New Contract Extends Norway’s Nødnett TETRA Radio Network into 2030s
Motorola Solutions (NYSE:MSI) has secured a five-year contract worth 1.78 billion NOK (approximately 160 million USD) from the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) to continue managing Norway's nationwide critical communications network, Nødnett. The contract begins in 2027 and extends through 2031, with a possible two-year extension option.
The Nødnett network serves over 60,000 first responders daily, providing coverage to 100% of Norway's population, including mountainous terrain and hundreds of tunnels. The TETRA-based system enables interoperability with networks in Sweden and Finland for cross-border collaboration. Motorola Solutions, which has supported Nødnett since 2012, will continue providing operational, lifecycle management, and technology upgrade services for emergency services users.
Motorola Solutions (NYSE:MSI) ha ottenuto un contratto quinquennale del valore di 1.78 miliardi di NOK (circa 160 milioni di USD) dalla Direzione Norvegese per la Protezione Civile (DSB) per continuare la gestione della rete di comunicazioni critiche nazionale della Norvegia, Nødnett. Il contratto inizia nel 2027 e si estende fino al 2031, con un'opzione di estensione di due anni.
La rete Nødnett serve oltre 60.000 soccorritori ogni giorno, fornendo copertura al 100% della popolazione norvegese, comprese le zone montuose e centinaia di tunnel. Il sistema basato su TETRA consente l'interoperabilità con le reti in Svezia e Finlandia per la collaborazione transfrontaliera. Motorola Solutions, che supporta Nødnett dal 2012, continuerà a fornire servizi operativi, gestione del ciclo di vita e aggiornamenti tecnologici per gli utenti dei servizi di emergenza.
Motorola Solutions (NYSE:MSI) ha conseguido un contrato de cinco años por valor de 1.78 mil millones de NOK (aproximadamente 160 millones de USD) de la Dirección Noruega de Protección Civil (DSB) para continuar gestionando la red de comunicaciones críticas de Noruega, Nødnett. El contrato comienza en 2027 y se extiende hasta 2031, con una opción de prórroga de dos años.
La red Nødnett atiende a más de 60,000 socorristas diariamente, proporcionando cobertura al 100% de la población de Noruega, incluyendo terrenos montañosos y cientos de túneles. El sistema basado en TETRA permite la interoperabilidad con redes en Suecia y Finlandia para la colaboración transfronteriza. Motorola Solutions, que ha apoyado a Nødnett desde 2012, continuará ofreciendo servicios operativos, gestión del ciclo de vida y actualizaciones tecnológicas para los usuarios de los servicios de emergencia.
모토로라 솔루션즈 (NYSE:MSI)는 노르웨이 국가 재난 관리청(DSB)으로부터 17억 8천만 NOK(약 1억 6천만 USD) 규모의 5년 계약을 체결하여 노르웨이의 국가 중요 통신 네트워크인 Nødnett의 관리를 계속하기로 했습니다. 계약은 2027년에 시작되어 2031년까지 연장되며, 2년의 선택적 연장 옵션이 있습니다.
Nødnett 네트워크는 매일 60,000명 이상의 응급 구조대원에게 서비스를 제공하며, 노르웨이 인구의 100%에 대한 커버리지를 제공합니다. 이 시스템은 험준한 지형과 수백 개의 터널도 포함합니다. TETRA 기반 시스템은 스웨덴 및 핀란드의 네트워크와의 상호 운용성을 가능하게 하여 국경을 초월한 협력을 지원합니다. 2012년부터 Nødnett를 지원해온 모토로라 솔루션즈는 비상 서비스 사용자에게 운영, 생애 주기 관리 및 기술 업그레이드 서비스를 계속 제공할 것입니다.
Motorola Solutions (NYSE:MSI) a obtenu un contrat de cinq ans d'une valeur de 1,78 milliard de NOK (environ 160 millions de USD) de la Direction norvégienne de la protection civile (DSB) pour continuer à gérer le réseau national de communications critiques de la Norvège, Nødnett. Le contrat commence en 2027 et s'étend jusqu'en 2031, avec une option de prolongation possible de deux ans.
