Mallinckrodt Announces Publication of Human Factors Studies and Arthritis Foundation Ease of Use® Certification of Acthar® Gel (repository corticotropin injection) Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect™ Injector

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Mallinckrodt plc announced the publication of findings from nine human factors studies on the Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector. The studies, published in Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, assessed the design and user interface of SelfJect. Key findings include:

- 91% of participants successfully administered their first injection
- 98% cumulative success after the second trial
- Use errors were rare (6.9% in simulated-use and 1.6% in knowledge-based testing)
- SelfJect received the Arthritis Foundation's Ease of Use certification

The FDA approved SelfJect in February 2024 for treating several autoimmune disorders and inflammatory conditions. It's available in 40 USP units/0.5 mL and 80 USP units/1.0 mL injectors for adults 18 and older.

Mallinckrodt plc ha annunciato la pubblicazione dei risultati di nove studi sui fattori umani relativi all'Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector. Gli studi, pubblicati su Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, hanno valutato il design e l'interfaccia utente di SelfJect. I risultati principali includono:

- Il 91% dei partecipanti ha somministrato con successo la propria prima iniezione
- Successo cumulativo del 98% dopo il secondo tentativo
- Gli errori d'uso sono stati rari (6,9% nei test simulati e 1,6% nei test basati su conoscenze)
- SelfJect ha ricevuto la certificazione di Facilità d'Uso della Arthritis Foundation

La FDA ha approvato SelfJect a febbraio 2024 per il trattamento di diversi disturbi autoimmuni e condizioni infiammatorie. È disponibile in iniettori da 40 unità USP/0,5 mL e 80 unità USP/1,0 mL per adulti di 18 anni e oltre.

Mallinckrodt plc anunció la publicación de los hallazgos de nueve estudios de factores humanos sobre el Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector. Los estudios, publicados en Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, evaluaron el diseño y la interfaz de usuario de SelfJect. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 91% de los participantes administró con éxito su primera inyección
- Éxito acumulado del 98% después del segundo intento
- Los errores de uso fueron raros (6,9% en uso simulado y 1,6% en pruebas basadas en conocimiento)
- SelfJect recibió la certificación de Facilidad de Uso de la Arthritis Foundation

La FDA aprobó SelfJect en febrero de 2024 para el tratamiento de varios trastornos autoinmunes y condiciones inflamatorias. Está disponible en inyectores de 40 unidades USP/0,5 mL y 80 unidades USP/1,0 mL para adultos de 18 años o más.

Mallinckrodt plc는 Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector에 대한 9개의 인간 요인 연구 결과의 발표를 알렸습니다. 이 연구는 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery에 게재되었으며, SelfJect의 디자인과 사용자 인터페이스를 평가했습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 참가자의 91%가 첫 번째 주사를 성공적으로 투여함
- 두 번째 시도 후 누적 성공률 98%
- 사용 오류는 드물었음 (모의 사용에서 6.9%, 지식 기반 테스트에서 1.6%)
- SelfJect는 관절염 재단의 사용 용이성 인증을 받음

FDA는 2024년 2월에 여러 자가 면역 질환 및 염증성 질환 치료를 위해 SelfJect를 승인했습니다. 성인 18세 이상을 위해 40 USP 단위/0.5 mL 및 80 USP 단위/1.0 mL 주사기로 제공됩니다.

Mallinckrodt plc a annoncé la publication des résultats de neuf études sur les facteurs humains concernant le Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector. Les études, publiées dans Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, ont évalué le design et l'interface utilisateur de SelfJect. Les résultats clés incluent :

- 91% des participants ont réussi à administrer leur première injection
- 98% de succès cumulatif après le deuxième essai
- Les erreurs d'utilisation étaient rares (6,9% lors des tests simulés et 1,6% lors des tests basés sur des connaissances)
- SelfJect a reçu la certification de facilité d'utilisation de la Arthritis Foundation

La FDA a approuvé SelfJect en février 2024 pour le traitement de plusieurs troubles auto-immuns et états inflammatoires. Il est disponible en injecteurs de 40 unités USP/0,5 mL et 80 unités USP/1,0 mL pour les adultes de 18 ans et plus.

