Hytera Pleads Guilty to Felony for Conspiring to Steal Trade Secret Information from Motorola Solutions in U.S. Department of Justice Prosecution
Hytera Communications has pleaded guilty to felony charges in a U.S. Department of Justice criminal prosecution for stealing trade secrets from Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI). The company admitted to knowingly misappropriating Motorola's confidential documents and source code related to DMR technology to develop its own products.
The case stems from a 2021 DOJ indictment that included 21 counts of federal criminal trade secret violations against Hytera and seven employees, including former executive G.S. Kok who pleaded guilty in 2023. Hytera's sentencing is expected in November 2025, where the court will determine restitution to Motorola Solutions and criminal fines.
This guilty plea is separate from Motorola's ongoing civil litigation, where the company continues pursuing collection of over $471 million in damages previously awarded for trade secret and copyright infringement.
Hytera Communications si è dichiarata colpevole di accuse di reato in un procedimento penale del Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti per il furto di segreti commerciali da Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI). L'azienda ha ammesso di aver appropriatamente e consapevolmente utilizzato documenti confidenziali e codice sorgente di Motorola relativi alla tecnologia DMR per sviluppare i propri prodotti.
Il caso deriva da un atto d'accusa del DOJ del 2021 che includeva 21 capi di accusa per violazioni federali dei segreti commerciali contro Hytera e sette dipendenti, tra cui l'ex dirigente G.S. Kok che si è dichiarato colpevole nel 2023. La sentenza di Hytera è prevista per novembre 2025, quando il tribunale determinerà il risarcimento a Motorola Solutions e le sanzioni penali.
Questa dichiarazione di colpevolezza è separata dalle attuali controversie civili di Motorola, dove l'azienda continua a perseguire la riscossione di oltre $471 milioni in danni precedentemente riconosciuti per violazione di segreti commerciali e diritti d'autore.
Hytera Communications se ha declarado culpable de cargos de delitos en un procesamiento penal del Departamento de Justicia de EE. UU. por el robo de secretos comerciales de Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI). La empresa admitió haber apropiado de manera intencionada documentos confidenciales y código fuente de Motorola relacionado con la tecnología DMR para desarrollar sus propios productos.
El caso se origina de una acusación del DOJ en 2021 que incluía 21 cargos de violaciones criminales federales de secretos comerciales contra Hytera y siete empleados, incluyendo al exejecutivo G.S. Kok, quien se declaró culpable en 2023. Se espera que la sentencia de Hytera sea en noviembre de 2025, cuando el tribunal determinará la restitución a Motorola Solutions y multas penales.
Esta declaración de culpabilidad es separada de la litigación civil en curso de Motorola, donde la compañía continúa persiguiendo la recuperación de más de $471 millones en daños previamente otorgados por violaciones de secretos comerciales y derechos de autor.
Hytera Communications는 미국 법무부의 범죄 기소로 인해 Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI)로부터 상업 비밀을 훔친 혐의로 유죄를 인정했습니다. 이 회사는 DMR 기술과 관련된 Motorola의 기밀 문서와 소스 코드를 의도적으로 도용하여 자체 제품을 개발한 사실을 인정했습니다.
이 사건은 2021년 DOJ의 기소로부터 비롯되었으며, Hytera와 7명의 직원에 대한 21건의 연방 범죄 상업 비밀 위반 혐의를 포함하고 있습니다. 그 중 전 임원 G.S. Kok이 2023년에 유죄를 인정했습니다. Hytera의 판결은 2025년 11월로 예상되며, 법원은 Motorola Solutions에 대한 배상과 범죄 벌금을 결정할 것입니다.
이 유죄 인정은 Motorola의 진행 중인 민사 소송과는 별개이며, 회사는 이전에 상업 비밀 및 저작권 위반으로 인정된 $471 million 이상의 손해 배상을 계속 추구하고 있습니다.
Hytera Communications a plaidé coupable de charges criminelles dans une procédure pénale du Département de la Justice des États-Unis pour avoir volé des secrets commerciaux à Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI). L'entreprise a admis avoir sciemment détourné des documents confidentiels et du code source de Motorola liés à la technologie DMR pour développer ses propres produits.
L'affaire découle d'un acte d'accusation du DOJ en 2021 qui comprenait 21 chefs d'accusation de violations criminelles fédérales des secrets commerciaux contre Hytera et sept employés, dont l'ancien dirigeant G.S. Kok qui a plaidé coupable en 2023. La peine de Hytera est attendue pour novembre 2025, date à laquelle le tribunal déterminera l'indemnisation à Motorola Solutions et les amendes pénales.
Cette plaidoirie de culpabilité est distincte des poursuites civiles en cours de Motorola, où l'entreprise continue de poursuivre le recouvrement de plus de $471 millions en dommages-intérêts précédemment accordés pour infractions aux secrets commerciaux et aux droits d'auteur.
