. The company launched Now Assist for ITSM in September 2023, introducing powerful GenAI capabilities to enterprise IT leaders. Now Assist equips IT teams with real-time insights and automates key tasks, reducing manual effort and accelerating decision-making.

Some key features of Now Assist for ITSM include AI Search, Virtual Agent improvements, chat summarization, incident summarization, resolution notes generation, and knowledge article generation. The solution also integrates with Copilot for Microsoft 365 and Slack.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) è stata nominata Leader nel primo Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ 2024 per le Applicazioni AI nella Gestione dei Servizi IT (ITSM). Questo riconoscimento si basa sulla completezza della visione di ServiceNow e sulla sua capacità di eseguire e fornire funzionalità AI che migliorano l'ITSM, compresi il machine learning, l'agente virtuale e l'AI generativa (GenAI).

ServiceNow attribuisce questo riconoscimento al suo vantaggio di raggiungere i clienti, alla sua roadmap di prodotto innovativa e agli investimenti strategici in ricerca e sviluppo. L'azienda ha lanciato Now Assist per ITSM a settembre 2023, introducendo potenti capacità di GenAI per i leader IT delle aziende. Now Assist fornisce ai team IT intuizioni in tempo reale e automatizza compiti chiave, riducendo lo sforzo manuale e accelerando il processo decisionale.

Alcune caratteristiche chiave di Now Assist per ITSM includono la ricerca AI, miglioramenti dell'agente virtuale, sintesi delle chat, sintesi degli incidenti, generazione di note di risoluzione e generazione di articoli di conoscenza. La soluzione si integra anche con Copilot per Microsoft 365 e Slack.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) ha sido nombrado Líder en el primer Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ 2024 para Aplicaciones AI en la Gestión de Servicios de TI (ITSM). Este reconocimiento se basa en la capacidad de ServiceNow para ejecutar y en la integridad de su visión, ofreciendo capacidades de AI que mejoran el ITSM, incluyendo el aprendizaje automático, el agente virtual y la AI generativa (GenAI).

ServiceNow atribuye este reconocimiento a su ventaja en el alcance al cliente, su hoja de ruta de producto innovadora y la inversión estratégica en investigación y desarrollo. La compañía lanzó Now Assist para ITSM en septiembre de 2023, introduciendo potentes capacidades de GenAI para los líderes de TI en las empresas. Now Assist proporciona a los equipos de TI información en tiempo real y automatiza tareas clave, reduciendo el esfuerzo manual y acelerando la toma de decisiones.

Algunas características clave de Now Assist para ITSM incluyen búsqueda AI, mejoras en el agente virtual, resumen de conversaciones, resumen de incidentes, generación de notas de resolución y generación de artículos de conocimiento. La solución también se integra con Copilot para Microsoft 365 y Slack.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW)는 최초의 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™에서 IT 서비스 관리(ITSM)의 AI 애플리케이션 부문 리더로 선정되었습니다. 이 인식은 ServiceNow의 비전의 완전성과 ITSM을 향상시키는 AI 기능 제공 능력에 기반하고 있으며, 이는 기계 학습, 가상 에이전트 및 생성 AI(GenAI)를 포함합니다.

ServiceNow는 고객 접근의 이점, 혁신적인 제품 로드맵 및 연구 개발에 대한 전략적 투자 덕분에 이 인정을 받았다고 설명합니다. 회사는 2023년 9월에 ITSM을 위한 Now Assist를 출시하여 기업 IT 리더들에게 강력한 GenAI 기능을 도입했습니다. Now Assist는 IT 팀에 실시간 인사이트를 제공하고 주요 작업을 자동화하여 수작업 노력을 줄이고 의사 결정을 가속화합니다.

Now Assist for ITSM의 일부 주요 기능에는 AI 검색, 가상 에이전트 개선, 채팅 요약, 사고 요약, 해결 노트 생성 및 지식 기사 생성이 포함됩니다. 이 솔루션은 Microsoft 365 및 Slack의 Copilot과도 통합됩니다.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) a été nommé Leader dans le premier Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ 2024 pour les Applications AI dans la Gestion des Services IT (ITSM). Cette reconnaissance repose sur l'intégralité de la vision de ServiceNow et sa capacité à exécuter des capacités d'IA qui améliorent l'ITSM, y compris l'apprentissage automatique, l'agent virtuel et l'IA générative (GenAI).

ServiceNow attribue cette reconnaissance à son avantage en termes d'accès client, à sa feuille de route produit innovante et à ses investissements stratégiques en recherche et développement. La société a lancé Now Assist pour ITSM en septembre 2023, introduisant des capacités puissantes de GenAI pour les dirigeants informatiques d'entreprise. Now Assist fournit aux équipes informatiques des informations en temps réel et automatise des tâches clés, réduisant l'effort manuel et accélérant la prise de décision.

