Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s 1GT Participates in €115 Million Investment in XOCEAN
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) has announced its participation, through its 1GT private climate equity strategy, in a €115 million fundraise for XOCEAN, a leading ocean data provider for offshore energy sectors. The investment consortium includes S2G Ventures, Climate Investment, and Crown Family's CC Industries.
Founded in Ireland in 2017, XOCEAN revolutionizes offshore data collection using Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs), which emit just 0.1% of the CO2 compared to traditional manned vessels. The company has already collected over 4.9 million gigabytes of data, supporting 48.6 GWs of offshore wind development across 23 jurisdictions. XOCEAN serves major energy companies including SSE Renewables, Ørsted, BP, and Shell.
The investment aims to accelerate XOCEAN's growth in providing high-quality geophysical data solutions for the blue economy. This aligns with MSIM's 1GT strategy, part of its $240 billion alternative investments business, which targets investments in companies that will collectively avoid or remove one gigaton of CO2e emissions.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) ha annunciato la sua partecipazione, tramite la sua strategia di equity climatico privato 1GT, a una raccolta fondi di 115 milioni di euro per XOCEAN, un fornitore leader di dati oceanici per i settori energetici offshore. Il consorzio di investimento include S2G Ventures, Climate Investment e CC Industries della Crown Family.
Fondata in Irlanda nel 2017, XOCEAN rivoluziona la raccolta di dati offshore utilizzando navi di superficie senza equipaggio (USV), che emettono solo lo 0,1% del CO2 rispetto alle navi tradizionali con equipaggio. L'azienda ha già raccolto oltre 4,9 milioni di gigabyte di dati, supportando 48,6 GW di sviluppo eolico offshore in 23 giurisdizioni. XOCEAN serve grandi aziende energetiche tra cui SSE Renewables, Ørsted, BP e Shell.
L'investimento mira ad accelerare la crescita di XOCEAN nel fornire soluzioni di dati geofisici di alta qualità per l'economia blu. Ciò è in linea con la strategia 1GT di MSIM, parte della sua attività di investimenti alternativi da 240 miliardi di dollari, che punta a investire in aziende che eviteranno o rimuoveranno collettivamente una gigatonnellata di emissioni di CO2e.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) ha anunciado su participación, a través de su estrategia de capital climático privado 1GT, en una recaudación de fondos de 115 millones de euros para XOCEAN, un proveedor líder de datos oceánicos para los sectores de energía en alta mar. El consorcio de inversión incluye a S2G Ventures, Climate Investment y CC Industries de la familia Crown.
Fundada en Irlanda en 2017, XOCEAN revoluciona la recolección de datos en alta mar utilizando Vehículos de Superficie No Tripulados (USVs), que emiten solo el 0,1% del CO2 en comparación con los barcos tradicionales tripulados. La empresa ya ha recolectado más de 4,9 millones de gigabytes de datos, apoyando 48,6 GW de desarrollo eólico en alta mar en 23 jurisdicciones. XOCEAN sirve a importantes compañías energéticas como SSE Renewables, Ørsted, BP y Shell.
La inversión tiene como objetivo acelerar el crecimiento de XOCEAN en la provisión de soluciones de datos geofísicos de alta calidad para la economía azul. Esto se alinea con la estrategia 1GT de MSIM, que forma parte de su negocio de inversiones alternativas de 240 mil millones de dólares, que busca invertir en empresas que collectively eviten o eliminen una gigatonelada de emisiones de CO2e.
모건 스탠리 투자 관리 (MSIM)은 1GT 사적 기후 자본 전략을 통해 1억 1500만 유로의 자금 모집에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. 이는 XOCEAN, 해양 에너지 산업에 대한 데이터 제공의 선두주자입니다. 투자 컨소시엄에는 S2G Ventures, Climate Investment 및 크라운 패밀리의 CC Industries가 포함되어 있습니다.
2017년 아일랜드에서 설립된 XOCEAN은 무인 수표면 선박 (USVs)을 사용하여 해양 데이터 수집에 혁신을 일으키며, 전통적인 유인 선박에 비해 CO2를 단 0.1%만 방출합니다. 이 회사는 이미 490만 기가바이트 이상의 데이터를 수집하여 23개 관할권에서 48.6GW의 해상 풍력 개발을 지원합니다. XOCEAN은 SSE Renewables, Ørsted, BP, Shell과 같은 주요 에너지 기업에 서비스를 제공합니다.
이번 투자의 목적은 파란 경제를 위한 고품질 지구 물리학 데이터 솔루션을 제공하는 XOCEAN의 성장을 가속화하는 것입니다. 이는 MSIM의 1GT 전략과 일치하며, 2400억 달러 규모의 대체 투자 사업의 일환으로, 집합적으로 1억 톤의 CO2e 배출을 피하거나 제거할 기업에 대한 투자를 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) a annoncé sa participation, à travers sa stratégie de capital climatique privé 1GT, à une collecte de fonds de 115 millions d'euros pour XOCEAN, un fournisseur de données océaniques leader dans les secteurs de l'énergie offshore. Le consortium d'investissement comprend S2G Ventures, Climate Investment et CC Industries de la famille Crown.
