Manulife and World Economic Forum Announce Winners in 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge' to Drive Health and Financial Resiliency

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Manulife and the World Economic Forum have announced the winners of the 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge' through UpLink, the Forum's open innovation platform. Ten global start-ups were selected for their innovative approaches to preventative health care and financial wellness for longer lives. Each winner will receive C$50,000 in prize money and access to UpLink's Innovation Ecosystem.

The challenge aims to address the longevity crisis, as the global population over 65 is expected to double to 1.6 billion by 2050. Manulife's partnership with the World Economic Forum and UpLink focuses on finding accessible solutions to help people live longer, healthier, and better lives.

This challenge is the first of three innovation challenges designed to shape the future of the longevity economy. The next two challenges will be held in 2025 and 2026 with new thematic focus areas.

Manulife e il World Economic Forum hanno annunciato i vincitori della 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge' attraverso UpLink, la piattaforma di innovazione aperta del Forum. Dieci start-up globali sono state selezionate per i loro approcci innovativi alla salute preventiva e al benessere finanziario per una vita più lunga. Ogni vincitore riceverà C$50.000 in premio e accesso all'Ecosistema di Innovazione di UpLink.

La sfida mira ad affrontare la crisi della longevità, poiché si prevede che la popolazione globale sopra i 65 anni raddoppi, raggiungendo 1,6 miliardi entro il 2050. La partnership di Manulife con il World Economic Forum e UpLink si concentra sulla ricerca di soluzioni accessibili per aiutare le persone a vivere più a lungo, in salute e in modo migliore.

Questa sfida è la prima di tre sfide di innovazione pensate per plasmare il futuro dell'economia della longevità. Le prossime due sfide si terranno nel 2025 e 2026 con nuove aree tematiche di focus.

Manulife y el Foro Económico Mundial han anunciado a los ganadores del 'Desafío Prosperando en la Longevidad' a través de UpLink, la plataforma de innovación abierta del Foro. Diez startups globales fueron seleccionadas por sus enfoques innovadores hacia la salud preventiva y el bienestar financiero para vidas más largas. Cada ganador recibirá C$50,000 en premio y acceso al Ecosistema de Innovación de UpLink.

El desafío tiene como objetivo abordar la crisis de la longevidad, ya que se espera que la población mundial mayor de 65 años se duplique a 1.6 mil millones para 2050. La colaboración de Manulife con el Foro Económico Mundial y UpLink se centra en encontrar soluciones accesibles para ayudar a las personas a vivir vidas más largas, saludables y de mejor calidad.

Este desafío es el primero de tres desafíos de innovación diseñados para dar forma al futuro de la economía de la longevidad. Los próximos dos desafíos se llevarán a cabo en 2025 y 2026 con nuevas áreas temáticas de enfoque.

Manulife와 세계경제포럼은 UpLink를 통해 '장수 도전리'의 수상자를 발표했습니다. 전 세계 10개의 스타트업이 예방 건강 관리와 재정적 웰빙을 위한 혁신적인 접근 방식으로 선정되었습니다. 각 수상자는 C$50,000의 상금과 UpLink의 혁신 생태계에 접근할 수 있는 기회를 받게 됩니다.

이 도전의 목적은 장수 위기에 대응하는 것입니다. 65세 이상의 세계 인구는 2050년까지 16억으로 두 배가 될 것으로 예상됩니다. Manulife의 세계경제포럼 및 UpLink와의 파트너십은 사람들이 더 오래, 더 건강하게, 더 나은 삶을 살도록 돕기 위한 접근 가능한 솔루션을 찾는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

이번 도전은 장수 경제의 미래를 형성하기 위해 설계된 세 가지 혁신 도전 중 첫 번째입니다. 다음 두 가지 도전은 2025년과 2026년에 새로운 주제 초점으로 개최될 예정입니다.

Manulife et le Forum économique mondial ont annoncé les gagnants du 'Défi Prosperer dans la Longévité' via UpLink, la plateforme d'innovation ouverte du Forum. Dix start-ups mondiales ont été sélectionnées pour leurs approches innovantes en matière de santé préventive et de bien-être financier pour des vies plus longues. Chaque gagnant recevra 50 000 C$ en prix et un accès à l'écosystème d'innovation d'UpLink.

