State Attorney’s Office for Florida’s Eighth Judicial Circuit Automates Digital Evidence Management with NICE Justice

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NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) announced that Florida's State Attorney's Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit will deploy NICE Justice, an AI-powered digital evidence management solution. The office, which handles about 18,000 cases annually, aims to streamline case processing by automating digital evidence management. NICE Justice offers features like automated case building, object detection, and transcription, allowing prosecutors to focus on building compelling cases.

State Attorney Brian S. Kramer emphasized that this deployment will enable staff to redirect efforts towards prosecution-oriented activities, benefiting courts, defendants, victims, and taxpayers. The office has seen a 24% increase in evidence files, receiving 26,000 per month in 2023. NICE Justice will standardize evidence management across 26 law enforcement partners, automating intake and improving efficiency in meeting discovery deadlines.

NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) ha annunciato che l'Ufficio del Procuratore dello Stato della Florida per l'Ottavo Circuito Giudiziario installerà NICE Justice, una soluzione per la gestione delle prove digitali potenziata dall'IA. L'ufficio, che gestisce circa 18.000 casi all'anno, mira a semplificare il processo dei casi automatizzando la gestione delle prove digitali. NICE Justice offre funzionalità come la costruzione automatizzata dei casi, il riconoscimento degli oggetti e la trascrizione, permettendo ai procuratori di concentrarsi sulla creazione di casi convincenti.

Il Procuratore dello Stato Brian S. Kramer ha sottolineato che questa implementazione consentirà al personale di riallocare gli sforzi verso attività orientate al perseguimento, a beneficio di tribunali, imputati, vittime e contribuenti. L'ufficio ha registrato un aumento del 24% nei file delle prove, ricevendo 26.000 al mese nel 2023. NICE Justice standardizzerà la gestione delle prove attraverso 26 partner delle forze dell'ordine, automatizzando l'assunzione e migliorando l'efficienza nel rispettare le scadenze per la scoperta.

NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) anunció que la Oficina del Fiscal del Estado de Florida para el Octavo Circuito Judicial implementará NICE Justice, una solución de gestión de evidencia digital impulsada por IA. La oficina, que maneja alrededor de 18,000 casos anualmente, tiene como objetivo agilizar el procesamiento de casos automatizando la gestión de evidencia digital. NICE Justice ofrece características como la construcción automatizada de casos, detección de objetos y transcripción, lo que permite a los fiscales concentrarse en construir casos convincentes.

El Fiscal del Estado Brian S. Kramer enfatizó que esta implementación permitirá al personal redirigir los esfuerzos hacia actividades enfocadas en el enjuiciamiento, beneficiando a los tribunales, acusados, víctimas y contribuyentes. La oficina ha visto un aumento del 24% en archivos de evidencia, recibiendo 26,000 por mes en 2023. NICE Justice estandarizará la gestión de evidencia entre 26 socios de las fuerzas del orden, automatizando la recepción y mejorando la eficiencia en el cumplimiento de los plazos de descubrimiento.

NICE (Nasdaq: NICE)는 플로리다 주 제8사법구 검찰청이 AI 기반의 디지털 증거 관리 솔루션인 NICE Justice를 배포할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 연간 약 18,000건의 사건을 처리하는 이 사무소는 디지털 증거 관리를 자동화하여 사건 처리를 효율화할 계획입니다. NICE Justice는 자동 사건 구축, 객체 감지 및 필기록 기능을 제공하여 검사들이 설득력 있는 사건을 만드는 데 집중할 수 있도록 합니다.

브라이언 S. 크레이머 주 검사는 이번 배포를 통해 직원들이 기소 중심의 활동에 노력을 재배치할 수 있게 되어 법원, 피고, 피해자 및 납세자에게 혜택이 돌아갈 것이라고 강조했습니다. 이 사무소는 증거 파일 수가 24% 증가하여 2023년에는 월 26,000건을 받았습니다. NICE Justice는 26개의 법 집행 파트너 간에 증거 관리의 표준화를 이루고, 수집 자동화를 통해 증거 발견 마감일 준수를 개선할 것입니다.

NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) a annoncé que le bureau du procureur de l'État de Floride pour le huitième circuit judiciaire déploiera NICE Justice, une solution de gestion des preuves numériques propulsée par l'IA. Le bureau, qui traite environ 18 000 affaires par an, vise à rationaliser le traitement des affaires en automatisant la gestion des preuves numériques. NICE Justice propose des fonctionnalités telles que la constitution automatique de dossiers, la détection d'objets et la transcription, permettant aux procureurs de se concentrer sur la construction de dossiers convaincants.

