Northrop Grumman Unveils the Next Generation of Bushmaster® Chain Gun®

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Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) has unveiled its next-generation M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun®. This 30x113mm medium caliber chain gun offers two ammunition feed paths for the first time, eliminating the need for mixed ammunition belts in a single feed. The gun allows operators to switch between XM1211 proximity fuzed rounds for countering uncrewed aerial threats (C-UAS) and XM1198 high explosive, dual purpose rounds for anti-armor capability.

Currently at Technology Readiness Level 6, the M230LF is scheduled for live fire demonstrations in early 2025. This innovation builds on Northrop Grumman's five decades of experience in battle-proven technology, offering enhanced flexibility and multi-mission capabilities to address evolving threats.

Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) ha presentato il suo M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun® di nuova generazione. Questa mitragliatrice di calibro medio 30x113mm offre per la prima volta due percorsi di alimentazione delle munizioni, eliminando così la necessità di utilizzare nastri di munizioni misti in un'unica alimentazione. L'arma consente agli operatori di alternare tra proiettili con spoletta a prossimità XM1211 per contrastare minacce aeree senza equipaggio (C-UAS) e proiettili ad alta esplosività, a doppio scopo XM1198 per la capacità anti-carro.

Attualmente a Livello di Prontezza Tecnologica 6, il M230LF è programmato per dimostrazioni di tiro dal vivo all'inizio del 2025. Questa innovazione si basa su cinque decenni di esperienza di Northrop Grumman in tecnologie comprovate in battaglia, offrendo flessibilità avanzata e capacità multi-missione per affrontare le minacce in evoluzione.

Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) ha presentado su M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun® de nueva generación. Esta ametralladora de calibre medio 30x113mm ofrece por primera vez dos caminos de alimentación de municiones, eliminando la necesidad de cintas de municiones mixtas en una única alimentación. El arma permite a los operadores alternar entre cartuchos de proximidad XM1211 para contrarrestar amenazas aéreas no tripuladas (C-UAS) y cartuchos de alta explosión de doble propósito XM1198 para capacidades antiarmadura.

Actualmente en Nivel de Preparación de Tecnología 6, el M230LF está programado para demostraciones de fuego real a principios de 2025. Esta innovación se basa en cinco décadas de experiencia de Northrop Grumman en tecnología probada en batalla, ofreciendo flexibilidad mejorada y capacidades multinacionales para abordar amenazas en evolución.

노스롭 그루먼(NYSE: NOC)은 차세대 M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun®을 공개했습니다. 이 30x113mm 중간 구경 체인 건은 두 가지 탄약 공급 경로를 처음으로 제공하여 혼합 탄약 벨트를 사용하는 필요성을 없앱니다. 이 총은 운영자가 무인 항공 위협(C-UAS)에 대응하기 위해 XM1211 근접 유도 발사체XM1198 고폭, 이중 목적 발사체 간에 전환할 수 있게 합니다.

현재 기술 준비 수준 6에 있는 M230LF는 2025년 초에 실사격 시연이 예정되어 있습니다. 이 혁신은 전투 검증된 기술에서 노스롭 그루먼의 50년 이상 경험을 기반으로 하여, 진화하는 위협에 대응하기 위한 향상된 유연성과 다중 임무 능력을 제공합니다.

Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) a dévoilé son M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun® de nouvelle génération. Ce fusil à chaîne de calibre moyen 30x113mm offre pour la première fois deux chemins d'alimentation en munitions, éliminant le besoin de bandes de munitions mixtes dans une seule alimentation. L'arme permet aux opérateurs de passer d'obus à fusée de proximité XM1211 pour contrer les menaces aériennes sans pilote (C-UAS) à obus explosifs à haute puissance, à double usage XM1198 pour des capacités anti-char.

Actuellement au Niveau de Préparation Technologique 6, le M230LF est prévu pour des démonstrations de tir en direct début 2025. Cette innovation s'appuie sur cinq décennies d'expérience de Northrop Grumman en technologie éprouvée au combat, offrant une flexibilité accrue et des capacités multinations pour répondre à l'évolution des menaces.

Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) hat seine nächste Generation des M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun® vorgestellt. Diese 30x113mm mittlere Kaliber-Kettenwaffe bietet zum ersten Mal zwei Munitionszufuhrwege, sodass der Einsatz von gemischten Munitionsbändern entfällt. Die Waffe ermöglicht es den Bedienern, zwischen XM1211 Nähe gezündeten Geschossen zur Bekämpfung unbemannter Luftbedrohungen (C-UAS) und XM1198 Hochleistungsgeschossen mit doppeltem Verwendungszweck für die Panzerabwehr zu wechseln.

Der M230LF befindet sich derzeit auf Technologischer Reifegrad 6 und soll Anfang 2025 in Live-Feuer-Demonstrationen getestet werden. Diese Innovation baut auf Northrop Grummans fünf Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in bewährter Gefechtstechnologie auf und bietet verbesserte Flexibilität und Multi-Missionsfähigkeiten zur Bekämpfung sich wandelnder Bedrohungen.

