Neo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited Celebrates Successful Acquisition

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Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (Nasdaq: NCI) has successfully completed a transformative acquisition from its affiliate, Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company (NCH). This strategic move grants NCI full ownership of the 'Les100Ciels' and 'SIU' brands, along with all related trademarks and trade names. The acquisition also includes the transfer of NCH's R&D teams, bolstering NCI's innovation capabilities.

Miss Eva Siu, Chairlady and CEO of NCI, emphasized that this acquisition equips the company to drive growth, particularly in the Middle East market. Mr. Patrick Lau, NCI's CFO, highlighted the financial benefits, noting that the move simplifies operational structure and positions the company to maximize shareholder returns as it expands its global retail footprint.

With the asset transfer complete, NCI is poised to leverage its enhanced capabilities to deliver innovative products and exceptional customer experiences worldwide.

Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (Nasdaq: NCI) ha completato con successo un'acquisizione trasformativa dalla sua affiliata, Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company (NCH). Questa mossa strategica conferisce a NCI la piena proprietà dei marchi 'Les100Ciels' e 'SIU', insieme a tutti i marchi e nomi commerciali ad essi correlati. L'acquisizione include anche il trasferimento dei team di R&D di NCH, rafforzando le capacità innovative di NCI.

La signora Eva Siu, presidente e CEO di NCI, ha sottolineato che questa acquisizione dota l'azienda per stimolare la crescita, in particolare nel mercato del Medio Oriente. Il signor Patrick Lau, CFO di NCI, ha evidenziato i benefici finanziari, notando che questa mossa semplifica la struttura operativa e posiziona l'azienda per massimizzare i ritorni per gli azionisti mentre espande la sua presenza globale nel retail.

Completato il trasferimento degli asset, NCI è pronta a sfruttare le sue capacità potenziate per offrire prodotti innovativi e esperienze eccezionali per i clienti in tutto il mondo.

Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (Nasdaq: NCI) ha completado con éxito una adquisición transformadora de su afiliada, Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company (NCH). Este movimiento estratégico otorga a NCI la propiedad total de las marcas 'Les100Ciels' y 'SIU', junto con todas las marcas registradas y nombres comerciales relacionados. La adquisición también incluye la transferencia de los equipos de I+D de NCH, fortaleciendo las capacidades de innovación de NCI.

La señora Eva Siu, presidenta y directora ejecutiva de NCI, enfatizó que esta adquisición equipa a la empresa para impulsar el crecimiento, particularmente en el mercado de Oriente Medio. El señor Patrick Lau, CFO de NCI, destacó los beneficios financieros, señalando que el movimiento simplifica la estructura operativa y posiciona a la empresa para maximizar los retornos de los accionistas mientras expande su huella minorista global.

Con la transferencia de activos completa, NCI está lista para aprovechar sus capacidades mejoradas para ofrecer productos innovadores y experiencias excepcionales para los clientes en todo el mundo.

Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (Nasdaq: NCI)는 자회사인 Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company (NCH)로부터 변혁적인 인수를 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 전략적 결정은 NCI에 'Les100Ciels'와 'SIU' 브랜드에 대한 완전 소유권을 부여하며, 관련된 모든 상표와 상호도 포함됩니다. 또한 인수에는 NCH의 R&D 팀의 이전이 포함되어 NCI의 혁신 능력을 강화합니다.

NCI의 회장 겸 CEO인 에바 시우(Miss Eva Siu)는 이 인수가 특히 중동 시장에서 회사의 성장을 촉진할 수 있도록 준비시킨다고 강조했습니다. NCI의 CFO인 패트릭 라우(Mr. Patrick Lau)는 이 결정이 운영 구조를 단순화하고, 글로벌 소매 footprint을 확장함에 따라 주주 반환을 극대화할 수 있도록 회사의 위치를 강화한 점을 강조했습니다.

자산 이전이 완료됨에 따라, NCI는 향상된 역량을 활용하여 전 세계적으로 혁신적인 제품과 뛰어난 고객 경험을 제공할 준비가 되어 있습니다.

Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (Nasdaq: NCI) a réussi à finaliser une acquisition transformative de sa filiale, Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company (NCH). Ce mouvement stratégique confère à NCI la pleine propriété des marques 'Les100Ciels' et 'SIU', ainsi que tous les noms de marques et commerciaux associés. L'acquisition inclut également le transfert des équipes R&D de NCH, renforçant ainsi les capacités d'innovation de NCI.

Madame Eva Siu, présidente et PDG de NCI, a souligné que cette acquisition permet à l'entreprise de stimuler la croissance, en particulier sur le marché du Moyen-Orient. Monsieur Patrick Lau, directeur financier de NCI, a mis en avant les avantages financiers, notant que ce mouvement simplifie la structure opérationnelle et positionne l'entreprise pour maximiser les rendements des actionnaires en élargissant son empreinte mondiale dans le commerce de détail.

