MetLife Poll Finds Growing Percentage of Plan Sponsors with De-Risking Goals Looking to Completely Divest Their Company’s Pension Liabilities in the Near Future

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MetLife's 2024 Pension Risk Transfer Poll reveals a growing trend in pension de-risking. The percentage of companies planning to completely divest their defined benefit pension plan liabilities has increased to 93%, up from 89% in 2023. About 52% plan to divest within 2-5 years, with an average of 3.8 years.

The main catalysts for de-risking are rising interest rates (47%), rising inflation (45%), and increased market volatility (44%). Plan sponsors are taking preparatory steps, including improving data quality (56%) and increasing plan contributions (52%).

66% of plan sponsors are likely to use an annuity buyout for de-risking, up from 46% in 2015. 68% will secure a group annuity for a retiree lift-out. 90% of plan sponsors are closely tracking market pricing for annuity buyouts, with 82% concerned about missing competitive rates.

Il sondaggio sul trasferimento del rischio pensionistico 2024 di MetLife rivela una crescente tendenza al de-risking pensionistico. La percentuale di aziende che intendono dismettere completamente le responsabilità del loro piano pensionistico a benefici definiti è aumentata al 93%, rispetto all'89% del 2023. Circa il 52% prevede di dismettere entro 2-5 anni, con una media di 3,8 anni.

I principali fattori che spingono al de-risking sono l'aumento dei tassi d'interesse (47%), l'aumento dell'inflazione (45%) e l'aumento della volatilità del mercato (44%). Gli sponsor del piano stanno intraprendendo passi preparatori, inclusi miglioramenti nella qualità dei dati (56%) e aumento dei contributi al piano (52%).

66% degli sponsor del piano è probabile che utilizzino un acquisto di rendita per il de-risking, in aumento rispetto al 46% del 2015. 68% garantirà una rendita di gruppo per una fuoriuscita dei pensionati. 90% degli sponsor del piano stanno seguendo attentamente i prezzi di mercato per gli acquisti di rendita, con 82% preoccupati di perdere tariffe competitive.

La encuesta de transferencia de riesgo de pensiones 2024 de MetLife revela una creciente tendencia al desriesgo de pensiones. El porcentaje de empresas que planean desinvertir completamente sus responsabilidades de planes de pensiones de beneficios definidos ha aumentado al 93%, frente al 89% en 2023. Aproximadamente el 52% planea desinvertir dentro de 2-5 años, con un promedio de 3.8 años.

Los principales catalizadores para el desriesgo son el aumento de las tasas de interés (47%), el aumento de la inflación (45%) y la mayor volatilidad del mercado (44%). Los patrocinadores del plan están tomando medidas preparatorias, incluyendo mejorar la calidad de los datos (56%) y aumentar las contribuciones al plan (52%).

66% de los patrocinadores del plan es probable que utilicen una compra de anualidad para el desriesgo, en comparación con el 46% en 2015. 68% asegurará una anualidad grupal para una separación de jubilados. 90% de los patrocinadores del plan están siguiendo de cerca los precios de mercado para compras de anualidades, con 82% preocupados por perder tarifas competitivas.

메트라이프의 2024년 연금 리스크 전환 조사 결과는 연금 리스크 관리의 증가하는 추세를 보여줍니다. 정해진 급여 연금 계획의 책임을 완전히 축소할 계획인 기업의 비율이 93%로 증가했으며, 이는 2023년의 89%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 약 52%가 2-5년 안에 축소할 계획이며, 평균 3.8년입니다.

리스크 관리의 주요 요인은 상승하는 이자율 (47%), 상승하는 인플레이션 (45%), 그리고 증가하는 시장 변동성 (44%)입니다. 계획 스폰서들은 데이터 품질 개선 (56%)계획 기여금 증가 (52%)를 포함한 준비 단계를 밟고 있습니다.

66%의 계획 스폰서들은 리스크 관리를 위해 연금 매입을 사용할 가능성이 있으며, 이는 2015년의 46%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 68%는 은퇴자 이탈을 위한 그룹 연금을 확보할 것입니다. 90%의 계획 스폰서들은 연금 매입에 대한 시장 가격을 주의 깊게 추적하고 있으며, 82%는 경쟁 요금을 놓칠까 우려하고 있습니다.

Le sondage sur le transfert de risque de retraite 2024 de MetLife révèle une tendance croissante au désengagement des pensions. Le pourcentage d'entreprises prévoyant de se désengager complètement de leurs responsabilités de régime de retraite à prestations définies a augmenté à 93%, contre 89% en 2023. Environ 52% prévoient de se désengager dans un délai de 2 à 5 ans, avec une moyenne de 3,8 ans.

