Monogram Provides Regulatory Update Following Meeting with FDA

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Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. provided an update regarding its mBôs surgical system regulatory path after a meeting with the FDA, revealing accelerated 510(k) submission plans for early second half of 2024. The FDA feedback on the Q1 2023 submission was positive, supporting a least burdensome approach to clinical data acquisition. Management aims to conduct an OUS clinical trial, estimating costs at $1.5M, to support post-launch marketing. Monogram anticipates leveraging OUS clinical data and an accommodating FDA stance towards it to expedite technology pipeline development, including mVision tracking solution. Verification and Validation testing nearing completion in Q2 2024, with a 510(k) submission expected in late 2024. The company's modified mBôs system design aims to minimize the risk of FDA clinical data requests. Various tests and validations are progressing well, with strategic engagements with external partners, including MCRA, aiding in regulatory strategy execution.

Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. ha fornito un aggiornamento riguardo il percorso regolatorio del sistema chirurgico mBôs dopo un incontro con la FDA, annunciando piani di presentazione accelerata 510(k) per la prima parte della seconda metà del 2024. I feedback della FDA sulla presentazione del primo trimestre 2023 sono stati positivi, favorendo un approccio meno oneroso per l'acquisizione dei dati clinici. La direzione prevede di realizzare un trial clinico OUS, stimando costi di 1,5 milioni di dollari, per sostenere il marketing post-lancio. Monogram prevede di sfruttare i dati clinici OUS e un atteggiamento accomodante da parte della FDA per accelerare lo sviluppo del pipeline tecnologico, inclusa la soluzione di tracciamento mVision. I test di Verifica e Validazione sono vicini al completamento nel secondo trimestre del 2024, con una presentazione 510(k) prevista per la fine del 2024. Il sistema mBôs modificato dell'azienda mira a minimizzare il rischio di richieste di dati clinici da parte della FDA. Diversi test e validazioni stanno procedendo bene, con l'efficace collaborazione strategica con partner esterni, inclusa MCRA, per l'esecuzione della strategia regolatoria.
Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. ha actualizado sobre el camino regulatorio de su sistema quirúrgico mBôs tras una reunión con la FDA, revelando planes para una presentación acelerada 510(k) para la primera parte de la segunda mitad de 2024. Los comentarios de la FDA sobre la presentación del primer trimestre de 2023 fueron positivos, apoyando un enfoque que minimice la carga para la obtención de datos clínicos. La dirección planea realizar un ensayo clínico OUS, estimando los costos en $1.5 millones, para apoyar el marketing post-lanzamiento. Monogram espera aprovechar los datos clínicos OUS y una postura receptiva de la FDA para acelerar el desarrollo de su pipeline tecnológico, incluida la solución de seguimiento mVision. Las pruebas de Verificación y Validación están cerca de finalizar en el segundo trimestre de 2024, con una presentación 510(k) prevista para fines de 2024. El diseño modificado del sistema mBôs de la empresa busca minimizar el riesgo de solicitudes de datos clínicos por parte de la FDA. Diversas pruebas y validaciones están avanzando bien, con compromisos estratégicos con socios externos, incluido MCRA, para ejecutar la estrategia regulatoria.
Monogram Orthopaedics Inc.는 FDA와의 회의 후 mBôs 수술 시스템의 규제 경로에 대한 업데이트를 제공했으며, 2024년 후반의 초기에 가속화된 510(k) 제출 계획을 발표했습니다. FDA는 2023년 1분기 제출에 대해 긍정적인 피드백을 제공하여 임상 데이터 획득을 위한 최소 부담 접근 방식을 지원했습니다. 경영진은 OUS 임상 시험을 실시할 계획이며, 비용을 150만 달러로 추산하여 출시 후 마케팅을 지원할 예정입니다. Monogram은 OUS 임상 데이터와 FDA의 수용적 태도를 활용하여 기술 파이프라인 개발을 가속화할 계획이며, 이에는 mVision 추적 솔루션이 포함됩니다. 검증 및 유효성 검사 테스트가 2024년 2분기에 완료될 예정이며, 510(k) 제출은 2024년 말로 예상됩니다. 회사의 수정된 mBôs 시스템 디자인은 FDA의 임상 데이터 요구를 최소화하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 다양한 테스트 및 검증이 잘 진행되고 있으며, MRCA를 포함한 외부 파트너와의 전략적 협력을 통해 규제 전략을 실행하고 있습니다.
Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. a fourni une mise à jour sur le chemin réglementaire de son système chirurgical mBôs après une réunion avec la FDA, révélant des plans de soumission accélérée 510(k) pour la première moitié de la seconde moitié de 2024. Les retours de la FDA sur la soumission du premier trimestre 2023 étaient positifs, favorisant une approche minimisant les charges pour l'acquisition de données cliniques. La direction envisage de mener un essai clinique OUS, avec des coûts estimés à 1,5 million de dollars, afin de soutenir le marketing post-lancement. Monogram prévoit d'utiliser les données cliniques OUS et une position accommodante de la FDA pour accélérer le développement de son pipeline technologique, y compris la solution de suivi mVision. Les tests de vérification et de validation sont sur le point d'être achevés au deuxième trimestre de 2024, avec une soumission 510(k) attendue vers la fin de 2024. La conception modifiée du système mBôs de l'entreprise vise à minimiser le risque de demandes de données cliniques par la FDA. Divers tests et validations avancent bien, avec des engagements stratégiques auprès de partenaires externes, y compris MCRA, aidant à l'exécution de la stratégie réglementaire.
Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. hat ein Update zum regulatorischen Weg seines mBôs chirurgischen Systems nach einem Treffen mit der FDA gegeben, welches beschleunigte 510(k) Einreichungspläne für die frühe zweite Hälfte von 2024 offenbarte. Das Feedback der FDA zur Einreichung im ersten Quartal 2023 war positiv und unterstützte einen möglichst wenig belastenden Ansatz zur Gewinnung von klinischen Daten. Die Geschäftsführung plant, eine OUS klinische Studie durchzuführen, deren Kosten auf 1,5 Millionen Dollar geschätzt werden, um das Marketing nach dem Start zu unterstützen. Monogram plant, die OUS klinischen Daten und eine entgegenkommende Haltung der FDA zu nutzen, um die Entwicklung des Technologieportfolios zu beschleunigen, einschließlich der mVision-Verfolgungslösung. Die Tests für Verifikation und Validierung nähern sich der Vollendung im zweiten Quartal 2024, mit einer erwarteten 510(k) Einreichung Ende 2024. Das modifizierte Design des mBôs-Systems der Firma zielt darauf ab, das Risiko von FDA-Anforderungen an klinische Daten zu minimieren. Verschiedene Tests und Validierungen kommen gut voran, mit strategischen Engagements bei externen Partnern, einschließlich MCRA, die bei der Ausführung der regulatorischen Strategie helfen.
  • Positive feedback from the FDA on the Q1 2023 submission, endorsing a least burdensome approach to acquiring clinical data.

