MetLife 2023 Sustainability Report: Making an Impact Through Volunteerism

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MetLife's 2023 Sustainability Report highlights the company's commitment to volunteerism and community impact. In 2023, MetLife employees contributed over 144,000 volunteer hours across 38 markets, with 43,000+ acts of volunteering. This effort supports MetLife's 2030 DEI Commitments of 800,000 employee volunteer hours focused on underserved communities.

The report showcases various initiatives, including:

  • Skills-based and pro-bono volunteering
  • Regional programs like Korea's 'Buddy for Seniors'
  • Food distribution efforts in Portugal
  • Clean water projects in Mexico
  • Meal packing in New York City

MetLife offers employees in the U.S. and Asia one paid day off per year to volunteer, fostering a culture of year-round community engagement. These efforts demonstrate MetLife's dedication to making a positive impact through employee volunteerism and community support.

Il Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023 di MetLife sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda nel volontariato e nell'impatto sulla comunità. Nel 2023, i dipendenti di MetLife hanno contribuito con oltre 144.000 ore di volontariato in 38 mercati, con più di 43.000 atti di volontariato. Questo sforzo sostiene i commitment DEI 2030 di MetLife di 800.000 ore di volontariato da parte dei dipendenti, focalizzandosi sulle comunità svantaggiate.

Il rapporto presenta diverse iniziative, tra cui:

  • Volontariato basato su competenze e pro bono
  • Programmi regionali come 'Buddy for Seniors' in Corea
  • Iniziative di distribuzione di cibo in Portogallo
  • Progetti per acqua pulita in Messico
  • Preparazione di pasti a New York City

MetLife offre ai dipendenti negli Stati Uniti e in Asia un giorno di permesso retribuito all'anno per il volontariato, promuovendo una cultura di coinvolgimento comunitario durante tutto l'anno. Questi sforzi dimostrano l'impegno di MetLife nel creare un impatto positivo attraverso il volontariato dei dipendenti e il sostegno alla comunità.

El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023 de MetLife resalta el compromiso de la empresa con el voluntariado y el impacto comunitario. En 2023, los empleados de MetLife contribuyeron con más de 144,000 horas de voluntariado en 38 mercados, con más de 43,000 actos de voluntariado. Este esfuerzo apoya los compromisos DEI 2030 de MetLife de 800,000 horas de voluntariado de empleados enfocados en comunidades desatendidas.

El informe muestra varias iniciativas, incluyendo:

  • Voluntariado basado en habilidades y pro bono
  • Programas regionales como 'Buddy for Seniors' en Corea
  • Esfuerzos de distribución de alimentos en Portugal
  • Proyectos de agua limpia en México
  • Empaque de comidas en la ciudad de Nueva York

MetLife ofrece a los empleados en EE.UU. y Asia un día de permiso pagado al año para voluntariar, fomentando una cultura de compromiso comunitario durante todo el año. Estos esfuerzos demuestran la dedicación de MetLife para generar un impacto positivo a través del voluntariado de los empleados y el apoyo a la comunidad.

메트라이프의 2023 지속 가능성 보고서는 자원봉사 및 지역 사회에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조합니다. 2023년 메트라이프 직원들은 38개 시장에서 14만 4천 시간 이상의 자원봉사 시간을 기여했으며, 4만 3천 건 이상의 자원봉사 활동이 있었습니다. 이 노력은 메트라이프의 2030 DEI 공약인 저소득층 지역사회를 위한 80만 시간의 직원 자원봉사 시간 지원과 관련이 있습니다.

보고서는 여러 이니셔티브를 소개합니다. 이에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 기술 기반 및 프로 보노 자원봉사
  • 한국의 'Buddy for Seniors'와 같은 지역 프로그램
  • 포르투갈의 음식 분배 노력
  • 멕시코의 깨끗한 물 프로젝트
  • 뉴욕시의 식사 포장

메트라이프는 미국과 아시아의 직원에게 연간 하루의 유급 자원봉사 휴가를 제공하여 연중 내내 지역사회 참여 문화를 조성합니다. 이러한 노력은 직원 자원봉사 및 지역사회 지원을 통한 긍정적인 영향력을 실현하기 위한 메트라이프의 헌신을 보여줍니다.

Le Rapport de Durabilité 2023 de MetLife met en avant l'engagement de l'entreprise en matière de bénévolat et d'impact communautaire. En 2023, les employés de MetLife ont contribué plus de 144 000 heures de bénévolat dans 38 marchés, avec plus de 43 000 actes de bénévolat. Cet effort soutient les engagements DEI 2030 de MetLife portant sur 800 000 heures de bénévolat des employés axées sur les communautés défavorisées.

