Motorola Solutions Technology at GSX Helps Keep Schools, Enterprises Safer

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Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) is showcasing its advanced security technologies at GSX 2024, focusing on enhancing safety in schools and enterprises. The company's comprehensive physical security ecosystem includes video security cameras, access control systems, radio communications, and smart sensors. These technologies are designed to improve threat detection and response, streamline operations, and increase overall safety.

One notable implementation is at The Greater Dayton School in Ohio, which utilizes Motorola Solutions' Safer Schools technologies. The school's security system integrates Avigilon video cameras, access control for all doors, staff radio communications, and HALO smart sensors for detecting vape and keyword alerts.

At GSX 2024, Motorola Solutions is highlighting new and enhanced technologies, including the Avigilon Security Suite, SentryERS physical panic button, and Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo camera. These innovations aim to provide more efficient and comprehensive security solutions for schools, hospitals, businesses, and various other facilities.

Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) sta presentando le sue avanzate tecnologie di sicurezza al GSX 2024, concentrandosi sul miglioramento della sicurezza nelle scuole e nelle aziende. L'ecosistema completo di sicurezza fisica dell'azienda include telecamere di sicurezza video, sistemi di controllo accessi, comunicazioni radio e sensori intelligenti. Queste tecnologie sono progettate per migliorare la rilevazione e la risposta alle minacce, semplificare le operazioni e aumentare la sicurezza complessiva.

Un'implementazione notevole è presso la Greater Dayton School in Ohio, che utilizza le tecnologie Safer Schools di Motorola Solutions. Il sistema di sicurezza della scuola integra telecamere video Avigilon, controllo degli accessi per tutte le porte, comunicazioni radio per il personale e sensori intelligenti HALO per rilevare fumi e avvisi di parole chiave.

Al GSX 2024, Motorola Solutions sta mettendo in evidenza nuove ed avanzate tecnologie, tra cui il Pacchetto di Sicurezza Avigilon, pulsante di emergenza fisico SentryERS e telecamera Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo. Queste innovazioni mirano a fornire soluzioni di sicurezza più efficienti e complete per scuole, ospedali, aziende e diversi altri impianti.

Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) está mostrando sus avanzadas tecnologías de seguridad en GSX 2024, enfocándose en mejorar la seguridad en escuelas y empresas. El ecosistema de seguridad física integral de la compañía incluye cámaras de seguridad de video, sistemas de control de acceso, comunicaciones por radio y sensores inteligentes. Estas tecnologías están diseñadas para mejorar la detección y respuesta ante amenazas, optimizar operaciones y aumentar la seguridad general.

Una implementación notable se encuentra en The Greater Dayton School en Ohio, que utiliza las tecnologías Safer Schools de Motorola Solutions. El sistema de seguridad de la escuela integra cámaras de video Avigilon, control de acceso para todas las puertas, comunicaciones de radio para el personal y sensores inteligentes HALO para detectar vaporizadores y alertas de palabras clave.

En GSX 2024, Motorola Solutions destaca nuevas y mejoradas tecnologías, incluyendo el Paquete de Seguridad Avigilon, botón de pánico físico SentryERS y cámara Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo. Estas innovaciones tienen como objetivo proporcionar soluciones de seguridad más eficientes y completas para escuelas, hospitales, negocios y diversas otras instalaciones.

모토로라 솔루션(Motorola Solutions)(NYSE: MSI)은 GSX 2024에서 학교와 기업의 안전 강화를 위한 고급 보안 기술을 선보이고 있습니다. 회사의 종합 물리적 보안 생태계에는 비디오 보안 카메라, 출입 통제 시스템, 무선 통신 및 스마트 센서가 포함되어 있습니다. 이러한 기술은 위협 탐지 및 대응을 개선하고, 운영을 간소화하며, 전반적인 안전성을 높이도록 설계되었습니다.

눈에 띄는 구현 사례로는 오하이오의 Greater Dayton School이 있으며, 이 학교는 모토로라 솔루션의 Safer Schools 기술을 활용하고 있습니다. 학교의 보안 시스템은 Avigilon 비디오 카메라, 모든 출입문에 대한 출입통제, 직원 무선 통신 및 쾌적한 환경 센서 HALO를 통합하여 흡연 및 키워드 경고를 탐지합니다.

GSX 2024에서 모토로라 솔루션은 Avigilon 보안 패키지, SentryERS 물리적 비상 버튼, Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo 카메라와 같은 새로운 및 향상된 기술을 강조합니다. 이러한 혁신은 학교, 병원, 기업 및 다양한 시설을 위한 보다 효율적이고 종합적인 보안 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) présente ses technologies de sécurité avancées au GSX 2024, en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration de la sécurité dans les écoles et les entreprises. L'écosystème de sécurité physique complet de l'entreprise comprend caméras de sécurité vidéo, systèmes de contrôle d'accès, communications radio et capteurs intelligents. Ces technologies sont conçues pour améliorer la détection et la réponse aux menaces, rationaliser les opérations et augmenter la sécurité globale.

Une mise en œuvre notable se trouve à la Greater Dayton School dans l'Ohio, qui utilise les technologies Safer Schools de Motorola Solutions. Le système de sécurité de l'école intègre caméras vidéo Avigilon, contrôle d'accès pour toutes les portes, communications radio du personnel et capteurs intelligents HALO pour détecter les vapeurs et les alertes par mots-clés.

