Globally-Mobile Employees Are Looking for Enhanced Care on Their Assignments

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MetLife's Annual Expat Employee Benefit Trends Study reveals a significant increase in globally-mobile work, with 68% of employers expecting growth, up from 45% in 2023. The study highlights a shift towards younger, solo employees taking global assignments, with 42% doing so alone. However, only 59% of globally-mobile employees report feeling holistically healthy, indicating an opportunity for employers to enhance care and support.

The research emphasizes the importance of care delivery during critical work and life moments unique to global assignments. Gaps exist between employees experiencing major impacts and those feeling employer care, particularly in areas like unplanned financial stress, burnout, and health concerns. When employees feel cared for, they show increased loyalty (36%), productivity (40%), and engagement (40%).

The study also highlights the need for improved benefits communication, with 64% of employees finding current communications irrelevant and 72% desiring more information to maximize their benefits. Employers can enhance global mobility programs by tailoring benefit offerings and communications to address specific needs of globally-mobile employees.

Lo studio annuale di MetLife sui trend dei benefici per i dipendenti espatriati rivela un significativo aumento del lavoro globalmente mobile, con il 68% dei datori di lavoro che si aspetta una crescita, rispetto al 45% nel 2023. La ricerca evidenzia un passaggio verso dipendenti più giovani, solitari, che intraprendono incarichi globali, con il 42% che lo fa da solo. Tuttavia, solo il 59% dei dipendenti globalmente mobili dichiara di sentirsi complessivamente sano, il che indica un'opportunità per i datori di lavoro di migliorare l'assistenza e il supporto.

La ricerca sottolinea l'importanza della consegna dell'assistenza durante i momenti di lavoro e di vita critici unici per gli incarichi globali. Esistono lacune tra i dipendenti che subiscono impatti significativi e coloro che percepiscono l'assistenza del datore di lavoro, in particolare in aree come lo stress finanziario imprevisto, il burnout e le preoccupazioni per la salute. Quando i dipendenti si sentono assistiti, mostrano un aumento della lealtà (36%), della produttività (40%) e del coinvolgimento (40%).

Lo studio evidenzia anche la necessità di una comunicazione migliorata sui benefici, con il 64% dei dipendenti che trova le comunicazioni attuali irrilevanti e il 72% che desidera maggiori informazioni per massimizzare i propri benefici. I datori di lavoro possono migliorare i programmi di mobilità globale adattando le offerte di benefici e le comunicazioni per affrontare esigenze specifiche dei dipendenti globalmente mobili.

El estudio anual de MetLife sobre las tendencias de beneficios para empleados expatriados revela un significativo aumento del trabajo globalmente móvil, con un 68% de los empleadores esperando crecimiento, frente al 45% en 2023. El estudio destaca un cambio hacia empleados más jóvenes que trabajan solos en asignaciones globales, con un 42% haciéndolo de manera individual. Sin embargo, solo el 59% de los empleados globalmente móviles informa sentirse holísticamente saludable, lo que indica una oportunidad para que los empleadores mejoren el cuidado y apoyo.

La investigación enfatiza la importancia de la entrega de atención durante momentos críticos de trabajo y vida únicos en asignaciones globales. Existen brechas entre los empleados que experimentan impactos significativos y los que sienten el cuidado del empleador, particularmente en áreas como el estrés financiero inesperado, el agotamiento y las preocupaciones de salud. Cuando los empleados sienten que se les cuida, muestran un aumento en la lealtad (36%), productividad (40%) y compromiso (40%).

El estudio también destaca la necesidad de una mejor comunicación sobre beneficios, con un 64% de los empleados encontrando las comunicaciones actuales irrelevantes y un 72% deseando más información para maximizar sus beneficios. Los empleadores pueden mejorar los programas de movilidad global adaptando las ofertas de beneficios y las comunicaciones para abordar necesidades específicas de los empleados globalmente móviles.

