Neogen® Launches New MDA2 Quantitative Salmonella Molecular Detection Assay
Neogen (NASDAQ: NEOG) has launched a new quantitative Salmonella molecular detection assay, MDA2QSAL96. This innovative product combines qualitative pathogen testing with Quantitative Rapid Enrichment Dehydrated (QRED) media, specifically designed for poultry producers to verify intervention effectiveness.
The new assay offers enhanced consistency and sensitivity for poultry rinses and ground poultry meat testing, featuring an efficient workflow that optimizes time and resources. It joins Neogen's suite of next-generation assays on their Molecular Detection System platform, which utilizes isothermal DNA amplification and bioluminescence detection technology.
Notably, the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service has designated Neogen's Molecular Detection System as the primary method for detecting various pathogens, including Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Listeria spp. The system is currently utilized in over 40 countries by food processors, universities, governments, and testing laboratories.
Neogen (NASDAQ: NEOG) ha lanciato un nuovo test quantitativo per la rilevazione molecolare della Salmonella, MDA2QSAL96. Questo prodotto innovativo combina il test qualitativo per patogeni con il mezzo di arricchimento rapido disidratato quantitativo (QRED), progettato specificamente per i produttori avicoli per verificare l'efficacia degli interventi.
Il nuovo test offre una maggiore coerenza e sensibilità per i risciacqui avicoli e i test su carne di pollame macinata, con un flusso di lavoro efficiente che ottimizza tempo e risorse. Si unisce al portafoglio di test di nuova generazione di Neogen sulla loro piattaforma Molecular Detection System, che utilizza tecnologie di amplificazione del DNA isotermica e di rilevamento bioluminescente.
È importante notare che il USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service ha designato il sistema di rilevazione molecolare di Neogen come metodo principale per rilevare vari patogeni, tra cui Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes e Listeria spp. Il sistema è attualmente utilizzato in oltre 40 paesi da trasformatori alimentari, università, governi e laboratori di test.
Neogen (NASDAQ: NEOG) ha lanzado un nuevo ensayo cuantitativo de detección molecular de Salmonella, MDA2QSAL96. Este producto innovador combina la prueba cualitativa de patógenos con medios de enriquecimiento rápido deshidratados cuantitativos (QRED), diseñados específicamente para que los productores avícolas verifiquen la efectividad de las intervenciones.
El nuevo ensayo ofrece una mayor consistencia y sensibilidad para los enjuagues de aves de corral y las pruebas de carne de ave molida, presentando un flujo de trabajo eficiente que optimiza el tiempo y los recursos. Se une a la gama de ensayos de nueva generación de Neogen en su plataforma de Sistema de Detección Molecular, que utiliza tecnología de amplificación de ADN isotérmica y detección por bioluminiscencia.
Cabe destacar que el USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service ha designado el Sistema de Detección Molecular de Neogen como el método principal para detectar varios patógenos, incluidos Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes y Listeria spp. El sistema se utiliza actualmente en más de 40 países por procesadores de alimentos, universidades, gobiernos y laboratorios de pruebas.
Neogen (NASDAQ: NEOG)은 새로운 정량적 살모넬라 분자 탐지 검사인 MDA2QSAL96을 출시했습니다. 이 혁신적인 제품은 질병 원인체 분석을 정성 검사와 정량적 신속 증식 탈수 매체(QRED)와 결합해, 조류 생산자들이 개입의 효과성을 검증할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
새로운 검사는 조류 헹굼과 분쇄된 조류 고기 테스트에 대한 일관성과 민감도를 향상시켜, 시간과 자원을 최적화하는 효율적인 워크플로우를 제공합니다. 이는 Neogen의 분자 탐지 시스템 플랫폼에서 차세대 검사 제품군에 추가되며, 이 시스템은 등온 DNA 증폭과 생물 발광 탐지 기술을 활용합니다.
특히, USDA 식품 안전 및 검사 서비스는 Neogen의 분자 탐지 시스템을 살모넬라, 리스테리아 모노사이토제네스 및 리스테리아 spp.를 포함한 다양한 병원체를 탐지하기 위한 주요 방법으로 지정했습니다. 이 시스템은 현재 40개국 이상에서 식품 가공업체, 대학, 정부 및 검사 연구소에 의해 사용되고 있습니다.
Neogen (NASDAQ: NEOG) a lancé un nouvel essai de détection moléculaire quantitatif de Salmonella, le MDA2QSAL96. Ce produit innovant combine des tests qualitatifs de pathogènes avec un milieu de déshydratation rapide et quantitatif (QRED), spécifiquement conçu pour aider les producteurs de volaille à vérifier l'efficacité des interventions.
Le nouvel essai offre une cohérence et une sensibilité accrues pour les rincées de volaille et les tests de viande de volaille hachée, bénéficiant d'un flux de travail efficace qui optimise le temps et les ressources. Il s'ajoute à la gamme d'essais de nouvelle génération de Neogen sur leur plateforme de Système de Détection Moléculaire, qui utilise une amplification d'ADN isothermique et une technologie de détection par bioluminescence.
