Natural Grocers® Brand Organic Soups Hit Shelves This Winter
Natural Grocers, America's largest family-operated organic grocery retailer, has launched six new varieties of organic soups under its house brand. The new products are Certified Organic, Non-GMO, and made with plant-based, gluten- and dairy-free ingredients. The soups come in 14 oz BPA-free pouches, priced at $4.49, and include varieties such as Butternut Squash, Creamy Tomato, Sauerkraut, Sweet Corn, Three Lentil, and Vegan Chili Bean.
The launch emphasizes sustainability through lightweight packaging that reduces energy use in production and transportation. The house brand, established in 2016, now offers over 800 products. Recent additions include new frozen Organic Wood Fired Pizza flavors and seasonal Organic Coffee varieties, with plans to launch Organic Wheat Pasta and Organic Pasta Sauce made with biodynamic ingredients.
Natural Grocers, il maggiore rivenditore di generi alimentari biologici a conduzione familiare negli Stati Uniti, ha lanciato sei nuove varietà di zuppe biologiche a marchio proprio. I nuovi prodotti sono Certificati Biologici, Non-OGM e realizzati con ingredienti a base vegetale, privi di glutine e latticini. Le zuppe sono disponibili in sacchetti da 14 oz senza BPA, a un prezzo di $4.49, e includono varietà come Zucca Butternut, Pomodoro Crema, Crauti, Sweet Corn, Tre Lenticchie e Chili di Fagioli Vegani.
Il lancio mette in risalto la sostenibilità attraverso un imballaggio leggero che riduce il consumo di energia nella produzione e nel trasporto. Il marchio proprio, istituito nel 2016, offre ora oltre 800 prodotti. Tra le ultime novità ci sono nuovi gusti di Pizza Biologica Forno a Legna surgelata e varietà stagionali di Caffè Biologico, con piani di lanciare Pasta di Grano Biologica e Salsa di Pasta Biologica realizzata con ingredienti biodinamici.
Natural Grocers, el mayor minorista de alimentos orgánicos operado por una familia en Estados Unidos, ha lanzado seis nuevas variedades de sopas orgánicas bajo su marca propia. Los nuevos productos son Certificados Orgánicos, No-OGM y elaborados con ingredientes de origen vegetal, sin gluten ni lácteos. Las sopas vienen en bolsas de 14 oz sin BPA, con un precio de $4.49, e incluyen variedades como Calabaza Butternut, Tomate Cremoso, Chucrut, Maíz Dulce, Tres Lentejas y Chili Vegano de Frijoles.
El lanzamiento enfatiza la sostenibilidad a través de envases ligeros que reducen el uso de energía en la producción y el transporte. La marca propia, establecida en 2016, ahora ofrece más de 800 productos. Las adiciones recientes incluyen nuevos sabores de Pizza Orgánica al Horno de Leña congelada y variedades de Café Orgánico de temporada, con planes de lanzar Pasta de Trigo Orgánica y Salsa para Pasta Orgánica hecha con ingredientes biodinámicos.
내추럴 그로서스, 미국에서 가장 큰 가족 운영 유기농 식료품 소매업체가 자사 브랜드로 유기농 수프의 여섯 가지 새로운 품종을 출시했습니다. 새로운 제품은 인증된 유기농, 비 GMO이며 식물성, 글루텐 및 유제품이 없는 재료로 만들어졌습니다. 수프는 BPA가 없는 14 온스 파우치에 담겨 있으며 가격은 $4.49로, 호박, 크리미 토마토, 사우어크라우트, 스위트콘, 렌즈콩 세 가지, 비건 칠리 빈과 같은 품종이 포함되어 있습니다.
이 런칭은 생산 및 운송에서 에너지 사용을 줄이는 가벼운 포장을 통해 지속 가능성을 강조합니다. 2016년에 설립된 자사 브랜드는 현재 800개 이상의 제품을 제공하고 있습니다. 최근 추가된 제품으로는 새로운 냉동 유기농 나무 화덕 피자 맛과 계절 한정 유기농 커피 품종이 있으며, 생물역학적 재료로 만든 유기농 밀 파스타와 유기농 파스타 소스를 출시할 계획입니다.
Natural Grocers, le plus grand détaillant d'alimentation biologique opéré par une famille en Amérique, a lancé six nouvelles variétés de soupes biologiques sous sa propre marque. Les nouveaux produits sont certifiés biologiques, non-OGM et fabriqués avec des ingrédients d'origine végétale, sans gluten et sans produits laitiers. Les soupes sont disponibles dans des sachets de 14 oz sans BPA, au prix de 4,49 $, et comprennent des variétés telles que Courge Butternut, Tomate Crémeuse, Choucroute, Maïs Doux, Trois Lentilles et Chili Végétalien aux Haricots.