Les principaux catalyseurs du désengagement sont l'augmentation des taux d'intérêt (47%), l'augmentation de l'inflation (45%) et l'augmentation de la volatilité du marché (44%). Les sponsors de plan prennent des mesures préparatoires, y compris l'amélioration de la qualité des données (56%) et l'augmentation des contributions au plan (52%).

66% des sponsors de plan sont susceptibles d'utiliser un achat de rente pour le désengagement, en hausse par rapport à 46% en 2015. 68% garantiront une rente de groupe pour un transfert de retraités. 90% des sponsors de plan suivent de près les prix du marché pour les achats de rente, avec 82% inquiets de manquer des tarifs compétitifs.

Die MetLife-Umfrage zum Übergang des Pensionsrisikos 2024 zeigt einen wachsenden Trend zum Pensionsde-Risking. Der Prozentsatz der Unternehmen, die planen, ihre Verbindlichkeiten aus leistungsorientierten Pensionsplänen vollständig abzubauen, ist auf 93% gestiegen, verglichen mit 89% im Jahr 2023. Etwa 52% planen, dies innerhalb von 2-5 Jahren zu tun, mit einem Durchschnitt von 3,8 Jahren.

Die Hauptursachen für das De-Risking sind steigende Zinsen (47%), steigende Inflation (45%) und zunehmende Marktvolatilität (44%). Die Plan-Sponsoren ergreifen vorbereitende Maßnahmen, darunter Verbesserung der Datenqualität (56%) und Erhöhung der Planbeiträge (52%).

66% der Plan-Sponsoren werden wahrscheinlich eine Rentenübertragung zum De-Risking nutzen, im Vergleich zu 46% im Jahr 2015. 68% werden eine Gruppenrente für eine Ruhestandsausgliederung sichern. 90% der Plan-Sponsoren verfolgen genau die Marktpreise für Rentenübertragungen, wobei 82% besorgt sind, wettbewerbsfähige Tarife zu verpassen.

  • 93% of companies with de-risking goals plan to completely divest their pension plan liabilities, up from 89% in 2023
  • 66% of plan sponsors likely to use annuity buyouts for de-risking, up from 46% in 2015
  • 56% of plan sponsors have improved their plan's data quality in preparation for pension risk transfer
  • 52% of plan sponsors have increased plan contributions in the last two years
  • 90% of plan sponsors are closely tracking estimated market pricing for annuity buyouts
  • Rising interest rates, inflation, and market volatility are driving the need for pension de-risking
  • 82% of plan sponsors are concerned about missing a window of opportunity for competitive annuity buyout rates


The MetLife Pension Risk Transfer Poll reveals a significant trend in the pension industry, with 93% of companies planning to divest their defined benefit pension liabilities, up from 89% last year. This surge in de-risking intentions is driven by macroeconomic factors, primarily rising interest rates (47%), inflation (45%) and market volatility (44%).

The poll indicates a shift towards annuity buyouts, with 66% of plan sponsors likely to use this strategy, a substantial increase from 46% in 2015. This trend, coupled with the 14% increase in pension risk transfer deals reported by LIMRA, suggests a robust market for insurers like MetLife in the near term.

For investors, this trend could translate to increased revenue and potential market share gains for MetLife in the pension risk transfer segment. However, it's important to consider the long-term implications of this shift, as the eventual reduction in pension liabilities could impact future revenue streams once the current wave of transfers is completed.

The poll's findings highlight a critical shift in pension management strategies. With 93% of plan sponsors weighing their pension plan's value against costs, we're seeing a proactive approach to de-risking. The average timeline of 3.8 years for divestment suggests a carefully planned transition rather than hasty decisions.

Notably, 56% of sponsors have improved data quality and 52% have increased plan contributions. These actions are important precursors to successful pension risk transfers, potentially leading to more accurate pricing and smoother transitions.

The preference for annuity buyouts (66%) over other methods indicates a trend towards complete risk transfer rather than partial measures. This could lead to a more stable long-term financial position for companies, reducing future volatility in pension obligations. For MetLife, this presents an opportunity to capture a significant market share, but also requires robust risk assessment and pricing strategies to ensure long-term profitability in these transactions.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- As LIMRA reports a 14% increase in pension risk transfer (PRT) deals for the first half of 2024 compared to 20231, MetLife’s 2024 Pension Risk Transfer Poll finds the percentage of companies with de-risking goals who plan to completely divest their defined benefit (DB) pension plan liabilities has increased to 93%, up from 89% in the 2023 Poll. About half, 52%, plan to divest two to five years from now, with an average of 3.8 years.

