Economic Concerns Lower U.S. Workforce Health and Productivity, Raising Need for Employee-Employer Trust: New MetLife Study
MetLife's 23rd annual Employee Benefit Trends Study reveals concerning trends in workplace health and productivity, with notable decreases in holistic health (-5%), productivity (-5%), and engagement (-7%). The study highlights that 77% of employees cite rising medical costs and 68% mention economic uncertainty as primary stress sources.
In response to social and economic challenges, 81% of employees look to their employers for trust-building, being 1.5x more likely to trust their employer than other institutions. The study finds that employees who both trust and feel cared for by their employer are significantly more likely to feel holistically healthy (3.8x), engaged (2.4x), and productive (1.9x).
The research demonstrates that employers can build trust through supportive culture and positive benefits experiences. Notably, employees with positive benefits experiences are 2.4x more likely to feel holistically healthy and 2.1x more likely to trust their employer during economic downturns. MetLife's digital solution, Upwise, has shown promising results, with 64% adoption during enrollment and 84% completion rate for benefits recommendations in 2024.
Lo studio annuale sui trend dei benefici per i dipendenti di MetLife rivela tendenze preoccupanti nella salute e produttività sul posto di lavoro, con notevoli diminuzioni nella salute olistica (-5%), produttività (-5%) e coinvolgimento (-7%). Lo studio evidenzia che il 77% dei dipendenti cita l'aumento dei costi medici e il 68% menziona l'incertezza economica come principali fonti di stress.
In risposta alle sfide sociali ed economiche, l'81% dei dipendenti si aspetta che i propri datori di lavoro costruiscano fiducia, essendo 1,5 volte più propensi a fidarsi del proprio datore di lavoro rispetto ad altre istituzioni. Lo studio scopre che i dipendenti che si fidano e si sentono curati dal proprio datore di lavoro sono significativamente più propensi a sentirsi olisticamente sani (3,8 volte), coinvolti (2,4 volte) e produttivi (1,9 volte).
La ricerca dimostra che i datori di lavoro possono costruire fiducia attraverso una cultura di supporto e esperienze positive sui benefici. È importante notare che i dipendenti con esperienze positive sui benefici sono 2,4 volte più propensi a sentirsi olisticamente sani e 2,1 volte più propensi a fidarsi del proprio datore di lavoro durante le recessioni economiche. La soluzione digitale di MetLife, Upwise, ha mostrato risultati promettenti, con il 64% di adozione durante l'iscrizione e un 84% di tasso di completamento per le raccomandazioni sui benefici nel 2024.
El estudio anual sobre tendencias de beneficios para empleados de MetLife revela tendencias preocupantes en la salud y productividad en el lugar de trabajo, con disminuciones notables en la salud holística (-5%), productividad (-5%) y compromiso (-7%). El estudio destaca que el 77% de los empleados citan el aumento de los costos médicos y el 68% menciona la incertidumbre económica como fuentes principales de estrés.
En respuesta a los desafíos sociales y económicos, el 81% de los empleados busca que sus empleadores generen confianza, siendo 1.5 veces más propensos a confiar en su empleador que en otras instituciones. El estudio encuentra que los empleados que confían y se sienten cuidados por su empleador son significativamente más propensos a sentirse holísticamente saludables (3.8 veces), comprometidos (2.4 veces) y productivos (1.9 veces).
La investigación demuestra que los empleadores pueden construir confianza a través de una cultura de apoyo y experiencias positivas con los beneficios. Notablemente, los empleados con experiencias positivas en beneficios son 2.4 veces más propensos a sentirse holísticamente saludables y 2.1 veces más propensos a confiar en su empleador durante las recesiones económicas. La solución digital de MetLife, Upwise, ha mostrado resultados prometedores, con un 64% de adopción durante la inscripción y una tasa de finalización del 84% para las recomendaciones de beneficios en 2024.
