Natural Grocers® Opens Its Doors in Brownsville, TX With a Grand Opening Celebration on January 22, 2025
Natural Grocers has announced the opening of its 24th store in Texas, located in Brownsville, scheduled for January 22, 2025. The grand opening celebration will begin with a $2,500 donation to the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, followed by various customer incentives including mystery gift cards valued up to $500 for the first 150 customers, and free hand-crafted Ecuadorian lunchboxes for the first 500 shoppers.
The new store will feature 100% USDA certified organic produce, over 5,000 supplement SKUs, and premium-quality natural products at their 'Always Affordable Prices'. Grand opening specials include up to 50% off on selected items through February 28. The location will also offer nutritional health coaching services and implement sustainable building features including 100% LED lighting and non-toxic materials.
Through their 'Bring Your Own Bag' program, the company will donate five cents per shopping trip when customers use their own bags to the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley.
Natural Grocers ha annunciato l'apertura del suo 24° negozio in Texas, situato a Brownsville, prevista per il 22 gennaio 2025. La celebrazione dell'inaugurazione inizierà con una donazione di $2.500 alla Banca Alimentare della Valle del Rio Grande, seguita da vari incentivi per i clienti, tra cui carte regalo misteriose del valore di fino a $500 per i primi 150 clienti e pranzi artigianali ecuadoriani gratuiti per i primi 500 acquirenti.
Il nuovo negozio offrirà 80% dei prodotti biologici certificati USDA, oltre 5.000 SKU di integratori e prodotti naturali di alta qualità a 'Prezzi Sempre Accessibili'. Le offerte speciali per l'inaugurazione includono sconti fino al 50% su articoli selezionati fino al 28 febbraio. La sede offrirà anche servizi di coaching nutrizionale e implementerà caratteristiche di costruzione sostenibili, tra cui illuminazione 100% LED e materiali non tossici.
Attraverso il programma 'Porta La Tua Borsa', l'azienda donerà cinque centesimi per ogni acquisto effettuato dai clienti che utilizzano le proprie borse alla Banca Alimentare della Valle del Rio Grande.
Natural Grocers ha anunciado la apertura de su 24ª tienda en Texas, ubicada en Brownsville, programada para el 22 de enero de 2025. La celebración de la gran inauguración comenzará con una donación de $2,500 al Banco de Alimentos del Valle del Río Grande, seguida de varios incentivos para clientes que incluyen tarjetas regalo misteriosas valoradas en hasta $500 para los primeros 150 clientes, y cajas de almuerzo ecuatorianas artesanales gratuitas para los primeros 500 compradores.
La nueva tienda contará con productos 100% orgánicos certificados por el USDA, más de 5,000 SKUs de suplementos y productos naturales de alta calidad a 'Precios Siempre Asequibles'. Las ofertas especiales de la gran inauguración incluyen descuentos de hasta el 50% en artículos seleccionados hasta el 28 de febrero. La ubicación también ofrecerá servicios de coaching de salud nutricional e implementará características de construcción sostenible, incluyendo iluminación 100% LED y materiales no tóxicos.
A través de su programa 'Trae Tu Propia Bolsa', la compañía donará cinco centavos por cada compra cuando los clientes usen sus propias bolsas al Banco de Alimentos del Valle del Río Grande.
내츄럴 그로서스는 텍사스주 브라운스빌에 2025년 1월 22일에 개점을 예정하고 있으며, 이는 24번째 매장입니다. 개점 기념 행사는 리오 그란데 밸리 푸드 뱅크에 $2,500의 기부로 시작되며, 첫 150명의 고객에게는 최대 $500의 미스터리 기프트 카드와 첫 500명의 쇼핑객에게는 무료 에콰도르 수제 런치박스가 제공됩니다.
새로운 매장에서는 100% USDA 인증 유기농 농산물, 5,000개 이상의 보충제 SKU 및 '항상 저렴한 가격'의 프리미엄 품질 자연 제품을 제공할 예정입니다. 개점 기념 특별 행사로 2월 28일까지 선택된 품목에 대해 최대 50% 할인 혜택이 있습니다. 이 매장은 또한 영양 건강 코칭 서비스를 제공하고 100% LED 조명 및 무독성 재료와 같은 지속 가능한 건축 특징을 구현할 것입니다.
'자체 가방 가져오기' 프로그램을 통해 고객이 자신의 가방을 사용하면 쇼핑할 때마다 5센트를 리오 그란데 밸리 푸드 뱅크에 기부할 것입니다.
