MetLife Foundation Grantees Reading Partners and Brooklyn Book Bodega Help Bridge Literacy Gap

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MetLife Foundation grantees Reading Partners and Brooklyn Book Bodega have joined forces to address the literacy crisis in New York City. Their collaboration, supported by MetLife Foundation, aims to empower young readers, foster a love for reading, promote book ownership, and bridge literacy gaps across the city.

The initiative highlights the transformational power of reading and its importance in addressing educational disparities. MetLife Foundation's support enables these organizations to expand their reach and impact, contributing to improved literacy rates among young people in New York City.

La MetLife Foundation ha unito le forze con i beneficiari Reading Partners e Brooklyn Book Bodega per affrontare la crisi dell'alfabetizzazione a New York. La loro collaborazione, supportata dalla MetLife Foundation, mira a potenziare i giovani lettori, promuovere un amore per la lettura, favorire il possesso di libri e colmare le lacune dell'alfabetizzazione in tutta la città.

L'iniziativa evidenzia il potere trasformativo della lettura e la sua importanza nell'affrontare le disparità educative. Il supporto della MetLife Foundation consente a queste organizzazioni di ampliare la loro portata e il loro impatto, contribuendo a migliorare i tassi di alfabetizzazione tra i giovani di New York.

La Fundación MetLife ha unido fuerzas con los beneficiarios Reading Partners y Brooklyn Book Bodega para abordar la crisis de alfabetización en Nueva York. Su colaboración, apoyada por la Fundación MetLife, tiene como objetivo empoderar a los jóvenes lectores, fomentar un amor por la lectura, promover la posesión de libros y cerrar las brechas de alfabetización en toda la ciudad.

La iniciativa resalta el poder transformador de la lectura y su importancia en la reducción de las disparidades educativas. El apoyo de la Fundación MetLife permite a estas organizaciones expandir su alcance e impacto, contribuyendo a mejorar las tasas de alfabetización entre los jóvenes en Nueva York.

메트라이프 재단은 수혜 단체인 리딩 파트너스브루클린 북 보데가와 힘을 합쳐 뉴욕시의 문해력 위기에 대응하고 있습니다. 메트라이프 재단의 지원을 받아 그들의 협력은 젊은 독자들을 지원하고, 독서 사랑을 기르며, 책 소유 촉진문해력 격차 해소를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 독서의 변혁적 힘과 교육적 격차 해소에 있어 독서의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다. 메트라이프 재단의 지원은 이러한 조직들이 범위를 넓히고 영향력을 증가시키는 데 기여하여 뉴욕시의 젊은이들 사이에서 문해력 향상에 기여하고 있습니다.

La Fondation MetLife a uni ses forces avec Reading Partners et Brooklyn Book Bodega pour répondre à la crise de l'alphabétisation à New York. Leur collaboration, soutenue par la Fondation MetLife, vise à autonomiser les jeunes lecteurs, à favoriser un amant pour la lecture, à promouvoir la possession de livres et à réduire les écarts d'alphabétisation dans toute la ville.

Cette initiative souligne le pouvoir transformationnel de la lecture et son importance pour traiter les inégalités éducatives. Le soutien de la Fondation MetLife permet à ces organisations d'élargir leur portée et leur impact, contribuant ainsi à améliorer les taux d'alphabétisation chez les jeunes à New York.

Die MetLife Foundation hat sich mit den Begünstigten Reading Partners und Brooklyn Book Bodega zusammengetan, um die Alphabetisierungskrise in New York City anzugehen. Ihre Zusammenarbeit, die von der MetLife Foundation unterstützt wird, zielt darauf ab, junge Leser zu stärken, eine Liebe zum Lesen zu fördern, Buchbesitz zu propagieren und Alfabetisierungsdefizite in der Stadt zu schließen.

Die Initiative hebt die transformierende Kraft des Lesens und dessen Bedeutung zur Bekämpfung von Bildungsungleichheiten hervor. Die Unterstützung der MetLife Foundation ermöglicht es diesen Organisationen, ihre Reichweite und ihren Einfluss zu erweitern und somit zu verbesserten Alphabetisierungsquoten unter den Jugendlichen in New York City beizutragen.

  • MetLife Foundation's support for literacy programs demonstrates corporate social responsibility
  • Collaboration between grantees may lead to more effective literacy interventions
  • Addressing literacy gaps could have long-term positive societal impacts
  • None.


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / MetLife Foundation grantees Reading Partners and Brooklyn Book Bodega have teamed up to empower young readers, cultivate a love of reading, promote book ownership and bridge literacy gaps across New York City.

Watch above to see how their grant from the Foundation is helping address the literacy crisis so that more people can experience why reading is so transformational, and read more about the Foundation's partners and priorities here.

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Spokesperson: MetLife, Inc.

SOURCE: MetLife, Inc.

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What organizations did MetLife Foundation support to address literacy in New York City?

MetLife Foundation supported Reading Partners and Brooklyn Book Bodega to address literacy issues in New York City.

What are the main goals of the MetLife Foundation-supported literacy initiative?

The initiative aims to empower young readers, cultivate a love of reading, promote book ownership, and bridge literacy gaps across New York City.

How is MetLife (MET) addressing the literacy crisis through its foundation?

MetLife (MET), through its foundation, is providing grants to organizations like Reading Partners and Brooklyn Book Bodega to support programs that improve literacy rates among young people in New York City.

What is the significance of the collaboration between Reading Partners and Brooklyn Book Bodega?

The collaboration between these MetLife Foundation grantees combines their expertise to create a more comprehensive approach to addressing literacy challenges in New York City.

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