Microsoft Selects BODEN Agency as Public Relations Agency of Record to Strengthen the Company's Connection to the Hispanic Community

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Microsoft has appointed BODEN Agency as its Public Relations Agency of Record to strengthen connections with the U.S. Hispanic community. BODEN, a minority- and female-owned Hispanic+ communications agency, will partner with Microsoft's Multicultural Communications team to develop culturally resonant, mission-driven communications strategies.

The partnership aims to align Microsoft's mission of empowering everyone to achieve more with the needs of the rapidly growing Hispanic cohort in the U.S. BODEN will support Microsoft in earned media relations, creator engagement, and digital content development. They will also focus on enhancing the digital presence of Conexiones, Microsoft's storytelling hub for the Hispanic community, and develop new strategic partnerships to build authentic connections with key audiences.

Microsoft ha nominato BODEN Agency come la sua Agenzia di Pubbliche Relazioni di riferimento per rafforzare i legami con la community ispanica degli Stati Uniti. BODEN, un'agenzia di comunicazione di proprietà di minoranze e donne, collaborerà con il team di Comunicazioni Multiculturali di Microsoft per sviluppare strategie di comunicazione culturalmente rilevanti e orientate alla missione.

La partnership mira ad allineare la missione di Microsoft di consentire a tutti di ottenere di più con le esigenze della rapida crescita del gruppo ispanico negli Stati Uniti. BODEN supporterà Microsoft in relazioni con i media, ingaggio di creatori e sviluppo di contenuti digitali. Si concentreranno anche sul miglioramento della presenza digitale di Conexiones, l'hub di narrazione di Microsoft per la community ispanica, e svilupperanno nuove alleanze strategiche per costruire connessioni autentiche con i pubblici chiave.

Microsoft ha nombrado a BODEN Agency como su Agencia de Relaciones Públicas para fortalecer los lazos con la comunidad hispana de EE. UU.. BODEN, una agencia de comunicaciones de propiedad minoritaria y femenina, se asociará con el equipo de Comunicaciones Multiculturales de Microsoft para desarrollar estrategias de comunicación culturalmente resonantes y orientadas a la misión.

La asociación tiene como objetivo alinear la misión de Microsoft de empoderar a todos para lograr más con las necesidades de la creciente cohorte hispana en EE. UU. BODEN apoyará a Microsoft en relaciones con medios, compromiso con creadores y desarrollo de contenido digital. También se enfocarán en mejorar la presencia digital de Conexiones, el centro de narración de Microsoft para la comunidad hispana, y desarrollarán nuevas asociaciones estratégicas para construir conexiones auténticas con audiencias clave.

마이크로소프트BODEN Agency를 미국의 히스패닉 커뮤니티와의 관계를 강화하기 위한 공식 공공 관계 대행사로 임명했습니다. BODEN은 소수 민족과 여성 소유의 히스패닉+ 커뮤니케이션 에이전시로서 마이크로소프트의 다문화 커뮤니케이션 팀과 협력하여 문화적으로 공감할 수 있는, 목표 지향적인 커뮤니케이션 전략을 개발할 것입니다.

이번 파트너십은 모두가 더 많은 것을 이룰 수 있도록 하는 마이크로소프트의 미션을 미국에서 급속히 성장하는 히스패닉 집단의 필요와 일치시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. BODEN은 미디어 관계, 크리에이터 참여 및 디지털 콘텐츠 개발 분야에서 마이크로소프트를 지원할 것입니다. 그들은 또한 마이크로소프트의 히스패닉 커뮤니티를 위한 스토리텔링 허브인 Conexiones의 디지털 존재감을 향상시키고, 주요 청중과의 진정한 연결을 구축하기 위한 새로운 전략적 파트너십을 개발할 것입니다.

Microsoft a désigné BODEN Agency comme son agence de relations publiques de référence pour renforcer les liens avec la communauté hispanique des États-Unis. BODEN, une agence de communication détenue par des minorités et des femmes, s'associera à l'équipe des Communications Multiculturelles de Microsoft pour développer des stratégies de communication culturellement pertinentes et axées sur la mission.

Le partenariat vise à aligner la mission de Microsoft d'empowerer chacun à accomplir davantage avec les besoins de la cohorte hispanique en forte croissance aux États-Unis. BODEN soutiendra Microsoft dans les relations médias, l'engagement des créateurs et le développement de contenus numériques. Ils se concentreront également sur l'amélioration de la présence numérique de Conexiones, le centre de narration de Microsoft pour la communauté hispanique, et développeront de nouveaux partenariats stratégiques pour établir des connexions authentiques avec des publics clés.

