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Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV: NKG) (OTC: NKGFF) has identified five new high-priority drill-ready regional exploration targets at its Atlanta Gold Mine Project in Nevada. The targets - Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty, and Jumbo - cover a combined 13.9km2 area north and northeast of the historical Atlanta Mine.

These targets were identified using geophysical data from CSAMT, drone magnetics, and gravity surveys. They occur where intrusive bodies coincide with major basement faults that potentially channeled gold-bearing fluids. The company plans a Phase III regional drilling program to test these targets, pending BLM approval.

The targets are mostly buried under barren dolomite, post-mineral volcanics, and alluvium. Three have never been drill-tested, while two have a few shallow historical holes. This exploration strategy follows recent discoveries near the Atlanta resource zone based on CSAMT signatures.

Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV: NKG) (OTC: NKGFF) ha identificato cinque nuovi obiettivi di esplorazione regionali di alta priorità pronti per il rifornimento presso il suo progetto Atlanta Gold Mine in Nevada. Gli obiettivi - Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty e Jumbo - coprono un'area complessiva di 13.9 km² a nord e a nord-est della storica Atlanta Mine.

Questi obiettivi sono stati identificati utilizzando dati geofisici provenienti da CSAMT, magnetometria aerea e sondaggi gravitazionali. Si trovano dove corpi intrusivi coincidono con importanti faglie di fondo che potenzialmente hanno convogliato fluidi contenenti oro. La società prevede un programma di perforazione regionale Fase III per testare questi obiettivi, in attesa di approvazione da parte del BLM.

Gli obiettivi sono per lo più sepolti sotto dolomite sterile, vulcaniti post-minerali e alluvioni. Tre non sono mai stati testati con perforazioni, mentre due hanno alcuni fori storici poco profondi. Questa strategia di esplorazione segue recenti scoperte nei pressi della zona delle risorse di Atlanta basate su firme CSAMT.

Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV: NKG) (OTC: NKGFF) ha identificado cinco nuevos objetivos de exploración regional de alta prioridad listos para perforación en su proyecto Atlanta Gold Mine en Nevada. Los objetivos - Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty y Jumbo - cubren un área total de 13.9 km² al norte y noreste de la histórica Atlanta Mine.

Estos objetivos fueron identificados utilizando datos geofísicos de CSAMT, magnetometría de drones y encuestas de gravedad. Se encuentran donde los cuerpos intrusivos coinciden con importantes fallas de fondo que potencialmente canalizaron fluidos portadores de oro. La empresa planea un programa de perforación regional de Fase III para probar estos objetivos, sujeto a la aprobación de BLM.

Los objetivos están mayormente enterrados bajo dolomita estéril, volcanes post-minerales y aluvión. Tres nunca han sido probados por perforación, mientras que dos tienen algunos huecos históricos poco profundos. Esta estrategia de exploración sigue descubrimientos recientes cerca de la zona de recursos de Atlanta basados en firmas de CSAMT.

Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV: NKG) (OTC: NKGFF)는 네바다의 애틀랜타 금광 프로젝트에서 다섯 개의 새로운 고우선순위 드릴 준비 완료 탐사 목표를 식별했습니다. 이 목표들은 - 로너 레인저, 노스이스트, 크로스로드, 바운티, 점보 - 애틀랜타 광산의 역사적인 지역 북쪽 및 북동쪽에 있는 총 13.9km²의 면적을 차지합니다.

이 목표들은 CSAMT, 드론 자력 탐사 및 중력 조사에서 얻은 지구물리학적 데이터를 사용하여 식별되었습니다. 이들은 침식물체가 주요 기반 단층과 일치하는 곳에서 발생하며, 이는 잠재적으로 금이 포함된 유체를 통로로 만들 수 있습니다. 회사는 BLM 승인을 조건으로 3단계 지역 시추 프로그램을 계획하고 있습니다.

이 목표들은 주로 불모 돌로마이트, 광물 후 화산암 및 퇴적물 아래에 묻혀 있습니다. 세 개는 한 번도 드릴 테스트를 받은 적이 없고, 두 개는 몇 개의 얕은 역사적 구멍이 있습니다. 이 탐사 전략은 CSAMT 신호를 기반으로 한 애틀랜타 자원 지역 근처의 최근 발견을 따릅니다.

Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV: NKG) (OTC: NKGFF) a identifié cinq nouveaux objectifs d'exploration régionaux de haute priorité prêts pour le forage dans son projet de mine d'or d'Atlanta au Nevada. Les objectifs - Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty et Jumbo - couvrent une superficie totale de 13,9 km² au nord et au nord-est de la mine historique d'Atlanta.

Ces objectifs ont été identifiés à l'aide de données géophysiques provenant de CSAMT, de la magnétométrie par drone et de relevés gravimétriques. Ils se situent là où des masses intrusives coïncident avec des failles majeures du sous-sol qui ont potentiellement canalisé des fluides porteurs d'or. La société prévoit un programme de forage régional de Phase III pour tester ces objectifs, en attente de l'approbation des BLM.

Les objectifs sont principalement enterrés sous du dolomite stérile, des volcaniques post-minéraux et des alluvions. Trois n'ont jamais été testés par forage, tandis que deux ont quelques trous historiques peu profonds. Cette stratégie d'exploration suit les récentes découvertes près de la zone des ressources d'Atlanta basées sur des signatures CSAMT.

Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV: NKG) (OTC: NKGFF) hat fünf neue hochpriorisierte Explorationsziele identifiziert, die bereit für Bohrungen sind in seinem Atlanta Gold Mine Projekt in Nevada. Die Ziele - Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty und Jumbo - umfassen eine Gesamtfläche von 13,9 km² nördlich und nordöstlich der historischen Atlanta Mine.

Diese Ziele wurden mithilfe von geophysikalischen Daten aus CSAMT, Drohnenmagnetik und Grav surveys identifiziert. Sie treten dort auf, wo intrusive Körper mit großen Grundfehlern übereinstimmen, die potenziell goldhaltige Flüssigkeiten geleitet haben. Das Unternehmen plant ein Phase III Regionalbohrprogramm, um diese Ziele zu testen, abhängig von der Genehmigung durch die BLM.

Die Ziele sind größtenteils unter unfruchtbarem Dolomit, post-mineralischen Vulkaniten und Alluvium begraben. Drei wurden noch nie gebohrt, während zwei einige flache historische Bohrlöcher haben. Diese Explorationsstrategie folgt den jüngsten Entdeckungen in der Nähe der Ressourcenzone von Atlanta, die auf CSAMT-Signaturen basieren.

  • Identification of five new high-priority exploration targets, expanding potential resource area
  • Successful use of geophysical data to identify new targets, demonstrating effective exploration strategy
  • Planned Phase III regional drilling program to test the new targets
  • Recent discoveries near Atlanta resource zone validate the exploration approach
  • New targets are mostly buried, potentially increasing exploration costs
  • Phase III drilling program still pending BLM approval
  • Three of the five targets have never been drill-tested, indicating higher exploration risk


The identification of five new regional targets at Nevada King's Atlanta Gold Mine Project is potentially significant for the company's exploration efforts. The targets' combined 13.9km² footprint, located in proximity to the historical Atlanta Mine, suggests expanded resource potential.

The use of advanced geophysical methods, particularly CSAMT, has proven effective in identifying these targets. This approach has already led to three new discoveries near the Atlanta resource zone, demonstrating its reliability for pinpointing gold mineralization.

The geological setting, described as a resurgent caldera associated with shallow, quartz- and volatile-rich magmatism, is favorable for large gold deposits. The comparison to Round Mountain (16 million ounces produced) underscores the potential scale.

However, it's important to note that these are early-stage targets. While the geophysical signatures are promising, drill testing is required to confirm mineralization. The company's planned Phase III regional drilling program will be critical in assessing the economic viability of these targets.

This news represents a positive development for Nevada King Gold Corp., potentially expanding its resource base. The identification of new targets could significantly increase the project's value if exploration proves successful.

Investors should note that the company is fully focused on exploration, with no current production. This implies higher risk but also higher potential rewards if major discoveries are made. The company's 100% ownership of the project is favorable, allowing full control over development and potential future revenues.

The effectiveness of the company's exploration techniques, particularly CSAMT, is encouraging. It suggests efficient use of resources and increased odds of success in future drilling campaigns.

However, it's important to remember that exploration is capital-intensive. The planned Phase III drilling program will require significant funding. Investors should monitor the company's cash position and potential need for future financing.

VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Nevada King Gold Corp. (TSXV: NKG) (OTC: NKGFF) ("Nevada King" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the identification of five new regional targets (Figure 1) at its 5,166 hectares (51.6km2), 100%-owned Atlanta Gold Mine Project along the prolific Battle Mountain Trend 264km northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty, and Jumbo Targets make up a combined 13.9km2 footprint and are located north and northeast of the historical Atlanta Mine.


  • Nevada King's extensive library of geophysical data consisting of Phase I and II CSAMT, drone magnetics, and gravity surveys conducted across the Atlanta district reveals significant, caldera-related magmatic activity that caused the intrusion of low resistivity igneous plumes upward into the high resistivity Paleozoic basement rocks, occasionally breaking through and reaching the paleo-surface in places. The Atlanta resource zone provides one such example of an intrusive plume that broke through the basement cap and CSAMT data reveals other such breakthrough points are scattered across the district.
  • Today's high priority regional targets occur where intrusive bodies coincide with major basement faults potentially responsible for channeling gold-bearing fluids up toward the paleo-surface (Figure 3-8. These targets are buried, covered by barren massive dolomite, post-mineral volcanics, and alluvium. Three of the targets have never been drill-tested, while the other two have a few shallow (<180m) historical holes. A more detailed description of each of the targets can be found in the Target Description section below.

Figure 1. Aerial view looking northeast at the Atlanta Pit with the five newly identified regional targets to the north and east. Green dots indicate Nevada King and historical drilling to date. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

  • Over the past months, the Company has announced three new discoveries located near the Atlanta resource zone that were made based in large part on CSAMT signatures – the East Ridge Target (July 16, 2024), the South Quartzite Ridge Target with 6.28 g/t Au over 54.9m (July 23, 2024), and the Wild West Zone with 4.67 g/t Au over 42.7m (August 19, 2024).
  • These back-to-back discoveries demonstrate the effectiveness of CSAMT in making new discoveries at Atlanta and offer fresh insights into the geophysical signatures associated with these major gold occurrence types, which will guide regional targeting to help predict what type of mineralization might be present in a given target area, what to look for in drill cuttings and sample geochemistry, and how best to vector towards mineralized centers.
  • The Company is planning a Phase III regional drilling program designed to test the five regional targets outlined in today's release, as well as other similar anomalies located south and west of the Atlanta resource zone. Further details of the program will be released in the coming weeks. BLM (Bureau of Land Management) approval for this drilling program is currently pending.

Cal Herron, Exploration Manager of Nevada King, commented, "Gold mineralization within the Atlanta District formed within a resurgent caldera associated with the much larger Indian Peak volcanic field. The presence of shallow, quartz- and volatile-rich magmatism beneath a water-rich caldera basin like we see at Atlanta provides the ideal setting for potentially hosting large gold deposits, such as what is seen at Round Mountain (located 240km west of Atlanta and with 16 million ounces of gold produced through 2022 – Source: USBM Nevada Mineral Explorer Website, 2023). At Atlanta, the majority of drilling to date has been focused around the Atlanta resource zone, which represents just one intrusive plume that broke through the Paleozoic basement and deposited gold in a shallow epithermal environment. Relying on CSAMT surveys conducted across not just the resource zone, but throughout the district, Nevada King has now developed an integrated, detailed geological model for gold deposition that outlines numerous additional areas where intrusive plumes have exploded up through the basement rock. Where these plumes coincide with major faults, a favourable environment for gold deposition may occur, particularly around fault intersections. As much of the Atlanta District is obscured by an extensive blanket of volcanic tuff and sediments, these targets are largely buried and have remained undetected until recently with the aid of geophysical methods including CSAMT. All of our drilling and work to date at Atlanta has sharpened our understanding of the complex interplay of structural and hydrothermal components responsible for gold mineralization, and we now look forward to applying this knowledge toward unlocking the district-scale potential."

