NOVAGOLD Files Year-End 2024 Report with Strong Treasury to Fund Key Activities for Long-Term Value Creation
NOVAGOLD has filed its 2024 fiscal year-end report, highlighting a strong treasury position of $101 million in cash and term deposits as of November 30, 2024. The company reported net annual cash expenditures of $24.5 million and earnings of ($45.6) million with ($0.14) per share.
Key achievements in 2024 included substantial completion of metallurgical test work at a pilot plant in Ontario, advancement of an updated resource model, and submission of preliminary design packages for Dam Safety Certification. The Donlin Gold project, jointly owned with Barrick Gold , has approved a $43 million budget (100% basis) for 2025 focusing on camp operations, mine planning, geotechnical engineering, and community relations.
The project boasts over 39 million ounces of gold in Measured and Indicated Resources with a grade of 2.24 grams per tonne, representing twice the industry average. For 2025, NOVAGOLD anticipates expenditures of approximately $37.5 million, including $21.5 million for Donlin Gold and $16.0 million for corporate costs.
NOVAGOLD ha presentato il suo rapporto di fine anno fiscale 2024, evidenziando una solida posizione di tesoreria di 101 milioni di dollari in contante e depositi a termine al 30 novembre 2024. L'azienda ha riportato spese nette annuali in contante di 24,5 milioni di dollari e perdite di (45,6) milioni con un risultato di (0,14) dollari per azione.
Tra i risultati chiave del 2024 vi è stata la conclusione sostanziale dei test metallurgici presso un impianto pilota in Ontario, l'avanzamento di un modello di risorse aggiornato e la presentazione dei pacchetti di design preliminari per la certificazione della sicurezza delle dighe. Il progetto Donlin Gold, di proprietà congiunta di Barrick Gold, ha approvato un budget di 43 milioni di dollari (su base 100%) per il 2025, concentrandosi sulle operazioni del campo, pianificazione mineraria, ingegneria geotecnica e rapporti con la comunità.
Il progetto vanta oltre 39 milioni di once d'oro in Risorse Misurate e Indicate con un grado di 2,24 grammi per tonnellata, rappresentando il doppio della media del settore. Per il 2025, NOVAGOLD prevede spese di circa 37,5 milioni di dollari, inclusi 21,5 milioni per Donlin Gold e 16,0 milioni per costi aziendali.
NOVAGOLD ha presentado su informe del cierre del año fiscal 2024, destacando una sólida posición de tesorería de 101 millones de dólares en efectivo y depósitos a plazo al 30 de noviembre de 2024. La compañía reportó gastos anuales netos de efectivo de 24.5 millones de dólares y pérdidas de (45.6) millones con un resultado de (0.14) dólares por acción.
Los logros clave en 2024 incluyeron la finalización sustancial del trabajo de pruebas metalúrgicas en una planta piloto en Ontario, el avance de un modelo de recursos actualizado y la presentación de paquetes de diseño preliminares para la certificación de seguridad de presas. El proyecto Donlin Gold, en copropiedad con Barrick Gold, ha aprobado un presupuesto de 43 millones de dólares (100% a base) para 2025, enfocándose en operaciones de campamento, planificación de minas, ingeniería geotécnica y relaciones comunitarias.
El proyecto cuenta con más de 39 millones de onzas de oro en Recursos Medidos e Indicados con una ley de 2.24 gramos por tonelada, representando el doble del promedio de la industria. Para 2025, NOVAGOLD anticipa gastos de aproximadamente 37.5 millones de dólares, incluyendo 21.5 millones para Donlin Gold y 16.0 millones para costos corporativos.
NOVAGOLD는 2024 회계 연도의 연말 보고서를 제출했으며, 2024년 11월 30일 기준으로 1억 1백만 달러의 현금 및 정기예금으로 강력한 재무 상태를 강조했습니다. 회사는 연간 순 현금 지출이 2천450만 달러에 달하고, 주당 (0.14) 달러의 손실로 (4천560만) 달러의 수익을 보고했습니다.
