Nano Magic Inc. (OTCMKT: NMGX) announced that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has granted the company's petition to vacate a 10-day trading suspension order from April 30, 2020. This unprecedented decision, made on October 10, 2024, effectively reverses the original suspension, vindicating Nano Magic after a four-year legal battle.
Tom Berman, President and CEO, expressed outrage at the need for such a prolonged legal fight. Jacob Frenkel, lead counsel for Nano Magic, highlighted the extraordinary nature of the SEC's decision, stating it implies the original suspension was issued improperly. The company filed its petition to terminate the suspension on May 6, 2020, and endured a lengthy wait for the SEC's decision, including additional briefings and court involvement.
Nano Magic Inc. (OTCMKT: NMGX) ha annunciato che la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ha accolto la petizione dell'azienda per annullare un ordine di sospensione delle contrattazioni di 10 giorni emesso il 30 aprile 2020. Questa decisione senza precedenti, presa il 10 ottobre 2024, annulla effettivamente la sospensione originale, riscattando Nano Magic dopo una battaglia legale durata quattro anni.
Tom Berman, Presidente e CEO, ha espresso indignazione per la necessità di una tale prolungata disputa legale. Jacob Frenkel, avvocato principale di Nano Magic, ha sottolineato l'eccezionale natura della decisione della SEC, affermando che implica che la sospensione originale è stata emessa in modo improprio. L'azienda ha presentato la propria petizione per terminare la sospensione il 6 maggio 2020 e ha dovuto attendere a lungo la decisione della SEC, inclusi ulteriori briefing e l'intervento del tribunale.
Nano Magic Inc. (OTCMKT: NMGX) anunció que la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ha concedido la petición de la empresa para anular una orden de suspensión de negociación de 10 días emitida el 30 de abril de 2020. Esta decisión sin precedentes, tomada el 10 de octubre de 2024, revoca efectivamente la suspensión original, justificando a Nano Magic tras una batalla legal de cuatro años.
Tom Berman, Presidente y CEO, expresó su indignación por la necesidad de una disputa legal tan prolongada. Jacob Frenkel, abogado principal de Nano Magic, destacó la naturaleza extraordinaria de la decisión de la SEC, afirmando que implica que la suspensión original fue emitida de manera inapropiada. La empresa presentó su petición para terminar la suspensión el 6 de mayo de 2020, y soportó una larga espera por la decisión de la SEC, incluidos informes adicionales y la participación de los tribunales.
Nano Magic Inc. (OTCMKT: NMGX)는 증권 거래 위원회(SEC)가 2020년 4월 30일에 발효된 10일 거래 정지 명령을 취소해 달라는 회사의 청원을 승인했다고 발표했습니다. 2024년 10월 10일에 이루어진 이번 전례 없는 결정은 원래의 정지를 무효화한다면서 4년간의 법정 싸움 끝에 Nano Magic의 정당성을 인정받았습니다.
Tom Berman, 사장 겸 CEO는 이렇게 긴 법적 싸움이 필요했던 것에 대해 분노를 표명했습니다. Jacob Frenkel, Nano Magic의 주요 변호사는 SEC 결정의 비범한 성격을 강조하며, 이는 원래의 정지가 부적절하게 발부되었다는 것을 의미한다고 언급했습니다. 회사는 2020년 5월 6일 정지 해제를 요청했으며, SEC의 결정을 기다리는 동안 추가 브리핑과 법원의 개입 등 오랜 시간을 보냈습니다.
Nano Magic Inc. (OTCMKT: NMGX) a annoncé que la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a accordé la demande de l'entreprise visant à annuler un ordre de suspension de négociation de 10 jours émis le 30 avril 2020. Cette décision sans précédent, prise le 10 octobre 2024, annule effectivement la suspension d'origine, innocentant Nano Magic après une bataille juridique de quatre ans.
Tom Berman, Président et CEO, a exprimé son indignation face à la nécessité d'une telle bataille judiciaire prolongée. Jacob Frenkel, avocat principal de Nano Magic, a souligné le caractère exceptionnel de la décision de la SEC, affirmant qu'elle implique que la suspension d'origine avait été émise de manière inappropriée. L'entreprise a déposé sa demande de levée de la suspension le 6 mai 2020 et a dû attendre longtemps la décision de la SEC, y compris des présentations supplémentaires et l'intervention de la cour.
Nano Magic Inc. (OTCMKT: NMGX) gab bekannt, dass die Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) dem Antrag des Unternehmens auf Aufhebung einer 10-tägigen Handelsaussetzung vom 30. April 2020 stattgegeben hat. Diese beispiellose Entscheidung, die am 10. Oktober 2024 getroffen wurde, hebt die ursprüngliche Aussetzung auf und rehabilitiert Nano Magic nach einem vierjährigen Rechtsstreit.
Tom Berman, Präsident und CEO, äußerte sich empört über die Notwendigkeit eines so langen Rechtsstreits. Jacob Frenkel, Hauptanwalt von Nano Magic, hob die außergewöhnliche Natur der Entscheidung der SEC hervor und erklärte, dass dies darauf hindeutet, dass die ursprüngliche Aussetzung unangemessen war. Das Unternehmen reichte seinen Antrag zur Beendigung der Aussetzung am 6. Mai 2020 ein und musste eine lange Wartezeit auf die Entscheidung der SEC ertragen, einschließlich zusätzlicher Briefings und Gerichtsbeteiligungen.
