NICE Recognizes 2024 PSAPs’ Finest Award Winners for Achievements in Emergency Communications

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NICE has announced the winners of its 2024 PSAPs' Finest Awards, recognizing excellence in public safety emergency communications. Now in its 19th year, the awards honor individuals and teams across various categories, including Director, Line Supervisor, Technician, Trainer, Telecommunicator, Innovator, and PSAP of the Year.

Winners were selected by an independent panel of judges from the public safety community, evaluating nominees based on skills, knowledge, professionalism, and dedication to service. The awards cover a range of roles, from directors and supervisors to technicians and trainers, highlighting the diverse talents within the emergency communications field.

Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President of NICE, emphasized the importance of recognizing the often underappreciated work of 911 professionals. The awards program is made possible by volunteer judges from the emergency communications sector.

NICE ha annunciato i vincitori dei suoi PSAPs' Finest Awards 2024, riconoscendo l'eccellenza nelle comunicazioni di emergenza per la sicurezza pubblica. Arrivato al suo 19° anno, il premio onora individui e team in diverse categorie, tra cui Direttore, Supervisore, Tecnico, Formatore, Telecomunicatore, Innovatore e PSAP dell'Anno.

I vincitori sono stati selezionati da una giuria indipendente composta da esperti della comunità della sicurezza pubblica, che hanno valutato i candidati in base a competenze, conoscenze, professionalità e dedizione al servizio. I premi coprono un'ampia gamma di ruoli, dai direttori e supervisori ai tecnici e formatori, evidenziando i talenti diversificati nel campo delle comunicazioni di emergenza.

Chris Wooten, Vicepresidente Esecutivo di NICE, ha sottolineato l'importanza di riconoscere il lavoro spesso poco apprezzato dei professionisti del 911. Il programma di premi è reso possibile dai giudici volontari del settore delle comunicazioni di emergenza.

NICE ha anunciado a los ganadores de sus PSAPs' Finest Awards 2024, reconociendo la excelencia en las comunicaciones de emergencia para la seguridad pública. En su 19ª edición, los premios honran a individuos y equipos en diversas categorías, incluidos Director, Supervisor de Línea, Técnico, Formador, Telecomunicador, Innovador y PSAP del Año.

Los ganadores fueron seleccionados por un panel de jueces independientes de la comunidad de seguridad pública, que evaluaron a los nominados en función de sus habilidades, conocimientos, profesionalismo y dedicación al servicio. Los premios abarcan una variedad de roles, desde directores y supervisores hasta técnicos y formadores, destacando los diversos talentos dentro del campo de las comunicaciones de emergencia.

Chris Wooten, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de NICE, enfatizó la importancia de reconocer el trabajo a menudo poco valorado de los profesionales del 911. El programa de premios es posible gracias a jueces voluntarios del sector de las comunicaciones de emergencia.

NICE는 2024 PSAPs' Finest Awards의 수상자를 발표하며, 공공 안전 비상 통신에서의 우수성을 인정하고 있습니다. 19년째를 맞이한 이 상은 이사, 선임 감독, 기술자, 교육자, 통신원, 혁신가 및 올해의 PSAP 등 다양한 분야에서 개인과 팀을 기립니다.

수상자는 공공 안전 커뮤니티의 독립적인 심사위원단에 의해 선정되었으며, 후보자는 기술, 지식, 전문성 및 서비스에 대한 헌신을 기준으로 평가받았습니다. 이 상은 이사와 감독에서 기술자 및 교육자에 이르기까지 다양한 역할을 포괄하며, 비상 통신 분야 내의 다양한 재능을 강조합니다.

NICE의 최고 부사장인 Chris Wooten은 911 전문가들이 수행하는 종종 과소평가되는 작업을 인정하는 것이 중요하다고 강조했습니다. 이 상 프로그램은 비상 통신 부문의 자원봉사 심사위원들에 의해 가능해졌습니다.

NICE a annoncé les lauréats de ses PSAPs' Finest Awards 2024, reconnaissant l'excellence dans les communications d'urgence pour la sécurité publique. Pour sa 19e année, les récompenses honorent des individus et des équipes dans diverses catégories, y compris Directeur, Superviseur, Technicien, Formateur, Télécommunicateur, Innovateur et PSAP de l'année.

