ServiceNow Demonstrates Commitment to Building a Better World, Expands Access to Technology, Knowledge, and Opportunity

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ServiceNow announced plans to accelerate digital experiences for nonprofits during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. The company aims to expand access to technology, knowledge, and opportunity to support the advancement of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). New research reveals that successful digital transformation efforts could help nonprofits serve an additional 103.1 million people per year.

ServiceNow is participating in various UNGA events and sponsoring activities to demonstrate its commitment to making the world work better. The company's ESG solution, powered by the Now Platform, has been enhanced to help organizations plan, manage, govern, and report on their ESG initiatives. These enhancements include a new Scope 3 dashboard for tracking greenhouse gas emissions and improved metrics capabilities.

ServiceNow ha annunciato piani per accelerare le esperienze digitali per le organizzazioni non profit durante l'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite (UNGA) a New York. L'azienda mira ad ampliare l'accesso a tecnologia, conoscenza e opportunità per supportare l'avanzamento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) delle Nazioni Unite. Nuove ricerche rivelano che sforzi di trasformazione digitale riusciti potrebbero aiutare le organizzazioni non profit a servire ulteriori 103,1 milioni di persone all'anno.

ServiceNow partecipa a vari eventi dell'UNGA e sponsorizza attività per dimostrare il suo impegno a rendere il mondo un posto migliore. La soluzione ESG dell'azienda, potenziata dalla Now Platform, è stata migliorata per aiutare le organizzazioni a pianificare, gestire, governare e riportare le loro iniziative ESG. Questi miglioramenti includono un nuovo dashboard Scope 3 per monitorare le emissioni di gas serra e capacità di metriche migliorate.

ServiceNow anunció planes para acelerar las experiencias digitales de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro durante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (UNGA) en Nueva York. La compañía tiene como objetivo ampliar el acceso a tecnología, conocimiento y oportunidades para apoyar el avance de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la ONU. Nuevas investigaciones revelan que los esfuerzos exitosos de transformación digital podrían ayudar a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro a servir a 103,1 millones de personas más al año.

ServiceNow está participando en varios eventos de la UNGA y patrocinando actividades para demostrar su compromiso de hacer que el mundo funcione mejor. La solución ESG de la compañía, impulsada por la Now Platform, ha sido mejorada para ayudar a las organizaciones a planificar, gestionar, gobernar e informar sobre sus iniciativas ESG. Estas mejoras incluyen un nuevo panel de control Scope 3 para rastrear las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y capacidades mejoradas de métricas.

ServiceNow는 뉴욕에서 열린 유엔 총회(UNGA) 동안 비영리 단체를 위한 디지털 경험을 가속화하겠다는 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 유엔 지속 가능한 개발 목표(SDGs)의 발전을 지원하기 위해 기술, 지식 및 기회에 대한 접근을 확대하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 새로운 연구에 따르면 성공적인 디지털 전환 노력은 비영리 단체가 연간 1억 310만 명 추가적으로 서비스를 제공하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

ServiceNow는 UNGA의 다양한 행사에 참여하고 활동을 후원하여 세상을 더 잘 작동하게 하겠다는 의지를 보여주고 있습니다. 이 회사의 ESG 솔루션은 Now Platform에 의해 강화되어 조직이 ESG 이니셔티브를 계획하고, 관리하고, 통치하고, 보고하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 이러한 개선 사항에는 온실가스 배출량을 추적하기 위한 새로운 Scope 3 대시보드와 향상된 메트릭 기능이 포함됩니다.

ServiceNow a annoncé des plans pour accélérer les expériences numériques pour les organismes à but non lucratif lors de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies (UNGA) à New York. L'entreprise vise à élargir l'accès à la technologie, la connaissance et l'opportunité pour soutenir l'avancement des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies. De nouvelles recherches révèlent que des efforts de transformation numérique réussis pourraient aider les organismes à but non lucratif à servir 103,1 millions de personnes supplémentaires par an.

ServiceNow participe à divers événements de l'UNGA et parraine des activités pour démontrer son engagement à améliorer le fonctionnement du monde. La solution ESG de l'entreprise, propulsée par la Now Platform, a été améliorée pour aider les organisations à planifier, gérer, gouverner et rendre compte de leurs initiatives ESG. Ces améliorations incluent un nouveau tableau de bord Scope 3 pour suivre les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et des capacités de métriques améliorées.

ServiceNow kündigte Pläne zur Beschleunigung digitaler Erfahrungen für gemeinnützige Organisationen während der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen (UNGA) in New York an. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu Technologie, Wissen und Chancen zu erweitern, um die Umsetzung der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele (SDGs) zu unterstützen. Neue Forschungen zeigen, dass erfolgreiche digitale Transformationsbemühungen gemeinnützigen Organisationen helfen könnten, zusätzlich 103,1 Millionen Menschen pro Jahr zu erreichen.