Parmi les caractéristiques clés de Now Assist pour ITSM figurent la recherche AI, les améliorations de l'agent virtuel, le résumé des discussions, le résumé des incidents, la génération de notes de résolution et la génération d'articles de connaissance. La solution s'intègre également avec Copilot pour Microsoft 365 et Slack.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) wurde als Leader im ersten Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ 2024 für KI-Anwendungen im IT-Service-Management (ITSM) ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung basiert auf der Vollständigkeit der Vision von ServiceNow und der Fähigkeit, KI-Funktionen zu liefern, die das ITSM verbessern, einschließlich maschinellem Lernen, virtuellen Agenten und generativer KI (GenAI).

ServiceNow führt diese Auszeichnung auf seine Kundenerreichbarkeit, die innovative Produkt-Roadmap und strategische Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung zurück. Das Unternehmen brachte Now Assist für ITSM im September 2023 auf den Markt und führte dabei leistungsstarke GenAI-Funktionen für IT-Leiter in Unternehmen ein. Now Assist bietet IT-Teams Echtzeiteinblicke und automatisiert wichtige Aufgaben, wodurch der manuelle Aufwand reduziert und die Entscheidungsfindung beschleunigt wird.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen von Now Assist für ITSM gehören KI-Suche, Verbesserungen des virtuellen Agenten, Chat-Zusammenfassungen, Vorfall-Zusammenfassungen, Erstellung von Lösungsnotizen und Erstellung von Wissensartikeln. Die Lösung integriert sich auch mit Copilot für Microsoft 365 und Slack.

  • Named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for AI Applications in ITSM
  • Recognized for completeness of vision and ability to execute in AI capabilities
  • Launched Now Assist for ITSM with powerful GenAI capabilities
  • Introduced hundreds of new AI capabilities in the recent Now Platform Xanadu release
  • Integrates domain-specific large language models (LLMs) purpose-built for IT
  • None.


ServiceNow's recognition as a Leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for AI Applications in ITSM is a significant achievement. This positioning underscores the company's strong market presence and innovative capabilities in AI-driven IT service management.

The introduction of Now Assist for ITSM with GenAI capabilities is a strategic move that aligns with the industry's shift towards more intelligent, automated IT operations. Key features like AI-powered search, incident summarization and knowledge article generation address critical pain points in IT service delivery, potentially leading to improved efficiency and cost savings for enterprises.

ServiceNow's integration of domain-specific LLMs for IT tasks sets it apart in a competitive market. The company's focus on AI Agents and automation in its Xanadu release demonstrates a forward-thinking approach that could strengthen its market position and appeal to enterprises looking to modernize their IT operations.

ServiceNow's AI applications in ITSM represent a significant leap in practical AI implementation. The use of large language models (LLMs) tailored for IT tasks is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses the specificity required in technical domains.

The company's approach to AI integration is comprehensive, covering various aspects of ITSM from search and virtual agents to incident management and knowledge creation. This holistic AI strategy could potentially lead to a more cohesive and efficient IT service environment.

The introduction of ServiceNow AI Agents in the Xanadu release is a game-changer, potentially automating entire workflows. This level of automation, if successful, could dramatically reduce manual workload and allow IT professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives, ultimately driving innovation and value creation within organizations.

ServiceNow is recognized for its completeness of vision and ability to execute

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW), the AI platform for business transformation, has been named a Leader in the first ever 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for AI Applications in IT Service Management (ITSM). This report evaluated completeness of vision and ability to execute on delivering AI capabilities that enhance ITSM, including machine learning, virtual agent, and generative AI (GenAI). In addition to its completeness of vision, ServiceNow attributes this recognition to its customer reach advantage, innovative product roadmap, and strategic investment in research and development.

According to Gartner, "I&O leaders are challenged by rising costs of support, and declining employee engagement and productivity. AI capabilities enable I&O teams to optimize IT support and service management processes (such as incident and problem management) through insight and automation. This can lead to tangible reduction in costs, such as labor savings by handling support issues and requests automatically, faster resolutions, and improved accuracy in triage, categorization and expert identification. In addition to addressing overheads, AI solutions can improve the employee-facing user experience and enhance IT’s relationship with the business consumer. Some features, such as intelligent risk advisory, can help I&O leaders avoid disruptions and provide reliable IT services."

