MetLife Honored Once Again by Seramount for Its Global Inclusion Efforts

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MetLife (NYSE: MET) has been recognized by Seramount for its inclusive culture and diversity efforts. The company received accolades for its employee programs, leadership accountability, and practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). MetLife was named to several Seramount lists and indexes, including:

1. Global Inclusion Index: Recognized in 16 markets
2. U.S. Inclusion Index: Named a Leading Inclusion Index Company
3. Top Companies for Executive Women: Maintained position in Hall of Fame
4. Best Companies for Multicultural Women: Recognized for the 7th year

MetLife's initiatives, such as its global employee-driven networks (MOMENTUM) and team-learning experience (INDEAVOR), were highlighted for fostering trust, inclusion, and collaboration. Dr. Cindy Pace, MetLife's Global Chief DEI Officer, emphasized the importance of an inclusive culture for employee well-being and business performance.

MetLife (NYSE: MET) è stata riconosciuta da Seramount per la sua cultura inclusiva e gli sforzi in materia di diversità. L'azienda ha ricevuto riconoscimenti per i suoi programmi per i dipendenti, la responsabilità della leadership e le pratiche che promuovono la diversità, l'equità e l'inclusione (DEI). MetLife è stata inclusa in diverse liste e indici di Seramount, tra cui:

1. Global Inclusion Index: Riconosciuta in 16 mercati
2. U.S. Inclusion Index: Designata come aziende leader nell'inclusione
3. Top Companies for Executive Women: Ha mantenuto la posizione nella Hall of Fame
4. Best Companies for Multicultural Women: Riconosciuta per il settimo anno consecutivo

Le iniziative di MetLife, come le sue reti globali guidate dai dipendenti (MOMENTUM) e l’esperienza di apprendimento di gruppo (INDEAVOR), sono state evidenziate per la loro capacità di promuovere fiducia, inclusione e collaborazione. Il Dr. Cindy Pace, Chief DEI Officer globale di MetLife, ha sottolineato l'importanza di una cultura inclusiva per il benessere dei dipendenti e la performance aziendale.

MetLife (NYSE: MET) ha sido reconocida por Seramount por su cultura inclusiva y esfuerzos en diversidad. La compañía recibió elogios por sus programas para empleados, la responsabilidad de liderazgo y las prácticas que promueven la diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DEI). MetLife fue nombrada en varias listas e índices de Seramount, incluyendo:

1. Global Inclusion Index: Reconocida en 16 mercados
2. U.S. Inclusion Index: Nombrada como Empresa Líder en Inclusión
3. Top Companies for Executive Women: Mantuvo su posición en el Salón de la Fama
4. Best Companies for Multicultural Women: Reconocida por séptimo año consecutivo

Las iniciativas de MetLife, como sus redes globales impulsadas por empleados (MOMENTUM) y la experiencia de aprendizaje en equipo (INDEAVOR), se destacaron por fomentar la confianza, inclusión y colaboración. La Dra. Cindy Pace, Directora Global de DEI de MetLife, enfatizó la importancia de una cultura inclusiva para el bienestar de los empleados y el rendimiento empresarial.

MetLife (NYSE: MET)는 Seramount로부터 포용적인 문화와 다양성 노력으로 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 직원 프로그램, 리더십 책임 및 다양성, 형평성 및 포용성 (DEI)을 촉진하는 관행으로 찬사를 받았습니다. MetLife는 여러 Seramount 목록 및 지수에 이름을 올렸습니다:

1. Global Inclusion Index: 16개 시장에서 인정받음
2. U.S. Inclusion Index: 포용성 지수의 선도 기업으로 선정됨
3. Top Companies for Executive Women: 명예의 전당에서 위치 유지
4. Best Companies for Multicultural Women: 7년 연속으로 인정받음

MetLife의 직원 주도 글로벌 네트워크 (MOMENTUM) 및 팀 학습 경험 (INDEAVOR)과 같은 이니셔티브는 신뢰, 포용성 및 협업을 촉진하는 데 주목받았습니다. MetLife의 글로벌 DEI 책임자인 Cindy Pace 박사는 직원 복지와 비즈니스 성과를 위한 포용적인 문화의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

MetLife (NYSE: MET) a été reconnue par Seramount pour sa culture inclusive et ses efforts en matière de diversité. L'entreprise a reçu des éloges pour ses programmes destinés aux employés, la responsabilité de ses dirigeants et les pratiques qui favorisent la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion (DEI). MetLife a été inscrite sur plusieurs listes et index de Seramount, notamment :

1. Global Inclusion Index: Reconnaissance dans 16 marchés
2. U.S. Inclusion Index: Nommée parmi les entreprises leaders en inclusion
3. Top Companies for Executive Women: Maintenue dans le Hall of Fame
4. Best Companies for Multicultural Women: Reconnaissance pour la 7e année consécutive

Les initiatives de MetLife, telles que ses réseaux mondiaux dirigés par des employés (MOMENTUM) et l'expérience d'apprentissage en équipe (INDEAVOR), ont été mises en avant pour favoriser la confiance, l'inclusion et la collaboration. Dr. Cindy Pace, Directrice mondiale DEI de MetLife, a souligné l'importance d'une culture inclusive pour le bien-être des employés et la performance de l'entreprise.