Natural Grocers a annoncé l'ouverture de son 24ème magasin au Texas, situé à Brownsville, prévue pour le 22 janvier 2025. La célébration de l'inauguration débutera par un don de 2 500 $ à la Banque Alimentaire de la Vallée du Rio Grande, suivi de divers incitatifs pour les clients, notamment des cartes-cadeaux mystères d'une valeur allant jusqu'à 500 $ pour les 150 premiers clients et des boîtes-repas équatoriennes artisanales gratuites pour les 500 premiers acheteurs.
Le nouveau magasin proposera des produits 100 % biologiques certifiés USDA, plus de 5 000 références de suppléments et des produits naturels de haute qualité à leurs 'Prix Toujours Abordables'. Les offres spéciales pour la grande ouverture incluent jusqu'à 50 % de réduction sur certains articles jusqu'au 28 février. L'emplacement proposera également des services de coaching en santé nutritionnelle et mettra en œuvre des caractéristiques de construction durables, y compris un éclairage 100 % LED et des matériaux non toxiques.
Grâce à leur programme 'Apportez Votre Propre Sac', l'entreprise fera un don de cinq cents par course lorsque les clients utiliseront leurs propres sacs à la Banque Alimentaire de la Vallée du Rio Grande.
Natural Grocers hat die Eröffnung seines 24. Geschäfts in Texas bekannt gegeben, das sich in Brownsville befindet und für den 22. Januar 2025 geplant ist. Die Feier zur großen Eröffnung beginnt mit einer Spende von 2.500 $ an die Lebensmittelbank des Rio Grande Valley, gefolgt von verschiedenen Kundenanreizen, darunter mysteriöse Geschenkkarten im Wert von bis zu 500 $ für die ersten 150 Kunden und kostenlose handgefertigte ecuadorianische Mittagsboxen für die ersten 500 Käufer.
Das neue Geschäft wird 100 % USDA-zertifiziertes Bio-Obst und -Gemüse, über 5.000 Supplements und hochwertige Naturprodukte zu ihren 'Immer Erschwinglichen Preisen' anbieten. Zu den Angeboten zur großen Eröffnung gehören bis zu 50 % Rabatt auf ausgewählte Artikel bis zum 28. Februar. Der Standort wird auch Ernährungs-Coaching-Dienste anbieten und nachhaltige Baufeatures implementieren, einschließlich 100 % LED-Beleuchtung und ungiftiger Materialien.
Durch ihr Programm 'Bring Your Own Bag' spendet das Unternehmen fünf Cent pro Einkauf, wenn Kunden ihre eigenen Taschen verwenden, an die Lebensmittelbank des Rio Grande Valley.
- Opening 24th store in Texas, expanding market presence
- Implementation of energy-saving features and sustainable building materials
- Partnership with local food bank creating community engagement
- None.
Customers will enjoy unbeatable savings, exciting giveaways, sweepstakes, delicious samples and more
The festivities will kick off at 8:15 AM with a
"We're excited to bring Natural Grocers to
Grand Opening festivities at the
- Jan. 22: Mystery Gift Cards for First 150 Customers – Be among the first in line and receive a Natural Grocers mystery gift card (values range from
to$5 )![i]$500 - Jan. 22: Free Natural Grocers Hand-Crafted Ecuadorian Lunchbox – The first 500 shoppers will receive a unique, hand-crafted lunchbox, woven in collaboration with artisans in Peguche,
Ecuador .[ii] - Jan. 22: Prize Wheel – Spin the Natural Grocers prize wheel between 12 PM and 5 PM for a chance to win great prizes.[iii]
- Jan. 22 – Feb. 28: Up to
50% Off – Shoppers can take advantage of Grand Opening specials, such as100% USDA Certified Organic Cosmic Crisp Apples ( /lb), bacon and bacon alternatives ($1.99 /package), and Natural Grocers® Brand Organic Cheese shreds and slices ($2.99 each).[iv]$2.99 - Jan. 22 – Feb. 5: Grand Opening Sweepstakes – Customers can enter to win prizes like an Aventon e-bike, a
Natural Grocers gift card, and more.[v]$500
Customers can maximize their savings by joining {N}power®, Natural Grocers' free rewards program, offering exclusive discounts, rewards, and digital coupons.[vi]
- Jan. 22 – Feb. 28: {N}power® Members Exclusive Deals – Special pricing on items like
100% USDA Certified Organic Avocados ( /each), Natural Grocers Brand Bulk Organic Almond Butter ($0.99 /lb), and Thousand Hills™ 80/20 Grass Fed Ground Beef ($5.99 oz).[vii]$6.99 /16
To join {N}power, visit
Serving communities with a wide range of natural and organic options since 1955, Natural Grocers will support the
The company, ever conscious of its environmental impact, has upgraded the new space using sustainable building features and energy-saving innovations, such as non-toxic building materials and
Customers will also experience:
- A focus on Regenerative Products and Practices: From checkouts free from single use bags, to organic, non-GMO and Always Affordable Natural Grocers brand products and ecologically thoughtful in-store features, the company focuses on a mutually beneficial relationship with nature.
