NCR Voyix Recognized as a Global Leader of Self-Checkout

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NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX) has been recognized by RBR Data Services as the world's largest provider of self-checkout technology, maintaining its leadership position for over two decades. As retailers explore various self-checkout options, including mobile applications, smart carts, and hybrid systems, NCR Voyix is at the forefront with innovative software and services.

Eric Schoch, executive vice president and president of NCR Voyix Retail, emphasized the company's commitment to enhancing retail operations through their comprehensive suite of software and services. Their cloud-based commerce platform is designed to evolve, providing seamless integration and management capabilities.

RBR Data Services reported an increasing adoption of self-checkout technology across various retail sectors. NCR Voyix's self-checkout solution helps businesses address challenges in the labor market, analyze consumer trends, and offer customers flexible checkout experiences.

NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX) è stato riconosciuto da RBR Data Services come il maggiore fornitore mondiale di tecnologia per il self-checkout, mantenendo la sua posizione di leadership per oltre due decenni. Mentre i rivenditori esplorano varie opzioni di self-checkout, tra cui applicazioni mobili, carrelli intelligenti e sistemi ibridi, NCR Voyix è in prima linea con software e servizi innovativi.

Eric Schoch, vicepresidente esecutivo e presidente di NCR Voyix Retail, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a migliorare le operazioni al dettaglio attraverso la loro suite completa di software e servizi. La loro piattaforma di commercio basata su cloud è progettata per evolversi, fornendo integrazione e capacità di gestione senza soluzione di continuità.

RBR Data Services ha segnalato un'adozione crescente della tecnologia per il self-checkout in vari settori del commercio. La soluzione di self-checkout di NCR Voyix aiuta le aziende ad affrontare le sfide nel mercato del lavoro, analizzare le tendenze dei consumatori e offrire ai clienti esperienze di checkout flessibili.

NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX) ha sido reconocido por RBR Data Services como el mayor proveedor mundial de tecnología de auto-checkout, manteniendo su posición de liderazgo durante más de dos décadas. A medida que los minoristas exploran varias opciones de auto-checkout, incluyendo aplicaciones móviles, carros inteligentes y sistemas híbridos, NCR Voyix se encuentra a la vanguardia con software y servicios innovadores.

Eric Schoch, vicepresidente ejecutivo y presidente de NCR Voyix Retail, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa para mejorar las operaciones minoristas a través de su completa suite de software y servicios. Su plataforma de comercio basada en la nube está diseñada para evolucionar, proporcionando integración y capacidades de gestión sin fisuras.

RBR Data Services informó sobre una creciente adopción de la tecnología de auto-checkout en diversos sectores minoristas. La solución de auto-checkout de NCR Voyix ayuda a las empresas a abordar los desafíos en el mercado laboral, analizar las tendencias de los consumidores y ofrecer a los clientes experiencias de pago flexibles.

NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX)는 RBR 데이터 서비스에 의해 세계 최대의 셀프 체크아웃 기술 제공업체로 인정받아 20년 이상 리더십을 유지하고 있습니다. 소매업체들이 모바일 어플리케이션, 스마트 카트 및 하이브리드 시스템을 포함한 다양한 셀프 체크아웃 옵션을 탐색하는 동안, NCR Voyix는 혁신적인 소프트웨어와 서비스로 선두에 서 있습니다.

NCR Voyix Retail의 수석 부사장 겸 사장인 Eric Schoch는 회사의 포괄적인 소프트웨어 및 서비스 제품군을 통해 소매 운영을 향상시키려는 노력을 강조했습니다. 그들의 클라우드 기반 상거래 플랫폼은 발전하도록 설계되었으며, 원활한 통합 및 관리 기능을 제공합니다.

RBR 데이터 서비스는 다양한 소매 부문에서 셀프 체크아웃 기술의 채택이 증가하고 있음을 보고했습니다. NCR Voyix의 셀프 체크아웃 솔루션은 기업들이 노동 시장의 도전에 대응하고 소비자 트렌드를 분석하며 고객에게 유연한 체크아웃 경험을 제공하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX) a été reconnu par RBR Data Services comme le plus grand fournisseur mondial de technologie de self-checkout, maintenant sa position de leader depuis plus de deux décennies. Alors que les détaillants explorent différentes options de self-checkout, y compris des applications mobiles, des chariots intelligents et des systèmes hybrides, NCR Voyix est à l'avant-garde avec des logiciels et des services innovants.

Eric Schoch, vice-président exécutif et président de NCR Voyix Retail, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'amélioration des opérations de détail grâce à leur suite complète de logiciels et de services. Leur plateforme de commerce basée sur le cloud est conçue pour évoluer, fournissant des capacités d'intégration et de gestion fluides.

