Mosaic Provides Operational Update

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The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) has provided an update on the impact of recent hurricanes on its North American phosphate operations. The company proactively idled all Florida operations ahead of Hurricane Milton, resulting in damage to facilities and warehoused products. Power has been restored, and ports have reopened. Facilities are expected to return to full production capacity in the coming days.

Mosaic previously announced a production disruption at its Riverview facility due to Hurricane Helene. The company will provide updates on production losses as recovery efforts progress. Notably, no significant environmental impacts occurred due to the storms. Mosaic has contributed $500,000 to assist Florida operating communities with recovery and has implemented support programs for affected employees.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) ha fornito un aggiornamento sull'impatto degli uragani recenti sulle sue operazioni di fosfato in Nord America. L'azienda ha attuato precauzioni sospendendo tutte le operazioni in Florida prima dell'Uragano Milton, con conseguenti danni alle strutture e ai prodotti stoccati. L'energia è stata ripristinata e i porti sono stati riaperti. Si prevede che le strutture tornino alla piena capacità produttiva nei prossimi giorni.

In precedenza, Mosaic aveva annunciato una interruzione della produzione presso il suo stabilimento di Riverview a causa dell'Uragano Helene. L'azienda fornirà aggiornamenti sulle perdite di produzione man mano che progrediscono gli sforzi di recupero. È importante notare che non ci sono stati impatti ambientali significativi a causa delle tempeste. Mosaic ha contribuito con 500.000 dollari per assistere le comunità operanti in Florida nel processo di recupero e ha implementato programmi di supporto per i dipendenti colpiti.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) ha proporcionado una actualización sobre el impacto de los recientes huracanes en sus operaciones de fosfato en América del Norte. La empresa inactivó proactivamente todas las operaciones en Florida antes del Huracán Milton, lo que resultó en daños a las instalaciones y a los productos almacenados. La energía ha sido restaurada y los puertos han reabierto. Se espera que las instalaciones regresen a su plena capacidad de producción en los próximos días.

Mosaic anunció previamente una interrupción de producción en su instalación de Riverview debido al Huracán Helene. La empresa proporcionará actualizaciones sobre las pérdidas de producción a medida que avancen los esfuerzos de recuperación. Es notable que no se produjeron impactos ambientales significativos debido a las tormentas. Mosaic ha contribuido con 500.000 dólares para ayudar a las comunidades operativas de Florida en la recuperación y ha implementado programas de apoyo para los empleados afectados.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS)는 최근 허리케인들이 북미 인산염 작업에 미친 영향에 대한 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 이 회사는 허리케인 밀턴이 오기 전에 플로리다의 모든 작업을 사전 중단하여 시설과 저장된 제품에 손상을 입혔습니다. 전력은 복구되었고, 항구도 재개장되었습니다. 시설은 앞으로 몇 일 안에 완전 생산 능력을 회복할 것으로 예상됩니다.

Mosaic은 허리케인 헬렌으로 인해 Riverview 시설에서 생산 중단이 있었음을 이전에 발표했습니다. 회사는 복구 작업이 진행됨에 따라 생산 손실에 대한 업데이트를 제공할 예정입니다. 특히, 폭풍으로 인한 중대한 환경 영향은 없었습니다. Mosaic은 플로리다 내 운영 커뮤니티의 복구를 지원하기 위해 50만 달러를 기부했으며, 영향을 받은 직원들을 위한 지원 프로그램을 시행했습니다.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) a fourni une mise à jour sur l'impact des récents ouragans sur ses opérations de phosphate en Amérique du Nord. L'entreprise a proactivement suspendu toutes ses opérations en Floride avant le Ouragan Milton, entraînant des dommages aux installations et aux produits entreposés. L'électricité a été rétablie et les ports ont rouvert. Les installations devraient retrouver leur pleine capacité de production dans les jours à venir.

