Nordson Corporation and Nordson Corporation Foundation Give More than $10 million to Charitable Organizations in Fiscal Year 2024

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Nordson (Nasdaq: NDSN) and Nordson Foundation announced a contribution exceeding $10 million to charitable organizations during its 2024 fiscal year, ending October 31. The philanthropic efforts focus on STEM education, human welfare, and arts and culture, with $4.6 million allocated to education. The company awarded $907,000 in scholarships to 209 students through various programs, including the Nordson BUILDS Scholarship program, which distributed $458,125 to 88 recipients attending prestigious institutions such as Boston University and California Institute of Technology.

Grants from the Nordson Foundation accounted for approximately $6.5 million, and the company matched $200,000 in employee donations to top nonprofits. U.S. employees volunteered over 4,000 hours at various organizations. The A Time to Give U.S. regional campaigns raised significant funds for local nonprofits, including $180,000 for Good Knights of Lorain County and $45,000 for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. To date, Nordson and its foundation have given $173 million to charities, awarded $7.5 million in scholarships, and logged over 117,000 volunteer hours.

Nordson (Nasdaq: NDSN) e la Nordson Foundation hanno annunciato un contributo superiore a 10 milioni di dollari a organizzazioni benefiche durante l'anno fiscale 2024, che si concluderà il 31 ottobre. Gli sforzi filantropici si concentrano sull'educazione STEM, il benessere umano e le arti e la cultura, con 4,6 milioni di dollari destinati all'educazione. L'azienda ha assegnato 907.000 dollari in borse di studio a 209 studenti attraverso vari programmi, incluso il programma Nordson BUILDS Scholarship, che ha distribuito 458.125 dollari a 88 destinatari che frequentano istituzioni prestigiose come la Boston University e il California Institute of Technology.

I fondi della Nordson Foundation hanno rappresentato circa 6,5 milioni di dollari e l'azienda ha corrisposto 200.000 dollari in donazioni dei dipendenti a importanti organizzazioni non profit. I dipendenti statunitensi hanno volontariamente dedicato oltre 4.000 ore a varie organizzazioni. Le campagne regionali A Time to Give negli Stati Uniti hanno raccolto fondi significativi per organizzazioni non profit locali, inclusi 180.000 dollari per i Good Knights of Lorain County e 45.000 dollari per il Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Ad oggi, Nordson e la sua fondazione hanno donato 173 milioni di dollari a organizzazioni benefiche, assegnato 7,5 milioni di dollari in borse di studio e registrato oltre 117.000 ore di volontariato.

Nordson (Nasdaq: NDSN) y la Fundación Nordson anunciaron una contribución que supera los 10 millones de dólares a organizaciones benéficas durante su año fiscal 2024, que finalizará el 31 de octubre. Los esfuerzos filantrópicos se centran en la educación STEM, el bienestar humano y las artes y la cultura, destinando 4,6 millones de dólares a la educación. La empresa otorgó 907.000 dólares en becas a 209 estudiantes a través de varios programas, incluido el programa de becas Nordson BUILDS, que distribuyó 458.125 dólares a 88 destinatarios que asisten a instituciones prestigiosas como la Universidad de Boston y el Instituto de Tecnología de California.

Las subvenciones de la Fundación Nordson representaron aproximadamente 6,5 millones de dólares, y la empresa igualó 200.000 dólares en donaciones de empleados a las principales organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Los empleados de EE. UU. ofrecieron más de 4.000 horas como voluntarios en varias organizaciones. Las campañas regionales A Time to Give en EE. UU. recaudaron fondos significativos para organizaciones benéficas locales, incluidos 180.000 dólares para Good Knights of Lorain County y 45.000 dólares para Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Hasta la fecha, Nordson y su fundación han donado 173 millones de dólares a organizaciones benéficas, han entregado 7,5 millones de dólares en becas y han acumulado más de 117.000 horas de voluntariado.

Nordson (Nasdaq: NDSN)과 Nordson Foundation은 2024 회계연도 동안 1천만 달러 이상의 기부를 자선 단체에 발표했습니다. 이 회계연도는 10월 31일에 종료됩니다. 이들의 자선 활동은 STEM 교육, 인도적 복지, 예술 및 문화에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 교육을 위해 460만 달러가 배정되었습니다. 회사는 Nordson BUILDS 장학금 프로그램을 포함한 여러 프로그램을 통해 209명의 학생에게 907,000 달러의 장학금을 수여했으며, 이 프로그램은 보스턴 대학교와 캘리포니아 공과대학교와 같은 명문 기관에 다니는 88명의 수혜자에게 458,125 달러를 배분했습니다.

