NeoVolta Secures $1.4 Million Deal with National Renewable Energy Partners Expanding Dealer Network in Several New States

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NeoVolta Inc. (NASDAQ: NEOV) has secured a $1.4 million deal with National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP), expanding its dealer network into Ohio, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. The purchase order for 150 NV14s highlights growing demand for energy storage across the U.S. as states focus on enhancing grid resilience.

CEO Ardes Johnson emphasized the significance of this partnership in empowering homeowners with innovative solar energy storage solutions. NREP President Antonio Ranieri expressed excitement about the collaboration, stating it strengthens their mission to provide sustainable energy solutions and drives the clean energy revolution forward.

NeoVolta expects the trend of solar systems with storage adoption to expand to other states, following California's nearly 100% adoption rate due to regulatory changes.

NeoVolta Inc. (NASDAQ: NEOV) ha ottenuto un contratto da 1,4 milioni di dollari con National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP), ampliando la sua rete di rivenditori in Ohio, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana e Pennsylvania. L'ordine di acquisto per 150 NV14 evidenzia la crescente domanda di soluzioni di stoccaggio energetico negli Stati Uniti, poiché gli stati si concentrano sul miglioramento della resilienza della rete.

Il CEO Ardes Johnson ha sottolineato l'importanza di questa partnership nel potenziare i proprietari di casa con soluzioni innovative per lo stoccaggio di energia solare. Il Presidente di NREP, Antonio Ranieri, ha espresso entusiasmo per la collaborazione, affermando che rafforza la loro missione di fornire soluzioni energetiche sostenibili e spinge avanti la rivoluzione dell'energia pulita.

NeoVolta si aspetta che la tendenza all'adozione di sistemi solari con stoccaggio si estenda ad altri stati, seguendo il tasso di adozione quasi del 100% in California a causa dei cambiamenti normativi.

NeoVolta Inc. (NASDAQ: NEOV) ha asegurado un contrato de 1.4 millones de dólares con National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP), ampliando su red de distribuidores en Ohio, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana y Pennsylvania. La orden de compra de 150 NV14 resalta la creciente demanda de almacenamiento de energía en EE.UU. a medida que los estados se enfocan en mejorar la resiliencia de la red.

El CEO Ardes Johnson enfatizó la importancia de esta asociación en empoderar a los propietarios de viviendas con soluciones innovadoras de almacenamiento de energía solar. El presidente de NREP, Antonio Ranieri, expresó su entusiasmo por la colaboración, afirmando que fortalece su misión de proporcionar soluciones energéticas sostenibles y promueve la revolución de la energía limpia.

NeoVolta espera que la tendencia de adopción de sistemas solares con almacenamiento se expanda a otros estados, siguiendo la tasa de adopción cercana al 100% en California debido a cambios regulatorios.

NeoVolta Inc. (NASDAQ: NEOV)는 National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP)와 140만 달러 계약을 체결하여 오하이오, 텍사스, 코네티컷, 인디애나, 펜실베이니아로 dealer 네트워크를 확장했습니다. 150 NV14에 대한 구매 주문은 주들이 전력망의 복원력을 강화하는 데 집중함에 따라 미국 전역에서 에너지 저장에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있음을 강조합니다.

CEO 아르데스 존슨은 이 파트너십의 중요성을 강조하며 혁신적인 태양광 에너지 저장 솔루션으로 주택 소유자를 지원하는 것의 중요성을 말했습니다. NREP의 회장 안토니오 라니에리는 이 협력에 대한 기대감을 표명하며, 이 협력이 지속 가능한 에너지 솔루션을 제공하는 그들의 사명을 강화하고 청정 에너지 혁명을 진전시킨다고 말했습니다.

NeoVolta는 캘리포니아의 거의 100% 채택률에 이어 다른 주에서도 저장 시스템을 갖춘 태양광 시스템의 채택 추세가 확산될 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

NeoVolta Inc. (NASDAQ: NEOV) a conclu un contrat de 1,4 million de dollars avec National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP), élargissant son réseau de distributeurs dans l'Ohio, le Texas, le Connecticut, l'Indiana et la Pennsylvanie. La commande de 150 NV14 met en évidence la demande croissante de solutions de stockage d'énergie aux États-Unis, les États se concentrant sur l'amélioration de la résilience du réseau.

Le PDG Ardes Johnson a souligné l'importance de ce partenariat pour autonomiser les propriétaires grâce à des solutions innovantes de stockage d'énergie solaire. Le président de NREP, Antonio Ranieri, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour cette collaboration, affirmant qu'elle renforce leur mission de fournir des solutions énergétiques durables et fait progresser la révolution de l'énergie propre.

NeoVolta s'attend à ce que la tendance à l'adoption de systèmes solaires avec stockage s'étende à d'autres États, à la suite d'un taux d'adoption de près de 100 % en Californie grâce à des changements réglementaires.

NeoVolta Inc. (NASDAQ: NEOV) hat einen Vertrag über 1,4 Millionen Dollar mit National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP) gesichert und sein Händlernetz auf Ohio, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana und Pennsylvania ausgeweitet. Die Bestellung über 150 NV14 hebt die wachsende Nachfrage nach Energiespeichern in den USA hervor, da sich die Bundesstaaten auf die Verbesserung der Netzresilienz konzentrieren.

CEO Ardes Johnson betonte die Bedeutung dieser Partnerschaft, um Hausbesitzern innovative Lösungen zur Speicherung von Solarenergie zu bieten. NREP-Präsident Antonio Ranieri äußerte Begeisterung über die Zusammenarbeit und erklärte, dass sie ihre Mission zur Bereitstellung nachhaltiger Energielösungen stärken und die revolutionäre Entwicklung der sauberen Energien vorantreiben wird.