Mallinckrodt plc gab die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse von neun Studien zu menschlichen Faktoren zum Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector bekannt. Die Studien, veröffentlicht in Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, bewerteten das Design und die Benutzeroberfläche von SelfJect. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse umfassen:

- 91% der Teilnehmer konnten ihre erste Injektion erfolgreich durchführen
- 98% kumulativer Erfolg nach dem zweiten Versuch
- Anwendungsfehler waren selten (6,9% bei simulierten Nutzungstests und 1,6% bei wissensbasierten Tests)
- SelfJect erhielt das Zertifikat für Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Arthritis Foundation

Die FDA genehmigte SelfJect im Februar 2024 zur Behandlung mehrerer Autoimmunerkrankungen und entzündlicher Erkrankungen. Es ist in 40 USP-Einheiten/0,5 mL und 80 USP-Einheiten/1,0 mL Injektoren für Erwachsene ab 18 Jahren erhältlich.

  • SelfJect received FDA approval in February 2024
  • 91% of participants successfully administered their first injection in the validation study
  • 98% cumulative success rate after the second trial
  • SelfJect received the Arthritis Foundation's Ease of Use certification
  • Low error rates in simulated-use (6.9%) and knowledge-based (1.6%) testing
  • Most common use errors were related to not appropriately warming the product before administration
  • Controlled study setting may not accurately replicate real-world complexities
  • Potential participant selection bias and small sample sizes in formative and pilot studies

The publication of human factors studies for Mallinckrodt's Acthar Gel SelfJect injector provides valuable insights into the device's usability. The 91% success rate for first-time injections and 98% cumulative success after the second trial demonstrate strong user-friendliness. However, the 6.9% error rate in simulated-use testing, primarily related to product warming, suggests room for improvement in user education.

The Arthritis Foundation's Ease of Use certification adds credibility to the device's design, potentially increasing its appeal to patients with dexterity issues. This could lead to improved patient compliance and, consequently, better treatment outcomes. However, investors should note that while these studies are positive, they don't directly impact the drug's efficacy or market size.

While the publication of these studies and the Ease of Use certification are positive developments for Mallinckrodt, their immediate financial impact is likely The SelfJect injector, approved in February 2024, represents an improvement in Acthar Gel's delivery method rather than an expansion of its indications or market size.

Investors should focus on whether this new delivery system can help maintain or potentially increase Acthar Gel's market share, especially given its controversial pricing history. The improved usability could lead to better patient retention and potentially attract new prescriptions, but it's unlikely to dramatically alter Mallinckrodt's financial trajectory in the short term. Long-term benefits may include reduced competition and sustained revenue from this key product.

– Findings from nine human factors studies, assessing design and user interface, suggest SelfJect functions as an effective delivery device when used as intended1 –

The SelfJect delivery device received the Arthritis Foundation's Ease of Use certification – 

DUBLIN, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mallinckrodt plc, a global specialty pharmaceutical company, today announced the publication of findings from seven formative and two validation human factors studies of recently launched Acthar Gel (repository corticotropin injection) Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect™ Injector ("SelfJect").2 The manuscript, describing the formative and human factor outcomes, was recently published online in Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in February of 2024, SelfJect also received the Arthritis Foundation's Ease of Use® certification. This certification recognizes SelfJect for its easy-to-use design, based on testing by an independent third party.

Acthar Gel is a naturally sourced complex mixture of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) analogs and other pituitary peptides.2 Acthar Gel is approved by the FDA for the treatment of several autoimmune disorders and medical conditions known to cause inflammation.2 SelfJect is available in 40 USP units/0.5 mL and 80 USP units/1.0 mL injectors and must be administered by people 18 years of age or older. SelfJect is not to be used for the treatment of infantile spasms.

Please see Indications and Important Safety Information for Acthar Gel below.

"We're proud of the extensive research and testing conducted to develop SelfJect, including these human factors studies which were critical to our application for FDA approval," said Lisa French, Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer. "These results, and the Arthritis Foundation's Ease of Use certification, are a testament to our commitment to modernize Acthar Gel for our patient community. In keeping with our mission of listening for needs, SelfJect provides an administration option designed to better support patients, caregivers, and medical professionals in managing appropriate conditions." 

Arthritis Foundation President and CEO Steven Taylor said, "Ease of Use products and packaging are designed to help people with arthritis and those with physical limitations by making everyday tasks easier. We're excited to partner with companies like Mallinckrodt that understand the importance of developing products and packages with the needs of patients at the forefront."