Nordson Foundation의 보조금은 약 650만 달러를 차지했으며, 회사는 주요 비영리 단체에 대한 직원 기부금으로 20만 달러를 추가 기부했습니다. 미국 직원들은 다양한 조직에서 4,000시간 이상 자원봉사를 했습니다. 'A Time to Give' 미국 지역 캠페인은 로레인 카운티의 Good Knights에 180,000 달러, 애틀랜타 아동 건강 관리에 45,000 달러를 포함해 지역 비영리 단체를 위한 상당한 기금을 모았습니다. 현재까지 Nordson과 그 재단은 자선 단체에 1억 7천300만 달러를 기부하고, 750만 달러의 장학금을 수여했으며, 117,000시간 이상의 자원봉사를 기록했습니다.

Nordson (Nasdaq: NDSN) et la Fondation Nordson ont annoncé une contribution de plus de 10 millions de dollars à des organisations caritatives au cours de son exercice 2024, qui se termine le 31 octobre. Les efforts philanthropiques se concentrent sur l'éducation STEM, le bien-être humain ainsi que les arts et la culture, avec 4,6 millions de dollars affectés à l'éducation. L'entreprise a décerné 907 000 dollars en bourses à 209 étudiants via divers programmes, y compris le programme de bourses Nordson BUILDS, qui a distribué 458 125 dollars à 88 récipiendaires fréquentant des institutions prestigieuses telles que l'Université de Boston et le California Institute of Technology.

Les subventions de la Fondation Nordson ont représenté environ 6,5 millions de dollars, et l'entreprise a égalé 200 000 dollars de dons des employés à des organisations à but non lucratif de premier plan. Les employés américains ont effectué plus de 4 000 heures de bénévolat au sein de diverses organisations. Les campagnes régionales 'A Time to Give' aux États-Unis ont permis de collecter des fonds significatifs pour des organisations locales, dont 180 000 dollars pour les Good Knights du comté de Lorain et 45 000 dollars pour Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. À ce jour, Nordson et sa fondation ont donné 173 millions de dollars à des organisations caritatives, attribué 7,5 millions de dollars en bourses et enregistré plus de 117 000 heures de bénévolat.

Nordson (Nasdaq: NDSN) und die Nordson Foundation haben einen Zuschuss von über 10 Millionen US-Dollar an gemeinnützige Organisationen während des Geschäftsjahres 2024, das am 31. Oktober endet, angekündigt. Die philanthropischen Bemühungen konzentrieren sich auf STEM-Bildung, menschliches Wohlergehen sowie Kunst und Kultur, wobei 4,6 Millionen US-Dollar für die Bildung bereitgestellt wurden. Das Unternehmen vergab 907.000 US-Dollar an Stipendien an 209 Schüler durch verschiedene Programme, darunter das Nordson BUILDS Stipendienprogramm, das 458.125 US-Dollar an 88 Empfänger verteilt hat, die prestigeträchtige Institutionen wie die Boston University und das California Institute of Technology besuchen.

Die Zuschüsse der Nordson Foundation machten etwa 6,5 Millionen US-Dollar aus, und das Unternehmen hat 200.000 US-Dollar an Mitarbeiter Spenden an wichtige gemeinnützige Organisationen ergänzt. Die US-Mitarbeiter haben über 4.000 Stunden in verschiedenen Organisationen ehrenamtlich gearbeitet. Die regionalen Kampagnen 'A Time to Give' in den USA haben erhebliche Mittel für lokale gemeinnützige Organisationen gesammelt, darunter 180.000 US-Dollar für die Good Knights von Lorain County und 45.000 US-Dollar für das Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Bis heute haben Nordson und seine Stiftung 173 Millionen US-Dollar an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen gespendet, 7,5 Millionen US-Dollar in Stipendien vergeben und über 117.000 Ehrenamtsstunden gesammelt.

  • Nordson and its foundation contributed over $10 million to charitable organizations in FY 2024.
  • Allocated $4.6 million to education, including $907,000 in scholarships to 209 students.
  • Nordson BUILDS Scholarship program awarded $458,125 to 88 students attending top universities.
  • Grants from Nordson Foundation accounted for $6.5 million.
  • Matched $200,000 in employee donations to top nonprofits.
  • U.S. employees volunteered over 4,000 hours at various nonprofits.
  • None.

WESTLAKE, Ohio--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nordson Corporation (Nasdaq: NDSN) and Nordson Corporation Foundation announced today that it contributed more than $10 million to charitable organizations during its 2024 fiscal year that ended October 31. Nordson’s global philanthropic programs are dedicated to enhancing the neighborhoods in areas where it conducts major operations through various corporate and employee-led efforts, and by partnering with high-impact nonprofits aligned to its mission.

