Natural Grocers® Introduces House-Brand Organic Wheat Pasta and Biodynamic Pasta Sauces
Natural Grocers has expanded its house-brand portfolio with six new organic wheat pasta varieties and five organic pasta sauce flavors. The pasta line, priced at $2.79 for 16 oz, features organic durum wheat semolina as the sole ingredient and is certified organic, vegan, and non-GMO. The sauce collection, priced at $4.99 for 12 oz, includes four Demeter Certified Biodynamic varieties and one organic tomato ricotta option.
The pasta varieties include Spaghetti, Fettuccine, Fusilli, Shells, Penne, and Farfalle, all made in Italy using traditional bronze die cuts. The sauces come in Puttanesca, Ortolana, Arrabbiata, Classic Italian Basil, and Tomato Ricotta flavors. All products are made without artificial additives or preservatives. This launch is part of Natural Grocers' private-label expansion, which currently includes over 800 products, with upcoming releases planned for Organic Coffee Pods and Organic Kombuchas and Tepaches.
Natural Grocers ha ampliato il suo portafoglio di marchi privati con sei nuove varietà di pasta di grano biologico e cinque gusti di salsa di pasta biologica. La linea di pasta, con un prezzo di $2.79 per 16 oz, è composta esclusivamente da semola di grano duro biologico ed è certificata biologica, vegana e priva di OGM. La collezione di salse, al prezzo di $4.99 per 12 oz, include quattro varietà Demeter Certified Biodynamic e un'opzione di ricotta di pomodoro biologico.
Le varietà di pasta includono Spaghetti, Fettuccine, Fusilli, Conchiglie, Penne e Farfalle, tutte prodotte in Italia utilizzando tradizionali stampi in bronzo. Le salse sono disponibili nei gusti Puttanesca, Ortolana, Arrabbiata, Basilico Classico Italiano e Pomodoro e Ricotta. Tutti i prodotti sono realizzati senza additivi o conservanti artificiali. Questo lancio è parte dell'espansione del marchio privato di Natural Grocers, che attualmente include oltre 800 prodotti, con ulteriori rilasci previsti per Capsule di Caffè Biologico e Kombucha e Tepache Biologici.
Natural Grocers ha ampliado su portafolio de marca propia con seis nuevas variedades de pasta de trigo orgánico y cinco sabores de salsa de pasta orgánica. La línea de pasta, con un precio de $2.79 por 16 oz, presenta semolina de trigo duro orgánico como único ingrediente y está certificada como orgánica, vegana y no OGM. La colección de salsas, con un precio de $4.99 por 12 oz, incluye cuatro variedades Demeter Certified Biodynamic y una opción de ricotta de tomate orgánico.
Las variedades de pasta incluyen Espaguetis, Fettuccine, Fusilli, Conchas, Penne y Farfalle, todas elaboradas en Italia con cortes de troquel de bronce tradicionales. Las salsas vienen en sabores Puttanesca, Ortolana, Arrabbiata, Albahaca Clásica Italiana y Tomate Ricotta. Todos los productos están elaborados sin aditivos artificiales ni conservantes. Este lanzamiento es parte de la expansión de la marca privada de Natural Grocers, que actualmente incluye más de 800 productos, con próximos lanzamientos planeados para Cápsulas de Café Orgánico y Kombuchas y Tepaches Orgánicos.
내추럴 그로서스는 여섯 가지 새로운 유기농 밀 pasta 종류와 다섯 가지 유기농 소스 맛으로 자사 브랜드 포트폴리오를 확장하였습니다. 이 pasta 라인은 16 oz에 2.79 달러의 가격으로 제공되며, 유기농 듀럼 밀 세몰리나만 사용하여 만들어졌고, 유기농으로 인증되었으며, 비건이자 비GMO입니다. 소스 컬렉션은 12 oz에 4.99 달러의 가격으로, 네 가지 Demeter Certified Biodynamic 종류와 하나의 유기농 토마토 리코타 옵션을 포함합니다.
파스타 종류는 스파게티, 페투치니, 푸실리, 셸, 펜네, 그리고 파르팔레가 있으며, 모두 이탈리아에서 전통적인 청동 다이 컷을 사용하여 만들어졌습니다. 소스는 뿌타네스카, 오르톨라나, 아라비아타, 클래식 이탈리안 바질, 토마토 리코타 맛으로 제공됩니다. 모든 제품은 인공 첨가물이나 방부제가 없이 만들어집니다. 이 런칭은 내추럴 그로서스의 프라이빗 브랜드 확장의 일환으로 현재 800가지 이상의 제품을 포함하고 있으며, 향후 유기농 커피 포드와 유기농 콤부차 및 테파체 출시가 예정되어 있습니다.
Natural Grocers a élargi son portefeuille de marques propres avec six nouvelles variétés de pâtes au blé biologique et cinq saveurs de sauces pour pâtes biologiques. La gamme de pâtes, au prix de 2,79 $ pour 16 oz, est composée exclusivement de semoule de blé dur biologique et est certifiée biologique, végane et sans OGM. La collection de sauces, au prix de 4,99 $ pour 12 oz, comprend quatre variétés Demeter Certified Biodynamic et une option de ricotta tomate biologique.
Les variétés de pâtes comprennent Spaghetti, Fettuccine, Fusilli, Coquillages, Penne et Farfalle, toutes fabriquées en Italie à l'aide de matrices en bronze traditionnelles. Les sauces sont proposées en saveurs Puttanesca, Ortolana, Arrabbiata, Basilic Italien Classique et Tomate Ricotta. Tous les produits sont fabriqués sans additifs ni conservateurs artificiels. Ce lancement fait partie de l'expansion de la marque privée de Natural Grocers, qui compte actuellement plus de 800 produits, avec des sorties prévues pour des capsules de café biologique ainsi que des kombuchas et des tepaches biologiques.