  • Introduction of dual feed technology, allowing operators to switch between ammunition types
  • Elimination of the need for mixed ammunition belts in a single feed
  • Scheduled for live fire demonstrations in early 2025, indicating progress in development
  • Builds on five decades of battle-proven experience in chain gun technology
  • None.


Northrop Grumman's unveiling of the next-generation M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun® represents a significant technological advancement in medium-caliber cannons. The dual-feed capability allows for rapid switching between ammunition types, enhancing operational flexibility and effectiveness against diverse threats.

Key points to consider:

  • The ability to switch between C-UAS and anti-armor ammunition without mixed belts could improve combat efficiency and reduce logistical complexities.
  • At Technology Readiness Level 6, the system is approaching maturity, with live fire demonstrations scheduled for early 2025. This timeline suggests potential near-term market opportunities.
  • The innovation builds on Northrop Grumman's established Bushmaster line, leveraging their reputation in the defense sector.

For investors, this development could strengthen NOC's position in the competitive defense market, potentially leading to new contracts and revenue streams. However, the full impact will depend on successful demonstrations and adoption by military customers.

For the first time operators can change between advanced ammunition rounds with the flip of a switch

PLYMOUTH, Minn., Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC), a leading manufacturer of medium-caliber cannons, is introducing its next-generation M230 Link Fed (M230LF) Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun®, offering two ammunition feed paths for the first time. This new 30x113mm medium caliber chain gun is a proven variant of the M230LF chain gun to counter uncrewed aerial threats (C-UAS) and ground engagements.

  • By offering a dual feed, the need for mixed ammunition belts in a single feed is eliminated.
  • The ability to switch between two kinds of ammunition is now possible. A standard recommended ammunition load includes XM1211 proximity fuzed rounds for C-UAS and XM1198 high explosive, dual purpose rounds for anti-armor capability.
  • The M230LF is currently at Technology Readiness Level 6. Meeting this threshold enables the capability to undergo live fire demonstrations that are currently scheduled for early 2025.

Northrop Grumman Unveils the Next Generation of Bushmaster Chain Gun

Northrop Grumman’s M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster® Chain Gun® will offer two feed paths that can switch between air burst and high explosive, dual purpose ammunition rounds. (Photo Credit: Northrop Grumman)


Dave Fine, vice president, armament systems, Northrop Grumman: “The M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun offers new flexibility by switching between ammunition paths using dual-feed technology. Using advanced technology combined with five decades of battle-proven experience, this next-generation cannon will empower operators to quickly respond to threats. This chain gun is the latest in our Bushmaster line to deliver reliable, multi-mission capabilities addressing the evolving threat environment.”

About the M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster:

As the first medium caliber chain gun in the world to offer a dual feed, the M230LF brings flexible lethality to the evolving battlespace. The cannon’s system can instantly switch between ammunition paths, enabling operators to seamlessly address targets that require different 30x113mm ammunition types.

A dual feed system gives operators the option to change between advanced ammunition rounds with the flip of a switch, delivering increased mission flexibility and lethality. The ability to select between two different rounds ensures targets are addressed with the best ammunition for the target type saving time, reducing logistical burdens and allowing for more engagements before needing to reload the system.

For operators already using the M230LF, the Bushmaster loads out at a similar weight to the single feed M230LF and features 60%-part commonality, leading to faster routine repairs and decreased down time for maintenance. Single feed M230LF cannons will continue to be produced for customers that prefer that option.

Northrop Grumman is a leading global aerospace and defense technology company. Our pioneering solutions equip our customers with the capabilities they need to connect and protect the world, and push the boundaries of human exploration across the universe. Driven by a shared purpose to solve our customers’ toughest problems, our employees define possible every day.

Contact: Krista Alestock

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

This press release was published by a CLEAR® Verified individual.


What is the new feature of Northrop Grumman's M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun?

The new feature is the dual feed technology, which offers two ammunition feed paths for the first time, allowing operators to switch between different types of ammunition with the flip of a switch.

When are the live fire demonstrations for Northrop Grumman's (NOC) new M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun scheduled?

The live fire demonstrations for Northrop Grumman's new M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun are scheduled for early 2025.

What types of ammunition can be used in Northrop Grumman's (NOC) new M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun?

The standard recommended ammunition load includes XM1211 proximity fuzed rounds for countering uncrewed aerial threats (C-UAS) and XM1198 high explosive, dual purpose rounds for anti-armor capability.

What is the current Technology Readiness Level of Northrop Grumman's (NOC) M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun?

The M230LF Dual Feed Bushmaster Chain Gun is currently at Technology Readiness Level 6, which enables it to undergo live fire demonstrations.

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