Natural Grocers® Promotes "Field to Can" Within "Meet Your Farmer" Film Series

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Natural Grocers, the largest family-operated natural and organic retailer in the US, has released a new short film titled 'Field to Can' as part of its 'Meet Your Farmer' series. The film showcases the environmentally responsible practices of Natural Grocers Brand Canned Tomatoes' supply partner, highlighting their soil-centric approach and zero-waste commitment.

The 'Meet Your Farmer' series aims to spotlight farmers and ranchers who are revolutionizing food production for a healthier future. Natural Grocers will promote the film in stores and online through November, offering educational materials to customers. The company plans to add more films to the series in 2025.

As part of its commitment to nutrition education, Natural Grocers is also offering a 30% discount on select good4u books through October 26. The retailer continues to provide various educational resources, including articles, recipes, coaching, and classes to help customers make informed decisions about their food choices and environmental impact.

Natural Grocers, il più grande rivenditore naturale e biologico a conduzione familiare degli Stati Uniti, ha pubblicato un nuovo cortometraggio intitolato 'Field to Can' come parte della sua serie 'Conosci il tuo contadino'. Il film mette in luce le pratiche ecologicamente responsabili del partner di fornitura dei pomodori in scatola del marchio Natural Grocers, evidenziando il loro approccio incentrato sul suolo e l'impegno per lo zero spreco.

La serie 'Conosci il tuo contadino' si propone di mettere in risalto i contadini e gli allevatori che stanno rivoluzionando la produzione alimentare per un futuro più sano. Natural Grocers promuoverà il film nei negozi e online fino a novembre, offrendo materiali educativi ai clienti. L'azienda prevede di aggiungere ulteriori film alla serie nel 2025.

Come parte del suo impegno per l'educazione nutrizionale, Natural Grocers offre anche uno sconto del 30% su alcuni libri good4u fino al 26 ottobre. Il rivenditore continua a fornire diverse risorse educative, tra cui articoli, ricette, coaching e corsi per aiutare i clienti a prendere decisioni informate riguardo alle loro scelte alimentari e all'impatto ambientale.

Natural Grocers, el mayor minorista familiar de productos naturales y orgánicos en los EE. UU., ha lanzado un nuevo cortometraje titulado 'Field to Can' como parte de su serie 'Conoce a tu agricultor'. El filme muestra las prácticas ambientalmente responsables del socio proveedor de los tomates enlatados de Natural Grocers Brand, destacando su enfoque centrado en el suelo y su compromiso con la eliminación de residuos.

La serie 'Conoce a tu agricultor' busca resaltar a los agricultores y ganaderos que están revolucionando la producción de alimentos para un futuro más saludable. Natural Grocers promocionará la película en las tiendas y en línea hasta noviembre, ofreciendo materiales educativos a los clientes. La compañía planea agregar más cortometrajes a la serie en 2025.

Como parte de su compromiso con la educación nutricional, Natural Grocers también ofrece un 30% de descuento en ciertos libros good4u hasta el 26 de octubre. El minorista continúa brindando diversos recursos educativos, que incluyen artículos, recetas, coaching y clases para ayudar a los clientes a tomar decisiones informadas sobre sus elecciones alimentarias y su impacto ambiental.

내추럴 그로서스(Natural Grocers)는 미국에서 가장 큰 가족 운영 자연 및 유기농 소매업체로서, 'Field to Can'이라는 제목의 새로운 단편 영화를 '농부를 만나세요' 시리즈의 일환으로 공개했습니다. 이 영화는 내추럴 그로서스 브랜드 통조림 토마토의 공급 파트너가 환경적으로 책임 있는 관행을 보여주며, 그들의 토양 중심 접근 방식과 제로 웨이스트 약속을 강조합니다.

'농부를 만나세요' 시리즈는 더 건강한 미래를 위해 식품 생산을 혁신하는 농부와 목축업자들을 조명하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 내추럴 그로서스는 11월까지 매장 및 온라인에서 영화를 홍보하며, 고객들에게 교육 자료를 제공합니다. 이 회사는 2025년에 시리즈에 더 많은 영화를 추가할 계획입니다.

영양 교육에 대한 약속의 일환으로, 내추럴 그로서스는 또한 10월 26일까지 선택된 good4u 도서에 대해 30% 할인을 제공하고 있습니다. 이 소매업체는 고객이 음식 선택과 환경 영향에 대해 정보에 입각한 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 돕기 위해 다양한 교육 자료를 지속적으로 제공합니다.

Natural Grocers, le plus grand détaillant naturel et biologique exploité par une famille aux États-Unis, a sorti un nouveau court-métrage intitulé 'Field to Can' dans le cadre de sa série 'Rencontrez votre agriculteur'. Le film met en avant les pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement du partenaire fournisseur des tomates en conserve de la marque Natural Grocers, soulignant leur approche centrée sur le sol et leur engagement envers le zéro déchet.

La série 'Rencontrez votre agriculteur' a pour objectif de mettre en lumière les agriculteurs et les éleveurs qui révolutionnent la production alimentaire pour un avenir plus sain. Natural Grocers promouvra le film en magasin et en ligne jusqu'en novembre, offrant des supports éducatifs aux clients. L'entreprise prévoit d'ajouter d'autres films à la série en 2025.

Dans le cadre de son engagement envers l'éducation nutritionnelle, Natural Grocers propose également une remise de 30 % sur certains livres good4u jusqu'au 26 octobre. Le détaillant continue de fournir diverses ressources éducatives, y compris des articles, des recettes, du coaching et des cours pour aider les clients à prendre des décisions éclairées sur leurs choix alimentaires et leur impact environnemental.