메트라이프의 연례 해외 주재원 직원 혜택 트렌드 연구는 글로벌 이동 근무의 현저한 증가를 보여줍니다. 68%의 고용주가 성장을 기대하고 있으며, 이는 2023년 45%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 이 연구는 젊고 독신인 직원들이 글로벌 임무를 맡는 경향이 강화되고 있음을 강조하며, 그 중 42%가 혼자서 임무를 수행하고 있습니다. 하지만, 전 세계적으로 이동하는 직원 중 오직 59%만이 전체적으로 건강하다고 느껴, 고용주가 돌봄과 지원을 강화할 기회가 있음을 나타냅니다.

연구는 중요한 작업 및 삶의 순간에 대한 돌봄 제공의 중요성을 강조합니다. 주요 영향을 경험하는 직원과 고용주의 돌봄을 느끼는 직원 사이에 격차가 존재하는데, 특히 뜻밖의 재정적 스트레스, 탈진 및 건강 문제와 같은 분야에서 두드러집니다. 직원들이 돌봄을 받는다고 느낄 때, 그들은 충성도(36%), 생산성(40%) 및 참여도(40%)가 증가합니다.

이 연구는 향상된 혜택 소통의 필요성도 강조하며, 64%의 직원이 현재의 소통이 부적절하다고 느끼고 72%는 혜택을 극대화하기 위해 더 많은 정보를 원한다고 밝혔습니다. 고용주는 글로벌 이동 프로그램을 개선하기 위해 글로벌 이동 직원의 특정 요구 사항을 해결하도록 혜택 제공 및 소통을 맞춤화할 수 있습니다.

La étude annuelle de MetLife sur les tendances des avantages pour les employés expatriés révèle une augmentation significative du travail mondialement mobile, avec 68 % des employeurs s'attendant à une croissance, contre 45 % en 2023. L'étude met en lumière un changement vers des employés plus jeunes et seuls prenant des missions à l'étranger, avec 42 % le faisant seuls. Cependant, seulement 59 % des employés mondialement mobiles déclarent se sentir globalement en bonne santé, indiquant une opportunité pour les employeurs d'améliorer les soins et le soutien.

La recherche souligne l'importance de la livraison des soins pendant des moments de travail et de vie critiques uniques pour les missions mondiales. Des lacunes existent entre les employés souffrant d'impact majeur et ceux ressentant le soutien de l'employeur, en particulier dans des domaines tels que le stress financier imprévu, le burnout et les problèmes de santé. Lorsque les employés se sentent soutenus, cela se traduit par une loyauté accrue (36 %), une productivité (40 %) et un engagement (40 %).

L'étude souligne également la nécessité d'une meilleure communication sur les avantages, 64 % des employés trouvant les communications actuelles sans pertinence et 72 % souhaitant plus d'informations pour maximiser leurs avantages. Les employeurs peuvent améliorer les programmes de mobilité mondiale en adaptant les offres de prestations et les communications pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des employés mondialement mobiles.

Die jährliche MetLife-Studie zu den Trends bei Leistungen für Expat-Mitarbeiter zeigt einen signifikanten Anstieg bei global mobilen Arbeitskräften, wobei 68% der Arbeitgeber ein Wachstum erwarten, gegenüber 45% im Jahr 2023. Die Studie hebt den Trend hervor, dass jüngere, alleinstehende Mitarbeiter globale Einsätze übernehmen, wobei 42% dies alleine tun. Allerdings berichten nur 59% der global mobilen Mitarbeiter, dass sie sich ganzheitlich gesund fühlen, was eine Chance für Arbeitgeber darstellt, Pflege und Unterstützung zu verbessern.

Die Forschung betont die Wichtigkeit der Bereitstellung von Betreuung in kritischen Arbeits- und Lebensmomenten, die für globale Einsätze einzigartig sind. Es gibt Lücken zwischen Mitarbeitern, die erhebliche Auswirkungen erfahren, und denen, die die Unterstützung des Arbeitgebers wahrnehmen, insbesondere in Bereichen wie ungeplanten finanziellen Stress, Burnout und gesundheitlichen Bedenken. Wenn Mitarbeiter sich umsorgt fühlen, zeigen sie erhöhte Loyalität (36%), Produktivität (40%) und Engagement (40%).