Nordson prioritizes distributing grants to the areas of STEM education, human welfare, and arts and culture, with grants for education totaling more than $4.6 million, or 71% of its giving initiatives. During its 2024 fiscal year, Nordson gave a total of $907,000 in scholarships to 209 students. Its signature Nordson BUILDS Scholarship program, focused on building a skilled and educated workforce in manufacturing, accounted for half of the total scholarship award amount, giving $458,125 to 88 recipients. Students who received Nordson Builds Scholarships attend Boston University, California Institute of Technology, Case Western Reserve University, Cornell University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, North Carolina A&T State University, Rutgers Business School, Spelman College, The Ohio State University and more.

“I strongly believe that as a leading precision technology company, it is our responsibility to give back to the communities where we work and live to empower new possibilities,” said Sundaram Nagarajan, president and chief executive officer of Nordson. “I am proud to continue to support the philanthropic vision set forth by the Nord family. This year, I’m even more proud of the ways our employees came together after devastating natural disasters to support their colleagues and help rebuild their communities.”

“Nordson sets a strong example of how business success and philanthropy go hand in hand,” said Maria Spangler, director of the Nordson Foundation and community relations. “Since joining the company in December, I’ve seen firsthand the pride employees take in the ways they contribute to their communities and positive sentiment for Nordson Impact programs. I look forward to continuing this success and our proud legacy of giving.”

Additional FY24 Nordson Impact Highlights:

  • Grants from the Nordson Corporation Foundation accounted for approximately $6.5 million of the total amount awarded.
  • Nordson matched roughly $200,000 to the top nonprofits that employees donated to, including St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Second Harvest Foodbank of North Central Ohio and AHBAP Derneği in Turkey.
  • Nordson’s U.S. employees volunteered more than 4,000 hours at nonprofits such as, Habitat for Humanity International, Happy Tails Pet Rescue, Good Knights, the Food Bank for Larimer County, Chippewa Falls Parks and Recreation, the American Red Cross, Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Replay for Kids, Second Harvest Food Bank, the San Diego Blood Bank and more.
  • Nordson’s A Time to Give U.S. regional campaigns support local nonprofits through employee-led fundraising events. Last year, employees raised more than $180,000 for Good Knights of Lorain County to build beds for children who don’t have one, and more than $45,000 for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

To date, Nordson and Nordson Corporation Foundation have given $173 million to charities, awarded roughly $7.5 million in scholarships, and employees have volunteered more than 117,000 hours to the nonprofits that are most meaningful to them.

About the Nordson Corporation Foundation

The Nordson Corporation Foundation is the successor to the Nordson Foundation, which was created in 1952 by Walter G. Nord, founder of Nordson Corporation. In 1988, the original foundation was reorganized to create the Nord Family Foundation and the Nordson Corporation Foundation. Since 1989, the Nordson Corporation Foundation has awarded tens of millions of dollars in grants focusing on education but also including arts and culture, civic affairs, and human welfare. More information on applying for grants is available here.

About Nordson

Nordson Corporation is an innovative precision technology Company that leverages a scalable growth framework to deliver top-tier growth with leading margins and returns. The Company’s direct sales model and applications expertise serves global customers through a wide variety of critical applications. Its diverse end market exposure includes consumer non-durable, medical, electronics, and industrial end markets. Founded in 1954 and headquartered in Westlake, Ohio, the Company has operations and support offices in over 35 countries. Visit Nordson at, linkedin/Nordson, or

Lara Mahoney

Vice President,

Corporate Communications & Investor Relations


Source: Nordson Corporation


What is the total contribution of Nordson to charitable organizations in FY 2024?

Nordson contributed over $10 million to charitable organizations in FY 2024.

How much did Nordson allocate to education in FY 2024?

Nordson allocated $4.6 million to education in FY 2024.

What is the Nordson BUILDS Scholarship program?

The Nordson BUILDS Scholarship program focuses on building a skilled workforce in manufacturing, distributing $458,125 to 88 students in FY 2024.

How many volunteer hours did Nordson's U.S. employees contribute in FY 2024?

Nordson's U.S. employees volunteered over 4,000 hours in FY 2024.

Which top universities received students awarded by the Nordson BUILDS Scholarship program?

Recipients of the Nordson BUILDS Scholarship program attended universities such as Boston University, California Institute of Technology, and Cornell University.

How much did Nordson match in employee donations to nonprofits in FY 2024?

Nordson matched $200,000 in employee donations to top nonprofits in FY 2024.

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