Natural Grocers, der größte familiengeführte Einzelhändler für natürliche und biologische Produkte in den USA, hat einen neuen Kurzfilm mit dem Titel 'Field to Can' als Teil seiner Serie 'Lerne deinen Bauern kennen' veröffentlicht. Der Film zeigt die umweltbewussten Praktiken des Lieferpartners für die Dosen-Tomaten von Natural Grocers, wobei ihr bodenorientierter Ansatz und das Engagement für Null Abfall hervorgehoben werden.

Die Serie 'Lerne deinen Bauern kennen' zielt darauf ab, Landwirte und Viehzüchter ins Rampenlicht zu rücken, die die Lebensmittelproduktion für eine gesündere Zukunft revolutionieren. Natural Grocers wird den Film bis November in Geschäften und online bewerben und den Kunden Bildungsunterlagen zur Verfügung stellen. Das Unternehmen plant, 2025 weitere Filme zur Serie hinzuzufügen.

Im Rahmen seines Engagements für Ernährungsbildung bietet Natural Grocers außerdem bis zum 26. Oktober einen Rabatt von 30 % auf ausgewählte good4u-Bücher an. Der Einzelhändler stellt weiterhin verschiedene Bildungsressourcen bereit, einschließlich Artikel, Rezepte, Coaching und Kurse, um den Kunden zu helfen, informierte Entscheidungen über ihre Lebensmittelauswahl und Umweltwirkungen zu treffen.

  • Release of new educational film 'Field to Can' promoting sustainable farming practices
  • Ongoing 'Meet Your Farmer' series showcasing innovative food producers
  • 30% discount on select good4u books through October 26
  • Commitment to nutrition education through various resources and events
  • None.

LAKEWOOD, Colo., Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Natural Grocers®, the nation's largest family-operated natural and organic retailer is proud to promote the new short film within its "Meet Your Farmer" film series: "Field to Can" in stores and online.

Natural Grocers releases new short film within its "Meet Your Farmer Series".

"As your neighborhood grocer, we choose to positively impact the way the food in this nation is grown and raised," stated Raquel Isely, Vice President of Marketing at Natural Grocers. "We choose to be responsible for the impact our food makes every step of the way. We believe it is our responsibility to work with farmers, ranchers and food producers that  prioritize nutritionally sound, environmentally responsible and ethical practices." 

"The short film 'Field to Can' takes us inside the growing and production practices of Natural Grocers® Brand Canned Tomatoes' supply partner. You'll learn about the environmental benefits of their harmonious, soil-centric stance and zero-waste commitment from field to factory. In less than four minutes, you'll be transported to a land of tomato utopia where ecologically thoughtful practices have real potential to reduce our environmental impact, showing that nature and agriculture really can exist in harmony. Your next can of tomatoes can make a difference."

The company will be promoting the film online and in stores with printed and digital educational collateral through November.

Natural Grocers' "Meet Your Farmer" film series gives a voice to farmers and ranchers who are changing the way food is produced today, to ensure a livable, healthy tomorrow. Viewers will meet organic growers, grassroots farmers and regenerative ranchers with an unwavering dedication to the land, their animals, their communities, and the planet. Each film asks consumers to pause, to question the status quo of food production, all while evoking an uplifting, positive message of hope and transformation. Customers and followers on social media can expect more films to be added to the series in 2025.

One of Natural Grocers' Founding Principles is a "Commitment to Nutrition Education", which includes empowering its communities to make informed decisions about their food choices and environmental impact. In addition to the "Meet Your Farmer" film series, the company offers helpful books, good4uSM Health Hotline® articles, recipes, coaching and classes to learn more.

  • Through October 26, customers will get 30% off Natural Grocers' Always AffordableSM Pricing on select good4uSM books, at all Natural Grocers locations.[i]
  • "Mental Wellbeing: The Importance of Biodiversity" – Earth Watch: Health Hotline, Volume 87.
  • "Bacopa Enhances Cognition in Adults" – Nutrition Bytes: Health Hotline, Volume 87.
  • Find an Event – Natural Grocers hosts many exciting and educational events throughout the year including seminars, cooking demonstrations, guest speaker events and health fairs.

For more about Natural Grocers' current promotions and educational opportunities, visit or follow Natural Grocers on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year 2023, the Company invested $15 million in incremental compensation and discretionary payments for Crew. Headquartered in the Union Square neighborhood of Lakewood, CO, Natural Grocers has 169 stores in 21 states. Visit for more information and store locations. 

[i] Offers valid only from 9/26/2024 to 10/26/2024 for in-store customer purchases at participating stores. Quantity limited to stock on hand; no rainchecks. Unless otherwise noted, all discounts are on regular prices, and cannot be redeemed for store credit or cash, and cannot be combined with other offers. Pricing excludes taxes and is subject to change without notice. Natural Grocers reserves the right to correct errors. Void where prohibited by law.

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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.


What is the 'Field to Can' film about in Natural Grocers' 'Meet Your Farmer' series?

The 'Field to Can' film showcases the environmentally responsible practices of Natural Grocers Brand Canned Tomatoes' supply partner, highlighting their soil-centric approach and zero-waste commitment from field to factory.

When will Natural Grocers (NGVC) add more films to the 'Meet Your Farmer' series?

Natural Grocers plans to add more films to the 'Meet Your Farmer' series in 2025.

What discount is Natural Grocers (NGVC) offering on good4u books in October 2024?

Natural Grocers is offering a 30% discount on select good4u books through October 26, 2024, at all locations.

How is Natural Grocers (NGVC) promoting nutrition education?

Natural Grocers promotes nutrition education through its 'Meet Your Farmer' film series, educational books, Health Hotline articles, recipes, coaching, classes, and various events throughout the year.



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