Die Studie hebt auch den Bedarf an verbesserter Kommunikation zu Leistungen hervor, wobei 64% der Mitarbeiter die aktuellen Kommunikationswege als irrelevant empfinden und 72% mehr Informationen wünschen, um ihre Leistungen zu maximieren. Arbeitgeber können globale Mobilitätsprogramme verbessern, indem sie die Leistungsangebote und Kommunikationsmittel an die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der global mobilen Mitarbeiter anpassen.

  • 68% of employers expect globally-mobile work to increase, up from 45% in 2023
  • Employees who feel cared for are 36% more loyal, 40% more productive, and 40% more engaged
  • Opportunity for employers to enhance care and support for globally-mobile employees
  • Potential for increased productivity and loyalty through customized benefits
  • Only 59% of globally-mobile employees report feeling holistically healthy
  • Gaps in employer care during critical moments like financial stress, burnout, and health concerns
  • 64% of employees find benefit communications irrelevant to their experience
  • 72% of employees wish they were more informed about their benefits offering


The shift towards younger, solo employees taking global assignments presents unique challenges for employers. With only 59% of globally-mobile employees feeling holistically healthy, there's a clear need for enhanced support systems. The study reveals significant gaps in employer care during critical moments, particularly in areas like unplanned financial stress, burnout and health concerns.

Employers have a substantial opportunity to improve their global mobility programs. By focusing on customized benefits and targeted communications, companies can address the 64% of employees who find current benefit communications irrelevant. This tailored approach could significantly boost employee satisfaction, leading to increased loyalty (36%), productivity (40%) and engagement (40%).

To maximize the effectiveness of global assignments, HR departments should prioritize:

  • Developing comprehensive pre-assignment education programs
  • Implementing continuous support systems throughout the assignment
  • Creating audience-specific benefit communications
  • Regularly assessing and adapting benefits to meet evolving needs

By addressing these areas, employers can create a more supportive environment for globally-mobile employees, potentially increasing the appetite for international assignments and improving overall organizational success.

The increasing trend of global assignments, especially among younger, solo employees, signals a shift in workforce dynamics that multinational companies must address. The study's findings highlight a critical gap in employee care and support, which, if left unaddressed, could impact talent retention and assignment success rates.

Key areas for improvement include:

  • Enhancing mental health support to combat burnout and isolation
  • Providing robust financial guidance for unexpected expenses
  • Implementing comprehensive safety protocols and resources

The data showing that well-cared-for employees are more loyal, productive and engaged underscores the ROI potential of investing in enhanced expatriate support programs. Companies should focus on creating a seamless care continuum that extends beyond critical moments, encompassing the entire assignment lifecycle.

To optimize global mobility strategies, organizations should consider:

  • Leveraging technology for real-time support and communication
  • Developing mentorship programs pairing experienced expats with newcomers
  • Offering cultural integration assistance to ease transitions

By proactively addressing these aspects, companies can create a more resilient and satisfied globally-mobile workforce, potentially leading to increased willingness for international assignments and improved global operations.

Annual study shows that globally-mobile employees face unique challenges that require a strategic approach to providing the right resources and support

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Employers are increasingly optimistic about the future of globally-mobile work, with 68% of employers saying they expect it to increase, up from 45% in 2023. The demographic of those taking global assignments has also shifted with an increase in younger employees taking these roles and doing so solo. MetLife's research shows 42% of employees on global assignments do so alone vs. the 33% with their partner and spouse. This shift in the make up in globally-mobile workforce is something for employers to take note of and proactively support this cohort's experiences. According to MetLife’s Annual Expat Employee Benefit Trends Study (EBTS), just over half (59%) of employees on global assignments report feeling holistically healthy. This suggests that multinational employers have an opportunity to provide the higher level of employee care and support that globally-mobile employees need to feel confident on assignment and continue to take on global opportunities.

