Nephros to Participate in the Benchmark Company Annual Discovery One-on-One Investor Conference on December 11, 2024 in NYC
Nephros (Nasdaq: NEPH), a leading water technology company specializing in medical and commercial filtration solutions, has announced its participation in the Benchmark Company 13th Annual Discovery One-on-One Investor Conference. The event will take place on December 11, 2024, at the New York Athletic Club in New York City.
CEO Robert Banks and CFO Judy Krandel will represent Nephros at the conference, conducting one-on-one and group meetings with investors and analysts throughout the day. The conference format is designed to connect emerging growth companies with institutional and individual investors.
Nephros (Nasdaq: NEPH), un'azienda leader nel settore delle tecnologie per l'acqua specializzata in soluzioni di filtrazione mediche e commerciali, ha annunciato la sua partecipazione al Benchmark Company 13° Annual Discovery One-on-One Investor Conference. L'evento si svolgerà il 11 dicembre 2024, presso il New York Athletic Club a New York City.
Il CEO Robert Banks e il CFO Judy Krandel rappresenteranno Nephros alla conferenza, conducendo incontri individuali e di gruppo con investitori e analisti durante tutto il giorno. Il formato della conferenza è progettato per connettere le aziende in crescita emergenti con investitori istituzionali e singoli.
Nephros (Nasdaq: NEPH), una empresa líder en tecnología del agua especializada en soluciones de filtración médica y comercial, ha anunciado su participación en la Benchmark Company 13ª Conferencia Anual de Descubrimiento Uno-a-Uno para Inversionistas. El evento se llevará a cabo el 11 de diciembre de 2024, en el New York Athletic Club en la ciudad de Nueva York.
El CEO Robert Banks y la CFO Judy Krandel representarán a Nephros en la conferencia, realizando reuniones uno-a-uno y grupales con inversores y analistas a lo largo del día. El formato de la conferencia está diseñado para conectar a empresas emergentes en crecimiento con inversores institucionales y individuales.
Nephros (Nasdaq: NEPH)는 의료 및 상업용 필터링 솔루션에 특화된 수처리 기술 회사입니다. 이 회사는 Benchmark Company 제13회 연례 투자자 일대일 발견 회의에 참가한다고 발표했습니다. 이 행사는 2024년 12월 11일 뉴욕시의 뉴욕 육상 클럽에서 개최됩니다.
CEO 로버트 뱅크스와 CFO 주디 크란델이 회의에서 Nephros를 대표하여 투자자 및 분석가와 일대일 및 그룹 미팅을 진행할 예정입니다. 이 회의 형식은 신흥 성장 기업과 기관 및 개인 투자자를 연결하기 위해 설계되었습니다.
Nephros (Nasdaq: NEPH), une entreprise leader dans le domaine de la technologie de l'eau spécialisée dans les solutions de filtration médicale et commerciale, a annoncé sa participation à la 13ème Conférence Annuelle de Découverte One-on-One des Investisseurs de la Benchmark Company. L'événement se déroulera le 11 décembre 2024, au New York Athletic Club à New York.
Le PDG Robert Banks et la CFO Judy Krandel représenteront Nephros lors de la conférence, en participant à des réunions individuelles et de groupe avec des investisseurs et des analystes tout au long de la journée. Le format de la conférence est conçu pour relier les entreprises émergentes en croissance aux investisseurs institutionnels et individuels.
Nephros (Nasdaq: NEPH), ein führendes Wassertechnologieunternehmen, das sich auf medizinische und kommerzielle Filtrationslösungen spezialisiert hat, hat seine Teilnahme an der Benchmark Company 13. jährlichen Discovery One-on-One Investor Conference bekannt gegeben. Die Veranstaltung findet am 11. Dezember 2024 im New York Athletic Club in New York City statt.
CEO Robert Banks und CFO Judy Krandel werden Nephros auf der Konferenz vertreten und den ganzen Tag über Einzel- und Gruppenmeetings mit Investoren und Analysten abhalten. Das Format der Konferenz ist darauf ausgelegt, aufstrebende Wachstumsunternehmen mit institutionellen und privaten Investoren zu verbinden.
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SOUTH ORANGE, N.J., Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nephros, Inc. (Nasdaq: NEPH), a leading water technology company providing filtration solutions to the medical and commercial markets, today announced that it will be participating in the Benchmark Company 13th Annual Discovery One-on-One Investor Conference. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at the New York Athletic Club in New York City.
Robert Banks, CEO and Judy Krandel, CFO of Nephros, Inc. will be hosting one-on-one and group investor meetings. If you would like to schedule a 1x1 investor meeting please make sure you are registered here:
The conference offers emerging growth and dynamic publicly traded companies access to institutional and individual investors in a unique one-on-one format during which Nephros will be participating in one-on-one meetings with investors and analysts throughout the day.
About The Benchmark Company
The Benchmark Company is an institutionally focused, research driven, sales trading and investment banking firm. We were founded in 1988 and are headquartered in New York City. Our focus is on fostering the long-term success of our corporate clients through raising capital, providing strategic advisory services, generating insightful research, and developing institutional sponsorship by leveraging the firm’s sales, trading, and equity research capabilities.
About Nephros
Nephros is committed to improving the human relationship with water through leading, accessible technology. We provide innovative water filtration products and services, along with water-quality education, as part of an integrated approach to water safety. Nephros goods serve the needs of customers within the healthcare and commercial markets, offering both proactive and emergency solutions for water management.
For more information about Nephros, please visit us at
Investor Relations Contacts:
Kirin Smith, President
PCG Advisory, Inc.
(646) 823-8656
Robert Banks, CEO
Nephros, Inc.
(201) 343-5202 x110