Figure 2. Area of regional targets discussed today in relation to the Atlanta property outline and major basement faults inferred from gravity geophysics. Today’s release only covers the northeastern part of the property, while the CSAMT low resistivity zones occur over a much larger area. Resistivity data for the western half of the property is still being compiled and will be released at a later date. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

Figure 3. Plan view of the five regional targets in today’s release relative to the historical Atlanta pit, Gustavson 2020 resource zone, and major structural elements. CSAMT lines run east-west across the predominant N-S structural grain. These targets largely coincide with CSAMT low resistivity anomalies related to shallow felsic intrusions at depth, which has already been confirmed by drilling within the current resource zone and along the East Ridge Target. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

Target Descriptions

Jumbo Target

The Jumbo target is located 1km due east of the Atlanta pit along the eastern flank of the East Ridge and is arcuate shaped with a length of 2.5km and an average width of 500m. The large low resistivity zone is covered by dense dolomite and alluvium and has not been historically explored. Field reconnaissance does show small outcrops of altered carbonate rock with preferentially silicified beds in thin-bedded dolomite. Weak gold and arsenic anomalies in soil and rock samples were picked up in silicified dolomite along the base of the East Ridge near the contact with alluvium. The large, bulbous-shaped low resistivity zone at the southern end of the Jumbo plume shown on CSAMT line 14 in Figure 4 coincides with a large low resistivity corridor likely related to an igneous body that intruded up into the dense dolomite basement along a major north-south structure. Potential mineralization would most likely be of the East Ridge Type with gold hosted within the intrusive mass and along the contacts with dolomite, while the low resistivity appendage projecting westward from the plume could host mineralization similar to mineralization found in AT24HG-41 (released July 23, 2024). Moving 200m northward to CSAMT line 15 in Figure 5, the intrusive plume has plunged northeastward beneath a thin cap of high resistivity dolomite that is punctuated in places by strong alteration and/or intrusive dikes. The apex of the low resistivity zone coincides at the surface with variably silicified and brecciated dolomite hosting weakly anomalous gold (<0.05 g/t Au) and arsenic (<100 ppm) mineralization. Further to the northeast the target is completely covered by alluvium.

Bounty Target

The northeast-trending, 1.5km long by 500m wide Bounty target is a shallow, low resistivity zone that is largely covered by alluvium and post-mineral volcanics as shown in Figure 6, but carbonate cover is evident in Figures 5, 7, and 8. For most of its length, the target coincides with the axis of an apparent broad antiform. Variably decalcified and silicified dolomite is seen in outcrop at the southern end of the target zone and in a low knob projecting through the alluvial blanket at the northern end. Rock samples on the knob average 0.03 g/t Au and 50ppm As, indicating weakly anomalous mineralization. Only one historical reverse circulation ("RC") drill hole tested the zone's southern margin but was too shallow (90m deep) to get into potential mineralization underneath the massive dolomite cap. Potential mineralization is most likely of the AT24HG-41 Type where mineralizing fluids were trapped beneath the dense dolomite cap around the intrusive apex. At the far eastern side of CSAMT line 21 (Figure 8) a low-angle, east-dipping resistivity low at the surface occurs on top of dolomite basement, which is similar to what we see (albeit with a gentle westward dip) in the main resource zone. There is potential along the eastern side of the Bounty Target for West Atlanta Graben Type mineralization and the Phase 3 CSAMT in-fill program currently underway will better define this peripheral area and possibly further extend the target northward. 

Crossroads Target

The Crossroads Target lies along the West Atlanta Fault (Figure 5) and extends northward from the West Atlanta Graben. Unlike the other four new targets discussed today, the Crossroads is the only one possessing significant historical drill data, which did in fact hit anomalous mineralization. Five holes were drilled into the northern end of the target and one hole tested the western margin. Two RC holes at the northern end hit significant gold mineralization: GC96-04 intersected 0.97 g/t Au over 9.1m at a depth of 108.2 metres while AR-60 intersected 6.1m of 0.54 g/t Au starting at a depth of 112.8 metres. Both holes were collared seven metres apart drilling due east at a -45-degree angle. The mineralized bed that was intersected remains consistent between both holes and intersects the gradational CSAMT signature in between strong high and low resistivity signatures. Nevada King's planned Phase III holes step eastward and northeastward from the target, following the trend of mineralization seen in the two historical holes.