About the Studies

Human factors studies were conducted utilizing SelfJect to assess the design of the injection device and its user interface, as well as mitigate potential use-related hazards, through observation of participants using the device and participant feedback.1 The published research includes results from nine studies, including seven formative studies, a validation study (with four prior pilot validation studies), and a supplemental validation study with participants including lay users, patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.1 The formative studies tested and developed various components such as packaging and instructional material, whereas the validation study evaluated administration of the device with the intended-to-market user interface and representative users in representative simulated-use environments.1 Four pilot studies then generated additional protocol recommendations for the validation study.1

In the 160-participant validation study, 91% (n=146) of participants successfully administered their first injection, with 98% (n=156) cumulative success after the second trial.1 Use errors were rare with simulated-use (6.9% [n=194] of all evaluated tasks) and knowledge-based (1.6% [n=56] of all evaluated tasks) testing. The most common use errors were related to not appropriately warming the product before administration.1

Limitations of the studies include1:

  • The controlled study setting may not have accurately replicated real-world complexities that play a role in the administration of Acthar Gel via SelfJect, potentially altering the number of study use errors and deviation.
  • Injections were performed with placebo gel into an injection pad and not a patient. The feedback that a user receives when injecting into skin versus a surrogate injection pad may influence use behavior.
  • A more realistic delivery container could have been used to cue the participant that this product would arrive cold and would need to be stored appropriately. 
  • Participant selection bias, reliance on self-reported and qualitative data, and small sample sizes in the formative and pilot studies may have impacted results.

If a customer is interested in learning more about SelfJect, they can reach out to their local representative or visit


Acthar Gel is indicated for:

  • Inducing a diuresis or a remission of proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome without uremia of the idiopathic type or that due to lupus erythematosus
  • Monotherapy for the treatment of infantile spasms in infants and children under 2 years of age
  • Treatment of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis in adults. Controlled clinical trials have shown Acthar to be effective in speeding the resolution of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. However, there is no evidence that it affects the ultimate outcome or natural history of the disease
  • Severe acute and chronic allergic and inflammatory processes involving the eye and its adnexa such as: keratitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, diffuse posterior uveitis and choroiditis, optic neuritis, chorioretinitis, anterior segment inflammation
  • Symptomatic sarcoidosis
  • Treatment during an exacerbation or as maintenance therapy in selected cases of systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Treatment during an exacerbation or as maintenance therapy in selected cases of systemic dermatomyositis (polymyositis)
  • Adjunctive therapy for short-term administration (to tide the patient over an acute episode or exacerbation) in: psoriatic arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis, including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (selected cases may require low-dose maintenance therapy); ankylosing spondylitis


Acthar is contraindicated:

  • For intravenous administration
  • In infants under 2 years of age who have suspected congenital infections
  • With concomitant administration of live or live attenuated vaccines in patients receiving immunosuppressive doses of Acthar
  • In patients with scleroderma, osteoporosis, systemic fungal infections, ocular herpes simplex, recent surgery, history of the presence of a peptic ulcer, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension, primary adrenocortical insufficiency, adrenocortical hyperfunction, or sensitivity to proteins of porcine origin

Warnings and Precautions

  • The adverse effects of Acthar are related primarily to its steroidogenic effects
  • Acthar may increase susceptibility to new infection or reactivation of latent infections
  • Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may occur following prolonged therapy with the potential for adrenal insufficiency after withdrawal of the medication. Adrenal insufficiency may be minimized by tapering of the dose when discontinuing treatment. During recovery of the adrenal gland patients should be protected from the stress (e.g., trauma or surgery) by the use of corticosteroids. Monitor patients for effects of HPA axis suppression after stopping treatment
  • Cushing's syndrome may occur during therapy but generally resolves after therapy is stopped. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms
  • Acthar can cause elevation of blood pressure, salt and water retention, and hypokalemia. Monitor blood pressure and sodium and potassium levels
  • Acthar often acts by masking symptoms of other diseases/disorders. Monitor patients carefully during and for a period following discontinuation of therapy
  • Acthar can cause gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and gastric ulcer. There is also an increased risk for perforation in patients with certain GI disorders. Monitor for signs of perforation and bleeding
  • Acthar may be associated with central nervous system effects ranging from euphoria, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, personality changes, and severe depression to psychosis. Existing conditions may be aggravated
  • Patients with comorbid disease may have that disease worsened. Caution should be used when prescribing Acthar in patients with diabetes and myasthenia gravis
  • Prolonged use of Acthar may produce cataracts, glaucoma, and secondary ocular infections. Monitor for signs and symptoms
  • Acthar is immunogenic and prolonged administration of Acthar may increase the risk of hypersensitivity reactions. Cases of anaphylaxis have been reported in the postmarketing setting. Neutralizing antibodies with chronic administration may lead to loss of endogenous ACTH and Acthar activity
  • There may be an enhanced effect in patients with hypothyroidism and in those with cirrhosis of the liver
  • Long-term use may have negative effects on growth and physical development in children. Monitor pediatric patients
  • Decrease in bone density may occur. Bone density should be monitored in patients on long-term therapy