2024년의 주요 성과는 온타리오의 파일럿 플랜트에서 금속 시험 작업의 주요 완료, 업데이트된 자원 모델의 발전 및 댐 안전 인증을 위한 초기 설계 패키지 제출을 포함합니다. Donlin Gold 프로젝트는 Barrick Gold와 공동 소유하며, 2025년 캠프 운영, 광산 계획, 지반 공학 및 지역 사회 관계에 중점을 두고 4천300만 달러의 예산을 승인했습니다.
이 프로젝트는 39백만 온스 이상의 금이 측정 및 표시된 자원으로 있을 뿐만 아니라, 톤당 2.24그램의 품위를 자랑하며, 이는 업계 평균의 두 배에 해당합니다. NOVAGOLD는 2025년 동안 약 3천750만 달러의 지출을 예상하고 있으며, 이 중 2천150만 달러는 Donlin Gold에, 1천600만 달러는 기업 비용에 해당합니다.
NOVAGOLD a déposé son rapport de fin d’exercice fiscal 2024, mettant en avant une solide situation de trésorerie de 101 millions de dollars en espèces et dépôts à terme au 30 novembre 2024. La société a déclaré des dépenses nettes de trésorerie annuelles de 24,5 millions de dollars et des pertes de (45,6) millions, pour un résultat de (0,14) dollar par action.
Les réalisations clés en 2024 comprenaient l’achèvement substantiel des travaux de test métallurgiques dans une usine pilote en Ontario, l’avancement d’un modèle de ressources mis à jour et la soumission de paquets de conception préliminaires pour la certification de la sécurité des barrages. Le projet Donlin Gold, détenu conjointement avec Barrick Gold, a approuvé un budget de 43 millions de dollars (sur une base de 100%) pour 2025, se concentrant sur les opérations de camp, la planification minière, l'ingénierie géotechnique et les relations communautaires.
Le projet possède plus de 39 millions d’onces d’or dans des ressources Mesurées et Indiquées avec une teneur de 2,24 grammes par tonne, représentant le double de la moyenne de l’industrie. Pour 2025, NOVAGOLD prévoit des dépenses d’environ 37,5 millions de dollars, dont 21,5 millions pour Donlin Gold et 16,0 millions pour les coûts d’entreprise.
NOVAGOLD hat ihren Bericht zum Geschäftsjahresende 2024 eingereicht und hebt dabei eine starke Finanzlage mit 101 Millionen Dollar in Bar und Termingeldern zum 30. November 2024 hervor. Das Unternehmen berichtete von jährlichen Nettobaraufwendungen von 24,5 Millionen Dollar und Verluste in Höhe von (45,6) Millionen Dollar mit (0,14) Dollar pro Aktie.
Zu den wichtigsten Errungenschaften im Jahr 2024 gehörten der wesentliche Abschluss der metallurgischen Testarbeiten an einer Pilotanlage in Ontario, der Fortschritt eines aktualisierten Ressourcenmodells sowie die Einreichung von Vorentwurfpaketen für die Damm-Sicherheitszertifizierung. Das Projekt Donlin Gold, das gemeinsam mit Barrick Gold besitzt wird, hat ein Budget von 43 Millionen Dollar (auf 100%-Basis) für 2025 genehmigt, das sich auf Lagerhausoperationen, Bergbauplanung, geotechnische Ingenieurwesen und Gemeindeangelegenheiten konzentriert.
Das Projekt verfügt über mehr als 39 Millionen Unzen Gold in gemessenen und indizierten Ressourcen mit einem Gehalt von 2,24 Gramm pro Tonne, was doppelt so hoch ist wie der Branchendurchschnitt. Für 2025 erwartet NOVAGOLD Ausgaben von etwa 37,5 Millionen Dollar, einschließlich 21,5 Millionen Dollar für Donlin Gold und 16,0 Millionen Dollar für Unternehmensausgaben.