메트라이프의 23번째 연례 직원 복지 트렌드 연구는 직장에서의 건강과 생산성에 대한 우려스러운 트렌드를 보여주며, 전체적인 건강(-5%), 생산성(-5%), 참여도(-7%)에서 주목할 만한 감소가 나타났습니다. 이 연구는 77%의 직원이 의료비 상승을, 68%이 경제적 불확실성을 주요 스트레스 요인으로 언급하고 있음을 강조합니다.
사회적 및 경제적 도전에 대응하여, 81%의 직원은 신뢰 구축을 위해 고용주에게 기대를 걸고 있으며, 다른 기관보다 고용주를 신뢰할 가능성이 1.5배 더 높습니다. 연구에 따르면, 고용주를 신뢰하고 보살핌을 받는다고 느끼는 직원들은 전체적으로 건강하다고 느낄 가능성이 3.8배, 참여도가 높을 가능성이 2.4배, 생산성이 높을 가능성이 1.9배 더 높습니다.
이 연구는 고용주가 지원적인 문화와 긍정적인 복지 경험을 통해 신뢰를 구축할 수 있음을 보여줍니다. 특히, 긍정적인 복지 경험을 가진 직원들은 전체적으로 건강하다고 느낄 가능성이 2.4배, 경제적 침체기 동안 고용주를 신뢰할 가능성이 2.1배 더 높습니다. 메트라이프의 디지털 솔루션인 Upwise는 등록 중 64%의 채택률과 2024년 복지 추천에 대한 84%의 완료율로 유망한 결과를 보여주었습니다.
La 23ème étude annuelle de MetLife sur les tendances des avantages pour les employés révèle des tendances préoccupantes en matière de santé et de productivité au travail, avec des baisses notables de la santé holistique (-5%), de la productivité (-5%) et de l'engagement (-7%). L'étude souligne que 77% des employés citent l'augmentation des coûts médicaux et 68% mentionnent l'incertitude économique comme principales sources de stress.
En réponse aux défis sociaux et économiques, 81% des employés attendent de leurs employeurs qu'ils instaurent un climat de confiance, étant 1,5 fois plus susceptibles de faire confiance à leur employeur qu'à d'autres institutions. L'étude révèle que les employés qui font confiance à leur employeur et se sentent pris en charge sont significativement plus susceptibles de se sentir holistiquement en bonne santé (3,8 fois), engagés (2,4 fois) et productifs (1,9 fois).
La recherche démontre que les employeurs peuvent instaurer la confiance grâce à une culture de soutien et à des expériences positives en matière d'avantages. Notamment, les employés ayant des expériences positives avec les avantages sont 2,4 fois plus susceptibles de se sentir holistiquement en bonne santé et 2,1 fois plus susceptibles de faire confiance à leur employeur en période de récession économique. La solution numérique de MetLife, Upwise, a montré des résultats prometteurs, avec 64% d'adoption lors de l'inscription et un taux d'achèvement de 84% pour les recommandations d'avantages en 2024.
Die 23. jährliche Studie zu den Trends bei Mitarbeiterbenefits von MetLife zeigt besorgniserregende Trends in Bezug auf Gesundheit und Produktivität am Arbeitsplatz, mit bemerkenswerten Rückgängen bei ganzheitlicher Gesundheit (-5%), Produktivität (-5%) und Engagement (-7%). Die Studie hebt hervor, dass 77% der Mitarbeiter steigende Gesundheitskosten und 68% wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit als Hauptstressquellen angeben.
Als Reaktion auf soziale und wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen erwarten 81% der Mitarbeiter, dass ihre Arbeitgeber Vertrauen aufbauen, wobei sie 1,5-mal eher ihrem Arbeitgeber als anderen Institutionen vertrauen. Die Studie zeigt, dass Mitarbeiter, die sowohl Vertrauen in ihren Arbeitgeber haben als auch sich von ihm umsorgt fühlen, signifikant wahrscheinlicher ganzheitlich gesund (3,8-mal), engagiert (2,4-mal) und produktiv (1,9-mal) sind.