MetLife (NYSE: MET) wurde von Seramount für seine inklusive Kultur und Diversitätsbemühungen ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen erhielt Auszeichnungen für seine Mitarbeiterprogramme, die Verantwortung der Führungskräfte und Praktiken, die Vielfalt, Gleichheit und Inklusion (DEI) fördern. MetLife wurde in mehrere Listen und Indizes von Seramount aufgenommen, darunter:

1. Global Inclusion Index: In 16 Märkten anerkannt
2. U.S. Inclusion Index: Als führendes Unternehmen im Inklusionsindex ausgezeichnet
3. Top Companies for Executive Women: Position in der Ruhmeshalle gehalten
4. Best Companies for Multicultural Women: Zum siebten Mal ausgezeichnet

Die Initiativen von MetLife, wie die globalen, von Mitarbeitern geleiteten Netzwerke (MOMENTUM) und die Team-Lernerfahrung (INDEAVOR), wurden hervorgehoben, da sie Vertrauen, Inklusion und Zusammenarbeit fördern. Dr. Cindy Pace, globale DEI-Beauftragte von MetLife, betonte die Bedeutung einer inklusiven Kultur für das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter und die Unternehmensleistung.

  • Recognized on Seramount's Global Inclusion Index in 16 markets
  • Named a Leading Inclusion Index Company on the U.S. Inclusion Index
  • Maintained position in Seramount's Hall of Fame for Top Companies for Executive Women
  • Recognized for the 7th year as one of the Best Companies for Multicultural Women
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET) today announced that for another year it has received several recognitions from Seramount for its culture of trust and inclusion, hiring practices, talent development programs, and commitment to advancing workforce diversity.

“An inclusive culture where unique attributes, perspectives, voices and contributions are valued and respected is critical for the well-being of our employees and business performance,” said MetLife Global Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer Dr. Cindy Pace. “We are proud to be recognized by Seramount as we work every day to create an environment in which everyone feels like they can belong and thrive at MetLife.”

Seramount is a strategic professional services and research firm dedicated to supporting high-performing, inclusive workplaces. MetLife’s recognition on Seramount’s lists and indexes is determined by the company’s employee programs, leadership accountability and practices. Seramount reviewed many of MetLife’s initiatives like its global community of employee-driven networks, MOMENTUM, and its immersive team-learning experience, INDEAVOR, which focuses on tactics that lead to greater trust, inclusion and collaboration.

This year, MetLife was named to the following Seramount lists and indexes:

  • Global Inclusion Index: For another year, MetLife earned a spot on the index with sixteen markets recognized, including Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, South Korea, Spain, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. The index assesses global corporate efforts in recruitment, retention and advancement, company culture, and leadership accountability in DEI strategy and execution.
  • U.S. Inclusion Index: MetLife was among the select organizations recognized as a Leading Inclusion Index Company, scoring high when it came to best practices in recruitment, retention and advancement, company culture, and demographic diversity.
  • Top Companies for Executive Women: MetLife maintained its position in Seramount’s Hall of Fame for its continued work to propel women to the top and advance workforce diversity for women globally.
  • Best Companies for Multicultural Women: For the 7th year, MetLife is among the top companies recognized for its best practices in hiring, retaining and promoting multicultural women in the U.S.

For additional details on these recognitions and their methodologies, visit

About MetLife
MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the world’s leading financial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management to help individual and institutional customers build a more confident future. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in more than 40 markets globally and holds leading positions in the United States, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For Media:

Olivia Janicelli

(212) 578-3547

Source: MetLife, Inc.


What recognitions did MetLife (MET) receive from Seramount for its inclusion efforts?

MetLife (MET) received several recognitions from Seramount, including placement on the Global Inclusion Index in 16 markets, being named a Leading Inclusion Index Company on the U.S. Inclusion Index, maintaining its position in the Hall of Fame for Top Companies for Executive Women, and being recognized for the 7th year as one of the Best Companies for Multicultural Women.

How does MetLife (MET) promote diversity and inclusion in its workforce?

MetLife (MET) promotes diversity and inclusion through initiatives like MOMENTUM, a global community of employee-driven networks, and INDEAVOR, an immersive team-learning experience focusing on trust, inclusion, and collaboration. The company also implements best practices in recruitment, retention, and advancement of diverse talent, including women and multicultural employees.

Who is MetLife's (MET) Global Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer?

Dr. Cindy Pace is MetLife's (MET) Global Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer. She emphasized the importance of an inclusive culture for employee well-being and business performance in response to the Seramount recognitions.

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