  • Anticipated cost savings and time benefits with an OUS clinical trial, estimated at $1.5M.

  • Expeditious development and commercialization prospects with an OUS clinical strategy and favorable FDA stance towards OUS data.

  • Verification and Validation testing progress on track, nearing completion in Q2 2024.

  • Strategic engagement with MCRA to support regulatory strategy for submission.

  • Although the FDA feedback was positive, there is always a risk of additional requests or changes during the submission process.

  • The estimated cost of running an OUS clinical trial at $1.5M could impact the company's financials if unexpected expenses arise.


Aiming to facilitate a layperson's understanding of the process, a 510(k) submission is a premarket submission made to the FDA to demonstrate that the device to be marketed is at least as safe and effective, that is, substantially equivalent, to a legally marketed device that is not subject to premarket approval. Monogram's strategy to utilize overseas clinical data to expedite this process indicates a shrewd approach to minimize delays and resource expenditure. Typically, FDA clinical trials can be protracted and costly, so this strategic maneuver not only saves on costs estimated around $1.5M but also circumvents potential slowdowns in the regulatory approval process.

The announcement regarding the mBôs system's verification and validation completion timeline suggests that Monogram is progressing without significant hitches. Efficient progression through these phases can be indicative of the company's technical competency and operational efficiency. The engagement of a Contract Research Organization like MCRA is also a positive note, as it underlines Monogram's commitment to meticulous regulatory compliance. It's not uncommon for companies to engage such organizations to navigate the intricacies of regulatory pathways.