Les lauréats ont été sélectionnés par un panel de juges indépendants issus de la communauté de la sécurité publique, évaluant les nominés en fonction de leurs compétences, connaissances, professionnalisme et dévouement au service. Les prix couvrent une gamme de rôles, des directeurs et superviseurs aux techniciens et formateurs, mettant en valeur les talents diversifiés dans le domaine des communications d'urgence.

Chris Wooten, Vice-Président Exécutif de NICE, a souligné l'importance de reconnaître le travail souvent sous-estimé des professionnels du 911. Le programme de récompenses est rendu possible par des juges volontaires du secteur des communications d'urgence.

NICE hat die Gewinner der PSAPs' Finest Awards 2024 bekannt gegeben, die die Exzellenz in der Notfallkommunikation für die öffentliche Sicherheit anerkennen. Im 19. Jahr ehren die Auszeichnungen Einzelpersonen und Teams in verschiedenen Kategorien, darunter Direktor, Linienaufsicht, Techniker, Trainer, Telekommunikator, Innovator und PSAP des Jahres.

Die Gewinner wurden von einer unabhängigen Jury aus der Gemeinschaft der öffentlichen Sicherheit ausgewählt, die die Nominierten auf der Grundlage von Fähigkeiten, Wissen, Professionalität und Engagement für den Dienst bewertete. Die Preise umfassen eine Vielzahl von Rollen, von Direktoren und Aufsehern bis hin zu Technikern und Trainern, und heben das vielfältige Talent im Bereich der Notfallkommunikation hervor.

Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President von NICE, betonte die Bedeutung der Anerkennung der oft unterbewerteten Arbeit der 911-Profis. Das Auszeichnungsprogramm wird von freiwilligen Richtern aus dem Bereich der Notfallkommunikation ermöglicht.

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  • None.

Nine recipients honored for their leadership, innovation, and dedication in emergency communications

HOBOKEN, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) today announced the winners of its 2024 PSAPs' Finest Awards. Now in its nineteenth year, NICE’s PSAPs’ Finest Awards recognize dedicated individuals and team standouts in public safety emergency communications. Honorees are recognized for their Lifetime Achievements and for going Above & Beyond, and in the following additional categories: Director, Line Supervisor, Technician, Trainer, Telecommunicator, Innovator and PSAP of the Year. PSAPs’ Finest winners are selected by an independent panel of volunteer judges from the public safety community who evaluate nominees based on their skills, knowledge, professionalism and dedication to service in their communities.

This year's PSAPs' Finest Award recipients are:

  • Director of the Year – Tina Powell, Director of Public Safety Communications, Weld County Regional Communications Center (Greeley, CO)
  • Line Supervisor of the Year – Annerly Cooper, Emergency Communications Supervisor, Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office (Centennial, CO)
  • Technician of the Year – TJ Bateman, Senior Systems Analyst and Database Administrator, Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle County Emergency Communications Center (Charlottesville, VA)
  • Telecommunicator of the Year – Jennifer Daniels, Master Telecommunicator, Polk County Sheriff's Office (Winter Haven, FL)
  • PSAP of the YearPinellas County Regional 911 Center (Largo, FL)
  • Trainer of the Year – Alyssa Seal, Emergency Telecommunicator/Certified Training Officer, Oakland County Sheriff's Office (Pontiac, MI)
  • Innovator of the Year – Joe Sacco, GIS Manager, Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (Spokane, WA)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Janet Hawkins, Communications Supervisor, Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (Spokane, WA)
  • Above & Beyond Award – Scott Mills, Assistant Shift Supervisor, East Baton Rouge EMS Communications (Baton Rouge, LA)

Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President, NICE, said, “It’s our privilege to once again honor the ever-essential but much under-recognized work of 911 professionals through our PSAPs’ Finest program. This year’s honorees come from all corners of the country and represent the best of the best.”