Northeast Target

The NNE-trending, 1,400m long by 300m wide Northeast Target sits on the western side (hanging wall side) of the West Atlanta Fault, which is the main mineralizing structure within the Atlanta resource zone. The tabular shaped low resistivity zone dips steeply eastward and is about 100m thick (see Figures 6-8), which is very similar to the CSAMT signature associated with the AT24HG-41 zone at the northern end of the South Quartzite Ridge Target along the West Atlanta Fault. The Northeast Target is sandwiched between two massive basement (dolomite) blocks that confine the intrusive body and potential mineralization to a relatively small area, thus possibly resulting in higher grades. Again, this scenario is very similar to what was encountered at the southern end of the Atlanta resource zone in vertical RC holes AT23HG-37 (1.89 g/t Au over 114m starting at 171m) and AT23HG-34 (2.15g/t Au over 96m starting at 136m, both released October 17, 2023), and AT24HG-41 (6.28 g/t Au over 54.9m starting at 148m; released July 23, 2024). All three holes drilled through barren basement rock before encountering intrusive-hosted mineralization, with values starting abruptly at the basement-intrusive contact. The low resistivity zone occurs between the West Atlanta and West Atlanta #1 Faults, and it is also important to note that this northerly trending fault corridor hosts most of the shallow intrusions, explosive brecciation, and gold mineralization seen throughout the resource zone, as well as the highest gold grades like those seen in AT23WS-44 (11.64 g/t Au over 108m starting at 215m; released October 2, 2023). Very weak Au-As anomalies were found in rock sampled in the adjacent dolomite, but the target is covered by dolomite on the west and alluvium and post-mineral tuff on the east. Four historical holes were drilled at the extreme southern end of the target but were too shallow to reach the low resistivity zone at depth. The low resistivity zone appears to shallow northward with an attendant increase in silicification noted at the surface in the dolomite. Based on what is currently known, potential mineralization along this target would most likely be AT24HG-41 Type. The target is open northward where the Phase III CSAMT survey will add further definition.

Lone Ranger Target

The Lone Ranger Target occurs on the hanging wall (west side) of the West Atlanta #1 Fault and is probably the northern extension of the West Atlanta Graben Zone and Wild West Target. Located 1.5km north of the Atlanta pit, Lone Ranger is at least 1,600m long, of variable width, and occurs at the contact of massive dolomite on the east with a deep volcanic basin on the west. This volcanic basin is most likely the centre of the Atlanta caldera and is at least 600m deep based on historical drilling. Historical holes generally transited unmineralized volcanics and bottomed in barren, massive dolomite at shallow depths – the implication being Nevada King must shift its attention further westward and look for locations along the contact that may have localized intrusive activity and potential mineralization. Broad zones of intermediate CSAMT gradients between the high resistivity dolomite and low resistivity volcanic basin can be seen on Figure 8. Many occurrences of strong mineralization within the Atlanta resource occur along these gradational resistivity zones, so this type of CSAMT signature has become a good vector for finding potential mineralization. We also know from the distribution of higher-grade gold within the West Atlanta Graben that crossing structures are important, like the E-W trending North and South Faults in the resource zone, so our Phase III CSAMT includes three N-S oriented lines to check for easterly trending structures. Potential West Atlanta Graben Type mineralization is the most likely scenario given the target's location along the West Atlanta #1 Fault. The low resistivity zone remains open to the north and the Phase III CSAMT program will add further definition for a potential northward extension.    

Figure 4. CSAMT Section 14 looking north showing a large intrusive body at depth below southern end of the Jumbo Target. The plume of the intrusive body is indicated by white hatched lines and is bounded by steeply dipping structure likely responsible for providing a pathway for the intrusive plume. The Blue color represents Paleozoic carbonate rocks exhibiting high-resistivity signatures in the CSAMT data. The intrusive plume shown by strong low-resistivity signature in pink apexes subsurface. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

Figure 5. CSAMT Section 15 looking north with the development of the Jumbo Target. Magenta and red signatures represent the deep intrusive body as it upwells just below the surface. Multiple near vertical structures have staggered the Paleozoic carbonate basement represented by the deep blue CSAMT signature. The white arrows indicate the upwelling of the plume with the white hatched lines indicating the rough outline of the intrusive body at depth. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

Figure 6. CSAMT Line 18 looking north showing continuation of a deep intrusive body to the east with an upwelled plume (outlined by white hatched lines). The deep basement structure likely bounds both sides of this intrusive body creating a trough-like basin that is subsequently filled with volcanics. The low resistivity signature at surface represents a post-mineral blanket of younger volcanics that has effectively covered any potential mineralizing signatures to be found at surface. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

