Norsk Hydro: Market part of Hydro`s 2024-2025 share buyback program finalized
Norsk Hydro has completed its 2024-2025 share buyback program's market portion, announced on September 10, 2024. The program totals 30,526,862 shares, with 20,067,969 shares repurchased from the open market at a weighted average price of NOK 65.52. The remaining 10,458,893 shares will be purchased from the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, maintaining their 34.26% ownership stake.
The repurchased shares will be cancelled following approval at the May 2025 Annual General Meeting. While market-purchased shares had immediate cash effect, the state's pro rata shares will be paid during the capital reduction in mid-2025. Following these transactions, Norsk Hydro now owns 34,150,474 shares, representing 1.70% of its share capital.
Norsk Hydro ha completato la parte di mercato del programma di riacquisto azionario 2024-2025, annunciato il 10 settembre 2024. Il programma prevede un totale di 30.526.862 azioni, di cui 20.067.969 azioni riacquistate dal mercato aperto a un prezzo medio ponderato di NOK 65,52. Le rimanenti 10.458.893 azioni saranno acquistate dal Ministero norvegese del Commercio, dell'Industria e della Pesca, mantenendo la loro partecipazione del 34,26%.
Le azioni riacquistate saranno annullate dopo l'approvazione dell'Assemblea Generale Annuale di maggio 2025. Mentre le azioni acquistate sul mercato hanno avuto un effetto immediato in termini di liquidità, le azioni pro quota dello stato saranno pagate durante la riduzione di capitale a metà 2025. Dopo queste transazioni, Norsk Hydro possiede ora 34.150.474 azioni, che rappresentano l'1,70% del suo capitale azionario.
Norsk Hydro ha completado la parte de mercado de su programa de recompra de acciones 2024-2025, anunciado el 10 de septiembre de 2024. El programa totaliza 30.526.862 acciones, de las cuales 20.067.969 acciones fueron compradas en el mercado abierto a un precio promedio ponderado de NOK 65,52. Las restantes 10.458.893 acciones se comprarán al Ministerio noruego de Comercio, Industria y Pesca, manteniendo su participación del 34,26%.
Las acciones recompradas serán canceladas tras la aprobación en la Asamblea General Anual de mayo de 2025. Mientras las acciones compradas en el mercado tuvieron un efecto inmediato en efectivo, las acciones proporcionales del estado se pagarán durante la reducción de capital a mediados de 2025. Después de estas transacciones, Norsk Hydro posee ahora 34.150.474 acciones, que representan el 1,70% de su capital social.
노르스크 하이드로(Norsk Hydro)는 2024-2025년 주식 매입 프로그램의 시장 부분을 완료했다고 2024년 9월 10일 발표했습니다. 이 프로그램은 총 30,526,862주로 구성되며, 20,067,969주는 평균 가중 가격 NOK 65.52로 공개 시장에서 재구매되었습니다. 남은 10,458,893주는 노르웨이 상공부, 산업부 및 어업부로부터 구매되어 34.26%의 지분을 유지할 것입니다.
재구매된 주식은 2025년 5월 연례 총회에서 승인을 받은 후 취소될 것입니다. 시장에서 구매된 주식은 즉각적인 현금 효과를 가져왔지만, 국가의 비례 주식은 2025년 중반 자본 감소 중에 지급될 것입니다. 이러한 거래 이후, 노르스크 하이드로는 현재 34,150,474주를 보유하고 있으며, 이는 자본금의 1.70%를 나타냅니다.
Norsk Hydro a terminé la partie de marché de son programme de rachat d'actions 2024-2025, annoncé le 10 septembre 2024. Le programme totalise 30.526.862 actions, dont 20.067.969 actions ont été rachetées sur le marché à un prix moyen pondéré de NOK 65,52. Les 10.458.893 actions restantes seront achetées auprès du ministère norvégien du Commerce, de l'Industrie et des Pêches, maintenant ainsi leur participation de 34,26%.
Les actions rachetées seront annulées après approbation lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle de mai 2025. Bien que les actions achetées sur le marché aient eu un effet immédiat en liquidités, les actions au prorata de l'État seront payées lors de la réduction de capital au milieu de 2025. Suite à ces transactions, Norsk Hydro possède maintenant 34.150.474 actions, représentant 1,70% de son capital social.
Norsk Hydro hat den Marktanteil seines Aktienrückkaufprogramms für 2024-2025, das am 10. September 2024 angekündigt wurde, abgeschlossen. Das Programm umfasst insgesamt 30.526.862 Aktien, von denen 20.067.969 Aktien am Kassamarkt zu einem gewichteten Durchschnittspreis von NOK 65,52 zurückgekauft wurden. Die verbleibenden 10.458.893 Aktien werden vom norwegischen Ministerium für Handel, Industrie und Fischerei gekauft, um ihre 34,26%ige Beteiligung aufrechtzuerhalten.
Die zurückgekauften Aktien werden nach Genehmigung auf der Hauptversammlung im Mai 2025 annulliert. Während die am Markt gekauften Aktien sofortige Auswirkungen auf die Liquidität hatten, werden die anteiligen Staatsaktien während der Kapitalherabsetzung Mitte 2025 ausgezahlt. Nach diesen Transaktionen besitzt Norsk Hydro nun 34.150.474 Aktien, was 1,70% seines Grundkapitals entspricht.
- Significant share buyback program of 30.5M shares demonstrates confidence in company value
- Immediate execution of market portion shows strong implementation capability
- Maintenance of Norwegian state's ownership stake ensures stability
- Substantial cash outlay of NOK 1.31B for market purchases impacts liquidity
- Additional payment due in mid-2025 for state's portion creates future cash obligation
On January 7, 2025, Hydro finalized the open market repurchase of the 2024-2025 buyback program as announced on September 10, 2024.
The total program comprises 30 526 862 shares, of which 20 067 969 shares were repurchased in the market. The remaining 10 458 893 shares will be purchased from the Norwegian state through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, and therefore the Ministry's ownership interest in Norsk Hydro ASA of
The 30 526 862 shares will be cancelled following approval by the Annual General Meeting in May 2025. The shares that have been repurchased in the open market have had an immediate cash effect, whereas the pro rata shares from the Norwegian state will be paid simultaneously with the capital reduction in mid-2025.
The weighted average price for the 20 067 969 shares was NOK 65.52.
Please see below information about the last transactions made under the share buyback program for Norsk Hydro ASA.
Overview of transactions:
Date | Aggregated daily volume (number of Shares) | Weighted average share price per day (NOK) | Total daily transaction value (NOK) |
03/01/2025 | 575 000 | 62.92 | 36 179 288 |
06/01/2025 | 360 882 | 63.00 | 22 736 252 |
07/01/2025 | 813 202 | 63.17 | 51 372 735 |
Previous Transactions | 18 218 885 | 65.76 | 1 198 140 782 |
Accumulated to date | 20 067 969 | 65.52 | 1 314 799 957 |
Prior to the share buyback program Norsk Hydro ASA owned a total of 14 082 505 own shares. Following the above listed transactions, Norsk Hydro ASA owns a total of 34 150 474 shares, corresponding to
Attachment: An overview of all the completed transactions under the program for the dates specified above is attached to this notification and available on
Investor contact:
Martine Rambøl Hagen
Head of Investor Relations
+47 91708918
This is information that Norsk Hydro ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.