Cloudflare Expands EMEA Operations with New Headquarters to Further Support Growing Customer Demand & Innovation

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Cloudflare (NYSE: NET) has expanded its EMEA operations by opening a new headquarters and technical hub in Lisbon, Portugal. This move supports the company's growing presence in the region, complementing existing offices in London, Paris, Munich, and Dubai. Cloudflare's network now spans 58 cities in Europe, including Lisbon, which was first announced in 2016.

Since establishing its first Lisbon office in 2019, Cloudflare has grown from 14 to over 350 employees in Portugal. The company plans to significantly increase its presence in Lisbon in the coming years. The official opening was celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by Portugal's Minister of Economy and top Cloudflare executives.

Cloudflare's expansion in Portugal aligns with the country's investments in strategic infrastructure, energy, innovation, and R&D. The company cites Portugal's well-connected international hub, vibrant tech ecosystem, and impressive talent pool as key factors for its continued investment in the region.

Cloudflare (NYSE: NET) ha espanso le sue operazioni in EMEA aprendo un nuovo quartier generale e un centro tecnico a Lisbon, Portogallo. Questo passo sostiene la crescente presenza dell'azienda nella regione, complementando gli uffici esistenti a Londra, Parigi, Monaco e Dubai. La rete di Cloudflare ora si estende su 58 città in Europa, inclusa Lisbona, che è stata annunciata per la prima volta nel 2016.

Dalla sua apertura del primo ufficio a Lisbona nel 2019, Cloudflare è cresciuta da 14 a oltre 350 dipendenti in Portogallo. L'azienda prevede di aumentare significativamente la sua presenza a Lisbona nei prossimi anni. L'inaugurazione ufficiale è stata celebrata con una cerimonia di taglio del nastro alla quale hanno partecipato il Ministro dell'Economia del Portogallo e i principali dirigenti di Cloudflare.

L'espansione di Cloudflare in Portogallo è in linea con gli investimenti del paese in infrastrutture strategiche, energia, innovazione e R&S. L'azienda cita il ben collegato hub internazionale del Portogallo, un vivace ecosistema tecnologico e un'impressionante riserva di talento come fattori chiave per il suo continuo investimento nella regione.

Cloudflare (NYSE: NET) ha ampliado sus operaciones en EMEA abriendo una nueva sede y un centro técnico en Lisboa, Portugal. Este movimiento apoya la creciente presencia de la empresa en la región, complementando las oficinas existentes en Londres, París, Múnich y Dubái. La red de Cloudflare ahora abarca 58 ciudades en Europa, incluida Lisboa, que fue anunciada por primera vez en 2016.

Desde el establecimiento de su primera oficina en Lisboa en 2019, Cloudflare ha crecido de 14 a más de 350 empleados en Portugal. La empresa planea aumentar significativamente su presencia en Lisboa en los próximos años. La inauguración oficial se celebró con una ceremonia de corte de cinta a la que asistieron el Ministro de Economía de Portugal y altos ejecutivos de Cloudflare.

La expansión de Cloudflare en Portugal está alineada con las inversiones del país en infraestructura estratégica, energía, innovación y I+D. La empresa cita el bien conectado hub internacional de Portugal, su vibrante ecosistema tecnológico y su impresionante bolsa de talentos como factores clave para su inversión continua en la región.

클라우드플레어(뉴욕증권거래소: NET)는 EMEA 지역의 운영을 확장하여 포르투갈 리스본에 새로운 본사와 기술 센터를 열었습니다. 이 조치는 런던, 파리, 뮌헨, 두바이에 있는 기존 사무소를 보완하며 회사의 지역 내 점진적인 성장을 지원합니다. 클라우드플레어의 네트워크는 이제 유럽 58개 도시로 확대되었으며, 리스본도 포함되어 있으며, 이는 2016년에 처음 발표되었습니다.

2019년에 리스본에 첫 사무소를 설립한 이후, 클라우드플레어는 포르투갈에서 14명에서 350명 이상의 직원으로 성장했습니다. 이 회사는 향후 몇 년 동안 리스본에서 상당히 더 많은 존재감을 확장할 계획입니다. 공식 개막식은 포르투갈 경제부 장관과 클라우드플레어 고위 임원들이 참석한 가운데 리본 커팅식으로 기념되었습니다.