Le procureur d'État Brian S. Kramer a souligné que ce déploiement permettra au personnel de réorienter leurs efforts vers des activités axées sur la poursuite, au profit des tribunaux, des accusés, des victimes et des contribuables. Le bureau a constaté une augmentation de 24 % des fichiers de preuves, recevant 26 000 par mois en 2023. NICE Justice standardisera la gestion des preuves auprès de 26 partenaires des forces de l'ordre, automatisant l'entrée et améliorant l'efficacité dans le respect des délais de découverte.

NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) gab bekannt, dass die Staatsanwaltschaft von Florida für den achten Gerichtsbezirk NICE Justice, eine KI-gestützte digitale Beweisverwaltungs-Lösung, einführen wird. Das Büro, das jährlich etwa 18.000 Fälle bearbeitet, beabsichtigt, den Fallbearbeitungsprozess durch Automatisierung der digitalen Beweisverwaltung zu optimieren. NICE Justice bietet Funktionen wie automatisierte Fall-Erstellung, Objekterkennung und Transkription, sodass die Staatsanwälte sich auf die Erstellung überzeugender Fälle konzentrieren können.

Staatsanwalt Brian S. Kramer betonte, dass diese Einführung es dem Personal ermöglichen wird, die Anstrengungen auf prozessuale Tätigkeiten umzuleiten, was den Gerichten, Angeklagten, Opfern und Steuerzahlern zugutekommt. Das Büro berichtete von einem Anstieg von 24 % bei den Beweisakten, in 2023 wurden monatlich 26.000 eingereicht. NICE Justice wird die Beweisverwaltung über 26 Partner der Strafverfolgung standardisieren, die Annahme automatisieren und die Effizienz bei der Einhaltung von Fristen für Entdeckungen verbessern.

  • NICE secured a new client for its NICE Justice solution
  • The solution addresses a growing need in digital evidence management
  • Potential for increased efficiency in case processing for the State Attorney's Office
  • Automation features may lead to cost savings and better resource allocation
  • Integration with multiple evidence systems could streamline operations
  • None.

The AI-powered solution will allow the office to redirect more time and effort into prosecuting cases through digital evidence management automation

HOBOKEN, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) today announced that the Florida’s State Attorney's Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit will be deploying NICE Justice digital evidence management, one of the AI-powered solutions in NICE’s Evidencentral platform, to move cases through the criminal justice system faster. Through its deployment of NICE Justice, the State Attorney's Office, under the leadership of State Attorney Brian S. Kramer, aims to redirect more time, energy and effort into prosecuting cases by automating its management of growing digital evidence. The Office handles approximately 18,000 felony, misdemeanor and juvenile cases annually.

The cloud-based NICE Justice solution digitally transforms how prosecutors’ offices manage discovery, receive and share digital evidence, and create their work product and trial exhibits. Freed from dealing with discs, drives, emails, and logging into multiple systems to manage and prepare evidence, attorneys and staff can focus on building and presenting compelling cases. NICE Justice features built-in AI and automation capabilities for managing digital evidence that include automated case building, object detection, video and audio transcription and translation, optical character recognition (OCR), analytics and finding evidence and case connections.

Brian S. Kramer, State Attorney for the Eighth Judicial Circuit, said, “With NICE Justice, our attorneys and staff will be able to redirect more time, energy and effort into prosecution-oriented activities, instead of managing digital evidence. In addition to supporting successful prosecutions, NICE Justice is going to help us move cases through the criminal justice system faster. Everyone benefits from timelier justice, including courts, defendants and victims, and communities and taxpayers as well.”

Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President, NICE, said, “Whether you are prosecuting cases or defending clients, digital evidence is central to the truth. But as evidence volume and complexity grows, managing it the same old way is bogging everyone down. Whether trying to win criminal cases or defend them, with NICE Justice, everyone in the criminal justice system can work more efficiently and make decisions based on the full set of facts.”

Staffed by 41 prosecutors and 80 support staff, the State Attorney's Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit has been inundated by rapidly expanding digital evidence. The Office received 26,000 evidence files per month in 2023, a 24 percent increase over the prior year. Complicating matters further, the Office works with 26 law enforcement partners who use different methods and evidence systems, requiring Office staff to manually download, upload, transfer, or import evidence in various inefficient ways.

NICE Justice will standardize and automate how the Office manages this growing volume of digital evidence, starting with evidence intake. Law Enforcement agencies can now upload their digital evidence to the cloud through a single, secure online portal. NICE Justice also integrates with various shared drives, case management, in-car, and body-worn video systems to automatically ingest and deposit evidence into the correct digital case folders, where it is immediately accessible for viewing.