Hytera Communications hat sich in einem Strafverfahren des US-Justizministeriums wegen des Diebstahls von Geschäftsgeheimnissen von Motorola Solutions (NYSE: MSI) schuldig bekannt. Das Unternehmen gab zu, wissentlich vertrauliche Dokumente und Quellcode von Motorola, die sich auf DMR-Technologie beziehen, unrechtmäßig verwendet zu haben, um eigene Produkte zu entwickeln.
Der Fall stammt aus einer Anklage des DOJ aus dem Jahr 2021, die 21 Anklagepunkte wegen föderaler Vergehen im Zusammenhang mit Geschäftsgeheimnissen gegen Hytera und sieben Mitarbeiter, darunter der ehemalige Geschäftsführer G.S. Kok, beinhaltete, der sich 2023 schuldig bekannte. Das Urteil gegen Hytera wird für November 2025 erwartet, wenn das Gericht die Entschädigung an Motorola Solutions und strafrechtliche Geldstrafen festlegt.
Dieses Schuldbekenntnis ist getrennt von den laufenden zivilrechtlichen Verfahren von Motorola, in denen das Unternehmen weiterhin versucht, über $471 Millionen an zuvor zugesprochenen Schadensersatzansprüchen wegen Verletzung von Geschäftsgeheimnissen und Urheberrechten einzutreiben.
- Legal victory confirming trade secret theft by competitor
- Expected financial compensation through court-ordered restitution
- Ongoing pursuit of $471 million judgment from previous civil litigation
- None.
The guilty plea in this federal criminal case represents a major victory for intellectual property protection in the technology sector. Hytera's admission to felony conspiracy charges for stealing Motorola Solutions' DMR technology trade secrets has significant implications. The case establishes a strong precedent for prosecuting international corporate espionage and protecting U.S. intellectual property.
The upcoming November 2025 sentencing will likely result in substantial financial penalties, including both restitution to Motorola Solutions and criminal fines. This is separate from the existing
Most notably, the criminal conviction of former Hytera executive G.S. Kok, with six other employees still at large, demonstrates the DOJ's commitment to pursuing individual accountability in corporate crime cases. This multi-jurisdictional enforcement approach - combining criminal prosecution with civil remedies - creates a powerful deterrent against future trade secret theft.
This legal victory substantively strengthens MSI's market position and intellectual property portfolio value. The guilty plea validates MSI's
For investors, this represents both near-term and long-term value creation. Short-term catalysts include potential monetary recoveries from both criminal and civil proceedings. Long-term benefits stem from stronger IP protection and reduced competitive threats from Hytera's DMR products. The case also demonstrates MSI's commitment to defending its R&D investments and technological edge.
With a market cap of
“Hytera‘s admission of guilt in federal court validates the extensive evidence that it is a bad actor and felon, and we remain firmly resolute to holding Hytera accountable for its egregious illegal conduct,” said Greg Brown, chairman and CEO, Motorola Solutions. “I appreciate the Department of Justice for its diligence in pursuing this matter. This case is critical validation that our government is fully committed to prosecuting criminals who steal from American companies. We will continue to vigorously defend our valuable intellectual property and trade secrets for the benefit of our company, our customers and our shareholders.”
In 2021, the
Under the terms of the Plea Agreement, Hytera is expected to be sentenced in November 2025, at which time the
Hytera’s guilty plea does not resolve Motorola Solutions' ongoing civil litigation against Hytera. Motorola Solutions is continuing to pursue collection of the more than
For additional information regarding Motorola Solutions' legal actions against Hytera, please visit Motorola Solutions’ dedicated newsroom here.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable federal securities law. These statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and generally include words such as “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “estimates” and similar expressions. The company can give no assurance that any actual or future results or events discussed in these statements will be achieved. Any forward-looking statements represent the company’s views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing the company’s views as of any subsequent date. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results or events discussed in these statements to differ materially from the statements contained in this release. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the expected timing of proceedings related to the Hytera litigation. Motorola Solutions cautions the reader that the risks and uncertainties in Part I Item 1A of Motorola Solutions’ 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and in its other SEC filings available for free on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and on Motorola Solutions’ website at www.motorolasolutions.com, could cause Motorola Solutions’ actual results or events discussed in these statements to differ materially from those estimated or predicted in the forward-looking statements. Many of these risks and uncertainties cannot be controlled by Motorola Solutions. Motorola Solutions undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
About Motorola Solutions
Motorola Solutions is solving for safer. We build and connect technologies to help protect people, property and places. Our solutions enable the collaboration between public safety agencies and enterprises that’s critical for a proactive approach to safety and security. Learn more about how we’re solving for safer communities, safer schools, safer hospitals, safer businesses – safer everywhere – at www.motorolasolutions.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250114962764/en/
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Motorola Solutions
+1 847-576-6899
Source: Motorola Solutions