- Premium-Quality Products at an Always Affordable PriceSM: Access high-quality organic and natural groceries including
100% pasture-raised eggs and dairy,100% non-GMO prepackaged bulk goods, and household essentials at an Always Affordable Price. Natural Grocers also prioritizes humanely sourced and sustainably raised meats. - Always
100% Organic Produce: Natural Grocers, ever a champion of organic produce, is proud to feature an even larger selection of100% USDA certified organic produce at the Brownsville store. From apples to zucchini, every piece of produce avoids cross-contamination with conventional/GMO items and grown without synthetic pesticides. - Body Care That Cares Back: Natural Grocers' high standards prioritize natural, innovative and ethical body care products that deliver results without compromise.
- A Super-Sized Supplement Department: With over 5,000 SKUs, Natural Grocers offers a large selection of vitamins and supplements, with the vast majority (over
80% ) manufactured in third-party Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified facilities. - A Commitment to Crew: Natural Grocers is passionate about ensuring that its employees can live a healthy, balanced life. The Company is committed to positively impacting Crew's physical, emotional and financial well-being with free nutrition education programs, excellent benefits and access to the highest quality, affordably priced products. To learn more about Natural Grocers' "Commitment to Crew" and its 5 Founding Principles, click here.
- Coming Soon: Nutritional Health Coaching: Customers will have direct access to personalized assistance throughout their health journeys with an onsite Nutritional Health Coach. Vanessa Duran (the incoming coach) holds a Master of Science in Nutrition degree, plus additional specialized training and education to assist customers and the community with a variety of services. Click here to learn more.
As part of its commitment to the
The Food Bank RGV is the seventh largest food bank in the
- To volunteer or get involved with the organization, click here.
- Click here to learn more about Natural Grocers' Commitment to Community and their "Bring Your Own Bag Program," benefitting the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley.
- Learn more about Natural Grocers by visiting
- Click here for a complimentary media kit.
- For media inquiries contact Katie Macarelli, Manager of Public Relations at
Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The grocery products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners (as defined by its standards), synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year Brow, the Company invested more than
[i] Quantity limited to first 150 customers in line at Natural Grocers' Brownsville, TX location. No rain checks. Limit one gift card per customer 18 years or older. Valid 1/22/25 only. Void where prohibited by law.
[ii] Quantity limited to first 500 shoppers at Natural Grocers' Brownsville, TX location. No rain checks. Limit one set per customer, 18 years or older. Valid 1/22/25 only. Void where prohibited by law.
[iii] Prize wheel available at Natural Grocers' Brownsville, TX location. No purchase necessary. Quantity limited to stock on hand; no rain checks. Valid 1/22/25, 12 PM – 5 PM only, while supplies last.
[iv] Offers valid only from 1/22/25 to 2/28/25, are redeemable only for in-store customer purchases at Natural Grocers' Brownsville, TX location, and cannot be combined with other offers. Quantity limited to stock on hand, no rainchecks. Unless otherwise noted, all discounts are on regular prices, cannot be redeemed for store credit or cash, and cannot be combined with other offers. Pricing excludes taxes and is subject to change without notice. Natural Grocers reserves the right to correct errors. Void where prohibited by law.
[v] No purchase necessary. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Open only to legal respondents of the following states who are at least 18 years old at the time of entry: AZ, AR, CO, CO, IA, KS, LA, MN, MO, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA and WY. Void where prohibited by law. Sweepstakes starts on 1/22/25 and ends on 2/5/25. For official rules and complete details, visit Sponsor: Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets, Inc.
[vi] Customers can sign up for {N}power here. Message and data rates may apply. See for the Company's Privacy Policy and for the {N}Power terms of use.
[vii] Must be an {N}power member to receive these discounts. Limit 4 of each item, per customer. Offers valid only from 1/22/25 to 2/28/25, are redeemable only for in-store customer purchases at Natural Grocers' Brownsville, TX location and cannot be combined with other offers. Quantity limited to stock on hand; no rain checks. Pricing excludes taxes and is subject to change without notice. Natural Grocers reserves the right to correct errors. Void where prohibited by law.
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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.