NICE Actimize Wins 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award for Best AML Transaction Monitoring Innovation

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NICE Actimize has been awarded the 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award for Best AML Transaction Monitoring Innovation. The award recognizes NICE Actimize's advanced Embedded AML AI, which enhances its Transaction Monitoring solution through AI and machine learning techniques.

The Embedded AML AI can analyze vast amounts of data to segment customers, detect anomalies, uncover hidden relationships, prioritize alerts, and generate insights. This innovation aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of AML operations, leading to better risk management, reduced costs, and enhanced regulatory compliance.

Chuck Subrt, Fraud & AML Practice Director at Datos Insights, highlighted the industry's focus on innovation, automation, and data to tackle financial crime challenges. Craig Costigan, CEO of NICE Actimize, emphasized the effectiveness of AI in fighting financial crime and the emerging role of generative AI in helping investigation teams catch criminals with precision.

NICE Actimize ha ricevuto il 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award per la migliore innovazione nel monitoraggio delle transazioni AML. Questo riconoscimento celebra l'avanzato Embedded AML AI di NICE Actimize, che migliora la sua soluzione di Monitoraggio delle Transazioni attraverso tecniche di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico.

L'Embedded AML AI è in grado di analizzare enormi quantità di dati per segmentare i clienti, rilevare anomalie, scoprire relazioni nascoste, prioritizzare gli avvisi e generare approfondimenti. Questa innovazione mira a migliorare l'accuratezza e l'efficienza delle operazioni AML, conducendo a una migliore gestione del rischio, riduzione dei costi e conformità normativa potenziata.

Chuck Subrt, Direttore della Pratica Fraud & AML presso Datos Insights, ha sottolineato l'attenzione dell'industria sull'innovazione, l'automazione e i dati per affrontare le sfide della criminalità finanziaria. Craig Costigan, CEO di NICE Actimize, ha enfatizzato l'efficacia dell'AI nella lotta contro la criminalità finanziaria e il crescente ruolo dell'AI generativa nell'aiutare i team investigativi a catturare i criminali con precisione.

NICE Actimize ha sido galardonada con el 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award por la mejor innovación en monitoreo de transacciones AML. Este premio reconoce la avanzada Embedded AML AI de NICE Actimize, que mejora su solución de Monitoreo de Transacciones a través de técnicas de inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático.

El Embedded AML AI puede analizar enormes cantidades de datos para segmentar clientes, detectar anomalías, descubrir relaciones ocultas, priorizar alertas y generar información valiosa. Esta innovación tiene como objetivo mejorar la precisión y eficiencia de las operaciones AML, lo que lleva a una mejor gestión de riesgos, reducción de costos y mayor cumplimiento regulatorio.

Chuck Subrt, Director de Práctica de Fraude y AML en Datos Insights, destacó el enfoque de la industria en la innovación, la automatización y los datos para abordar los desafíos del crimen financiero. Craig Costigan, CEO de NICE Actimize, enfatizó la efectividad de la inteligencia artificial en la lucha contra el crimen financiero y el papel emergente de la inteligencia artificial generativa en ayudar a los equipos de investigación a atrapar a los criminales con precisión.

NICE Actimize2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award에서 최고의 AML 거래 모니터링 혁신 부문을 수상했습니다. 이 상은 NICE Actimize의 진보된 Embedded AML AI를 인정하며, 이는 AI 및 머신러닝 기법을 통해 거래 모니터링 솔루션을 향상시킵니다.

Embedded AML AI는 방대한 양의 데이터를 분석하여 고객을 세분화하고, 이상 현상을 감지하며, 숨겨진 관계를 발견하고, 알림의 우선순위를 정하고, 인사이트를 생성할 수 있습니다. 이 혁신은 AML 운영의 정확성과 효율성을 개선하여 리스크 관리, 비용 절감 및 규제 준수를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Chuck Subrt, Datos Insights의 사기 및 AML 실무 이사는 금융 범죄 문제를 해결하기 위한 산업의 혁신, 자동화 및 데이터에 대한 집중을 강조했습니다. Craig Costigan, NICE Actimize의 CEO는 금융 범죄에 맞서 싸우는 데 있어 AI의 효과성과 범죄자를 정확히 붙잡는 데 있어 생성적 AI의 새로운 역할을 강조했습니다.