RBR Data Services a rapporté une adoption croissante de la technologie de self-checkout dans divers secteurs de la vente au détail. La solution de self-checkout de NCR Voyix aide les entreprises à relever les défis du marché du travail, à analyser les tendances des consommateurs et à offrir aux clients des expériences de paiement flexibles.

NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX) wurde von RBR Data Services als größter Anbieter von Selbstbedienungskassen-Technologie weltweit anerkannt und behauptet seit über zwei Jahrzehnten seine Führungsposition. Während Einzelhändler verschiedene Optionen für Selbstbedienungskassen erkunden, einschließlich mobiler Anwendungen, intelligenter Einkaufswagen und hybrider Systeme, steht NCR Voyix mit innovativer Software und Dienstleistungen an der Spitze.

Eric Schoch, Executive Vice President und Präsident von NCR Voyix Retail, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens zur Verbesserung der Einzelhandelsoperationen durch ihre umfassende Suite von Software und Dienstleistungen. Ihre cloudbasierte Handelsplattform ist darauf ausgelegt, sich weiterzuentwickeln und bietet nahtlose Integrations- und Verwaltungsmöglichkeiten.

RBR Data Services berichtete über eine zunehmende Akzeptanz der Selbstbedienungskassentechnologie in verschiedenen Einzelhandelssektoren. Die Selbstbedienungskassenlösung von NCR Voyix hilft Unternehmen, Herausforderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu bewältigen, Verbrauchstrends zu analysieren und den Kunden flexible Checkout-Erlebnisse anzubieten.

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ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NCR Voyix Corporation (NYSE: VYX), a leading global provider of digital commerce solutions for the retail and restaurant industries, has once again been recognized by RBR Data Services, a division of Datos Insights, as the world’s largest provider of self-checkout technology extending more than two decades of leadership.

NCR Voyix recognized as the world's largest provider of self-checkout technology — leading for more than two decades. (Photo: Business Wire)

NCR Voyix recognized as the world's largest provider of self-checkout technology — leading for more than two decades. (Photo: Business Wire)

NCR Voyix is at the forefront with innovative software and services as retailers continue to explore various self-checkout modalities, including mobile applications, smart carts, hybrid systems, and tablets. This evolution in checkout technology highlights the importance of our adaptable platform that caters to this dynamic market.

“Retailers are rapidly diversifying their checkout experiences to meet consumer demands for efficiency and convenience. In response to this trend, NCR Voyix is committed to enhancing retail operations through our comprehensive suite of software and services. Our cloud-based commerce platform is designed to evolve, providing seamless integration and management capabilities,” said Eric Schoch, executive vice president and president, NCR Voyix Retail. “Our focus on software innovation allows us to offer scalable solutions that improve both customer and associate experiences.”

RBR Data Services found that an increasingly wide range of retailers are adopting SCO technology, from specialty to convenience stores. The NCR Voyix SCO solution helps businesses move quickly to address a challenging labor market, analyze shifting consumer trends and provide consumers with choice of how and where they go through the checkout experience.

About the report

Global EPOS and Self-Checkout 2024 helps suppliers and industry participants understand trends and opportunities in the EPOS and self-checkout market. It provides vendors with data, analysis and insights for 53 markets across six regions.

About RBR Data Services

RBR Data Services, a division of Datos Insights, provides clients with independent and reliable data and insights through published research, consulting and bespoke data services. Our global research is used by the leading market participants in the cards and payments, retail technology and baking automation sectors.

About NCR Voyix

NCR Voyix Corporation (NYSE: VYX) is a leading global provider of digital commerce solutions for the retail, restaurant and digital banking industries. NCR Voyix transforms retail stores, restaurant systems and digital banking experiences with comprehensive, platform-led SaaS and services capabilities. NCR Voyix is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with customers in more than 30 countries across the globe.

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Alan Katz

Source: NCR Voyix Corporation


What recognition did NCR Voyix receive for its self-checkout technology?

NCR Voyix (NYSE: VYX) was recognized by RBR Data Services as the world's largest provider of self-checkout technology, maintaining this leadership position for more than two decades.

How is NCR Voyix adapting to the evolving self-checkout market?

NCR Voyix is at the forefront of innovation, offering software and services that cater to various self-checkout modalities, including mobile applications, smart carts, hybrid systems, and tablets. Their cloud-based commerce platform is designed to evolve and provide seamless integration.

What benefits does NCR Voyix's self-checkout solution offer to retailers?

NCR Voyix's self-checkout solution helps retailers address challenges in the labor market, analyze shifting consumer trends, and provide customers with flexible checkout options. It also improves both customer and associate experiences.

Which retail sectors are adopting NCR Voyix's self-checkout technology?

According to RBR Data Services, an increasingly wide range of retailers are adopting self-checkout technology, from specialty to convenience stores, indicating broad applicability of NCR Voyix's solutions.



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