Il est à noter que le USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service a désigné le Système de Détection Moléculaire de Neogen comme la méthode principale pour détecter divers pathogènes, y compris Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes et Listeria spp. Le système est actuellement utilisé dans plus de 40 pays par des transformateurs alimentaires, des universités, des gouvernements et des laboratoires d'analyse.
Neogen (NASDAQ: NEOG) hat einen neuen quantitativen molekularen Test zur Salmonellen检测 eingeführt, MDA2QSAL96. Dieses innovative Produkt kombiniert qualitative Pathogen-Tests mit quantitativen schnell anreichernden dehydrierte (QRED) Medien, die speziell für Geflügelproduzenten entwickelt wurden, um die Wirksamkeit von Interventionen zu überprüfen.
Der neue Test bietet eine verbesserte Konsistenz und Sensitivität für Geflügelspülungen und die Prüfung von gehacktem Geflügelfleisch und zeichnet sich durch einen effizienten Arbeitsablauf aus, der Zeit und Ressourcen optimiert. Er erweitert Neogens Portfolio an modernen Tests auf der Plattform des Molekularen Detektionssystems, das isothermische DNA-Amplifikation und biolumineszente Detektionstechnologie nutzt.
Bemerkenswert ist, dass der USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service das Molekulare Detektionssystem von Neogen als primäre Methode zur Erkennung verschiedener Pathogene, einschließlich Salmonellen, Listeria monocytogenes und Listeria spp., klassifiziert hat. Das System wird derzeit in über 40 Ländern von Lebensmittelverarbeitern, Universitäten, Regierungen und Testlaboren eingesetzt.
- USDA FSIS designation as primary detection method for key pathogens
- Global market presence in 40+ countries
- Product expansion in food safety testing portfolio
- None.
The launch of MDA2QSAL96 represents a strategic expansion of NEOG's molecular detection portfolio, specifically targeting the $4.5 billion global food safety testing market. The USDA FSIS endorsement as the primary detection method provides significant competitive advantage and positions NEOG favorably against competitors like Bio-Rad and 3M in the food safety diagnostics space.
The product addresses a critical need in the $35.5 billion poultry processing industry, where Salmonella testing is mandatory and compliance costs are substantial. The improved workflow efficiency and resource optimization could translate to meaningful cost savings for customers, potentially driving adoption rates. However, market penetration will depend on pricing strategy and the ability to demonstrate superior ROI compared to existing solutions.
For investors, while this product launch strengthens NEOG's market position, the immediate revenue impact may be modest given the gradual adoption cycle typical in the food safety industry. The real value lies in the expansion of NEOG's testing platform ecosystem and the potential for recurring revenue through consumable sales.
The technical specifications of MDA2QSAL96 represent several notable advancements in food pathogen testing. The integration of QRED media for controlled growth rates enables more precise quantification, which is important for validating intervention effectiveness in poultry processing. The dual capability for qualitative and quantitative testing in a single platform increases operational efficiency.
The system's isothermal DNA amplification combined with bioluminescence detection offers advantages over traditional PCR methods, particularly in terms of speed and simplicity. The expanded test menu covering multiple pathogens (Salmonella, E. coli O157, Listeria) enhances the platform's utility and value proposition.
Most significantly, the USDA FSIS designation as the primary detection method for multiple pathogens validates the technology's reliability and accuracy. This official recognition typically accelerates adoption in regulated food processing environments and could lead to increased market share in the food safety testing segment.
The Neogen MDA2QSAL96 kit integrates qualitative pathogen testing solutions and Quantitative Rapid Enrichment Dehydrated (QRED) media designed to enable controlled growth rates for quantitation, allowing poultry producers to verify the effectiveness of their interventions. This quantitative method delivers excellent consistency and sensitivity on poultry rinses and ground poultry meat, with an easy-to-use workflow that saves time and resources.
"We are pleased to bring this advanced technology to our customers, helping them to enhance their food safety program and address a challenging need in the poultry industry," said John Adent, Neogen's President and CEO. "This assay overcomes certain limitations of existing solutions, with improved sensitivity and accuracy, and an easy-to-use workflow."
The product joins several other next-generation assays, including Salmonella, Salmonella Enteriditis and Typhimurium, E. coli O157 (including H7), Listeria spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter, STEC gene screen (stx and eae), STEC gene screen (stx), and Cronobacter, as part of the Neogen Molecular Detection System pathogen testing platform.
The award-winning Neogen Molecular Detection System platform is used by food processors, universities, governments, and contract testing laboratories in more than 40 countries. It is powered by a combination of advanced technologies—isothermal DNA amplification and bioluminescence detection—to provide a pathogen testing solution that is fast, accurate, easy to use, and affordable.
Individuals interested in this new technology may contact their local Neogen Food Safety representative or visit to learn more.
About Neogen
Neogen Corporation is committed to fueling a brighter future for global food security through the advancement of human and animal well-being. Harnessing the power of science and technology, Neogen has developed comprehensive solutions spanning the Food Safety, Livestock, and Pet Health & Wellness markets. A world leader in these fields, Neogen has a presence in over 140 countries with a dedicated network of scientists and technical experts focused on delivering optimized products and technology for its customers.
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