Fondée en Irlande en 2017, XOCEAN révolutionne la collecte de données offshore en utilisant des Vessels de Surface Sans Équipage (USVs), qui n'émettent que 0,1% du CO2 par rapport aux navires traditionnels avec équipage. L'entreprise a déjà collecté plus de 4,9 millions de gigaoctets de données, soutenant 48,6 GW de développement éolien offshore dans 23 juridictions. XOCEAN sert de grandes entreprises énergétiques telles que SSE Renewables, Ørsted, BP et Shell.
L'investissement vise à accélérer la croissance de XOCEAN dans la fourniture de solutions de données géophysiques de haute qualité pour l'économie bleue. Cela s'aligne avec la stratégie 1GT de MSIM, qui fait partie de son activité d'investissements alternatifs de 240 milliards de dollars, visant à investir dans des entreprises qui éviteront ou élimineront collectivement une gigatonne d'émissions de CO2e.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) hat seine Teilnahme durch die private Klimakapitalstrategie 1GT an einer Fundraising-Aktion von 115 Millionen Euro für XOCEAN angekündigt, einen führenden Anbieter von Ozeandaten für den Offshore-Energiesektor. Das Investitionskonsortium umfasst S2G Ventures, Climate Investment und die CC Industries der Crown-Familie.
2017 in Irland gegründet, revolutioniert XOCEAN die Offshore-Datensammlung durch den Einsatz von unbemannten Oberflächenfahrzeugen (USVs), die im Vergleich zu traditionellen bemannten Schiffen nur 0,1% des CO2 ausstoßen. Das Unternehmen hat bereits über 4,9 Millionen Gigabyte Daten gesammelt und 48,6 GW Offshore-Windentwicklung in 23 Jurisdiktionen unterstützt. XOCEAN bedient große Energieunternehmen wie SSE Renewables, Ørsted, BP und Shell.
Die Investition zielt darauf ab, das Wachstum von XOCEAN bei der Bereitstellung hochwertiger geophysikalischer Datenlösungen für die blaue Wirtschaft zu beschleunigen. Dies steht im Einklang mit der 1GT-Strategie von MSIM, die Teil des Geschäfts für alternative Investitionen im Umfang von 240 Milliarden US-Dollar ist und Investitionen in Unternehmen anstrebt, die insgesamt eine Gigatonne CO2e-Emissionen vermeiden oder entfernen werden.
- Strategic investment in growing ocean data services market
- XOCEAN's technology reduces CO2 emissions by 99.9% compared to traditional vessels
- Established client base including major energy companies
- Strong track record with 4.9M GB of data collected supporting 48.6 GW of offshore wind development
- None.
The investor consortium's composition is particularly noteworthy - Morgan Stanley's participation through 1GT, alongside climate-focused investors like S2G Ventures and Climate Investment, provides not just capital but strategic expertise in scaling sustainable technologies. XOCEAN's client portfolio, including energy giants like BP, Shell and Ørsted, validates their market position and suggests strong revenue potential. The company's data collection scale - 4.9 million gigabytes across 23 jurisdictions - indicates substantial market penetration and scalability.
XOCEAN's technological approach represents a paradigm shift in maritime surveying. Their Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) solve multiple industry pain points simultaneously: reducing operational costs, increasing data quality through advanced sensors and dramatically lowering environmental impact. The remote operation capability enables 24/7 data collection while eliminating personnel safety risks associated with traditional survey vessels.
The platform's ability to combine real-time communications with post-processing expertise creates a comprehensive data solution that's particularly valuable for offshore wind development. This technology advantage, backed by Morgan Stanley's 1GT strategy targeting gigaton-scale emissions reduction, positions XOCEAN to capture a significant share of the growing ocean data market. Their achievement in gender diversity - 30x industry average - also indicates strong ESG alignment, which increasingly influences contract awards in the renewable energy sector.
Funding to help accelerate growth of its ocean data services platform
The investor consortium brings fit-for-purpose capital, diverse operational experience across the offshore value chain, and the strategic connectivity to accelerate the growth of XOCEAN’s platform to meet the rapidly growing demand for high-quality geophysical data solutions across the blue economy.
“Access to high-quality data is critical to multiple players in the offshore-focused ecosystem and we are honored to partner with the XOCEAN team,” said Vikram Raju, MSIM’s Head of Climate Private Equity Investing and 1GT. “We believe XOCEAN’s differentiated capital efficient solution will remain at the forefront of the industry and we look forward to supporting the next chapter of the company’s journey to decarbonize maritime surveying and build a global leader in ocean data solutions.”
Founded in
Commenting on the fundraise, James Ives, XOCEAN founder and CEO, said: “Our mission is to deliver data that drives the sustainable development of our oceans in a safe, cost-effective, and ultra-low-impact way. Today, we are providing this service for many of the world’s largest energy companies, supporting the development of clean renewable energy globally. We are delighted MSIM’s 1GT and the rest of the investment consortium have chosen to join us on this exciting journey.”
XOCEAN works with leading offshore-focused energy companies, including SSE Renewables, Ørsted, BP, and Shell, and has delivered geophysical data to commercial and government clients in over 23 jurisdictions. To date, the company has collected and processed over 4.9 million gigabytes of data, which has supported over 48.6 GWs of offshore wind development.
Part of MSIM’s
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Using Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs), XOCEAN provides ocean data to the world’s largest companies and government agencies. From mapping the seabed to environmental monitoring, XOCEAN offers a safe, ultra-low impact and economic solution to delivering ocean data. For more information visit
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Source: Morgan Stanley Investment Management