Le lancement met l'accent sur la durabilité grâce à un emballage léger qui réduit la consommation d'énergie lors de la production et du transport. La marque maison, créée en 2016, propose désormais plus de 800 produits. Les ajouts récents incluent de nouvelles saveurs de Pizza Biologique Cuite au Bois congelées et des variétés de Café Biologique saisonnières, avec des plans pour lancer des Pâtes de Blé Biologiques et une Sauce pour Pâtes Biologiques fabriquée à partir d'ingrédients biodynamiques.
Natural Grocers, der größte familiengeführte Organic-Geschäftsretailer in Amerika, hat sechs neue Varianten von Bio-Suppen unter seiner Hausmarke eingeführt. Die neuen Produkte sind zertifiziert biologisch, gentechnikfrei und aus pflanzlichen, glutenfreien und milchfreien Zutaten hergestellt. Die Suppen sind in BPA-freien Beuteln mit 14 oz erhältlich und kosten 4,49 US-Dollar. Zu den Varianten gehören Butternut-Kürbis, cremige Tomate, Sauerkraut, süßer Mais, drei Linsen und veganes Chili mit Bohnen.
Die Einführung betont die Nachhaltigkeit durch leichtes Verpackungsmaterial, das den Energieverbrauch bei der Produktion und dem Transport reduziert. Die Hausmarke, die 2016 gegründet wurde, bietet inzwischen über 800 Produkte an. Zu den neuesten Entwicklungen gehören neue gefrorene Geschmäcker von Bio-Holzofenpizza und saisonalen Bio-Kaffeewaren, mit dem Ziel, biologische Weizenpasta und biologische Pastasauce aus biodynamischen Zutaten einzuführen.
- Expansion of private label product line with 6 new organic soups
- Sustainable packaging design reducing production and transportation costs
- Premium positioning with organic certification and clean ingredients
- Competitive pricing at $4.49 per unit
- None.
This product launch represents a strategic expansion of Natural Grocers' private label portfolio but lacks substantial financial impact for investors. While the addition of organic soups aligns with the growing
From a broader market perspective, this incremental private label expansion follows industry trends but lacks the scale to influence NGVC's market position or stock valuation significantly. The upcoming pasta launch mentioned may be more material given the larger market size and consumption frequency of that category.
Company expands premium-quality house brand with six savory heat-and-serve soups in convenient, resource-efficient pouches
Sustainability, premium quality and affordability are principles behind every Natural Grocers Brand Product, including these varieties of organic soups. Each is packaged in BPA-free pouches designed with resource efficiency in mind, offering a lightweight alternative to glass jars or cans that helps reduce energy use during production and transportation. But don't forget about the flavor and convenience!
Raquel Isely, Vice President of Marketing at Natural Grocers, states, "We are thrilled to introduce six new soups to our shelves nationwide. From classics like Creamy Tomato and Butternut Squash to bold, outside-the-pouch flavors like Sauerkraut and Sweet Corn, there's something for everyone to enjoy. These convenient 14 oz. packets are perfect to keep at home or take on the go for an easy lunch or quick meal. Just heat, serve, and savor one of life's most comforting foods—all at an Always Affordable PriceSM."
- Organic Butternut Squash Soup
- Organic Creamy Tomato Soup
- Organic Sauerkraut Soup
- Organic Sweet Corn Soup
- Organic Three Lentil Soup
- Organic Vegan Chili Bean Soup
- Certified Organic
- Plant-based, Gluten-free and Dairy-free Ingredients
- Vegan Friendly
- No Artificial Flavorings, Additives or Preservatives, or Synthetic Colors Added
- Heat and Serve
- Available in 14 oz.
- Packaged in BPA-Free, Shelf-Stable Pouches
- National Retail: Always Affordable SM at
Established in 2016, the house brand currently offers over 800 high-quality products, available exclusively at Natural Grocers stores. Learn more about Natural Grocers' product standards by clicking here. Recent additions to the private-label line include three new gourmet flavors of frozen Organic Wood Fired Pizza and two new seasonal flavors of Organic Coffee. Customers can look forward to more premium-quality products at Always Affordable PricesSM, including Organic Wheat Pasta and Organic Pasta Sauce (made with biodynamic ingredients), arriving in stores soon.
- Click here for a media kit featuring the new organic soups, courtesy of Natural Grocers.
- To learn more about Natural Grocers' grocery standards, click here.
- To request media samples, or for any press-related questions, please contact Katie Macarelli:
Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The grocery products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners (as defined by its standards), synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year 2024, the Company invested more than
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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.