Microsoft hat BODEN Agency als ihre Öffentlichkeitsarbeitsagentur ernannt, um die Verbindungen zur hispanischen Gemeinschaft in den USA zu verstärken. BODEN, eine von Minderheiten und Frauen geführte hispanische Kommunikationsagentur, wird mit dem Multikulturellen Kommunikationsteam von Microsoft zusammenarbeiten, um kulturell relevante und missionorientierte Kommunikationsstrategien zu entwickeln.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Mission von Microsoft, allen zu ermöglichen, mehr zu erreichen, mit den Bedürfnissen der schnell wachsenden hispanischen Gruppe in den USA in Einklang zu bringen. BODEN wird Microsoft in Medienarbeit, Engagement von Creators und Entwicklung digitaler Inhalte unterstützen. Zudem wird der Fokus darauf liegen, die digitale Präsenz von Conexiones, Microsofts Erzählzentrum für die hispanische Gemeinschaft, zu verbessern und neue strategische Partnerschaften zu entwickeln, um authentische Verbindungen zu wichtigen Zielgruppen aufzubauen.

  • Partnership with a specialized agency to target the growing Hispanic market in the U.S.
  • Potential for increased brand affinity and market share among Hispanic consumers
  • Enhanced digital presence and reach through Conexiones storytelling hub
  • None.

MIAMI, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BODEN Agency, an independent, minority- and female-owned, Hispanic+ communications agency, recently named a six-time "Agency of the Year," has been appointed by Microsoft as the Public Relations Agency of Record partnering with the company's Multicultural Communications team. In this pivotal partnership and through culturally resonant, mission-driven communications, BODEN will help Microsoft continue its journey toward fostering meaningful connections with the U.S. Hispanic community, one of the most influential and rapidly growing cohorts in the U.S.

"We're thrilled to partner with BODEN Agency to evolve our communications strategies with this pivotal audience. Our intention is to more closely connect Microsoft's mission of empowering everyone on the planet to achieve more, with the needs of the Hispanic community in the U.S.," said Amanda O'Neal, Senior Director, Multicultural and Social Media Communications, Microsoft. "As our strategic communications partner, BODEN's concentrated, sustained, and culture-first approach will expand our strategic storytelling to bring the community closer to the latest technology, including AI."

"We are honored to be selected as Microsoft's partner to support them across all efforts to engage with today's Hispanic audience," said Natalie Boden, CEO and Founder of BODEN Agency. "Microsoft's commitment to our community is commendable. We're thrilled to be their partner on their continued journey to identify ways to build trust in a way that keeps Microsoft at the forefront of culture."

BODEN will support Microsoft's Multicultural Communications team in the areas of earned media relations, creator engagement and digital content development, while executing the company's long-term communications strategy focused on building Microsoft's brand affinity with the Hispanic community. Under the new partnership, BODEN will also focus on enhancing the digital presence and reach of Conexiones, Microsoft's storytelling hub, developed to inform and inspire the community, while bringing forth new strategic partnerships to build authentic connections with key audiences.

BODEN is an award-winning Hispanic+ communications powerhouse, making an impact for brands embracing the changing face of culture. With a team of culture-fluid trailblazers, BODEN turns culture into impact to future-proof brands. This approach has drawn the attention of some of the most iconic brands in the world. Recently named a six-time "Agency of the Year," BODEN is proudly independent, minority- and female-owned. For more information, please visit

Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT" @microsoft) creates platforms and tools powered by AI to deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers. The technology company is committed to making AI available broadly and doing so responsibly, with a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Shantal Gonzalez

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Why did Microsoft (MSFT) choose BODEN Agency as its PR Agency of Record?

Microsoft selected BODEN Agency for its expertise in Hispanic+ communications to strengthen connections with the U.S. Hispanic community, one of the fastest-growing and most influential consumer groups in the country.

What services will BODEN provide for Microsoft (MSFT)?

BODEN will support Microsoft in earned media relations, creator engagement, digital content development, and executing a long-term communications strategy to build brand affinity with the Hispanic community.

How will this partnership affect Microsoft's (MSFT) multicultural outreach?

The partnership aims to align Microsoft's mission with the needs of the Hispanic community, enhance the digital presence of Conexiones (Microsoft's Hispanic storytelling hub), and develop new strategic partnerships to build authentic connections with key audiences.

When did Microsoft (MSFT) announce its partnership with BODEN Agency?

Microsoft announced its partnership with BODEN Agency on October 8, 2024, appointing them as the Public Relations Agency of Record for Hispanic community outreach.

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