Au GSX 2024, Motorola Solutions met en avant de nouvelles technologies améliorées, y compris le Pack de sécurité Avigilon, bouton de panique physique SentryERS et caméra Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo. Ces innovations visent à fournir des solutions de sécurité plus efficaces et complètes pour les écoles, les hôpitaux, les entreprises et divers autres établissements.

Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) präsentiert seine fortschrittlichen Sicherheitstechnologien auf der GSX 2024 und konzentriert sich darauf, die Sicherheit in Schulen und Unternehmen zu verbessern. Das umfassende physische Sicherheits-Ökosystem des Unternehmens umfasst Videoüberwachungskameras, Zugangskontrollsysteme, Funkkommunikation und intelligente Sensoren. Diese Technologien sind darauf ausgelegt, die Bedrohungserkennung und -reaktion zu verbessern, die Abläufe zu optimieren und die allgemeine Sicherheit zu erhöhen.

Eine bemerkenswerte Umsetzung findet an der Greater Dayton School in Ohio statt, die die Technologien Safer Schools von Motorola Solutions nutzt. Das Sicherheitssystem der Schule integriert Avigilon Videoüberwachungskameras, Zugangskontrolle für alle Türen, Funkkommunikation für das Personal und HALO intelligente Sensoren zur Erkennung von Dampf und Schlüsselwortwarnungen.

Auf der GSX 2024 hebt Motorola Solutions neue und verbesserte Technologien hervor, darunter das Avigilon Security Suite, SentryERS physischer Panic Button und Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo Kamera. Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, effizientere und umfassendere Sicherheitslösungen für Schulen, Krankenhäuser, Unternehmen und verschiedene andere Einrichtungen bereitzustellen.

  • Showcasing advanced security technologies at GSX 2024
  • Successful implementation of comprehensive security system at The Greater Dayton School
  • Introduction of new products: Avigilon Security Suite, SentryERS, and Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo
  • Expanding market presence in schools, hospitals, businesses, and other sectors
  • None.

Video security and access control solutions enable better detection and response to threats

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Students of all ages are back in the classroom this fall and as they sit at their desks, in the cafeteria or outside, a reliable, comprehensive physical security ecosystem is pivotal. Whether it’s initiating a school-wide lockdown with one button, alerting school officials of a propped door or detecting vaping and bullying in bathrooms, Motorola Solutions’ (NYSE: MSI) technology - on display at GSX 2024 - is playing an essential role in school safety and security.

One such school is The Greater Dayton School in Ohio, protecting its students with Motorola Solutions' Safer Schools technologies. Aiming to be one of the safest schools in the US, its physical security ecosystem includes Avigilon video security cameras across campus, access control protecting all doors, radio communications that connect staff and security, and HALO smart sensors to detect vape and keyword alerts, like "help" or "emergency." All of these technologies are integrated seamlessly.

“Our students and staff can stay focused on learning because we have Motorola Solutions technology running in the background, improving both our daily operations and our emergency readiness,” said AJ Stich, the founding principal of The Greater Dayton School. “We have peace of mind knowing our cameras and access control technologies can help us to secure the school in the event of a dangerous threat.”

“From cameras built with artificial intelligence to smart sensors, access control and body cameras, we’re helping schools, hospitals, businesses, retailers, manufacturers and venues cut down on response times, increase efficiency and streamline workflows,” said Alex Castaneda, corporate vice president, North America Video Security & Access Control Sales at Motorola Solutions. “New products and flexible integrations are expanding and enhancing the capabilities we offer to our customers.”

Motorola Solutions will be highlighting a range of new and enhanced technologies at GSX 2024:

  • Avigilon Security Suite: New devices and analytics including the Avigilon L6A enterprise license plate camera, Avigilon Alta Video analytics for expanded appearance search and the integration of Avigilon Alta Access with Mercury Security intelligent controllers that provides users with more cloud-based capabilities.
  • SentryERS: A physical panic button for Initiating lockdown protocols with the push of a button, alerting first responders during an emergency while providing live video, voice, text and GPS location data.
  • Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo: Offering two sensors in one camera for comprehensive coverage of open spaces, areas with multiple entrances/exits or locations requiring multi-directional video security.

Attendees can learn how Motorola Solutions is solving for safer communities, schools and businesses at GSX in Orlando, September 23 - 25.

About Motorola Solutions

Motorola Solutions is solving for safer. We build and connect technologies to help protect people, property and places. Our solutions enable the collaboration between public safety agencies and enterprises that’s critical for a proactive approach to safety and security. Learn more about how we’re solving for safer communities, safer schools, safer hospitals, safer businesses – safer everywhere – at

Courtney Terlecki

+1 224 210 4355

Source: Motorola Solutions


What new products is Motorola Solutions (MSI) showcasing at GSX 2024?

Motorola Solutions is showcasing the Avigilon Security Suite, SentryERS physical panic button, and Pelco Sarix Enhanced Duo camera at GSX 2024.

How is Motorola Solutions (MSI) improving school safety?

Motorola Solutions is improving school safety through integrated technologies like video security cameras, access control systems, radio communications, and smart sensors that can detect threats and initiate lockdowns.

What security technologies does The Greater Dayton School use from Motorola Solutions (MSI)?

The Greater Dayton School uses Avigilon video security cameras, access control for all doors, radio communications for staff, and HALO smart sensors to detect vape and keyword alerts.

What is the function of the SentryERS product by Motorola Solutions (MSI)?

SentryERS is a physical panic button that initiates lockdown protocols, alerts first responders during emergencies, and provides live video, voice, text, and GPS location data.

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