As an investor, it would be prudent to monitor the execution of these upcoming clinical trials and subsequent FDA interactions. A successful 510(k) submission could potentially unlock market access, thereby catalyzing revenue generation for Monogram. However, investors should remain aware of the inherent risks involved in the regulatory process, as any setbacks could negatively impact the company's stock performance.

When examining the technical aspects of Monogram's development, a key point of interest is the mBôs system's ongoing IEC testing. Completed internal testing and design considerations giving confidence in favorable IEC test outcomes are a testament to the thorough pre-emptive measures in system design. In layman's terms, the IEC tests focus on the device's electromagnetic compatibility, which is critical to ensure that it doesn't interfere with other medical equipment and functions reliably in a clinical setting.

The Human Factors Evaluation is another critical aspect worth highlighting. It involves at least 15 surgeons to perform simulated surgeries, assessing the system's usability and ensuring that design is intuitive and safe for clinical use. This step is imperative, as it directly impacts the safety and efficacy of the system from the user's perspective. An investor with a keen eye on product quality and potential for widespread clinical adoption should find reassurance in Monogram's attention to these details. This level of rigour in testing and validation may reduce the risk of post-market issues, which can be costly and damage a company's reputation.

510(k) Submission with FDA Accelerated for Early Second Half of 2024

AUSTIN, TX / ACCESSWIRE / May 1, 2024 / Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. (NASDAQ:MGRM) ("Monogram" or the "Company"), an AI-driven robotics company focused on improving human health with an initial focus on orthopedic surgery, today provided an update related to the regulatory and commercialization path for its mBôs surgical system following its meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (the "FDA").

On April 19, 2024, Monogram received written feedback from the FDA regarding the Company's Q1 2023 pre-submission request. Subsequently, Monogram conducted a teleconference meeting with the FDA on April 24, 2024, to discuss the written feedback further and obtain feedback on the Monogram mBôs™ TKA System verification test plan, including a proposed clinical trial protocol on an outside the U.S. (OUS) target population. Management believes the feedback was comprehensive and will be advantageous for preparing a successful 510(k) submission to obtain clearance.

The Company shared with the FDA various test protocols essential for establishing the safety and effectiveness of the Monogram mBôs™ TKA System and a synopsis of its proposed OUS clinical investigation plan.

Based on the feedback, management assesses that: 1) the proposed testing plan generally appears acceptable to address the technical differences identified with the proposed predicate device, and 2) for the active (also autonomous) embodiment of its product, a clinical testing plan that includes approximately 100 knee surgeries conducted on an OUS population at three sites with three months of follow-up should generally be sufficient for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the Monogram mBôs™ TKA System. Notably, on March 21st, the Company announced that it had modified the Monogram mBôs™ TKA System to reduce the likelihood of an FDA clinical data request with its submission.

In their written response the FDA indicated they support a least burdensome approach to acquiring clinical data. Management anticipates running an OUS clinical trial could save the Company significant cost and time. Currently, management estimates the cost to run an OUS clinical trial as proposed to be approximately $1.5M. The Company plans to run a clinical trial to support post-launch marketing irrespective of whether it will be needed for obtaining regulatory clearance with the FDA.

Updated Key Objectives

  • Given the favorable FDA feedback for using OUS clinical data, Monogram management anticipates establishing an ongoing OUS clinical strategy to support its innovation strategy. Access to an extensive OUS surgeon and hospital network and an accommodative FDA posture towards OUS data could accelerate the development and commercialization of its technology pipeline, including mVision, its novel tracking solution that aims to eliminate point based registration and tracking with large fiducial based arrays.
  • The Company recently announced that the Verification and Validation testing will be largely complete in Q2 of 2024 and anticipates a 510(k) submission to follow in the second half of 2024.

The Company's plan to aggressively accelerate 510(k) submission for its mBôs surgical system with design modifications that management believes reduce the risk of a clinical trial request is on track. The Verification and Validation testing is underway, and the Company has largely completed various mandated packaging, biocompatibility, sterilization, and cleaning validations. Except for ongoing IEC testing, most tests that rely on outside vendors are on track or largely complete. For IEC testing, the Company has largely completed various mandated radiated emissions and immunity testing. The paperwork reviews are largely complete, and various electromechanical and safety tests are starting soon. The Company believes the system will perform favorably in outstanding IEC testing based on completed internal testing and various design considerations. One of the most demanding test protocols is the Human Factors Evaluation and Design Validation, which requires at least 15 surgeons to use the system in a simulated surgery. The Company is using much of the data from these labs to test other aspects of the system, such as system accuracy. The Company has completed six simulated surgeries, with a significant remaining portion planned in May 2024.