- SEC granted Nano Magic's petition to vacate the 2020 trading suspension order
- Unprecedented SEC decision effectively reverses the original suspension
- Company's reputation for integrity and propriety fully restored according to legal counsel
- Four-year legal battle was costly and time-consuming for the company
- Trading suspension caused harm to the company's ability to operate
- Shareholders were adversely impacted by the inability to trade stock for nearly four years
MADISON HEIGHTS, Mich., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nano Magic Inc. (OTCMKT: NMGX) (“Nano Magic” or the “Company”), a leader in nanotechnology-powered cleaning, protection and anti-fog solutions, announced that, on October 10, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) finally granted Nano Magic’s Petition filed more than four years earlier. The SEC Order granted Nano Magic’s Petition to vacate the 10-day trading suspension order, nunc pro tunc to April 30, 2020. Reacting to the SEC decision, Tom Berman, President and CEO, stated that “we have maintained since day one that SEC was wrong to suspend trading in our stock. This unprecedented decision vindicates us. Still, I am outraged that this expensive and long-drawn-out legal battle was needed to establish once and for all that the trading suspension was wrong from the get-go. We are grateful for the dedication and creativity of Jacob Frenkel and his team at Dickinson Wright to stand with us and vigorously argue for Nano Magic at every turn.”
Jacob Frenkel, Securities Enforcement Practice Chair at Dickinson Wright PLLC and lead counsel for Nano Magic throughout the trading suspension litigation against the SEC stated that “the SEC’s extraordinary decision -- for what appears to be for the first time in the agency’s history not just setting aside a trading suspension but doing so retroactive to its date of issuance -- in essence means that the Commission issued the original suspension Order improperly. We have argued from the filing of the Petition in May 2020 through our most recent brief in June 2024 that the Enforcement Division’s Philadelphia Office staff acted improperly and irresponsibly in seeking the suspension, thereby harming and prejudicing the Company irreparably. I applaud Tom Berman and Nano Magic’s leadership for continuing its fight for the shareholders and willingness to dig in to pursue the only appropriate outcome. That was and is complete victory against the Commission.”
On April 30, 2020, the SEC issued a 10-day trading suspension of the Company’s common stock. On May 6, 2020, the Company filed timely with the SEC its Petition to Terminate the Trading Suspension. On May 14, 2020, the 10-day trading suspension expired, but because the Company traded on the OTC market, trading could not resume until a market maker agreed to file and FINRA approved trading. The matter was fully-briefed as of May 27, 2020, and the Company started the more than four-year wait for the SEC’s decision.
More than one year later, when the SEC had not acted, on August 6, 2021, the Company filed a letter asking to “ascertain formally the status of the Commission’s consideration of the Petition” and related pending motions. In response, on August 18, 2021, the SEC enabled the Company to make a supplemental filing addressing whether and how it had been prejudiced by the SEC’s failure to decide the pending Petition. As of September 15, 2021, the briefing detailing the harm to the Company was complete. When the SEC took no further action, the Company, on February 14, 2022, asked the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to order the SEC to decide the Petition. On June 29, 2022, the Appeals court, in a non-published decision, did not order the SEC to act; instead, the court relied specifically on the fact that “the SEC has indicated that it has made significant progress towards a decision on the petition to terminate and expects to issue a decision in the coming months.” “In the coming months” turned out to be more than two years and three months.
On April 17, 2024, the SEC issued an Order requesting additional briefing to “significantly aid the decisional process” to address whether the SEC should dismiss the Company’s original Petition as moot. The Order also instructed “the parties to address whether Nano Magic continues to sustain a legally cognizable injury.” Berman commented further: “This SEC request added insult to injury. Our stock had not been trading for nearly four years, and they wanted us to demonstrate how we were harmed. One would think that the SEC would understand clearly the adverse impact on our ability to operate and the harm suffered by shareholders the SEC claims it protects.”
Following the SEC entering the Order granting the Petition to Terminate the Trading Suspension, Mr. Frenkel added that “I am pleased that Nano Magic can continue forward building its exceptional products and valued business without any residual cloud hanging over the Company’s head. There can be no question whatsoever with the SEC now confirming that its action in 2020 was wrong and the suspension never should have been imposed in the first place. In the words of a former United States Secretary of Labor who upon vindication asked famously to ‘which office do I go to get my reputation back,’ the SEC has just proclaimed that Nano Magic’s and its management’s reputation for integrity and propriety is now fully restored.”
About Nano Magic
Nano Magic is a leader in developing and bringing to market cutting-edge nanotechnology-powered industrial and consumer cleaning, protection and anti-fog solutions formulated in Detroit, Michigan. Nano Magic focuses on innovative and advanced product solutions harnessing the magic power of nanotechnology to create a safer, more socially conscious, and higher performing world. Visit for more information.
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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws that involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside of our control, concerning our business, products, and financial results. Actual results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by our use of words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “will,” “believe,” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon estimates and assumptions that are inherently uncertain. All statements are made as of the date of this release, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results or new information except as required by applicable laws. More information about our business, products, and financial results are included in our annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and in reports subsequently filed by us with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).
All documents are available through the SEC’s Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval System (EDGAR) at or from our website listed above. All forward-looking statements apply only as of the date hereof. We hereby disclaim any obligation to publicly update the information provided above, including forward-looking statements, to reflect subsequent events or circumstances, except as required by law.
Contact Information
Nano Magic Inc.
Jeanne Rickert
(844) 273-6462