NICE Actimize a reçu le 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award pour la meilleure innovation en matière de surveillance des transactions AML. Ce prix récompense l'Embedded AML AI avancé de NICE Actimize, qui améliore sa solution de Surveillance des Transactions grâce à des techniques d'intelligence artificielle et d'apprentissage automatique.

L'Embedded AML AI peut analyser d'énormes quantités de données pour segmenter les clients, détecter des anomalies, découvrir des relations cachées, prioriser les alertes et générer des informations. Cette innovation vise à améliorer la précision et l'efficacité des opérations AML, ce qui conduit à une meilleure gestion des risques, à la réduction des coûts et à un renforcement de la conformité réglementaire.

Chuck Subrt, Directeur de la Pratique Fraude & AML chez Datos Insights, a souligné l'accent mis par l'industrie sur l'innovation, l'automatisation et les données pour relever les défis de la criminalité financière. Craig Costigan, PDG de NICE Actimize, a souligné l'efficacité de l'IA dans la lutte contre la criminalité financière et le rôle émergent de l'IA générative pour aider les équipes d'enquête à attraper les criminels avec précision.

NICE Actimize wurde mit dem 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award für die beste Innovation im AML-Transaktionsmonitoring ausgezeichnet. Der Preis würdigt die fortschrittliche Embedded AML AI von NICE Actimize, die ihre Lösung für das Transaktionsmonitoring durch KI- und Machine-Learning-Techniken verbessert.

Die Embedded AML AI kann enorme Datenmengen analysieren, um Kunden zu segmentieren, Anomalien zu erkennen, verborgene Zusammenhänge aufzudecken, Alarme zu priorisieren und Erkenntnisse zu generieren. Diese Innovation zielt darauf ab, die Genauigkeit und Effizienz von AML-Operationen zu verbessern, was zu einem besseren Risikomanagement, niedrigeren Kosten und einer verbesserten Einhaltung der Vorschriften führt.

Chuck Subrt, Direktor der Betrugs- und AML-Praxis bei Datos Insights, hob den Fokus der Branche auf Innovation, Automatisierung und Daten zur Bekämpfung der Herausforderungen der Finanzkriminalität hervor. Craig Costigan, CEO von NICE Actimize, betonte die Wirksamkeit von KI im Kampf gegen Finanzkriminalität und die aufkommende Rolle der generativen KI, die den Ermittlungsteams hilft, Verbrecher präzise zu fassen.

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NICE Actimize's embedded AI improves customer experience and AML program operational efficiency

HOBOKEN, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NICE Actimize, a NICE (NASDAQ: NICE) business, today confirmed that NICE Actimize was named the winner of the 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award for Best AML Transaction Monitoring Innovation. The Fraud & AML Impact Awards program identifies the organizations and vendors whose new and disruptive financial crime solutions counter escalating financial crime threats.

The award winners and finalists were selected based on the following criteria, which were considered when scoring each entry: level of innovation, competitive advantage, market need, financial crime risk mitigation, impact on customer experience and operational efficiency, integration and scalability, and future roadmap.

NICE Actimize was awarded for its advanced Embedded AML AI, a comprehensive set of AI-driven capabilities that enhance NICE Actimize's Transaction Monitoring solution. By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning techniques, its embedded AI can ingest and analyze vast amounts of data to segment customers, detect anomalies, uncover hidden relationships, prioritize alerts, and generate insights.

“Organized crime is relentlessly bombarding society with scams, automated bots, synthetic identities, mule activity, and application fraud. The ongoing economic uncertainty is compelling organizations to manage costs more carefully and find ways to improve operational efficiency and resource utilization,” said Chuck Subrt, Fraud & AML Practice Director at Datos Insights. “The financial services industry is doubling down on innovation, automation, and data to tackle this confluence of challenges and risks. Congratulations to NICE Actimize on this year’s win in the AML transaction monitoring category.”

Craig Costigan, CEO, NICE Actimize, said, “With the right use of next-gen technology, financial institutions can increase efficiency and effectiveness within their AML programs. AI has proven effective when applied to fighting financial crime and more recently generative AI capabilities have emerged to help investigation teams catch criminals with precision. Thank you to Datos Insights for recognizing our innovation.”