As the study reveals care as a critical driver of the employee experience, well-being and benefits, this year’s research notes the importance of care delivery during and beyond critical work and life moments that are unique to global assignment experiences. During important life moments, there is a clear gap between those employees who say it had a major impact on them and those who felt their employer demonstrated care during the experience with navigating unplanned financial stress (13%); burnout (9%); and health and safety concerns (5%) showing the biggest gaps.

By demonstrating always-on care across key moments, employers can drive more successful workplaces and healthier outcomes for their globally-mobile employees. When globally-mobile employees feel cared for, they are 36% more loyal to their employers, 40% more productive and 40% more engaged, resulting in increased talent outcomes and more successful workplaces.

‘If employers can find a way to show additional support to employees in the form of customized and value-added benefits, the appetite for global assignments can only increase and result in increased productivity and loyalty,” says Tim Imre, vice president and head of MetLife Worldwide Benefits.

In addition to delivering care, employers can enhance their global mobility programs by revisiting their benefits and communications strategy, especially by increasing benefits utilization through audience-specific education, such as targeted communications and training on how to use available benefits. Sixty-four percent (64%) of employees say that the benefit communications they receive do not feel relevant to their experience and 72% wish they were more informed about their offering so they can get the most value out of their benefits, highlighting an opportunity for employers to tailor their benefit offerings and communications to resonate most with this cohort and their specific needs.

“This data clearly shows that providing benefits education even before employees are on an assignment—letting them know that support and resources that are available to them—is a key component in preparing employees to accept the opportunities when they arise,” Imre added.

The full Expat EBTS report is available at All data included here is based on the findings in the report.

Research Methodology

This report is based on MetLife’s Annual Employee Benefit Trends Study and provides insights from employers and globally-mobile employees captured via in-depth quantitative surveys. The survey findings were supplemented by qualitative interviews with globally-mobile employees. MetLife’s 22nd Annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study was conducted in November 2023 and consists of two distinct studies fielded by STRAT7 Rainmakers – a global strategy, insight and planning consultancy.

The employer survey includes 2,595 interviews with benefits decision-makers and influencers at companies with at least two employees. The survey includes 1,195 interviews with decision-makers with responsibility for expatriate benefits.

The employee survey consists of 2,809 interviews with full-time employees, ages 21 and over, at companies with at least two employees. The survey includes 660 interviews with globally-mobile employees. To provide additional context to our quantitative findings, we conducted 26 interviews with employees and partners/spouses of employees and 6 U.S. employers with global mobility programs. We recruited participants to ensure a spread of demographics, incomes, worker types, industries and business sizes.

About MetLife

MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the world’s leading financial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management to help individual and institutional customers build a more confident future. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in more than 40 markets globally and holds leading positions in the United States, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

About MetLife Worldwide Benefits

MetLife Worldwide Benefits personalized solutions for globally-mobile employees have been in existence for nearly 60 years. MetLife Worldwide Benefits products are underwritten by Delaware American Life Insurance Company, a MetLife affiliate domiciled at 600 North King Street, Wilmington, DE, 19801, and other affiliates. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Kimberly Prime


Source: MetLife, Inc.


What percentage of employers expect globally-mobile work to increase according to MetLife's study?

According to MetLife's Annual Expat Employee Benefit Trends Study, 68% of employers expect globally-mobile work to increase, up from 45% in 2023.

How many globally-mobile employees report feeling holistically healthy in MetLife's study?

The study reveals that just over half (59%) of employees on global assignments report feeling holistically healthy.

What are the benefits for employers when globally-mobile employees feel cared for?

When globally-mobile employees feel cared for, they are 36% more loyal to their employers, 40% more productive, and 40% more engaged, resulting in increased talent outcomes and more successful workplaces.

What percentage of globally-mobile employees find benefit communications irrelevant according to MetLife's study?

The study shows that 64% of employees say that the benefit communications they receive do not feel relevant to their experience.

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