The PSAPs' Finest Awards Program is made possible by emergency communications professionals who volunteer their time to judge each submitted nomination. PSAPs’ Finest judge Jay Atwood, Executive Director, Benton County Emergency Services, said, “The work of 911 and emergency communications professionals is the foundation upon which public safety is built. It has been a privilege to serve as a judge for the PSAP’s Finest Awards and celebrate the exceptional work and achievements of our true first responders and this profession.”

Nominations for the 2025 PSAPs' Finest Awards, marking the twentieth year of the recognition program, will open in January 2025. More information can be obtained on the PSAPs' Finest website or by emailing

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With over 3,000 customers and 30 years of experience, NICE helps all types of public safety and criminal justice agencies, from emergency communications and law enforcement to prosecutors and courts, digitally transform how they manage digital evidence and data from beginning to end, to get to the truth faster. NICE’s Evidencentral platform features an ecosystem of integrated technologies that bring data together to give a single view of the truth, enabling public safety and justice agencies to do what they do better – whether it’s responding to incidents, investigating and building cases, or prosecuting crimes. With comprehensive digital transformation solutions that can be deployed across entire counties and states, NICE also helps everyone work better together, so justice flows more smoothly, from incident to court.

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With NICE (Nasdaq: NICE), it’s never been easier for organizations of all sizes around the globe to create extraordinary customer experiences while meeting key business metrics. Featuring the world’s #1 cloud native customer experience platform, CXone, NICE is a worldwide leader in AI-powered self-service and agent-assisted CX software for the contact center – and beyond. Over 25,000 organizations in more than 150 countries, including over 85 of the Fortune 100 companies, partner with NICE to transform - and elevate - every customer interaction.

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This press release contains forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including the statements by Mr. Wooten, are based on the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of the management of NICE Ltd. (the “Company”). In some cases, such forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “seek,” “may,” “will,” “intend,” “should,” “project,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “estimate,” or similar words. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results or performance of the Company to differ materially from those described herein, including but not limited to the impact of changes in economic and business conditions; competition; successful execution of the Company’s growth strategy; success and growth of the Company’s cloud Software-as-a-Service business; changes in technology and market requirements; decline in demand for the Company's products; inability to timely develop and introduce new technologies, products and applications; difficulties in making additional acquisitions or difficulties or delays in absorbing and integrating acquired operations, products, technologies and personnel; loss of market share; an inability to maintain certain marketing and distribution arrangements; the Company’s dependency on third-party cloud computing platform providers, hosting facilities and service partners; cyber security attacks or other security breaches against the Company; privacy concerns; changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates, the effects of additional tax liabilities resulting from our global operations, the effect of unexpected events or geo-political conditions, such as the impact of conflicts in the Middle East that may disrupt our business and the global economy; the effect of newly enacted or modified laws, regulation or standards on the Company and our products and various other factors and uncertainties discussed in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting the company, refer to the Company's reports filed from time to time with the SEC, including the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise them, except as required by law.

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Source: NICE


What are the NICE PSAPs' Finest Awards for 2024?

The NICE PSAPs' Finest Awards for 2024 recognize outstanding individuals and teams in public safety emergency communications across categories such as Director, Line Supervisor, Technician, Trainer, Telecommunicator, Innovator, and PSAP of the Year.

How are winners selected for the NICE PSAPs' Finest Awards?

Winners are selected by an independent panel of volunteer judges from the public safety community. They evaluate nominees based on their skills, knowledge, professionalism, and dedication to service in their communities.

Who won the Director of the Year award in the 2024 NICE PSAPs' Finest Awards?

Tina Powell, Director of Public Safety Communications at Weld County Regional Communications Center in Greeley, CO, won the Director of the Year award in the 2024 NICE PSAPs' Finest Awards.

When will nominations open for the 2025 NICE PSAPs' Finest Awards?

Nominations for the 2025 NICE PSAPs' Finest Awards, which will mark the 20th year of the recognition program, will open in January 2025.

How long has NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) been running the PSAPs' Finest Awards?

NICE has been running the PSAPs' Finest Awards for 19 years, with the 2024 awards being the 19th edition of this recognition program for emergency communications professionals.



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