클라우드플레어의 포르투갈 확장은 국가의 전략적 인프라, 에너지, 혁신 및 연구개발(R&D) 투자와 일치합니다. 이 회사는 포르투갈의 잘 연결된 국제 허브, 활기찬 기술 생태계 및 인상적인 인재 풀을 계속해서 투자하는 주요 요인으로 보고 있습니다.

Cloudflare (NYSE: NET) a étendu ses opérations en EMEA en ouvrant un nouveau siège et un centre technique à Lisbonne, Portugal. Ce mouvement soutient la présence croissante de l'entreprise dans la région, complétant les bureaux existants à Londres, Paris, Munich et Dubaï. Le réseau de Cloudflare s'étend désormais sur 58 villes en Europe, y compris Lisbonne, qui a été annoncée pour la première fois en 2016.

Depuis l'établissement de son premier bureau à Lisbonne en 2019, Cloudflare est passée de 14 à plus de 350 employés au Portugal. L'entreprise prévoit de significativement augmenter sa présence à Lisbonne dans les années à venir. L'ouverture officielle a été célébrée par une cérémonie de coupure de ruban à laquelle ont assisté le ministre de l'Économie du Portugal et des dirigeants de haut niveau de Cloudflare.

L'expansion de Cloudflare au Portugal est en accord avec les investissements du pays dans l'infrastructure stratégique, l'énergie, l'innovation et la R&D. L'entreprise cite le hub international bien connecté du Portugal, son écosystème technologique dynamique et son impressionnant vivier de talents comme des facteurs clés de son investissement continu dans la région.

Cloudflare (NYSE: NET) hat seine EMEA-Operationen erweitert, indem es eine neue Hauptzentrale und ein technisches Zentrum in Lisabon, Portugal eröffnet hat. Dieser Schritt unterstützt die wachsende Präsenz des Unternehmens in der Region und ergänzt die bestehenden Büros in London, Paris, München und Dubai. Das Netzwerk von Cloudflare erstreckt sich nun über 58 Städte in Europa, einschließlich Lissabon, das erstmals 2016 angekündigt wurde.

Seit der Eröffnung seines ersten Büros in Lissabon im Jahr 2019 ist Cloudflare von 14 auf über 350 Mitarbeiter in Portugal gewachsen. Das Unternehmen plant, seine Präsenz in Lissabon erheblich zu erhöhen in den kommenden Jahren. Die offizielle Eröffnung wurde mit einer Zeremonie zur Eröffnung gefeiert, an der der Minister für Wirtschaft Portugals und hochrangige Führungskräfte von Cloudflare teilnahmen.

Die Expansion von Cloudflare in Portugal steht im Einklang mit den Investitionen des Landes in strategische Infrastruktur, Energie, Innovation und F&E. Das Unternehmen nennt den gut vernetzten internationalen Knotenpunkt Portugals, das dynamische Technologie-Ökosystem und den beeindruckenden Talentpool als entscheidende Faktoren für seine fortlaufenden Investitionen in der Region.

  • Expansion of EMEA operations with new headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal
  • Growth from 14 to over 350 employees in Portugal since 2019
  • Plans for significant increase in presence in Lisbon
  • Network spans 58 cities in Europe
  • Support from Portuguese government and alignment with country's strategic investments
  • None.


Cloudflare's expansion in Lisbon signifies a strategic move to strengthen its EMEA presence. The growth from 14 to over 350 employees in Portugal since 2019 demonstrates strong regional traction. This expansion aligns with Portugal's focus on attracting tech talent and investment, potentially creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem.

For investors, this move indicates Cloudflare's commitment to international growth, particularly in Europe. The company's ability to attract talent in a competitive market is a positive sign. However, the impact on immediate financials may be , as the benefits of this expansion will likely materialize over the long term.

The presence of high-profile customers in the region, including Allianz and L'Oréal, suggests strong market penetration. This could lead to increased revenue opportunities as Cloudflare deepens its European footprint. Investors should monitor how this expansion translates into revenue growth and market share gains in the EMEA region over the coming quarters.

Cloudflare grows its presence in EMEA with new operations in Lisbon, Portugal

SAN FRANCISCO & LISBON, Portugal--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), the leading connectivity cloud company, today announced the opening of a new headquarters and technical hub in Lisbon, Portugal to further support its growing EMEA operations and offices in London, Paris, Munich, and Dubai. Portugal already represents a growing Cloudflare team.

