MetLife Pet Insurance Launches Golden Beagle Award to Recognize Innovative Animal Welfare Organizations

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MetLife Pet Insurance has launched the Golden Beagle Award, offering a $20,000 grant to an innovative animal welfare organization focused on helping large dogs find homes. The award, in collaboration with The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement (AAWA), will be presented at the AAWA conference in November 2024.

This initiative aims to address the challenges larger dogs face in adoption, including longer shelter stays and lower adoption rates. Additionally, MetLife Pet Insurance and AAWA are working together to produce content on access to veterinary care issues, including financial and geographical barriers, through various media formats to support animal welfare organizations and pet parents.

MetLife Pet Insurance ha lanciato il Golden Beagle Award, offrendo un contributo di $20,000 a un'organizzazione innovativa dedicata al benessere degli animali, con particolare attenzione all'aiuto per i grandi cani a trovare una casa. Il premio, in collaborazione con L'Associazione per il Progresso del Benessere Animale (AAWA), sarà consegnato durante la conferenza AAWA nel novembre 2024.

Questa iniziativa si propone di affrontare le sfide che i cani di taglia grande devono affrontare durante l'adozione, inclusi tempi di permanenza più lunghi nei rifugi e tassi di adozione più bassi. Inoltre, MetLife Pet Insurance e AAWA stanno collaborando per produrre contenuti sui problemi di accesso alle cure veterinarie, comprese le barriere finanziarie e geografiche, attraverso vari formati mediatici per supportare le organizzazioni di benessere animale e i genitori di animali domestici.

MetLife Pet Insurance ha lanzado el Premio Golden Beagle, ofreciendo una subvención de $20,000 a una organización innovadora de bienestar animal enfocada en ayudar a los perros grandes a encontrar hogares. El premio, en colaboración con La Asociación para el Avance del Bienestar Animal (AAWA), se presentará en la conferencia de AAWA en noviembre de 2024.

Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos que enfrentan los perros más grandes en la adopción, incluidos los períodos más largos en refugios y tasas de adopción más bajas. Además, MetLife Pet Insurance y AAWA están trabajando juntos para producir contenido sobre el acceso a la atención veterinaria, incluidas las barreras financieras y geográficas, a través de varios formatos de medios para apoyar a las organizaciones de bienestar animal y a los dueños de mascotas.

메트라이프 애완동물 보험골든 비글 어워드를 발표하였으며, 이를 통해 대형견의 입양을 도와주는 혁신적인 동물 복지 단체에 20,000달러 지원금을 제공합니다. 이 상은 동물 복지 발전 협회(AAWA)와 협력하여 2024년 11월 AAWA 회의에서 수여될 예정입니다.

이 이니셔티브는 대형견이 입양 과정에서 직면하는 문제, 즉 긴 대기 시간과 낮은 입양률을 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 또한, 메트라이프 애완동물 보험과 AAWA는 동물 복지 단체와 애완동물 보호자를 지원하기 위해 다양한 매체 형식을 통해 재정적 및 지리적 장벽을 포함한 수의료 접근성 문제에 대한 콘텐츠를 제작하기 위해 협력하고 있습니다.

MetLife Assurance Animale a lancé le Prix Golden Beagle, offrant une bourse de 20 000 $ à une organisation innovante dédiée au bien-être animal, axée sur l'aide à la recherche de foyers pour les grands chiens. Le prix, en collaboration avec L'Association pour le Progrès du Bien-Être Animal (AAWA), sera remis lors de la conférence AAWA en novembre 2024.

Cette initiative vise à répondre aux défis auxquels sont confrontés les grands chiens lors de l'adoption, notamment des séjours plus longs dans les refuges et des taux d'adoption plus bas. De plus, MetLife Assurance Animale et AAWA travaillent ensemble pour produire du contenu sur les problèmes d'accès aux soins vétérinaires, y compris les barrières financières et géographiques, à travers divers formats médiatiques afin de soutenir les organisations de bien-être animal et les propriétaires d'animaux.

MetLife Haustierversicherung hat den Golden Beagle Award ins Leben gerufen und bietet einen Nachlass von 20.000 $ für eine innovative Organisation im Tierschutz, die sich auf die Unterstützung großer Hunde bei der Findung von Heimen konzentriert. Der Preis wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Der Vereinigung zur Förderung des Tierschutzes (AAWA) auf der AAWA-Konferenz im November 2024 verliehen.

Diese Initiative hat zum Ziel, die Herausforderungen zu adressieren, mit denen große Hunde bei der Adoption konfrontiert sind, einschließlich längerer Aufenthaltszeiten in Tierheimen und geringerer Adoptionsraten. Darüber hinaus arbeiten MetLife Haustierversicherung und AAWA gemeinsam daran, Inhalte zu Fragen des Zugangs zur tierärztlichen Versorgung zu erstellen, einschließlich finanzieller und geografischer Barrieren, um Organisationen für Tierschutz und Tiereltern zu unterstützen.