Le réseau Nødnett dessert quotidiennement plus de 60 000 premiers intervenants, offrant une couverture à 100 % de la population norvégienne, y compris les terrains montagneux et des centaines de tunnels. Le système basé sur TETRA permet l'interopérabilité avec les réseaux en Suède et en Finlande pour une collaboration transfrontalière. Motorola Solutions, qui soutient Nødnett depuis 2012, continuera à fournir des services opérationnels, de gestion du cycle de vie et de mise à niveau technologique pour les utilisateurs des services d'urgence.
Motorola Solutions (NYSE:MSI) hat einen fünfjährigen Vertrag über 1,78 Milliarden NOK (ca. 160 Millionen USD) von der Norwegischen Direktion für Zivilschutz (DSB) erhalten, um das nationale kritische Kommunikationsnetzwerk Norwegens, Nødnett, weiter zu betreiben. Der Vertrag beginnt 2027 und erstreckt sich bis 2031, mit einer möglichen Verlängerungsoption von zwei Jahren.
Das Nødnett-Netzwerk bedient täglich über 60.000 Ersthelfer und bietet eine Abdeckung von 100 % der norwegischen Bevölkerung, einschließlich bergigem Terrain und Hunderte von Tunneln. Das auf TETRA basierende System ermöglicht die Interoperabilität mit Netzwerken in Schweden und Finnland für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit. Motorola Solutions, das Nødnett seit 2012 unterstützt, wird weiterhin betriebliche, lebenszyklusbezogene und technologische Upgrade-Dienste für Nutzer der Notdienste bereitstellen.
- Secured new 5-year contract worth $160 million
- Contract includes potential 2-year extension option
- Continues long-term relationship with Norwegian government since 2012
- Serves large user base of 60,000 first responders
- None.
The contract's timing is particularly strategic as global TETRA market growth continues, with key European nations making substantial investments in digital radio infrastructure. This positions MSI well against emerging technologies like 5G, particularly as TETRA remains the gold standard for public safety communications due to its reliability and security features.
The extension of cross-border interoperability with Sweden and Finland's networks creates a compelling regional ecosystem that raises switching costs and strengthens MSI's competitive moat in the Nordic market. This geographic expansion strategy aligns with broader industry trends toward integrated emergency response systems.
This contract renewal demonstrates strong customer retention in the high-margin government sector, with Norway's commitment signaling confidence in MSI's TETRA technology despite emerging alternatives. The
The contract's structure is particularly favorable, featuring a clean transition from the current agreement in 2027 and including comprehensive services beyond basic maintenance. The lifecycle management and technology upgrade components suggest potential for additional revenue through system enhancements and expansions during the contract period.
The timing of this early renewal, well ahead of the current contract's expiration, indicates strong bargaining position and customer satisfaction, while reducing competitive threat exposure. This type of long-term government contract provides valuable revenue visibility and typically carries higher margins than commercial business.
Motorola Solutions will continue to operate and service the country’s nationwide TETRA network that provides first responders with trusted, reliable and secure voice communications

Photo credit: Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (Photo: Business Wire)
“The agreement is vital for public safety and emergency preparedness in
Motorola Solutions has supported Nødnett since 2012 and will continue to deliver operational, lifecycle management and technology upgrade services under the new agreement, providing highly reliable and secure digital radio communications for Norway’s emergency services users, including police, fire and medical services. Nødnett is designed to cover
“The TETRA standard is designed for the specific requirements of public safety users, providing proven resilience and reliability that’s trusted by governments globally,” said Michael Kaae, senior vice president, Motorola Solutions. “We’re proud to continue supporting the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection in helping to protect Norway’s communities for years ahead.”
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Elvan Lindberg
Motorola Solutions
Mobile: +46 (0) 707448893
Source: Motorola Solutions