Today, Cloudflare’s network currently spans 58 cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal, which was announced in 2016. Cloudflare announced its first office in Lisbon in 2019. Since establishing an office in the region, the company has grown from 14 employees to more than 350 in Portugal. Cloudflare plans to significantly increase its presence in Lisbon over the coming years.

Cloudflare celebrated the official opening of its new office with a ribbon cutting ceremony, followed by a reception attended by Portugal’s Minister of Economy, Mr. Pedro Reis, along with other Portuguese officials. Top Cloudflare executives were also in attendance, including Cloudflare co-founder and CEO Matthew Prince, and John Graham-Cumming, CTO & Head of the Lisbon office, which he opened in July 2019.

“Portugal is playing a role in the emerging geo-economy over the next few years. We are massively investing in strategic infrastructure, energy, innovation, and research and development. And, we want to continue to develop and attract new talents. We are very happy that Cloudflare continues to be committed to Portugal. Cloudflare shares many of our values and we envision it not just as a partner in these values, but as a part of our future,” says Mr. Pedro Reis, Minister of Economy of Portugal.

“Cloudflare has been invested in Portugal for the past eight years, and it continues to be a well-connected international hub and a vibrant tech ecosystem. It’s home to an impressive talent pool and supportive government initiatives,” said Matthew Prince co-founder & CEO of Cloudflare. “We’ve attracted a terrific team in Portugal, and Lisbon’s vibrant charm and inclusivity attracted a number of our global team members to also call it home.”

Cloudflare is planning further expansion in the region as it continues to grow its network globally. Its network already supports millions of Internet properties – including a significant number of customers in the EMEA region and Portugal, such as Allianz, Banco de Portugal, Carrefour, Clever Advertising, DHL, Doctolib, L'Oréal, TAP Air Portugal, Porsche Informatik, and the Portuguese Football Federation. Other notable customers include Roche, Sage, WA Technology, and Zalando. Cloudflare will continue to work closely with partners to support joint customers and drive further growth in the region.

About Cloudflare

Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET) is the leading connectivity cloud company. It empowers organizations to make their employees, applications and networks faster and more secure everywhere, while reducing complexity and cost. Cloudflare's connectivity cloud delivers the most full-featured, unified platform of cloud-native products and developer tools, so any organization can gain the control they need to work, develop, and accelerate their business.

Powered by one of the world's largest and most interconnected networks, Cloudflare blocks billions of threats online for its customers every day. It is trusted by millions of organizations—from the largest brands to entrepreneurs and small businesses to nonprofits, humanitarian groups, and governments across the globe.

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as "may," "will," "should," "expect," "explore," "plan," "anticipate," "could," "intend," "target," "project," "contemplate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential," or "continue," or the negative of these words, or other similar terms or expressions that concern Cloudflare's expectations, strategy, plans, or intentions. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements expressed or implied in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding Cloudflare’s products and technology, Cloudflare's technological development, future results of operations, financial condition, operations, growth, initiatives, strategies, future market trends, plans to expand Cloudflare’s network or office locations, and comments made by Cloudflare's CEO and others. Actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including but not limited to, risks detailed in Cloudflare's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including Cloudflare's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on August 1, 2024, as well as other filings that Cloudflare may make from time to time with the SEC.

The forward-looking statements made in this press release relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made. Cloudflare undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements made in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to reflect new information or the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law. Cloudflare may not actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in Cloudflare's forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on Cloudflare's forward-looking statements.

© 2024 Cloudflare, Inc. All rights reserved. Cloudflare, the Cloudflare logo, and other Cloudflare marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Cloudflare, Inc. in the U.S. and other jurisdictions. All other marks and names referenced herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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Cloudflare, Inc.

Source: Cloudflare, Inc.


What is Cloudflare's (NET) latest expansion in Europe?

Cloudflare (NET) has opened a new headquarters and technical hub in Lisbon, Portugal, to support its growing EMEA operations.

How many employees does Cloudflare (NET) have in Portugal?

Cloudflare (NET) has grown from 14 to over 350 employees in Portugal since establishing its first office in Lisbon in 2019.

How many European cities does Cloudflare's (NET) network cover?

Cloudflare's (NET) network currently spans 58 cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal.

What are Cloudflare's (NET) plans for future growth in Lisbon?

Cloudflare (NET) plans to significantly increase its presence in Lisbon over the coming years, building on its current team of over 350 employees in Portugal.

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