Avec le transfert des actifs achevé, NCI est prête à tirer parti de ses capacités renforcées pour offrir des produits innovants et des expériences client exceptionnelles dans le monde entier.

Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (Nasdaq: NCI) hat erfolgreich eine transformative Akquisition von seiner Tochtergesellschaft, Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company (NCH), abgeschlossen. Dieser strategische Schritt gibt NCI das volle Eigentum an den Marken 'Les100Ciels' und 'SIU', sowie an allen damit verbundenen Marken und Handelsnamen. Die Akquisition umfasst zudem den Transfer der F&E-Teams von NCH, was die Innovationsfähigkeiten von NCI stärkt.

Frau Eva Siu, Vorsitzende und CEO von NCI, betonte, dass diese Akquisition das Unternehmen in die Lage versetzt, insbesondere im Nahen Osten Wachstum voranzutreiben. Herr Patrick Lau, CFO von NCI, hob die finanziellen Vorteile hervor und stellte fest, dass der Schritt die Betriebsstruktur vereinfacht und das Unternehmen positioniert, um die Renditen für die Aktionäre zu maximieren, während es seinen globalen Einzelhandel ausweitet.

Mit dem Abschluss des Vermögensübergangs ist NCI bereit, seine erweiterten Möglichkeiten zu nutzen, um weltweit innovative Produkte und außergewöhnliche Kundenerlebnisse zu bieten.

  • None.
  • None.

HONG KONG, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Neo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited (Nasdaq: NCI) ("the Company") is thrilled to announce the successful completion of its transformative acquisition of the intellectual property (IP) and research and development (R&D) capabilities from its affiliate, Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company Limited ("NCH").

This strategic acquisition empowers NCI with full ownership of the esteemed "Les100Ciels" and "SIU" brands, along with all related trademarks and trade names. Additionally, the transfer includes NCH's talented R&D teams, further enhancing NCI’s potential for innovation.

"This is a landmark moment for our company," said Miss Eva Siu, Chairlady and CEO of NCI. "By gaining complete control over our brand assets, we are well-equipped to drive our growth initiative, particularly in the vibrant Middle East market."

NCI's Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Patrick Lau, highlighted the financial advantages of this acquisition: "This move not only simplifies our operational structure but also positions us to maximize shareholder returns as we expand our retail footprint across the globe."

With the asset transfer now complete, NCI is excited to embark on this new journey, leveraging its enhanced capabilities to deliver innovative products and exceptional experiences to customers worldwide.

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Certain statements contained in this press release are “forward-looking statements” made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Company’s current expectations or beliefs concerning future events and actual events may differ materially from current expectations. Any such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including the strength of the economy, changes to the market for securities, political or financial instability and other factors which are set forth in the Company’s Registration Statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-275242), as amended, and in all filings with the SEC made by the Company subsequent to the filing thereof. The Company does not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Neo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited

Neo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited (“NCI”) is a one-stop apparel solution services provider. It offers a full suite of services in the apparel supply chain, including market trend analysis, product design and development, raw material sourcing, production and quality control, and logistics management serving customers located in the European and North American markets. It also sells its own branded apparel products under the brand “Les100Ciels” through retail stores in UK as well as the e-commerce platform

NCI is dedicated to minimizing its environmental footprint by implementing various eco-friendly practices. It prioritizes recycling, clean processes, and traceable sourcing as part of its commitment to reducing environmental impact. Additionally, NCI actively seeks sustainable solutions throughout the garment production process, aiming to meet the needs of its customers in an environmentally responsible manner.


Neo-Concept International Group Holdings Limited Investor Relations Contact:

10/F, Seaview Centre
No.139-141 Hoi Bun Road
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(+852) 2798-8639


What brands did Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (NCI) acquire in its recent acquisition?

NCI acquired full ownership of the 'Les100Ciels' and 'SIU' brands, along with all related trademarks and trade names from its affiliate, Neo-Concept (Holdings) Company

How will the acquisition impact NCI's growth strategy?

The acquisition empowers NCI to drive its growth initiative, particularly in the Middle East market, by gaining complete control over its brand assets and enhancing its R&D capabilities.

What are the financial benefits of NCI's recent acquisition?

According to NCI's CFO, the acquisition simplifies the company's operational structure and positions it to maximize shareholder returns as it expands its retail footprint globally.

When did Neo-Concept International Group Holdings (NCI) complete its acquisition?

NCI announced the successful completion of its acquisition on October 22, 2024.

What is Neo-Concept International Group Holdings 's stock symbol?

Neo-Concept International Group Holdings trades on the Nasdaq under the stock symbol NCI.

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Apparel Manufacturing
Consumer Cyclical
United States of America
Kwun Tong