- Strong treasury position of $101 million in cash and term deposits
- Below-guidance expenditure of $24.5 million vs. $31.2 million planned
- High-grade resource of 2.24 g/t gold, double the industry average
- 39 million ounces of gold in Measured and Indicated Resources
- Project spans only 5% of land package, indicating exploration upside
- Annual loss of $45.6 million with negative EPS of $0.14
- Cash and cash equivalents decreased by $3.5 million in 2024
- Operating activity spending increased by $4.9 million compared to prior year
NOVAGOLD's fiscal 2024 results demonstrate exemplary treasury management and strategic capital allocation. The
The 2025 budget allocation signals a strategic pivot toward critical technical and regulatory milestones. Key focus areas include grid drilling, mine planning updates and Dam Safety Certificate advancement - all essential elements for de-risking the project and moving toward an updated feasibility study. The company's treasury strategy appears well-aligned with the development timeline, maintaining sufficient liquidity while systematically advancing the project.
Particularly noteworthy is the company's efficient cash management, with corporate G&A costs of
The Donlin Gold project stands out as an exceptional asset in an industry struggling with grade decline and resource scarcity. The 2.24 g/t grade is particularly significant, being double the industry average, which has profound implications for potential operating costs and project economics. The project's scale of 39 million ounces places it among the largest undeveloped gold deposits globally, with exploration potential beyond the current resource that only covers 5% of the land package.
The completion of metallurgical test work at the Ontario pilot plant represents a important de-risking milestone. This testing, combined with the advancement of the resource model and geochemical data collection, lays the groundwork for an updated feasibility study that will better reflect current market conditions and technological improvements. The focus on Dam Safety Certification and environmental planning demonstrates a comprehensive approach to project development that aligns with modern mining industry best practices.
The projected million-ounce annual production potential positions Donlin Gold as a potential top-tier producer in a tier-one jurisdiction, a rare combination in today's gold mining landscape where new major discoveries are increasingly scarce and often located in challenging jurisdictions.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. (“NOVAGOLD” or “the Company”) (NYSE American, TSX: NG) today filed its 2024 fiscal year-end report and provided an update on its Tier One1 gold development project, Donlin Gold, which NOVAGOLD owns equally with Barrick Gold Corporation (“Barrick”).
Details of the financial results for the year ended November 30, 2024, are presented in the consolidated financial statements and annual report on Form 10-K filed on January 23, 2025 which is available on the Company’s website at, on SEDAR+ at, and on EDGAR at All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated.
As detailed in the above filings, NOVAGOLD held a strong treasury of approximately
In 2024, the following milestones were achieved at NOVAGOLD and Donlin Gold:
- Donlin Gold undertook the following key activities in 2024 to advance technical work to position the project for an updated cost estimate:
- Substantially completed metallurgical test work at a pilot plant in Ontario, Canada to confirm proposed optimizations to the flowsheet; advanced an updated resource model; and collected field and geochemical data for operational and closure planning;
- Submitted the preliminary design packages for the Dam Safety Certification to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) in the second half of 2024;
- Collaborated with Donlin Gold, Calista Corporation (“Calista”), and The Kuskokwim Corporation (TKC) on substantial ecological, educational and cultural awareness initiatives, including community outreach in the project’s region — hosted public open houses in three locations, participated in two Subsistence Community Advisory Committee meetings, and established three additional Shared Values Statements with local villages.
- NOVAGOLD and Barrick held a Donlin Gold workshop in Alaska in September 2024 to review the important work completed to date and to agree on the next steps for the Donlin Gold project and related 2025 activities.
- Donlin Gold board approved a budget of
$43 million (100% basis) for 2025, comprising the following key areas:- Camp operations with grid drilling to refine mine planning assumptions;
- Updated mine planning;
- Geotechnical engineering and geosciences closure planning;
- Project planning;
- Advancement of Dam Safety Certificate applications; and
- Community relations, government affairs, and maintaining permits in good standing.