“ServiceNow is delivering tangible AI capabilities integrated directly into our ITSM solutions, transforming service operations with measurable impact that elevates employee experiences, enhances IT productivity, and ensures service resilience,” said Rohit (RJ) Jainendra, general manager and vice president of ITSM at ServiceNow. “Now Assist for ITSM empowers organizations to improve self-service, resolve incidents faster, and boost productivity by summarizing activities and providing contextual answers, not just search results. And when coupled with IT Operations Management and ServiceNow AI Agents, we are delivering the future of IT Service Management today.”

For more than a decade, ServiceNow has integrated AI and machine learning into the Now Platform, including in 2018 with the introduction of ITSM Pro with predictive intelligence and virtual agent. ServiceNow launched Now Assist for ITSM in September 2023 as part of its Now Platform Vancouver release, introducing powerful GenAI capabilities to enterprise IT leaders. Designed to boost productivity and streamline workflows, Now Assist equips IT teams with real-time insights and automates key tasks creating incident records and resolution notes. With AI-powered, context-driven responses and summaries, Now Assist for ITSM reduces manual effort and accelerates decision-making, allowing organizations to focus on strategic initiatives while improving overall efficiency with improved self-service and deflection capabilities for employees. Now Assist integrates domain-specific large language models (LLMs) purpose built for IT to support teams in more effectively managing their workloads all on a single platform. In its most recent Now Platform Xanadu release, ServiceNow introduced hundreds of new AI capabilities, including ServiceNow AI Agents which will reinvent workflows across the enterprise, from small and specialized tasks like single issue resolution, to running an entire incident response workflow. Automation further helps IT professionals by simplifying everyday tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic projects.

Some sample use cases of Now Assist for ITSM include:

  • Now Assist in AI Search – Leverages the power of the Now LLM GenAI model to answer questions with actionable AI-generated summaries of relevant knowledge articles.
  • AI Search connectors – Extends search to Microsoft SharePoint and Confluence sources.
  • Now Assist in Virtual Agent – Uses LLMs to create a natural-language conversational experience that improves self-service.
  • Chat summarization – Summarizes conversations between users and virtual agents or live agents, enabling faster handoffs and reducing repetitive questions for follow-up agents.
  • Write with Now Assist – Uses GenAI to help agents create and edit chat replies and emails.
  • Incident summarization – Generates comprehensive summaries of incidents, actions taken, and recommended next steps to accelerate resolution response time.
  • Resolution notes generation – Creates detailed, auto-generated resolution notes from incident notes and activity, saving time and providing valuable information for future reference and content generation.
  • Knowledge article generation – Automatically produces and publishes knowledge articles for human review to help deflect routine incidents and close information gaps, improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Change request summarization – Captures key details of a change request, including status, risks, and implementation plans, enabling IT teams to quickly understand and act on change requests.

Now Assist for ITSM also integrates with Copilot for Microsoft 365 and Slack.

Additional Information:

  • The Gartner Magic Quadrant for AI Applications in IT Service Management is available here.
  • Find more information on Now Assist for ITSM here.

Gartner, Inc., Magic Quadrant for Artificial Intelligence Applications in IT Service Management, Chris Matchett, Rich Doheny, Chris Laske, Ankita Hundal, 9 October 2024

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About ServiceNow

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is putting AI to work for people. We move with the pace of innovation to help customers transform organizations across every industry while upholding a trustworthy, human centered approach to deploying our products and services at scale. Our AI platform for business transformation connects people, processes, data, and devices to increase productivity and maximize business outcomes. For more information, visit:

© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.

Media Contact

Jacqueline Velasco

(408) 561-1937

Source: ServiceNow


What recognition did ServiceNow (NOW) receive in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant?

ServiceNow was named a Leader in the first-ever 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for AI Applications in IT Service Management (ITSM), recognized for its completeness of vision and ability to execute.

When did ServiceNow (NOW) launch Now Assist for ITSM?

ServiceNow launched Now Assist for ITSM in September 2023 as part of its Now Platform Vancouver release, introducing powerful GenAI capabilities to enterprise IT leaders.

What are some key features of ServiceNow's (NOW) Now Assist for ITSM?

Key features of Now Assist for ITSM include AI Search, Virtual Agent improvements, chat summarization, incident summarization, resolution notes generation, knowledge article generation, and integration with Copilot for Microsoft 365 and Slack.

How does ServiceNow's (NOW) Now Assist for ITSM benefit IT teams?

Now Assist for ITSM equips IT teams with real-time insights, automates key tasks, reduces manual effort, accelerates decision-making, and improves self-service and deflection capabilities for employees, allowing organizations to focus on strategic initiatives while improving overall efficiency.



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