By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning techniques, NICE Actimize’s Embedded AI AML empowers FIs to improve the accuracy and efficiency of their AML operations, leading to better risk management, reduced costs, and enhanced regulatory compliance, noted Datos Insights.

The winners were selected by a panel of fraud and AML industry experts and Datos Insights strategic advisors. The identification of any Datos Insights award winners or silver medalists is not an endorsement by Datos Insights of any vendor, product, or service.

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Datos Insights delivers the most comprehensive and industry-specific data and advice to the companies trusted to protect and grow the world’s assets, and to the technology and service providers who support them. Staffed by experienced industry executives, researchers, and consultants, we support the world’s most progressive banks, insurers, investment firms, and technology companies through a mix of insights and advisory subscriptions, data services, custom projects and consulting, conferences, and executive councils. (

About NICE Actimize
NICE Actimize is the largest and broadest provider of financial crime, risk and compliance solutions for regional and global financial institutions, as well as government regulators. Consistently ranked as number one in the space, NICE Actimize experts apply innovative technology to protect institutions and safeguard consumers’ and investors’ assets by identifying financial crime, preventing fraud and providing regulatory compliance. The company provides real-time, cross-channel fraud prevention, anti-money laundering detection, and trading surveillance solutions that address such concerns as payment fraud, cybercrime, sanctions monitoring, market abuse, customer due diligence and insider trading. Find us at, @NICE_Actimize or Nasdaq: NICE.

About NICE
With NICE (Nasdaq: NICE), it’s never been easier for organizations of all sizes around the globe to create extraordinary customer experiences while meeting key business metrics. Featuring the world’s #1 cloud native customer experience platform, CXone, NICE is a worldwide leader in AI-powered self-service and agent-assisted CX software for the contact center – and beyond. Over 25,000 organizations in more than 150 countries, including over 85 of the Fortune 100 companies, partner with NICE to transform - and elevate - every customer interaction.

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This press release contains forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including the statements by Mr. Costigan, are based on the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of the management of NICE Ltd. (the “Company”). In some cases, such forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “seek,” “may,” “will,” “intend,” “should,” “project,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “estimate,” or similar words. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results or performance of the Company to differ materially from those described herein, including but not limited to the impact of changes in economic and business conditions; competition; successful execution of the Company’s growth strategy; success and growth of the Company’s cloud Software-as-a-Service business; changes in technology and market requirements; decline in demand for the Company's products; inability to timely develop and introduce new technologies, products and applications; difficulties in making additional acquisitions or difficulties or delays in absorbing and integrating acquired operations, products, technologies and personnel; loss of market share; an inability to maintain certain marketing and distribution arrangements; the Company’s dependency on third-party cloud computing platform providers, hosting facilities and service partners; cyber security attacks or other security breaches against the Company; privacy concerns; changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates, the effects of additional tax liabilities resulting from our global operations, the effect of unexpected events or geo-political conditions, such as the impact of conflicts in the Middle East that may disrupt our business and the global economy; the effect of newly enacted or modified laws, regulation or standards on the Company and our products and various other factors and uncertainties discussed in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). For a more detailed description of the risk factors and uncertainties affecting the company, refer to the Company's reports filed from time to time with the SEC, including the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise them, except as required by law.

Corporate Media Contact:

Cindy Morgan-Olson, +1 646 408 5896,, ET


Marty Cohen, +1 551 256 5354,, ET

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Source: NICE


What award did NICE Actimize win in 2024?

NICE Actimize won the 2024 Datos Insights Fraud & AML Impact Award for Best AML Transaction Monitoring Innovation.

What is the main feature of NICE Actimize's award-winning solution?

The main feature is the Embedded AML AI, which uses advanced AI and machine learning techniques to enhance NICE Actimize's Transaction Monitoring solution.

How does NICE Actimize's Embedded AML AI improve AML operations?

It improves AML operations by analyzing vast amounts of data to segment customers, detect anomalies, uncover hidden relationships, prioritize alerts, and generate insights, leading to better accuracy and efficiency.

What benefits does NICE Actimize's solution offer to financial institutions?

The solution offers improved risk management, reduced costs, and enhanced regulatory compliance for financial institutions.

Who presented the award to NICE Actimize?

The award was presented by Datos Insights as part of their Fraud & AML Impact Awards program.



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