President’s Message
This last year was characterized by extensive efforts to increase Donlin Gold’s visibility and advance activities for long-term sustainable value creation — strengthening the project’s position as a unique opportunity to gain direct exposure to gold through one of the largest undeveloped gold assets globally2, located in a stable, tier one, mining-friendly jurisdiction, Alaska3. With this strong foundation, we are nearing critical milestones that we believe will allow us to unlock NOVAGOLD’s full potential.
Key activities in 2024 included the substantial completion of metallurgical test work at a pilot plant in Ontario, Canada to confirm proposed optimizations to the flowsheet; field and geochemical data collection to continue updating source characteristics for groundwater and surface water models for both operational and closure planning; as well as advancement of the Donlin Gold resource model. Results derived from the considerable technical work performed over these past twelve months will serve as inputs into updated feasibility work.
Partnering for Broader Reach into the Project’s Region and Meaningful Impact
We recognize the importance of ecological stewardship in the Yukon-Kuskokwim (Y-K) region. Since mid-2023, Donlin Gold has intensified efforts to monitor, survey, and engage on the crucial subject of salmon fisheries in the Kuskokwim and Yukon River watersheds. In 2024, Donlin Gold launched a salmon smolt monitoring program on the George River, a tributary of the Kuskokwim River, in partnership with the Native Village of Napaimute to assess smolt health and migration patterns — an initiative that will continue into 2025. Restoration of a portion of the historic Lyman placer site, which included significant stream and pond habitat creation, including aquatic life access and use, was completed in 2024. Aquatic restoration work on a reach of Snow Gulch previously disturbed by historic mining will start in 2025.
In 2024, Donlin Gold, Calista, and TKC held public open houses in Anchorage, Bethel, and Crooked Creek — the closest community to the project. Two Subsistence Community Advisory Committee meetings were conducted, the first in Aniak during the second quarter and the second in Anchorage in December. Donlin Gold also established three additional Shared Values Statements, bringing the total to 18. Donlin Gold’s numerous partnerships in the Y-K region and statewide, aimed at supporting ecological projects, education, summer youth employment programs, and cultural awareness efforts, continue to grow. Together these efforts underscore Donlin Gold’s ongoing engagement with and commitment to local communities, reinforcing existing long-term relationships and addressing specific community needs.
In 2024, the Donlin Gold project received continued support from U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, and then U.S. Representative Mary Peltola, including their submittal of a joint amicus brief in federal court referring to Donlin Gold as one of the State’s “most important and necessary economic development projects” in “one of the most impoverished regions in Alaska.”
Maintaining Permits in Good Standing
In 2024, Donlin Gold submitted the preliminary design packages for the Dam Safety Certification to ADNR. Comments from ADNR on these presentations are anticipated in 2025, with potential issuance of the certification in 2026/2027.
Donlin Gold applied for and received an 18-month extension of the construction deadline on its air quality permit through July 2026. The Alaska Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit, which was originally set to expire in 2023, as well as the Waste Management Permit, which was set to expire in January 2024, are administratively extended by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation until renewed. The Reclamation Plan, which was also set to expire in 2024, is administratively extended until 2027.
In state litigation, we continued to support the agencies in defending Donlin Gold’s 401 Water Quality Certification, water rights permits and State pipeline Right-of-Way (ROW). These cases have been fully briefed and argued, and decisions are anticipated in 2025.
In federal litigation, the Court issued a decision last fall on Donlin Gold’s Joint Record of Decision, 404 permit, and ROW, upholding the federal agencies’ analysis on two of the three issues raised. The plaintiffs filed a request for reconsideration on one of these issues, which the Court subsequently denied. Briefing on the appropriate remedy to address the Court’s decision on the remaining item — namely, the evaluation of a theoretical large release from the project’s tailing storage facility — is scheduled to be completed in early February 2025.