Monogram has engaged MCRA, a US-based Contract Research Organization (CRO), to support its regulatory strategy for submission.

"Our team has been actively executing extensive, highly rigorous internal and external testing while diligently incorporating feedback from the FDA," said Ben Sexson, Chief Executive Officer of Monogram. "We continue to expect verification and validation to be largely complete in H1 2024, with a planned FDA 510(k) submission in H2 2024. We believe an OUS clinical data strategy could become valuable for ongoing research, development, and commercialization efforts."

Dave McGurl, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs at MCRA, commented: "Monogram's engagements with the FDA have been highly constructive, with the Company having incorporated the FDA's feedback into the mBôs™ TKA System design. After numerous communications with the FDA and extensive clarity provided by the Monogram team, the Company should be set up for success with the 510(k) submission to the FDA for clearance. The Company has taken patient safety extremely seriously, which is apparent in numerous aspects of the design. The Company's verification and validation plan appears to satisfy all the FDA's stated concerns, and the FDA has been supportive of Monogram following a least burdensome approach to clinical data procurement. We look forward to continuing to support Monogram through its submission and clearance."

Upcoming 2024 Milestones

  • Largely complete mBôs system verification and validation - H1 2024
  • Submit 510(k) application to FDA - H2 2024
  • Commence OUS live-patient surgery trials - H2 2024
  • Expanded international relationships

About Monogram Orthopaedics

Monogram Orthopaedics (NASDAQ:MGRM) is working to develop a product solution architecture with the long-term goal of enabling patient-optimized orthopedic implants at scale by linking 3D printing and robotics with advanced pre-operative imaging. The Company has a robotic system that can autonomously execute optimized paths for high-precision insertion of implants in synthetic bone specimens. Monogram intends to produce and market robotic surgical equipment and related software, orthopedic implants, tissue ablation tools, navigation consumables, and other miscellaneous instrumentation necessary for reconstructive joint replacement procedures. The Company has not yet made 510(k) premarket notification submissions or obtained 510(k) clearances for its robotic products. FDA approval is required to market these products, and the Company has not obtained FDA approval for any of its robotic products, and it cannot estimate the timing or assure the ability, to obtain such clearances.

Monogram Orthopaedics is working to advance the way orthopedic surgery is done. Our system is being developed to combine personalized knee implants with precision robotic surgical assistants to hopefully give patients a better-fitting knee replacement with minimally invasive surgery. One hundred thousand knee replacements failing each year in a $19.4B market represents an enormous opportunity for us.

To learn more, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may include "forward-looking statements.'' To the extent that the information presented in this presentation discusses financial projections, information, or expectations about Monogram Orthopaedics Inc.'s business plans, results of operations, products or markets, or otherwise makes statements about future events, such statements are forward-looking. Such forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "should," "may," "intends," "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "projects," "forecasts," "expects," "plans," and "proposes."

Although Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. You are urged to carefully review and consider any cautionary statements and other disclosures, including the statements made under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the offering statement filed with the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are contained, and Monogram Orthopaedics Inc. does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements except as may be required by law.

Investor Relations

Chris Tyson
Executive Vice President
MZ North America
Direct: 949-491-8235


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What did Monogram announce following its meeting with the FDA?

Monogram announced plans for an accelerated 510(k) submission for its mBôs surgical system in early second half of 2024.

What was the feedback from the FDA on Monogram's Q1 2023 pre-submission request?

The FDA provided positive feedback and endorsed a least burdensome approach to acquiring clinical data.

How much does Monogram estimate the cost of running an OUS clinical trial to be?

Monogram estimates the cost of running an OUS clinical trial to be approximately $1.5 million.

When is Monogram aiming to complete its Verification and Validation testing?

Monogram is aiming to largely complete Verification and Validation testing in Q2 2024.

Which organization is supporting Monogram's regulatory strategy for submission?

MCRA, a US-based Contract Research Organization (CRO), is supporting Monogram's regulatory strategy for submission.

Monogram Orthopaedics Inc


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Medical Devices
Surgical & Medical Instruments & Apparatus
United States