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NorthEast Community Bancorp has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.06 per common share, set to be paid on or about May 8, 2023. Shareholders of record as of April 11, 2023 will benefit from this dividend. The company operates eight branches in New York and three in Massachusetts, focusing on providing financial services in its market area. This announcement reflects the company's commitment to returning value to its shareholders amidst ongoing economic conditions.
NorthEast Community Bancorp (Nasdaq: NECB) will hold its annual stockholders meeting on May 25, 2023. The meeting will provide an opportunity for shareholders to discuss corporate governance and strategic direction. NorthEast Community Bank operates 11 branches across New York and Massachusetts, offering various banking services. The bank actively monitors market conditions, including interest rates and economic indicators, which impact its operations and credit quality.
For further updates, shareholders are encouraged to review the company's annual reports filed with the SEC, highlighting ongoing risks and uncertainties that may affect future performance.
NorthEast Community Bancorp (Nasdaq: NECB) reported significant financial growth for the year ended December 31, 2022. Net income surged to $24.8 million, translating to $1.61 per share, up from $11.9 million or $0.75 per share in the previous year. For Q4 2022, net income was $8.3 million, compared to $4.2 million in Q4 2021. Net interest income increased by 47.5% to $63.9 million for the year, driven by robust loan originations of $700.1 million. Total assets grew by 16.3% to $1.4 billion, while non-performing assets decreased to $1.5 million. The Company’s capital ratios remain strong, with a tier 1 leverage capital ratio of 16.49%.
NorthEast Community Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq: NECB) has announced a quarterly cash dividend of $0.06 per common share, payable on February 6, 2023, to shareholders on record as of January 3, 2023. The company operates eleven branches across New York and Massachusetts under NorthEast Community Bank. This dividend declaration indicates the company's commitment to returning value to its shareholders amidst the challenging economic environment, characterized by uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and market conditions.
NorthEast Community Bancorp (Nasdaq: NECB) reported strong financial results for Q3 and YTD 2022. Net income surged to $7.5 million and $16.6 million, reflecting increases of 933.2% and 115.4%, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2021. Net interest income rose 60% to $17.5 million for Q3. Loan originations reached $499.2 million, emphasizing robust demand amid rising interest rates. Total assets increased by 4.9% to $1.3 billion. The company's asset quality remains solid, with non-performing assets at 0.14% of total assets. Overall, the outlook is positive despite economic challenges.
What is the current stock price of Northeast Community Bancorp (NECB)?