In addition to boosting efficiency, NICE Justice will enable assistant state attorneys and staff to meet tight discovery deadlines and produce a better product for successful prosecution of cases. The solution features built-in capabilities for transcoding and redacting video, creating clips, inserting annotations, organizing images, transcribing audio and video, sequencing evidence on timelines, and digitally sharing evidence with defense attorneys in a single click.

To learn more about NICE’s digital transformation solutions for Public Safety and Justice:

About the State Attorney's Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit
Under the leadership of State Attorney Brian Kramer, the State Attorney’s Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit (Florida) prosecutes felony, misdemeanor and juvenile crimes within the counties of Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Gilchrist, Levy and Union, which cover 4,300 square miles and geographically span from the Gulf Coast to the Georgia border. Staffed by 41 prosecutors and 80 support staff, the Office serves a population of 415,000 constituents. The Eighth Judicial Circuit is one of twenty trial court circuits in the State of Florida. More info at

NICE Public Safety & Justice
With over 3,000 customers and 30 years of experience, NICE helps all types of public safety and criminal justice agencies, from emergency communications and law enforcement to prosecutors and courts, digitally transform how they manage digital evidence and data from beginning to end, to get to the truth faster. NICE’s Evidencentral platform features an ecosystem of integrated technologies that bring data together to give a single view of the truth, enabling public safety and justice agencies to do what they do better – whether it’s responding to incidents, investigating and building cases, or prosecuting crimes. With comprehensive digital transformation solutions that can be deployed across entire counties and states, NICE also helps everyone work better together, so justice flows more smoothly, from incident to court.

About NICE
With NICE (Nasdaq: NICE), it’s never been easier for organizations of all sizes around the globe to create extraordinary customer experiences while meeting key business metrics. Featuring the world’s #1 cloud native customer experience platform, CXone, NICE is a worldwide leader in AI-powered self-service and agent-assisted CX software for the contact center – and beyond. Over 25,000 organizations in more than 150 countries, including over 85 of the Fortune 100 companies, partner with NICE to transform - and elevate - every customer interaction.

Trademark Note: NICE and the NICE logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NICE Ltd. All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners. For a full list of NICE’s marks, please see:

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including the statements by Mr. Wooten, are based on the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of the management of NICE Ltd. (the “Company”). In some cases, such forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “seek,” “may,” “will,” “intend,” “should,” “project,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “estimate,” or similar words. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results or performance of the Company to differ materially from those described herein, including but not limited to the impact of changes in economic and business conditions; competition; successful execution of the Company’s growth strategy; success and growth of the Company’s cloud Software-as-a-Service business; changes in technology and market requirements; decline in demand for the Company's products; inability to timely develop and introduce new technologies, products and applications; difficulties in making additional acquisitions or difficulties or delays in absorbing and integrating acquired operations, products, technologies and personnel; loss of market share; an inability to maintain certain marketing and distribution arrangements; the Company’s dependency on third-party cloud computing platform providers, hosting facilities and service partners; cyber security attacks or other security breaches against the Company; privacy concerns; changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates, the effects of additional tax liabilities resulting from our global operations, the effect of unexpected events or geo-political conditions, such as the impact of conflicts in the Middle East that may disrupt our business and the global economy; the effect of newly enacted or modified laws, regulation or standards on the Company and our products and various other factors and uncertainties discussed in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting the company, refer to the Company's reports filed from time to time with the SEC, including the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise them, except as required by law.

Corporate Media Contact

Christopher Irwin-Dudek, +1 201 561 4442,, ET


Marty Cohen, +1 551 256 5354,, ET

Omri Arens, +972 3 763 0127,, CET

Source: NICE


What is NICE Justice and how will it benefit Florida's Eighth Judicial Circuit?

NICE Justice is an AI-powered digital evidence management solution that will automate the handling of digital evidence for Florida's Eighth Judicial Circuit. It will help redirect more time and effort into prosecuting cases, potentially moving them through the system faster and benefiting courts, defendants, victims, and taxpayers.

How much has digital evidence volume increased for the Eighth Judicial Circuit in 2023?

The State Attorney's Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit received 26,000 evidence files per month in 2023, representing a 24% increase over the previous year.

What are some key features of NICE Justice (NICE) for digital evidence management?

NICE Justice offers features such as automated case building, object detection, video and audio transcription and translation, optical character recognition (OCR), analytics, and finding evidence and case connections. It also allows for secure evidence uploading, automated intake, and integration with various evidence systems.

How many cases does the State Attorney's Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit handle annually?

The State Attorney's Office for the Eighth Judicial Circuit handles approximately 18,000 felony, misdemeanor, and juvenile cases annually.



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