USCF Investments, a subsidiary of The Marygold Companies (NYSE-American: MGLD), announced significant growth in its ETF Trust platform, surpassing $500 million in assets under management. The company's USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Strategy No K-1 Fund (SDCI) has been nominated for 'Commodity ETF of the Year' by
Launched in 2018, SDCI was designed to provide investors with dynamic, broad commodity exposure without requiring a K-1 tax form. The fund represents part of USCF's broader portfolio, which includes fifteen ETFs across commodity and alternative asset classes. The company, which pioneered the first oil ETF in 2006, now manages over $3 billion in total assets from its Walnut Creek, California headquarters.
USCF Investments, una filiale di The Marygold Companies (NYSE-American: MGLD), ha annunciato una crescita significativa nella sua piattaforma ETF Trust, superando 500 milioni di dollari di attivi in gestione. Il fondo USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Strategy No K-1 (SDCI) è stato nominato per il premio 'Commodity ETF of the Year' da
Lanciato nel 2018, SDCI è stato progettato per fornire agli investitori un'esposizione dinamica e ampia alle materie prime senza la necessità di un modulo fiscale K-1. Il fondo rappresenta una parte del portafoglio più ampio di USCF, che include quindici ETF tra materie prime e classi di attivi alternativi. L'azienda, che ha pionierato il primo ETF sul petrolio nel 2006, gestisce ora oltre 3 miliardi di dollari in attivi totali dalla sua sede di Walnut Creek, California.
USCF Investments, una subsidiaria de The Marygold Companies (NYSE-American: MGLD), anunció un crecimiento significativo en su plataforma de ETF Trust, superando los 500 millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión. El fondo USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Strategy No K-1 (SDCI) ha sido nominado para el premio 'Commodity ETF of the Year' por
Lanzado en 2018, SDCI fue diseñado para proporcionar a los inversores una exposición dinámica y amplia a las materias primas sin requerir un formulario fiscal K-1. El fondo representa parte de la cartera más amplia de USCF, que incluye quince ETF en clases de activos de materias primas y alternativos. La compañía, que fue pionera en el primer ETF de petróleo en 2006, ahora gestiona más de 3 mil millones de dólares en activos totales desde su sede en Walnut Creek, California.
USCF Investments는 The Marygold Companies (NYSE-American: MGLD)의 자회사로, ETF Trust 플랫폼에서 significante한 성장을 발표하며 5억 달러 이상의 자산을 관리하고 있습니다. 회사의 USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Strategy No K-1 Fund (SDCI)는 ETF.com으로부터 '올해의 원자재 ETF'로 지명되었습니다.
2018년에 출시된 SDCI는 투자자들에게 K-1 세금 양식 없이 동적인 폭넓은 원자재 노출을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 펀드는 USCF의 보다 넓은 포트폴리오의 일환을 이루며, 원자재 및 대체 자산 클래스에 걸쳐 15개 ETF를 포함합니다. 2006년에 첫 번째 석유 ETF를 개척한 이 회사는 현재 캘리포니아 월넛 크릭 본사에서 30억 달러 이상의 총 자산을 관리하고 있습니다.
USCF Investments, une filiale de The Marygold Companies (NYSE-American: MGLD), a annoncé une croissance significative de sa plateforme ETF Trust, dépassant 500 millions de dollars d'actifs sous gestion. Le fonds USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Strategy No K-1 (SDCI) a été nominé pour le prix 'Commodity ETF of the Year' par
Lancé en 2018, le SDCI a été conçu pour offrir aux investisseurs une exposition dynamique et large aux matières premières sans nécessiter de formulaire fiscal K-1. Le fonds fait partie du portefeuille plus large d'USCF, qui comprend quinze ETF répartis entre matières premières et classes d'actifs alternatifs. L'entreprise, qui a été pionnière du premier ETF pétrolier en 2006, gère désormais plus de 3 milliards de dollars d'actifs totaux depuis son siège à Walnut Creek, Californie.
USCF Investments, eine Tochtergesellschaft der Marygold Companies (NYSE-American: MGLD), hat ein signifikantes Wachstum seiner ETF Trust-Plattform angekündigt und über 500 Millionen Dollar an verwaltetem Vermögen überschritten. Der USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Strategy No K-1 Fund (SDCI) wurde von für den 'Commodity ETF of the Year' nominiert.
SDCI, das 2018 gestartet wurde, wurde entwickelt, um Anlegern eine dynamische und umfassende Rohstoffexposition zu bieten, ohne dass ein K-1-Steuerformular erforderlich ist. Der Fonds ist Teil des breiteren Portfolios von USCF, das fünfzehn ETFs in Rohstoff- und alternativen Anlageklassen umfasst. Das Unternehmen, das 2006 den ersten Öl-ETF ins Leben rief, verwaltet jetzt über 3 Milliarden Dollar an Gesamtvermögen aus seiner Zentrale in Walnut Creek, Kalifornien.
- ETF Trust platform reached $500 million in assets under management
- SDCI nominated for 'Commodity ETF of the Year' by
- Company manages over $3 billion in total assets
- None.
SDCI launched in 2018 to accommodate investors who wanted dynamic, broad commodity exposure without a K-1 tax form. Over the last seven years SDCI has grown within a highly competitive field and investors are taking notice.
"We are thrilled to see SDCI finally gaining the recognition that we have always thought that it deserved," said John Love, President and CEO of USCF Investments. "Last week's nomination from in the 'Commodity ETF of the Year' category is a welcome honor and distinction."
Since its founding in 2006, USCF Investments has remained steadfast in its belief that commodity and other alternative products should be available to every investor. USCF Investments has grown and established its expertise in commodity ETF strategies, reflecting investor interest in the market sector. USCF Investments now boasts fifteen ETFs in the commodity and alternative space, across platforms, including the USCF SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Strategy No K-1 Fund (SDCI).
About USCF
USCF Investments operates on the leading edge of exchange-traded fund (ETF) innovation. The firm broke new ground with the launch of the first oil ETF, the United States Oil Fund, LP (USO), in 2006. Over the next decade, USCF designed and issued fifteen more ETFs across commodity and alternative asset classes. USCF and its affiliates currently manage over
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Commodity trading is highly speculative and involves a high degree of risk. Commodities and futures generally are volatile and are not suitable for all investors. An investor may lose all or substantially all of an investment. Investing in commodity interests subject each Fund to the risks of its related industry. These risks could result in large fluctuations in the price of a particular Fund's respective shares. Funds that focus on a single sector generally experience greater volatility. For further discussion of these and additional risks associated with an investment in the Funds please read the respective Fund Prospectus before investing.
ETF Disclosures: Investing involves risks, including loss of principal. An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus containing this and other information, please call 1-800-920-0259 or download the file from
Individuals cannot invest directly in an Index. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses.
John Love and Katie Rooney are registered representatives of ALPS Distributors, Inc.
Funds distributed by and not affiliated with ALPS Distributors, Inc.
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