“As the Poll and other market data indicates, the pension risk transfer market continues its bullish growth and will likely continue to remain strong in the near future,” says Elizabeth Walsh, vice president, U.S. Pensions, MetLife. “As a market leader focused on service, MetLife has seen this activity firsthand, including several transactions with the same clients as they continue to derisk in tranches, focusing on specific participant populations.”

The driving force between the continued interest in de-risking remains the current macroeconomic environment. In fact, 47% of plan sponsors say that rising interest rates are the top catalyst, followed by rising inflation, 45%, and increased market volatility, 44%.

Preparing to Act

According to the Poll, 93% of plan sponsors say their company is weighing its pension plan’s value against the cost of the benefit. And, plan sponsors are preparing to take action to reduce their DB plans’ pension risks, with many taking steps in the last two years that are typically precursors to pension risk transfer. These steps include improving their plan’s data quality (56%), increasing plan contributions (52%), having more involvement from their C-suite executives in DB plan management (29%), offering a lump sum distribution “window” to terminated-vested participants (23%) and adopting a liability driven investing (LDI) strategy to minimize risks that could affect the plan’s funded status (20%).

“It is encouraging to see improving data quality as a top action item,” says Walsh. “Through our implementation experience, we have seen the benefit of clean participant data, which leads to a smoother transfer of the administration to the insurer, and ultimately, a better participant experience.”

As an additional indicator of plan sponsor’s interest in pension de-risking, the Poll found 85% of plan sponsors are having, or already had, discussions with their plan advisors/consultants about a pension risk transfer.

Exploring De-Risking Strategies

When it comes to the type of pension risk transfer activity plan sponsors report they will most likely use to achieve their de-risking goals, 66% say they will use an annuity buyout, including an annuity buyout on its own or a combination of lump sum and an annuity buyout. This is up significantly from the 46% who said they would choose this activity in MetLife’s inaugural Pension Risk Transfer Poll in 2015.

The Poll also found that over two-thirds of plan sponsors, 68%, will secure a group annuity for a retiree lift-out, transferring the liabilities related to some or all of a plan’s retiree population. According to the Poll, more than half of plan sponsors who say they will use an annuity buyout, 54%, report they would likely secure a single annuity buyout transaction, while 46% would use a series of annuity buyout transactions.

“The current macro environment has led to favorable annuity pricing, creating a sense of urgency for plan sponsors to act sooner rather than later when choosing to pursue a transaction,” says Walsh. “As the Poll shows, some plan sponsors may be positioned to act quickly since they’ve started the path to de-risking by taking some critical preparatory steps and are keeping an eye on the market.”

When it comes to the timing of potential transactions, the Poll found that 90% of plan sponsors have been closely tracking estimated market pricing for annuity buyouts. In fact, 38% are watching very closely. Eighty-two percent would be concerned about missing a window of opportunity to secure an annuity buyout with competitive rates.

To address this concern, MetLife recently launched its Pension Risk Transfer Estimator Tool, which helps plan sponsors estimate the cost of transferring certain pension liabilities to an insurance provider.

About the Study

MetLife’s 2024 Pension Risk Transfer Poll was fielded between July 16 and July 31, 2024. MetLife commissioned MMR Research Associates, Inc. to conduct the online survey. Survey responses were received from 250 DB plan sponsors with $100 million or more in plan assets who have de-risking goals. The Poll results reflect companies with average DB plan assets of $1.3 billion, and an average funded status of 94%. To read the full report, visit

About MetLife

MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the world’s leading financial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management to help individual and institutional customers build a more confident future. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in more than 40 markets globally and holds leading positions in the United States, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit



Judi Mahaney


Source: MetLife, Inc.


What percentage of companies plan to divest their pension liabilities according to MetLife's 2024 Poll?

According to MetLife's 2024 Pension Risk Transfer Poll, 93% of companies with de-risking goals plan to completely divest their defined benefit pension plan liabilities.

What are the main catalysts for pension de-risking according to the MetLife Poll (MET)?

The main catalysts for pension de-risking are rising interest rates (47%), rising inflation (45%), and increased market volatility (44%).

What percentage of plan sponsors are likely to use annuity buyouts for de-risking in 2024?

According to the MetLife Poll, 66% of plan sponsors are likely to use annuity buyouts for de-risking in 2024, up from 46% in 2015.

How many plan sponsors are tracking market pricing for annuity buyouts in 2024?

The MetLife Poll found that 90% of plan sponsors are closely tracking estimated market pricing for annuity buyouts in 2024.

MetLife, Inc.


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