Le défi vise à aborder la crise de la longévité, alors que la population mondiale de plus de 65 ans devrait doubler pour atteindre 1,6 milliard d'ici 2050. Le partenariat de Manulife avec le Forum économique mondial et UpLink se concentre sur la recherche de solutions accessibles pour aider les gens à vivre plus longtemps, en meilleure santé et de manière plus satisfaisante.

Ce défi est le premier de trois défis d'innovation destinés à façonner l'avenir de l'économie de la longévité. Les deux prochains défis se tiendront en 2025 et 2026 avec de nouvelles thématiques.

Manulife und das Weltwirtschaftsforum haben die Gewinner der 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge' über UpLink, die offene Innovationsplattform des Forums, bekannt gegeben. Zehn globale Start-ups wurden für ihre innovativen Ansätze zur präventiven Gesundheitsversorgung und finanzieller Gesundheit für längere Leben ausgewählt. Jeder Gewinner erhält C$50.000 Prämie und Zugang zum Innovationsökosystem von UpLink.

Die Herausforderung soll die Longevity-Krise angehen, da die weltweite Bevölkerung über 65 Jahre bis 2050 voraussichtlich auf 1,6 Milliarden anwachsen wird. Die Partnerschaft von Manulife mit dem Weltwirtschaftsforum und UpLink konzentriert sich darauf, zugängliche Lösungen zu finden, um Menschen zu helfen, länger, gesünder und besser zu leben.

Diese Herausforderung ist die erste von drei Innovationsherausforderungen, die darauf abzielen, die Zukunft der Longevity-Wirtschaft zu gestalten. Die nächsten beiden Herausforderungen werden 2025 und 2026 mit neuen thematischen Schwerpunkten stattfinden.

  • Partnership with World Economic Forum to address global longevity challenges
  • C$500,000 total prize money awarded to innovative start-ups
  • Access to UpLink's Innovation Ecosystem for winners
  • Multi-year commitment to longevity innovation challenges (2024-2026)
  • None.

Manulife gives half a million dollars in prize money to challenge winners to help accelerate their mission to enable people to live healthier, more prosperous lives 

BOSTON, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Manulife today announced the winners of the Prospering in Longevity Challenge, through UpLink, the World Economic Forum's open innovation platform, and the Forum's Centre for Financial and Monetary Systems. Together, Manulife and the Forum have chosen ten winning global start-ups that have innovative approaches to preventative health care and strengthening financial wellness over longer lives. 

The winners of the Prospering in Longevity Challenge are: 

  • Addition Wealth, a holistic financial wellness platform that partners with companies to offer customized financial wellness solutions 
  • Boldin (formerly NewRetirement), a dynamic platform designed to revolutionize retirement planning by integrating technology with personalized financial advice 
  • Conquest, a comprehensive financial planning tool designed to help advisers expand their practice and provide clients with robust financial advice 
  • GetSetUp, an innovative educational platform tailored specifically for older adults, empowering them through live, interactive classes
  • Givers, a startup supporting family caregivers by helping them access state programs that provide financial compensation, coaching and training 
  • juli, a startup leveraging artificial intelligence to revolutionize chronic condition management 
  • Smplicare, an AI-driven coaching platform focused on promoting healthy ageing 
  • TELL, a pioneering health-tech company specializing in neurocognitive health assessment through innovative voice analysis technology
  • Waterlily, a startup utilizing AI to revolutionize planning and insurance for long-term care 
  • Zencey, a health-care startup leveraging AI and telemedicine to provide accessible and personalized care 

By 2050, the global population over 65 is expected to double to 1.6 billion1, bringing significant health and wealth challenges for our planet. Manulife partnered with the World Economic Forum and UpLink on this challenge because of a shared sense of urgency to find accessible solutions to help people worldwide live longer, healthier, and better lives.  