ServiceNow nimmt an verschiedenen UNGA-Veranstaltungen teil und sponsert Aktivitäten, um sein Engagement für eine bessere Welt zu demonstrieren. Die ESG-Lösung des Unternehmens, die von der Now Platform unterstützt wird, wurde verbessert, um Organisationen bei der Planung, Verwaltung, Steuerung und Berichterstattung über ihre ESG-Initiativen zu unterstützen. Diese Verbesserungen umfassen ein neues Scope 3-Dashboard zur Verfolgung der Treibhausgasemissionen und verbesserte Kennzahlenfunktionen.

  • ServiceNow aims to partner with nonprofits and customers to reach 1 billion people, including 20 million through philanthropy efforts
  • Research shows 60% of nonprofits believe AI will increase productivity in fundraising and mission delivery
  • Partnership with International Rescue Committee (IRC) to equip frontline workers with efficient technology
  • Collaboration with GivePower helps 1 million Kenyans access clean drinking water daily
  • Enhanced ESG solution includes new Scope 3 dashboard for comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions tracking
  • None.

Company showcases plans to accelerate digital experiences for nonprofits, to support the advancement of SDGs during the United Nations General Assembly

New research from ServiceNow and ThoughtLab reveals the potential for nonprofits to serve an additional 103.1 million people per year with successful digital transformation efforts

Activities build on recent ServiceNow global impact efforts, including work with the International Rescue Committee on humanitarian crises and GivePower for drinking water access

ServiceNow’s ESG solution helps companies plan, manage, govern, and report on their ESG efforts to drive greater environmental, social, and business impact

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY – ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) today announced plans to accelerate digital experiences for nonprofit organizations by expanding access to technology, knowledge, and opportunity. The company showcased its refreshed commitment to a better world during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, where it is also sponsoring activities and organizations, including the Concordia Annual Summit and the Diana Award, Goals House, the Devex Summit, the World Climate Summit, and the Global Africa Initiative.

Driven by the company’s purpose to make the world work better for everyone, ServiceNow believes technology has the power to improve people's lives and is providing tangible opportunities for action and pursuit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve a more sustainable world, eradicate hunger and poverty, end discrimination, and address climate change.

“At ServiceNow, our defining impact is reflected in our purpose and permeates every aspect of our business – how we build technology, how we collaborate with customers and partners, how we support the growth of our people, and how we aim to do good in the world,” said Vanessa Smith, president, “ServiceNow believes it’s a tremendous moment to shape the trajectory of how the world works in the 21st century – and to lead that endeavor with intent. We’re excited to seize this moment together and show what it truly means to create access to a better world for everyone.”

Commitment to making the world work better at UNGA 2024

Across UNGA events from September 23-27, ServiceNow will demonstrate its commitment to listening and learning from leaders and engaging in meaningful discussions and advocacy with civil society, government, and business.

Company leadership, including Vanessa Smith, president,; Paul Smith, chief commercial officer; Jacqui Canney, chief people officer; and Karen Pavlin, chief equity and inclusion officer, among others, will join activities throughout the week to drive meaningful conversations about the importance of technology in solving the world’s most challenging problems. ServiceNow is a lead partner for the Concordia Annual Summit, a partner for the Devex Summit, a partner of the Global Africa Initiative, and a supporter of the World Climate Summit and the Goals House.

ServiceNow is committed to expanding access to technology resources and supporting nonprofits in solving the world's most significant challenges. Through these efforts, ServiceNow has set a bold ambition to partner with nonprofits and customers to accelerate impact and reach 1 billion people. This includes the company’s ambition to positively reach 20 million people through its philanthropy efforts.

  • As a market leader in AI and digital transformation, ServiceNow is focused on helping nonprofits have better access to AI and technology by empowering innovators to address global challenges.
  • Knowledge by creating equitable entry to the digital economy and advancing tech careers through RiseUp with ServiceNow.
  • Opportunity by facilitating the digital transformation of underserved communities and through greater access to donations and needed resources.

Research reveals nonprofits need AI and technology for more significant impact

Nearly 60% of nonprofits say AI, especially generative AI (GenAI), will increase productivity, boosting their ability to raise funds, engage donors, and deliver on their missions, according to the Nonprofit Digital Transformation Report 2024 by ServiceNow and ThoughtLab. Further, if all nonprofits advanced their digital transformation efforts, they could support an additional 103.1 million people annually. While nonprofits recognize the value of digital transformation to achieve greater efficiency and scale, few lead the way in digital innovation, as they are often faced with significant barriers due to limited resources and technical skills.

Through, the company is helping close this gap while creating equitable access to AI and technology. This includes its partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a global nonprofit dedicated to helping people affected by humanitarian crises, to equip frontline workers with the technology they need to make their jobs more efficient. ServiceNow has helped the IRC along its digital transformation journey, deploying technical solutions that enable the organization to work more efficiently and effectively.