Natural Grocers hat sein Sortiment an Eigenmarken mit sechs neuen Sorten von Bio-Weizenpasta und fünf Geschmacksrichtungen von Bio-Pastasaucen erweitert. Die Pasta-Linie, die 2,79 $ für 16 oz kostet, besteht ausschließlich aus biologischer Hartweizengries und ist Bio-zertifiziert, vegan und gentechnikfrei. Die Sammlung von Saucen, die 4,99 $ für 12 oz kostet, umfasst vier Demeter Certified Biodynamic Sorten und eine biologische Tomaten-Ricotta-Option.
Die Pasta-Sorten umfassen Spaghetti, Fettuccine, Fusilli, Muscheln, Penne und Farfalle, die alle in Italien mit traditionellen Bronzedieschnitten hergestellt werden. Die Saucen gibt es in den Geschmacksrichtungen Puttanesca, Ortolana, Arrabbiata, Klassisch Italienisches Basilikum und Tomate-Ricotta. Alle Produkte werden ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe oder Konservierungsstoffe hergestellt. Diese Einführung ist Teil der Eigenmarken-Expansion von Natural Grocers, die derzeit über 800 Produkte umfasst, mit geplanten neuen Produkten wie Bio-Kaffeekapseln und Bio-Kombucha und Tepache.
- Introduction of 11 new private label products expanding house-brand portfolio
- Premium positioning with Italian-made, organic certified products
- Competitive pricing strategy at $2.79 for pasta and $4.99 for sauces
- Four out of five sauce varieties are Demeter Certified Biodynamic, adding value proposition
- None.
The launch of Natural Grocers' private-label pasta and sauce products represents a strategic expansion of their house brand portfolio but has immediate financial impact. While private labels typically offer higher margins than national brands (usually 25-35% versus 15-20%), the modest pricing (
The company's broader private label strategy, which now encompasses over 800 products, demonstrates effective vertical integration and margin optimization. The biodynamic certification differentiates these products in a crowded market, potentially commanding premium pricing while reinforcing Natural Grocers' sustainability positioning. However, pasta and sauce are highly competitive categories with numerous established players, limiting the potential market share capture.
Looking at comparable private label launches in the natural foods sector, similar initiatives typically contribute 2-4% to total revenue in their first year. Given Natural Grocers' market cap of
The introduction of biodynamic pasta sauces is particularly noteworthy from a market differentiation perspective. Biodynamic certification, which requires 10% of farm acreage for biodiversity, positions these products in an ultra-premium niche that few competitors occupy. This aligns with growing consumer demand for regenerative agriculture products, a segment growing at
The price points are strategically positioned -
The expansion into coffee pods and fermented beverages (kombucha and tepache) indicates a broader strategy to capture high-margin, trending categories. However, these products represent incremental additions to an already extensive private label portfolio rather than a transformative business development.
All six styles of Natural Grocers Brand Organic Pasta begin with a single ingredient—organic durum wheat semolina, are Certified Organic, vegan, non-GMO and crafted with plant-based and dairy-free ingredients. The new line of pasta sauces is Certified Organic, gluten-free, made without added sugar and non-GMO. Four flavors are also Demeter Certified Biodynamic—a biodynamic farms and products standard which requires self-sustaining farming practices and
Raquel Isely, Vice President of Marketing at Natural Grocers, states, "Pasta is a food that inspires connection and creativity in the kitchen. With our new organic wheat pastas and biodynamic pasta sauces, we are providing our customers with the exceptional taste, texture, and flavor they deserve—whether they're whipping up a quick weeknight meal or crafting a gourmet feast. At Natural Grocers, we are committed to offering high-quality products that reflect our dedication to sustainability and affordability."
- Single Ingredient – Organic Durum Wheat Semolina
- Certified Organic, Non-GMO
- Made in
Italy - Crafted With Traditional Bronze Die Cuts
- Plant-based, and Dairy-free Ingredients
- Vegan Friendly
- Made without Artificial Flavorings, Additives or Preservatives, or Synthetic Colors
- Available in 16 oz.
- National Retail: Always Affordable SM at
- Organic Biodynamic Puttanesca
- Organic Biodynamic Ortolana
- Organic Biodynamic Arrabbiata
- Organic Biodynamic Classic Italian Basil
- Organic Tomato Ricotta*
*All ingredients in the Tomato Ricotta Pasta Sauce are Demeter Certified Biodynamic, apart from the ricotta cheese. Puttanesca, Ortolana, Arrabbiata and Classic Italian Basil Sauces are all Demeter Certified Biodynamic.
- Certified Organic, Non-GMO
- No Added Sugar
- Made in
Italy - Plant-based, Gluten-free and Dairy-free Ingredients
- Vegan Friendly
- Made without Artificial Flavorings, Additives or Preservatives, or Synthetic Colors
- Available in 12 oz.
- National Retail: Always Affordable SM at
Established in 2016, the house brand currently offers over 800 high-quality products, available exclusively at Natural Grocers stores. Learn more about Natural Grocers' product standards by clicking here. Recent additions to the private-label line include six varieties of Organic Soups. Customers can look forward to more premium-quality products at Always Affordable PricesSM, including Organic Coffee Pods and a new line of Organic Kombuchas and Tepaches.
- Click here for a media kit, courtesy of Natural Grocers.
- To learn more about Natural Grocers' grocery standards, click here.
- To request media samples, or for any press-related questions, please contact Katie Macarelli:
Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The grocery products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners (as defined by its standards), synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year 2024, the Company invested more than
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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.