Mosaic avait précédemment annoncé une interruption de production dans son installation de Riverview à cause de l'Ouragan Helene. L'entreprise fournira des mises à jour sur les pertes de production à mesure que les efforts de récupération progressent. Il est à noter qu'aucun impact environnemental significatif n'est survenu en raison des tempêtes. Mosaic a contribué 500 000 dollars pour aider les communautés en activité en Floride à se remettre et a mis en place des programmes de soutien pour les employés touchés.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) hat ein Update über die Auswirkungen der jüngsten Hurrikane auf ihre Phosphatoperationen in Nordamerika bereitgestellt. Das Unternehmen hatte alle Betriebsstätten in Florida proaktiv vor dem Hurrikan Milton stillgelegt, was zu Schäden an den Einrichtungen und gelagerten Produkten führte. Die Stromversorgung wurde wiederhergestellt und die Häfen haben wieder geöffnet. In den kommenden Tagen wird erwartet, dass die Einrichtungen wieder ihre volle Produktionskapazität erreichen.

Mosaic hatte zuvor eine Produktionsunterbrechung in seiner Riverview-Anlage aufgrund des Hurrikans Helene angekündigt. Das Unternehmen wird Updates zu den Produktionsverlusten bereitstellen, während die Wiederherstellungsmaßnahmen vorankommen. Bemerkenswert ist, dass es durch die Stürme zu keinen signifikanten Umweltauswirkungen gekommen ist. Mosaic hat 500.000 Dollar beigetragen, um den operierenden Gemeinschaften in Florida bei der Wiederherstellung zu helfen, und hat Unterstützungsprogramme für betroffene Mitarbeiter implementiert.

  • damage sustained to facilities and products due to proactive measures
  • Power restored to all facilities and ports reopened
  • Expected return to full production capacity in the coming days
  • No significant environmental impacts from the storms
  • Production disruption at Riverview facility due to Hurricane Helene
  • Potential production losses from recent weather events


The operational update from Mosaic provides mixed insights for investors. On the positive side, the company reports damage to its Florida facilities from Hurricane Milton, with power restored and ports reopened. This suggests a relatively quick return to full production capacity, minimizing potential long-term impacts on revenue.

However, the production disruption at the Riverview facility due to Hurricane Helene, combined with the temporary idling of all Florida operations, will likely result in short-term production losses. The extent of these losses is yet to be quantified, which creates some uncertainty for investors regarding the company's Q4 performance.

The $500,000 contribution to community recovery efforts, while commendable from a corporate social responsibility perspective, is a relatively small amount that shouldn't significantly impact the company's financials. The absence of significant environmental impacts is positive, potentially avoiding costly clean-up efforts or regulatory issues.

Overall, while the hurricanes will likely have a short-term negative impact on Mosaic's operations, the quick recovery and damage suggest that the long-term outlook remains largely unchanged. Investors should monitor the upcoming update on production losses for a clearer picture of the financial impact.

TAMPA, FL / ACCESSWIRE / October 14, 2024 / The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) today provided an update on the impact of the recent hurricanes on North American phosphate operations.

Last week Mosaic proactively idled all Florida operations ahead of Hurricane Milton to mitigate potential impacts. Based on early assessments, limited damage was sustained across the facilities and to products in warehouses. Power has been restored to all facilities, and ports in the region have re-opened. The facilities are expected to return to full production capacity over the coming days as site remediation and cleanup are completed.

Mosaic previously announced a production disruption at its Riverview facility due to Hurricane Helene.

Mosaic will provide an update on production losses from the above noted weather events as recovery efforts progress.

Mosaic is pleased to announce no significant environmental impacts occurred due to the storms. In addition, Mosaic contributed $500,000 to organizations that are assisting our Florida operating communities with recovery. Mosaic has several programs in place for its affected team members, including an Employee-to-Employee Assistance Fund.