Other global impact efforts include the company’s longstanding partnership with GivePower, through which ServiceNow helps 1 million Kenyans access clean, safe drinking water daily. In June, ServiceNow helped fund two solar-powered water systems in Kenya, which combine solar power and advanced water purification technology to produce up to 75,000 liters per day of sustainable and reliable clean drinking water for the local communities and has the potential to serve more than 35,000 people every day for 20 years.

Enhancements to advance ESG solution now available

ServiceNow’s ESG solution, powered by the Now Platform, helps companies activate ESG strategies, programs, and initiatives—from enhancing diversity and inclusion and reducing carbon emissions to enabling business resilience—and assists organizations in planning, managing, governing, and reporting on their ESG programs and initiatives to drive greater environmental, social, and business impact.

As part of the Now Platform Xanadu release that launched on Sept. 10, 2024, ServiceNow rolled out enhancements to its ESG solution, designed to further expand ESG capabilities built into the ServiceNow platform:

  • A new Scope 3 dashboard allows companies to comprehensively track greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for scopes 1, 2, and 3, and define categories and representations of data.
  • Metrics enhancements empower greater customization, precision, and flexibility in data management and analysis, with the ability to collect data in custom fiscal calendars and run metrics on-demand.
  • Additional content and integrations enhance reporting capabilities to help ensure the most comprehensive and up-to-date information is represented across sources.

ServiceNow’s global impact inspires a movement that removes barriers and creates opportunities to make the world work better. The company has dedicated some of the most capable, resourceful, and innovative minds worldwide, eager to fulfill our purpose.

Catch ServiceNow in action

In support of its activities during the week, ServiceNow will participate in the following sessions at UNGA and the World Climate Summit:

Monday, Sept. 23

  • Goals House panel discussion with Vanessa Smith, president of, hosted in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC) on “Harnessing Transformation and Innovation for the SDGs”.
  • Concordia roundtable discussion in partnership with Diana Award on youth advocacy with Paul Smith, chief commercial officer at ServiceNow.

Tuesday, Sept. 24

  • Deloitte Climate Week NYC panel with Karen Pavlin, chief equity and inclusion officer at ServiceNow, on “Bridging the Generational Divide: A Catalyst for Innovation and Sustainability”.

Wednesday, Sept. 25

  • Concordia keynote session with Jacqui Canney, chief people officer at ServiceNow, on “The Tech Industry’s Role in Shaping Policy and Social Progress”.
  • World Climate Summit fireside chat with Combiz Abdolrahimi, vice president of government affairs at ServiceNow, on “Accelerating the Green Transition with Policy and Innovation”.
  • Concordia roundtable session with Cheick Camara, vice president managing director, ServiceNow Africa, on “Open Source AI: it's about Choice”.

Thursday, Sept. 26

  • Devex Keynote Session with Vanessa Smith, on “Innovative education for a sustainable future: Leveraging technology to advance the SDGs”.
  • GABI panels on “Ai-frica! How the continent can win the AI race” & “The Panel of the Future: Solutions for igniting Africa’s digital revolution” with Cheick Camara, vice president managing director, ServiceNow Africa.
  • Goals House panel discussion hosted by ServiceNow’s Karen Pavlin and the Obama Foundation on “Black Women in Leadership”.

Find out more about ServiceNow’s commitment to a better world.

About ServiceNow

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is putting AI to work for people. We move with the pace of innovation to help customers transform organizations across every industry while upholding a trustworthy, human centered approach to deploying our products and services at scale. Our AI platform for business transformation connects people, processes, data, and devices to increase productivity and maximize business outcomes. For more information, visit:

© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.

Media Contact:


Caroline Parkinson

Source: ServiceNow


What is ServiceNow's (NOW) plan to support nonprofits announced at UNGA 2024?

ServiceNow announced plans to accelerate digital experiences for nonprofits by expanding access to technology, knowledge, and opportunity. The company aims to partner with nonprofits and customers to reach 1 billion people, including 20 million through philanthropy efforts.

How could digital transformation impact nonprofit organizations according to ServiceNow's research?

According to the Nonprofit Digital Transformation Report 2024 by ServiceNow and ThoughtLab, if all nonprofits advanced their digital transformation efforts, they could support an additional 103.1 million people annually.

What enhancements did ServiceNow (NOW) make to its ESG solution in September 2024?

ServiceNow rolled out enhancements to its ESG solution, including a new Scope 3 dashboard for comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions tracking, metrics enhancements for greater customization and flexibility in data management, and additional content and integrations to improve reporting capabilities.

How is ServiceNow (NOW) supporting clean water access in Kenya?

Through a partnership with GivePower, ServiceNow helps 1 million Kenyans access clean drinking water daily. In June, the company funded two solar-powered water systems in Kenya, capable of producing up to 75,000 liters of clean water per day and potentially serving over 35,000 people daily for 20 years.



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