Gold Exposure Through One of the Largest Gold Assets Globally4
NOVAGOLD views the Donlin Gold project as an exceptionally rare investment opportunity — particularly given the acute scarcity of high-quality assets located in secure, mining-friendly jurisdictions, coupled with the recent surge in gold price, reaching an all-time high of
2025 Activities and Next Steps
NOVAGOLD and Barrick held a workshop in Alaska in September 2024 to review the important work completed to date, as well as to discuss the next steps for the project and related activities in 2025. Subsequently, Donlin Gold’s board approved a path forward with a 2025 budget of
With a strong treasury of over
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our colleagues, partners, members of NOVAGOLD’s board of directors, and shareholders for their unwavering support. As a new year begins, we remain deeply committed to fulfilling each and every single one of the promises we have made and are excited to achieve new milestones together. To our valued shareholders, we express our profound appreciation for the trust they have placed in our vision, which drives us to continually strive for excellence and deliver meaningful results. At NOVAGOLD, we are not just advancing a mining project. We are building a legacy rooted in partnership, sustainability, and value creation — for all stakeholders.
Gregory A. Lang
President and CEO
Liquidity and Capital Resources
At November 30, 2024 $ | At November 30, 2023 $ | |
Cash and term deposits | 101,224 | 125,749 |
Total assets | 109,753 | 133,290 |
In 2024, cash and cash equivalents decreased by
Spending on operating activities in 2024 increased by
2025 Outlook
Our anticipated expenditure in fiscal year 2025 will be approximately
NOVAGOLD’s main objectives include continuing to advance the Donlin Gold project towards a construction decision; maintaining support for Donlin Gold among the project’s stakeholders; promoting a strong safety, sustainability, and environmental culture; maintaining a favorable reputation of NOVAGOLD; and preserving a healthy balance sheet. Our operations primarily relate to the delivery of project milestones, including the achievement of various technical, environmental, sustainable development, economic and legal objectives, obtaining necessary permits, completion of feasibility studies, preparation of engineering designs, and the financing to fund these objectives.
Conference Call & Webcast Details
NOVAGOLD’s conference call and webcast to discuss these results will take place today at 8:00 am PT (11:00 am ET). The webcast and conference call-in details are provided below.
The video webcast and conference call-in details are provided below.
Video Webcast: | |
North American callers: | 1-844-763-8274 |
International callers: | 1-647-484-8814 |
NOVAGOLD is a well-financed precious metals company, solely focused on the responsible and sustainable development of its flagship Donlin Gold project in Alaska, one of the safest mining jurisdictions in the world9. The Donlin Gold project, owned in equal partnership with Barrick, is positioned to be one of the world’s largest gold mines, with approximately 39 million ounces of gold in the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource (541 million tonnes at an average grade of approximately 2.24 grams per tonne, on a
NOVAGOLD Contacts:
Mélanie Hennessey
Vice President, Corporate Communications
604-669-6227 or 1-866-669-6227
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This media release includes certain “forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements” (collectively “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning of applicable securities legislation, including the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include future-oriented financial information or financial outlook within the meaning of securities laws, including information regarding NOVAGOLD’s anticipated expenditures. Such information is intended to assist readers in understanding NOVAGOLD’s current expectations and plans relating to the future. Such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “intends”, “estimates”, “potential”, “possible”, and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results “will”, “may”, “could”, “would” or “should” occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based on several opinions, estimates and assumptions that management of NOVAGOLD considered appropriate and reasonable as of the date such statements are made, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors that may cause the actual results, activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding the anticipated timing of certain judicial and/or administrative decisions; the 2025 outlook; the timing and potential for commencing a new feasibility study on the Donlin Gold project; the results of future feasibility studies; our goals and expenditures for 2025; ongoing support provided to key stakeholders including Native Corporation partners; continuation of Donlin Gold’s salmon smolt monitoring program; Donlin Gold’s continued support for the state and federal permitting process; sufficiency of working capital; the potential development and construction of the Donlin Gold project; the timing and ability for the Donlin Gold project to hit critical milestones; the ability for the Tier One gold development project to hit the anticipated projections; the sufficiency of funds to continue to advance development of Donlin Gold, including to a construction decision; perceived merit