Le rapport présente diverses initiatives, notamment :

  • Bénévolat basé sur les compétences et pro bono
  • Programmes régionaux comme 'Buddy for Seniors' en Corée
  • Efforts de distribution alimentaire au Portugal
  • Projets d'eau propre au Mexique
  • Emballage de repas à New York

MetLife offre à ses employés aux États-Unis et en Asie un jour de congé payé par an pour le bénévolat, favorisant ainsi une culture d'engagement communautaire tout au long de l'année. Ces efforts démontrent l'engagement de MetLife à avoir un impact positif grâce au bénévolat des employés et au soutien à la communauté.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 von MetLife hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für Freiwilligenarbeit und Gemeinschaftseinfluss hervor. Im Jahr 2023 trugen die Mitarbeiter von MetLife über 144.000 Freiwilligenstunden in 38 Märkten bei, mit mehr als 43.000 Freiwilligenaktionen. Dieser Einsatz unterstützt MetLifes DEI-Verpflichtungen 2030 von 800.000 Mitarbeiterfreiwilligenstunden, die sich auf benachteiligte Gemeinschaften konzentrieren.

Der Bericht zeigt verschiedene Initiativen, darunter:

  • Freiwilligenarbeit basierend auf Fähigkeiten und pro bono
  • Regionale Programme wie 'Buddy for Seniors' in Korea
  • Lebensmittelverteilungsmaßnahmen in Portugal
  • Projekte für sauberes Wasser in Mexiko
  • Essenspakete in New York City

MetLife bietet Mitarbeitern in den USA und Asien einen bezahlten Tag im Jahr für Freiwilligenarbeit an, um eine Kultur des ganzjährigen Engagements in der Gemeinschaft zu fördern. Diese Bemühungen zeigen MetLifes Engagement für einen positiven Einfluss durch die Freiwilligenarbeit der Mitarbeiter und die Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft.

  • None.
  • None.

MetLife Sustainability Report

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 2, 2024 / MetLife encourages a culture of year-round volunteering. MetLife colleagues across all regions and departments lend their time, talent and passion for their communities to educational, environmental, mentoring, coaching, skills-based and pro-bono initiatives. We offer employees in the U.S. and Asia one paid day off per year to volunteer.

These efforts support MetLife's 2030 DEI Commitments of 800,000 employee volunteer hours with a focus on underserved communities by 2030.

2023 Global Volunteering by the Numbers

  • 144,000+ employee volunteer hours

  • 43,000+ acts of volunteering

  • 38 markets

Skills-Based and Pro-Bono Volunteering

When they put their professional skills to use in a volunteer capacity, MetLife colleagues have an outsized impact on nonprofits and their communities.

During the MetLife Leadership Team conference, a group of Village Capital founders presented their business challenges to teams of MetLife senior leaders. They provided pro-bono support by ideating and presenting solutions to the founders' challenges.

MetLife Legal Affairs launched a pro-bono initiative in collaboration with Volunteers of Legal Services, a MetLife Foundation grantee, and Debevoise & Plimpton LLP to provide pro-bono legal services to low- and moderate-income small business owners in New York City.

Volunteering with Purpose Around the World


In Korea, MetLife Foundation's "Buddy for Seniors" program spanned 15 locations in six cities and saw MetLife volunteers engage 330 seniors with outdoor activities such as visits to local palaces and botanical gardens.

Europe, Middle East and Africa

MetLife colleagues separated and organized food, and prepared food baskets for Banco Alimentar in Portugal.

Latin America

MetLife Foundation partner Planet Water Foundation aims to transform the health, productivity and economic well-being of communities in Mexico by providing access to clean and safe water. MetLife colleagues have helped build 17 AquaTower water filtration systems.

United States

MetLife colleagues volunteered with Food Bank For New York City in Grand Central Terminal to mark MetLife Foundation's milestone of $1 billion in all-time giving. Together, volunteers packed 18,000 meals for New Yorkers.

Download the full MetLife 2023 Sustainability Report

MetLife colleagues participate in a pro-bono event
with Village Capital founders.

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Spokesperson: MetLife, Inc.

SOURCE: MetLife, Inc.

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How many volunteer hours did MetLife employees contribute in 2023?

MetLife employees contributed over 144,000 volunteer hours in 2023 across 38 markets.

What is MetLife's 2030 DEI Commitment for volunteer hours?

MetLife's 2030 DEI Commitment aims for 800,000 employee volunteer hours with a focus on underserved communities by 2030.

Does MetLife (MET) offer paid time off for volunteering?

Yes, MetLife offers employees in the U.S. and Asia one paid day off per year to volunteer.

What types of volunteering activities did MetLife (MET) employees engage in during 2023?

MetLife employees engaged in various volunteering activities, including educational, environmental, mentoring, coaching, skills-based, and pro-bono initiatives.

How many AquaTower water filtration systems has MetLife helped build in Mexico?

MetLife colleagues have helped build 17 AquaTower water filtration systems in Mexico through the Planet Water Foundation partnership.

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