  • Launch of Golden Beagle Award with $20,000 grant to support animal welfare organizations
  • Collaboration with AAWA to address challenges in large dog adoptions
  • Development of educational content on veterinary care access issues
  • None.

The launch of MetLife Pet Insurance's Golden Beagle Award, while a positive initiative for animal welfare, has direct financial impact on MetLife's business operations. The $20,000 grant, while beneficial for the recipient organization, is a relatively small amount in the context of MetLife's overall financials.

However, this initiative could indirectly benefit MetLife's pet insurance business in several ways:

  • Brand enhancement: The award may improve MetLife's image among pet owners and animal welfare advocates, potentially leading to increased customer acquisition and retention in their pet insurance segment.
  • Market positioning: By addressing the specific issue of large dog adoptions, MetLife is positioning itself as a thoughtful and socially responsible player in the pet insurance market.
  • Partnership value: The collaboration with AAWA could provide MetLife with valuable insights into pet owner needs and challenges, potentially informing product development and marketing strategies.

While these potential benefits are noteworthy, they are likely to have a minimal impact on MetLife's overall financial performance in the short term. Investors should view this more as a long-term brand-building exercise rather than a significant financial driver.

$20,000 grant to be awarded to an organization that helps large dogs find loving homes

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- MetLife Pet Insurance today announced the creation of the Golden Beagle Award. This award will recognize an animal welfare organization for its innovative approach to addressing the challenges of helping larger dogs find loving homes. The recipient will receive $20,000 to put toward their work. The award is part of MetLife Pet Insurance's collaboration with The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement (AAWA), a cohort of leaders on a mission to champion, advance, and unify the animal welfare profession.

"Essential to MetLife Pet Insurance’s mission is helping pets find and stay in a home that is right for them and we are honored to present the Golden Beagle Award as part of this mission," said Brian Jorgensen, Head of Pet Insurance at MetLife. "We are inspired by the dedication and ingenuity of animal welfare organizations that are finding new ways to overcome the barriers that larger dogs face in finding their loving homes and excited to collaborate with AAWA to showcase and support these organizations and their life-saving missions."

The Golden Beagle Award will be presented for the first time at the AAWA conference in November 2024.

"AAWA is thrilled to collaborate with MetLife Pet Insurance on this award, which will highlight the pioneering and compassionate work of our members and the animal welfare community at large," said Jim Tedford, President and CEO of AAWA. "We know that larger dogs often face longer stays in shelters and lower adoption rates than smaller dogs, which can affect their physical and mental health. We are eager to see the creative solutions that our members will propose to address this challenge and help these dogs find the homes they deserve."

In addition to the Golden Beagle Award, MetLife Pet Insurance and AAWA work together to develop and produce content highlighting issues pet parents may face surrounding access to veterinary care, including financial and geographical barriers. This content includes podcasts, blog posts, newsletters, and other resources designed to help animal welfare organizations and pet parents navigate the access to care space and learn about potential solutions and best practices.

About The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement

The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement is a cohort of leaders on a mission to champion, advance, and unify the animal welfare profession.

About MetLife

MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the world’s leading financial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management to help individual and institutional customers build a more confident future. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in more than 40 markets globally and holds leading positions in the United States, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

About MetLife Pet Insurance Solutions LLC

MetLife Pet coverage is issued by Metropolitan General Insurance Company, a Rhode Island insurance company headquartered at 700 Quaker Lane, Warwick, RI 02886. MetLife Pet Insurance Solutions LLC is the policy administrator. It may operate under an alternate or fictitious name in certain jurisdictions, including MetLife Pet Insurance Services LLC (New York and Minnesota) and MetLife Pet Insurance Solutions Agency LLC (Illinois). For more information, visit


Judi Mahaney


Source: MetLife, Inc.


What is the Golden Beagle Award launched by MetLife Pet Insurance (MET)?

The Golden Beagle Award is a $20,000 grant launched by MetLife Pet Insurance to recognize an animal welfare organization for its innovative approach in helping larger dogs find loving homes.

When will MetLife Pet Insurance (MET) present the first Golden Beagle Award?

MetLife Pet Insurance will present the first Golden Beagle Award at the AAWA conference in November 2024.

How is MetLife Pet Insurance (MET) collaborating with AAWA beyond the Golden Beagle Award?

MetLife Pet Insurance and AAWA are collaborating to develop and produce content on access to veterinary care issues, including podcasts, blog posts, and newsletters, to support animal welfare organizations and pet parents.

What specific challenge does the Golden Beagle Award from MetLife Pet Insurance (MET) aim to address?

The Golden Beagle Award aims to address the challenges larger dogs face in adoption, including longer shelter stays and lower adoption rates compared to smaller dogs.

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