Xander Schauffele Wins His 2nd Major At The Open Championship With Callaway Clubs and Golf Ball
Callaway Staff Professional Xander Schauffele won his 2nd major of the year at The Open Championship, becoming the Champion Golfer of the Year. Schauffele carded a final round 65 at Royal Troon, using Callaway equipment including an Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Driver, Apex TCB Irons, and a Chrome Tour Golf Ball. This victory marks the 3rd major win for Callaway's Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Drivers and Chrome Tour Golf Ball family in 2024. Schauffele, who joined Callaway's Staff in 2018, is now ranked #2 in the Official World Golf Rankings. Chip Brewer, President & CEO of Topgolf Callaway Brands, expressed pride in Schauffele's rare achievement of winning multiple majors in a year.
Il professionista dello staff Callaway Xander Schauffele ha vinto il suo 2° major dell'anno al The Open Championship, diventando il Campione Golfista dell'Anno. Schauffele ha realizzato un'ottima finale con un punteggio di 65 a Royal Troon, utilizzando attrezzatura Callaway tra cui un Driver Ai Smoke Triple Diamond, ferri Apex TCB e una Pallina da Golf Chrome Tour. Questa vittoria segna il 3° successo major per i Driver Ai Smoke Triple Diamond e la famiglia di Palline da Golf Chrome Tour nel 2024. Schauffele, che è entrato a far parte dello staff di Callaway nel 2018, è ora classificato #2 nel Ranking Mondiale di Golf Ufficiale. Chip Brewer, Presidente e CEO di Topgolf Callaway Brands, ha espresso orgoglio per il raro traguardo di Schauffele di vincere più major in un anno.
El profesional de Callaway Xander Schauffele ganó su 2° major del año en el The Open Championship, convirtiéndose en el Campeón Golfista del Año. Schauffele registró una ronda final de 65 en Royal Troon, utilizando equipo Callaway que incluía un Driver Ai Smoke Triple Diamond, Hierros Apex TCB y una Pelota de Golf Chrome Tour. Esta victoria marca la 3ª victoria major para los Drivers Ai Smoke Triple Diamond y la familia de Pelotas de Golf Chrome Tour en 2024. Schauffele, quien se unió al equipo de Callaway en 2018, ahora ocupa el n° 2 en el Ranking Mundial de Golf Oficial. Chip Brewer, Presidente y CEO de Topgolf Callaway Brands, expresó su orgullo por el raro logro de Schauffele de ganar múltiples majors en un año.
Callaway 스태프 프로페셔널 Xander Schauffele가 The Open Championship에서 올해 2번째 메이저를 우승하여 올해의 챔피언 골퍼가 되었습니다. Schauffele는 로열 트룬에서 최종 라운드에서 65타를 기록하며 Callaway 장비를 사용했습니다. 여기에는 Ai Smoke Triple Diamond 드라이버, Apex TCB 아이언 및 Chrome Tour 골프공이 포함됩니다. 이 승리는 2024년 Callaway의 Ai Smoke Triple Diamond 드라이버와 Chrome Tour 골프공 가족의 3번째 메이저 우승을 의미합니다. 2018년에 Callaway 스태프에 합류한 Schauffele는 현재 공식 세계 골프 랭킹에서 #2를 기록하고 있습니다. Chip Brewer, Topgolf Callaway Brands의 사장 겸 CEO는 Schauffele가 한 해에 여러 메이저를 우승한 이 드문 성취에 자부심을 표명했습니다.
Le professionnel de l'équipe Callaway Xander Schauffele a remporté son 2ème majeur de l'année au The Open Championship, devenant le Champion Golfeur de l'Année. Schauffele a réalisé un dernier tour de 65 au Royal Troon, utilisant du matériel Callaway comprenant un Driver Ai Smoke Triple Diamond, des fers Apex TCB et une balle de golf Chrome Tour. Cette victoire marque le 3ème succès majeur pour les Drivers Ai Smoke Triple Diamond et la famille des balles de golf Chrome Tour en 2024. Schauffele, qui a rejoint le personnel de Callaway en 2018, est désormais classé #2 dans le Classement Mondial Officiel de Golf. Chip Brewer, Président et CEO de Topgolf Callaway Brands, a exprimé sa fierté pour l'exploit rare de Schauffele de remporter plusieurs majeurs en une seule année.
Der Callaway-Stabprofi Xander Schauffele gewann sein 2. Major des Jahres bei der The Open Championship und wurde zum Champions Golfer of the Year. Schauffele erzielte in Royal Troon eine finale Runde von 65 und nutzte Callaway-Ausrüstung, einschließlich eines Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Drivers, Apex TCB Eisen und einem Chrome Tour Golfball. Dieser Sieg markiert den 3. Major-Sieg für die Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Driver und die Chrome Tour Golfball-Familie von Callaway im Jahr 2024. Schauffele, der 2018 zum Callaway-Team stieß, belegt jetzt den #2 Platz in der offiziellen weltweiten Golf-Rangliste. Chip Brewer, Präsident und CEO von Topgolf Callaway Brands, drückte seinen Stolz über Schauffeles seltenen Erfolg aus, in einem Jahr mehrere Majors zu gewinnen.
- Xander Schauffele won his 2nd major of the year, boosting Callaway's brand visibility
- Callaway equipment has now earned 3 major wins in 2024
- Schauffele's success may drive sales for Callaway's Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Drivers and Chrome Tour Golf Ball
- Schauffele's rise to #2 in World Golf Rankings enhances Callaway's reputation
- None.
Schauffele makes history and becomes the Champion Golfer of the Year with an iconic final round 65 at Royal Troon
His winning equipment setup included a Callaway Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Driver, Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Fairway Wood, Apex TCB Irons, a new Opus Wedge, a Chrome Tour Golf Ball, and an Odyssey Putter. Schauffele also carded a final round 65 at the PGA Championship in May, where he birdied the 72nd hole to secure his 1st major win.
Callaway's Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Drivers, Chrome Tour Golf Ball Family and new Opus Wedges have now earned 3 major wins with Xander's victories and Yuka Saso's win at the
"We're thrilled to congratulate Xander Schauffele on achieving his 2nd major win of the year, and the 3rd major win of the year for our Callaway clubs and Chrome Tour Golf Ball family," said Chip Brewer, President & CEO of Topgolf Callaway Brands. "It's so rare for a player to win multiple majors in a year, and to do so speaks to both his incredible talent and his performance under pressure. We couldn't be prouder of him."
Callaway Golf, a Topgolf Callaway Brands Corp. (NYSE: MODG) brand, is the leading manufacturer of premium golf clubs, balls, performance gear and accessories worldwide. Through an unwavering commitment to innovation, Callaway pushes the limits of performance and creates demonstrably superior products designed to make every golfer a better golfer. For more information, please visit www.callawaygolf.com.
Jeff Newton
Callaway Golf
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SOURCE Callaway Golf