About The Mosaic Company
The Mosaic Company is one of the world's leading producers and marketers of concentrated phosphate and potash crop nutrients. Mosaic is a single source provider of phosphates and potash fertilizers and feed ingredients for the global agriculture industry. More information on the company is available at


Joan Tong, 863-640-0826

Jason Tremblay, 813-775-4226

Ben Pratt, 813-775-4206

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may include, but are not limited to, statements about proposed or pending transactions or strategic plans and other statements about future financial and operating results. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of The Mosaic Company's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: political and economic instability and changes in government policies in countries in which we have operations; the predictability and volatility of, and customer expectations about, agriculture, fertilizer, raw material, energy and transportation markets that are subject to competitive and other pressures and economic and credit market conditions; the level of inventories in the distribution channels for crop nutrients; the effect of future product innovations or development of new technologies on demand for our products; changes in foreign currency and exchange rates; international trade risks and other risks associated with Mosaic's international operations and those of joint ventures in which Mosaic participates, including the performance of MWSPC, the future success of current plans for MWSPC and any future changes in those plans; risks related to the anticipated value of the Ma'aden shares to be issued in the proposed transaction at transaction announcement and at closing, the expected timing and likelihood of completion of the pending Ma'aden transaction, including the inability to receive the required approval by Ma'aden shareholders and other approvals, including potential regulatory approvals, necessary to complete the transaction; the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the applicable agreement; the risk that there may be a material adverse change with respect to the financial position, performance, operations or prospects of Ma'aden and MWSPC; difficulties with realization of the benefits of our natural gas based pricing ammonia supply agreement with CF Industries, Inc., including the risk that the cost savings initially anticipated from the agreement may not be fully realized over its term or that the price of natural gas or ammonia during the term are at levels at which the pricing is disadvantageous to Mosaic; customer defaults; the effects of Mosaic's decisions to exit business operations or locations; changes in government policy; changes in environmental and other governmental regulation, including expansion of the types and extent of water resources regulated under federal law, carbon taxes or other greenhouse gas regulation, implementation of numeric water quality standards for the discharge of nutrients into Florida waterways or efforts to reduce the flow of excess nutrients into the Mississippi River basin, the Gulf of Mexico or elsewhere; further developments in judicial or administrative proceedings, or complaints that Mosaic's operations are adversely impacting nearby farms, business operations or properties; difficulties or delays in receiving, increased costs of or challenges to necessary governmental permits or approvals or increased financial assurance requirements; resolution of global tax audit activity; the effectiveness of Mosaic's processes for managing its strategic priorities; adverse weather conditions affecting operations in Central Florida, the Mississippi River basin, the Gulf Coast of the United States, Canada or Brazil, and including potential hurricanes, excess heat, cold, snow, rainfall or drought; actual costs of various items differing from management's current estimates, including, among others, asset retirement, environmental remediation, reclamation or other environmental regulation, Canadian resources taxes and royalties; reduction of Mosaic's available cash and liquidity, and increased leverage, due to its use of cash and/or available debt capacity to fund financial assurance requirements and strategic investments; brine inflows at Mosaic's potash mines; other accidents and disruptions involving Mosaic's operations, including potential mine fires, floods, explosions, seismic events, sinkholes or releases of hazardous or volatile chemicals; and risks associated with cyber security, including reputational loss; as well as other risks and uncertainties reported from time to time in The Mosaic Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: The Mosaic Company

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How did Hurricane Milton impact Mosaic's (MOS) Florida operations?

Mosaic (MOS) proactively idled all Florida operations ahead of Hurricane Milton, resulting in damage to facilities and warehoused products. Power has been restored, and facilities are expected to return to full production capacity in the coming days.

What was the impact of Hurricane Helene on Mosaic's (MOS) Riverview facility?

Mosaic (MOS) previously announced a production disruption at its Riverview facility due to Hurricane Helene. The company will provide updates on production losses as recovery efforts progress.

Has Mosaic (MOS) reported any environmental impacts from the recent hurricanes?

Mosaic (MOS) reported no significant environmental impacts occurred due to the recent storms affecting their operations.

What support has Mosaic (MOS) provided for hurricane recovery efforts?

Mosaic (MOS) has contributed $500,000 to organizations assisting Florida operating communities with recovery and has implemented support programs for affected employees, including an Employee-to-Employee Assistance Fund.

The Mosaic Company


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Agricultural Inputs
Agricultural Chemicals
United States of America