Figure 7. CSAMT Line 19 looking north across 3 major zones: Lone Ranger Target, Bounty Target, & Jumbo Target. White arrows indicate possible upwelling directions of plume signatures indicated by CSAMT data. Eruptive style plumes follow along steep structures separating large blocks of high resistivity Paleozoic carbonates. Large CSAMT gradient signatures surrounding these Paleozoic rocks may indicate strong alteration caused by nearby intrusive. All covered by a post-mineral volcanic blanket. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

Figure 8. CSAMT Line 21 looking north across three major zones: Lone Ranger Target, Bounty Target, and Jumbo Target. White arrows posite upwelling intrusive plumes as indicated by the CSAMT data that were likely sourced from a deeper, much larger intrusive body. Large CSAMT gradient signatures surrounding these Paleozoic rocks may indicate strong alteration caused by the nearby intrusive and are all covered by a post-mineral volcanic blanket. (CNW Group/Nevada King Gold Corp.)

QA/QC Protocols

All RC samples from the Atlanta Project are split at the drill site and placed in cloth and plastic bags utilizing a nominal 2kg sample weight. CRF standards, blanks, and duplicates are inserted into the sample stream on-site on a one-in-twenty sample basis, meaning all three inserts are included in each 20-sample group. Samples are shipped by a local contractor in large sample shipping crates directly to American Assay Lab in Reno, Nevada, with full custody being maintained at all times. At American Assay Lab, samples were weighted then crushed to 75% passing 2mm and pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns in order to produce a 300g pulverized split. Prepared samples are initially run using a four acid + boric acid digestion process and conventional multi-element ICP-OES analysis. Gold assays are initially run using 30-gram samples by lead fire assay with an OES finish to a 0.003 ppm detection limit, with samples greater than 10 ppm finished gravimetrically. Every sample is also run through a cyanide leach for gold with an ICP-OES finish. The QA/QC procedure involves regular submission of Certified Analytical Standards and property-specific duplicates.

Qualified Person

The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Calvin R. Herron, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101").

About Nevada King Gold Corp.

The Atlanta Mine is a historical gold-silver producer with a NI 43-101 compliant pit-constrained resource of 460,000 oz Au in the measured and indicated category (11.0M tonnes at 1.3 g/t) plus an inferred resource of 142,000 oz Au (5.3M tonnes at 0.83 g/t). See the NI 43-101 Technical Report on Resources titled "Atlanta Property, Lincoln County, NV" with an effective date of October 6, 2020, and a report date of December 22, 2020, as prepared by Gustavson Associates and filed under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ (

Resource Category



Au Grade


Contained Au

Ag Grade


Contained Ag













Measured + Indicated












Table 1. NI 43-101 Mineral Resources at the Atlanta Mine

Please see the Company's website at

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Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Information

This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, without limitation, statements relating the future operations and activities of Nevada King, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements in this news release relate to, among other things, the Company's exploration plans and the Company's ability to potentially expand mineral resources and the impact thereon. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by Nevada King, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and the parties have made assumptions and estimates based on or related to many of these factors. Such factors include, without limitation, the ability to complete proposed exploration work, the results of exploration, continued availability of capital, and changes in general economic, market and business conditions. Readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release concerning these items. Nevada King does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by applicable securities laws.

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What are the five new exploration targets identified by Nevada King Gold Corp (NKGFF)?

The five new high-priority drill-ready regional exploration targets identified by Nevada King Gold Corp are Lone Ranger, Northeast, Crossroads, Bounty, and Jumbo. These targets are located north and northeast of the historical Atlanta Mine.

How large is the combined area of the new exploration targets for Nevada King Gold Corp (NKGFF)?

The five new exploration targets identified by Nevada King Gold Corp (NKGFF) make up a combined 13.9km2 footprint at the Atlanta Gold Mine Project.

What geophysical methods did Nevada King Gold Corp (NKGFF) use to identify the new targets?

Nevada King Gold Corp (NKGFF) used geophysical data from Phase I and II CSAMT (Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics), drone magnetics, and gravity surveys to identify the new exploration targets.

What is Nevada King Gold Corp's (NKGFF) next step for these new exploration targets?

Nevada King Gold Corp (NKGFF) is planning a Phase III regional drilling program to test the five new regional targets, as well as other similar anomalies. The program is currently pending BLM (Bureau of Land Management) approval.

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