Die Forschung zeigt, dass Arbeitgeber Vertrauen durch eine unterstützende Kultur und positive Erfahrungen mit Benefits aufbauen können. Besonders auffällig ist, dass Mitarbeiter mit positiven Erfahrungen mit Benefits 2,4-mal wahrscheinlicher ganzheitlich gesund sind und während wirtschaftlicher Abschwünge 2,1-mal eher ihrem Arbeitgeber vertrauen. Die digitale Lösung von MetLife, Upwise, hat vielversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt, mit einer 64%igen Akzeptanz während der Anmeldung und einer 84% Abschlussquote für Benefit-Empfehlungen im Jahr 2024.
- None.
- None.
As economic stress takes its toll, MetLife's 23rd annual Employee Benefit Trends Study finds employees are placing greater trust in employers to provide stability and support
Click here to download MetLife’s 2025 Employee Benefit Trends Study (EBTS)
Amid social and economic turmoil, employees are turning to their employers for stability and support, while trust outside of the workplace is declining. According to MetLife’s EBTS,
With a greater responsibility to build trust also comes a significant opportunity to improve workplace outcomes, as MetLife’s study finds trust, when combined with employee care, has a profound impact. Employees who trust and feel cared for by their employer are more likely to feel holistically healthy (3.8x), engaged (2.4x) and productive (1.9x) than those with either or neither.
MetLife’s research shows employers can build trust by fostering a supportive culture and promoting positive benefits experiences, which includes providing employees with opportunities to give feedback and the right tools to choose and use their benefits effectively.
“Our research continues to validate that employers who demonstrate care for their employees see improved workplace health and outcomes,” said Todd Katz, head of Group Benefits at MetLife. “What we’ve newly uncovered this year, given macro challenges, is an opportunity to fortify care by fostering trust. Employers that focus on prioritizing benefit experiences and culture can effectively build high-trust, high-performing workplaces.”
Fostering Trust and Amplifying Care: Key Drivers
Workplaces that promote recognition of achievements, transparent leadership and empathy are more likely to foster trust between employees and employers, MetLife’s report finds. Combining the right mix of benefits with a positive utilization experience is also highly correlated to increased trust and improved outcomes.
Employees who use and have positive experiences with their benefits are:
- 2.4x more likely to feel holistically healthy
- 2.1x more likely to trust that their employer will protect them in economic downturns
- 1.8x more likely to trust their employer’s leadership
“Benefits provide employees with stability and protection in uncertain times, which helps them feel cared for and amplifies trust,” adds Katz. “But as misunderstanding and underutilization of benefits persists, MetLife is helping employers deliver experiences that empower employees with greater confidence in their ability to choose, use and unlock the full potential of their benefits.”
Employers can enhance benefits experiences by optimizing communication strategies, providing personalized guidance, and consistently engaging employees to support year-round utilization.
Tools like MetLife’s Upwise, a digital solution that aids employees in choosing benefits wisely with personalized recommendations and using them seamlessly with timely reminders and guidance, help employees get the most value out of their benefits and employers the best return on investment. To date, adoption of MetLife’s Upwise has been positive, particularly in benefits decision support—in 2024,
Visit to view MetLife’s 2025 Employee Benefit Trends Study or visit to learn more about how MetLife is enhancing benefits experiences.
Unless otherwise stated, all data referenced in this release is from MetLife’s 2025 Employee Benefit Trends Study.
Research Methodology
MetLife's 23rd annual
About MetLife
MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the world’s leading financial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management to help individual and institutional customers build a more confident future. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in more than 40 markets globally and holds leading positions in
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1Based on enrollment data provided by participating MetLife customers between 10/1/2024 and 11/27/2024.
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Source: MetLife, Inc.