NeoVolta erwartet, dass sich der Trend zur Annahme von Solarsystemen mit Speicherung auf andere Bundesstaaten ausdehnen wird, nachdem Kalifornien fast 100 % Annahmequote aufgrund regulatorischer Änderungen erreicht hat.

  • Secured a $1.4 million deal with National Renewable Energy Partners
  • Expansion of dealer network into five new states
  • Purchase order for 150 NV14 energy storage units
  • Growing demand for energy storage solutions across the U.S.
  • Potential for increased adoption of solar systems with storage in new markets
  • None.


The $1.4 million deal with National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP) is a significant development for NeoVolta, representing a substantial order relative to its $97.7 million market cap. This expansion into new states like Ohio, Texas and Connecticut diversifies NeoVolta's geographic footprint, potentially reducing market concentration risk.

The order for 150 NV14 units indicates growing demand for residential energy storage solutions beyond California. As regulatory changes drive adoption in other states, NeoVolta is positioning itself to capitalize on this trend. The nearly 100% adoption rate of solar systems with storage in California could be a leading indicator for other markets, suggesting significant growth potential.

However, investors should note that while this deal is promising, it's important to monitor how quickly NeoVolta can scale operations and maintain margins as it enters new markets. The company's ability to execute on this expansion and secure additional large orders will be key to its long-term success and stock performance.

NeoVolta's expansion into new states aligns with the broader trend of increasing grid resilience through distributed energy resources. The deal with NREP is indicative of a shifting landscape in the U.S. energy sector, where residential storage is becoming a critical component of the grid infrastructure.

The move into states like Texas, which has faced significant grid challenges, could be particularly strategic. As more regions experience grid instability due to extreme weather events or aging infrastructure, demand for home energy storage solutions is likely to grow.

However, NeoVolta will face competition from established players in the energy storage market. The company's success will depend on its ability to differentiate its products, maintain technological edge and build strong partnerships with installers and distributors. The NREP deal is a positive step, but sustained growth will require consistent execution and possibly further product innovation to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (NASDAQ: NEOV), NeoVolta Inc., a leading provider of advanced energy storage solutions, is pleased to announce a $1.4 million dollar deal with National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP). This purchase order expands NeoVolta’s dealer network into several new states including Ohio, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, capitalizing on emerging opportunities in the residential energy sector.

This purchase order for 150 NV14s highlights the growing demand for energy storage across the U.S. As states focus on enhancing grid resilience, they are increasingly turning to local storage solutions to ease grid strain. In California, regulatory changes have led to a nearly 100% adoption rate of solar systems with storage, and NeoVolta expects this trend to expand to other states.

"Today marks a significant milestone for NeoVolta as we secure a $1.4 million deal with National Renewable Energy Partners. This partnership not only expands our dealer network into key states like Ohio, Texas, and Connecticut, but also reinforces our commitment to empowering homeowners with innovative solar energy storage solutions. Together, we are shaping a more sustainable future,” said Ardes Johnson, CEO of NeoVolta.

"We're excited to partner with NeoVolta on this $1.4 million deal, which allows us to expand our reach into vital markets. As we enter a new era of energy independence, it’s clear that battery storage must be an integral part of the solution. This collaboration not only strengthens our mission to provide sustainable energy solutions but also empowers homeowners with reliable, renewable options. Together, we’re not just expanding our networks; we’re driving the clean energy revolution forward," said Antonio Ranieri, President of National Renewable Energy Partners.

NeoVolta Inc. is a cutting-edge provider of energy storage solutions, committed to advancing the future of residential solar energy. Our innovative technologies are designed to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability, providing customers with reliable and advanced solutions for their energy needs.

In the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, National Renewable Energy Partners (NREP) has emerged as a significant player dedicated to advancing solar energy solutions across the United States. Established in 2009, this company is rooted in its commitment to providing sustainable energy options, particularly through the development of photovoltaic energy systems. With a focus on commercial and nonprofit sectors, NREP is not just a business; it is a community-oriented enterprise that aims to empower its clients to take control of their energy future.

For more information visit: email us: Contact: Kate Countryman Or call us: 858-239-2349

Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements in this release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve risks and uncertainties. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date made, expectations may prove to have been materially different from the results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company has attempted to identify forward-looking statements by terminology including ‘believes,’ ‘estimates,’ ‘anticipates,’ ‘expects,’ ‘plans,’ ‘projects,’ ‘intends,’ ‘potential,’ ‘may,’ ‘could,’ ‘might,’ ‘will,’ ‘should,’ ‘approximately’ or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, including those discussed under Item 1A. “Risk Factors” in the Company’s most recently filed Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and updated from time to time in its Form 10-Q filings and in its other public filings with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements contained in this release speak only as of its date. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release to reflect events or circumstances occurring after its date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


What is the value of NeoVolta's (NEOV) recent deal with National Renewable Energy Partners?

NeoVolta (NEOV) secured a $1.4 million deal with National Renewable Energy Partners.

Which new states is NeoVolta (NEOV) expanding its dealer network into?

NeoVolta (NEOV) is expanding its dealer network into Ohio, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.

How many NV14 units did National Renewable Energy Partners order from NeoVolta (NEOV)?

National Renewable Energy Partners placed a purchase order for 150 NV14 units from NeoVolta (NEOV).

What trend does NeoVolta (NEOV) expect to see in other states regarding solar systems with storage?

NeoVolta (NEOV) expects the trend of high adoption rates for solar systems with storage, similar to California's nearly 100% adoption rate, to expand to other states.

NeoVolta Inc.


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Electrical Equipment & Parts
Miscellaneous Electrical Machinery, Equipment & Supplies
United States of America