Manulife President and CEO Roy Gori will share more details about the winners today at the Longer. Healthier. Better. Longevity Symposium in Boston, which was hosted for the first time in 2023. The winning startups will each receive C$50,000 in prize money alongside access to UpLink's Innovation Ecosystem. The ecosystem is a network of innovators, investors, experts, and partner organizations that can help them make a deeper impact. 

"The world urgently needs solutions to address the longevity crisis. People are living longer, but not necessarily healthier lives. Many people cannot fund these extra years within the existing social and financial system," said Sarah Chapman, Global Chief Sustainability Officer for Manulife. "The winners of this challenge are leveraging technology to create innovative solutions to these issues. Now more than ever, we need strategic collaboration like this to help people live longer, healthier, better lives." 

Earlier this year, the multi-year partnership between Manulife and UpLink was announced at the Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos and the Prospering in Longevity Challenge is the first of three innovation challenges designed to help shape the future of, and investment in, the longevity economy. New thematic focus areas will be picked for the next two challenges in 2025 and 2026. 

"Through the multi-year partnership with Manulife and the World Economic Forum's Longevity Economy Initiative, UpLink is accelerating longevity innovation to empower people from all backgrounds to lead healthier, more financially resilient and fulfilling lives," said John Dutton, Head of UpLink, World Economic Forum. "The first of three innovation challenges, Prospering in Longevity, attracted innovative solutions from around the world, with a focus on preventative healthcare and financial resilience across generations. We look forward to continuing our work with Manulife to source and scale start-ups in the longevity space, promoting resilient and prosperous lives for individuals, communities, and society as a whole." 

To learn more about Manulife's Impact Agenda, and to track progress against its goals, visit  

About Manulife  
Manulife Financial Corporation is a leading international financial services provider, helping people make their decisions easier and lives better. With our global headquarters in Toronto, Canada, we provide financial advice and insurance, operating as Manulife across Canada, Asia, and Europe, and primarily as John Hancock in the United States. Through Manulife Investment Management, the global brand for our Global Wealth and Asset Management segment, we serve individuals, institutions, and retirement plan members worldwide. At the end of 2022, we had more than 40,000 employees, over 116,000 agents, and thousands of distribution partners, serving over 34 million customers. We trade as 'MFC' on the Toronto, New York, and the Philippine stock exchanges and under '945' in Hong Kong.   

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About UpLink  
UpLink is the open innovation platform of the World Economic Forum, designed to unlock an 'entrepreneur revolution' for people and planet by supporting start-ups with innovative solutions for the world's most pressing issues, as outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   

Launched at the World Economic Forum's 2020 Annual Meeting in Davos in partnership with Deloitte and Salesforce, UpLink is building an innovation ecosystem for entrepreneurs, investors, experts and partners, helping to scale early-stage ventures sourced through a competition framework known as innovation challenges. UpLink has now run more than 50 challenges and identified over 500 entrepreneurs with innovative solutions across critical SDG areas including health, food, freshwater, ocean, plastics, education, climate and more. For more information, visit   


1 World Economic Forum – Longevity Economy Principles: The Foundations for a Financially Resilient Future

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What is the 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge' announced by Manulife (MFC) and the World Economic Forum?

The 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge' is an innovation contest that selected ten global start-ups with innovative approaches to preventative health care and financial wellness for longer lives. Each winner receives C$50,000 and access to UpLink's Innovation Ecosystem.

How much prize money did Manulife (MFC) award in the 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge'?

Manulife awarded a total of C$500,000 in prize money, with each of the ten winning start-ups receiving C$50,000.

What is the purpose of Manulife's (MFC) partnership with the World Economic Forum for this challenge?

The partnership aims to address the longevity crisis by finding accessible solutions to help people worldwide live longer, healthier, and better lives, as the global population over 65 is expected to double to 1.6 billion by 2050.

How many innovation challenges are planned in Manulife's (MFC) partnership with the World Economic Forum?

Manulife and the World Economic Forum have planned three innovation challenges, with the 'Prospering in Longevity Challenge' being the first. The next two challenges will be held in 2025 and 2026 with new thematic focus areas.

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