of properties; mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates; Donlin Gold’s ability to secure the permits needed to construct and operate the Donlin Gold project in a timely manner, if at all; legal challenges to Donlin Gold’s existing permits and the timing of decisions in those challenges; whether the Donlin Gold LLC board will continue to advance the Donlin Gold project safely, socially responsibly and to sustainably generate value for our stakeholders; continued cooperation between the owners of Donlin Gold LLC to advance the project; the Company’s ability to deliver on its strategy with the Donlin Gold project, increasing shareholder and stakeholder wealth; the success of the strategic mine plan for the Donlin Gold project; the success of the Donlin Gold community relations plan; the outcome of exploration drilling at the Donlin Gold project and the timing thereof; the completion of test work and modeling and the timing thereof. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts but instead represent the expectations of NOVAGOLD management’s estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances on the date the statements are made. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations include the need to obtain additional permits and governmental approvals; the timing and likelihood of obtaining and maintaining permits necessary to construct and operate; the need for additional financing to explore and develop properties and availability of financing in the debt and capital markets; disease pandemics; uncertainties involved in the interpretation of drill results and geological tests and the estimation of reserves and resources; changes in mineral production performance, exploitation and exploration successes; changes in national and local government legislation, taxation, controls or regulations and/or changes in the administration of laws, policies and practices, expropriation or nationalization of property and political or economic developments in the United States or Canada; the need for continued cooperation between Barrick and NOVAGOLD for the continued exploration, development and eventual construction of the Donlin Gold property; the need for additional capital if NOVAGOLD determined to proceed with an updated feasibility study on its own; the need for cooperation of government agencies and Native groups in the development and operation of properties; risks of construction and mining projects such as accidents, equipment breakdowns, bad weather, disease pandemics, non-compliance with environmental and permit requirements, unanticipated variation in geological structures, ore grades or recovery rates; unexpected cost increases, which could include significant increases in estimated capital and operating costs; fluctuations in metal prices and currency exchange rates; whether or when a positive construction decision will be made regarding the Donlin Gold project; and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in NOVAGOLD’s most recent reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q, particularly the “Risk Factors” sections of those reports and other documents filed by NOVAGOLD with applicable securities regulatory authorities from time to time. Copies of these filings may be obtained by visiting NOVAGOLD’s website at, or the SEC’s website at, or on SEDAR+ at The forward-looking statements contained herein reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections of NOVAGOLD on the date the statements are made. NOVAGOLD assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law.
1 NOVAGOLD defines a Tier One gold development project as one with a projected production life of at least 10 years, annual projected production of at least 500,000 ounces of gold, and average projected cash costs over the production life that are in the lower half of the industry cost curve.
2 Per S&P Global Market Intelligence, Donlin Gold is ranked 4th in Measured and Indicated contained ounces among primary gold development projects.
3 Per the Mining Journal Intelligence – World Risk Report 2024, Alaska ranks 13th globally on the Investment Risk Index and received an AA rating, the highest rating category awarded.
4 Per S&P Global Market Intelligence, Donlin Gold is ranked 9th in Measured and Indicated contained ounces among primary gold deposits.
5 Donlin Gold data as per the report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Donlin Gold project, Alaska, USA” with an effective date of June 1, 2021 (the “2021 Technical Report”) and the report titled “S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary on the Donlin Gold project, Alaska, USA” (the “S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary”), dated November 30, 2021. Donlin Gold possesses Measured Resources of approximately 8 Mt grading 2.52 g/t and Indicated Resources of approximately 534 Mt grading 2.24 g/t, each on a
6 Donlin Gold data as per the 2021 Technical Report and the S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary detailed in footnote 5 above, with anticipated life of mine operating cash cost of
7 Donlin Gold data as per the 2021 Technical Report and the S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary detailed in footnote 5 above, with anticipated average annual production of 1.1 million gold ounces over 27 years on a
8 Please see footnote 3 above.
9 Please see footnote 3 above.
10 Donlin Gold data as per the 2021 Technical Report and the S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary. Please see footnote 5 above.