Adverse Reactions

  • Commonly reported postmarketing adverse reactions for Acthar include injection site reaction, asthenic conditions (including fatigue, malaise, asthenia, and lethargy), fluid retention (including peripheral swelling), insomnia, headache, and blood glucose increased
  • The most common adverse reactions for the treatment of infantile spasms (IS) are increased risk of infections, convulsions, hypertension, irritability, and pyrexia. Some patients with IS progress to other forms of seizures; IS sometimes masks these seizures, which may become visible once the clinical spasms from IS resolve


  • Acthar may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman

Please see full Prescribing Information for additional Important Safety Information.

Mallinckrodt is a global business consisting of multiple wholly owned subsidiaries that develop, manufacture, market and distribute specialty pharmaceutical products and therapies. The company's Specialty Brands reportable segment's areas of focus include autoimmune and rare diseases in specialty areas like neurology, rheumatology, hepatology, nephrology, pulmonology, ophthalmology, and oncology; immunotherapy and neonatal respiratory critical care therapies; analgesics; and gastrointestinal products. Its Specialty Generics reportable segment includes specialty generic drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients. To learn more about Mallinckrodt, visit

This release contains forward-looking statements, including with regard to Acthar Gel (repository corticotropin injection), the Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect™ Injector, the potential of these products to improve health and treatment outcomes, their potential impact on patients and the availability of Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector in the U.S. in the future. The statements are based on assumptions about many important factors, including the following, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements: the effects of Mallinckrodt's recent emergence from bankruptcy; satisfaction of, and compliance with, regulatory and other requirements; actions of regulatory bodies and other governmental authorities; changes in laws and regulations; changes in market demand; issues with product quality, manufacturing or supply, or patient safety issues or adverse side effects or adverse reactions associated with Acthar Gel and Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector; and other risks identified and described in more detail in the "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" sections of Mallinckrodt's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the SEC, all of which are available on its website. The forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date hereof and Mallinckrodt does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events and developments or otherwise, except as required by law.


Media Inquiries
Green Room Communications

Investor Relations
Derek Belz
Vice President, Investor Relations

Mallinckrodt, the "M" brand mark, SelfJect, and the Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals logo are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company. Other brands are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company or their respective owners.

©2024 Mallinckrodt. US-2400718 09/24


1 Linnane A, Lau M, Miranda P, Elliott S. Formative and Validation Human Factors Studies of a New Disposable Prefilled Injection Device for Subcutaneous Delivery of Acthar Gel (Repository Corticotropin Injection). Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2024.
2 Acthar® Gel (repository corticotropin injection) [prescribing information]. Bridgewater, NJ: Mallinckrodt ARD LLC.

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SOURCE Mallinckrodt plc


What is the success rate of first-time users of Acthar Gel SelfJect (MNK)?

In the 160-participant validation study, 91% of participants successfully administered their first injection using the Acthar Gel SelfJect injector.

When did the FDA approve Mallinckrodt's Acthar Gel SelfJect (MNK)?

The FDA approved the Acthar Gel Single-Dose Pre-filled SelfJect Injector in February 2024.

What certification did Mallinckrodt's Acthar Gel SelfJect (MNK) receive?

Mallinckrodt's Acthar Gel SelfJect received the Arthritis Foundation's Ease of Use certification, recognizing its easy-to-use design.

What were the most common errors in using Mallinckrodt's Acthar Gel SelfJect (MNK)?

The most common use errors were related to not appropriately warming the product before administration.

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