Twenty Lung Cancer Advocacy Organizations and 23andMe Come Together to Launch Lung Cancer Genetics Study to Help Advance Research

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23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) and 20 lung cancer advocacy organizations have launched the Lung Cancer Genetics Study to advance research in lung cancer. The study aims to build a comprehensive, open-source database of heritable genetics and patient-reported data to improve detection, risk reduction, and care. Key points:

  • Goal: Recruit 10,000 people diagnosed with lung cancer
  • Participants: U.S. residents, 18+ years old, diagnosed with lung cancer
  • Data collected: Genetic information, self-reported experiences, medical records, tumor biomarker information
  • Access: De-identified data available to approved researchers; free access for nonprofit researchers and institutions

The study is supported by Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies and aims to address the critical need for understanding lung cancer genetics and improving outcomes for future generations.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) e 20 organizzazioni che si occupano di advocacy per il cancro ai polmoni hanno lanciato lo Studio sulla Genetica del Cancro ai Polmoni per promuovere la ricerca su questa malattia. Lo studio si propone di costruire un database completo e open-source di dati genetici ereditari e informazioni riportate dai pazienti al fine di migliorare la rilevazione, la riduzione del rischio e le cure. Punti chiave:

  • Obiettivo: Reclutare 10.000 persone diagnosticate con cancro ai polmoni
  • Partecipanti: Residenti negli Stati Uniti, di età superiore ai 18 anni, diagnosticati con cancro ai polmoni
  • Dati raccolti: Informazioni genetiche, esperienze autodichiarate, cartelle cliniche, informazioni sui biomarcatori tumorali
  • Accesso: Dati de-identificati disponibili per i ricercatori approvati; accesso gratuito per ricercatori e istituzioni no-profit

Lo studio è sostenuto da Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies e mira a rispondere all'esigenza cruciale di comprendere la genetica del cancro ai polmoni e migliorare i risultati per le generazioni future.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) y 20 organizaciones de defensa del cáncer de pulmón han lanzado el Estudio de Genética del Cáncer de Pulmón para avanzar en la investigación sobre el cáncer de pulmón. El estudio tiene como objetivo construir una base de datos integral y de código abierto de genética hereditaria y datos reportados por los pacientes para mejorar la detección, la reducción de riesgo y la atención. Puntos clave:

  • Objetivo: Reclutar a 10,000 personas diagnosticadas con cáncer de pulmón
  • Participantes: Residentes de EE. UU., mayores de 18 años, diagnosticados con cáncer de pulmón
  • Datos recopilados: Información genética, experiencias auto-reportadas, registros médicos, información sobre biomarcadores tumorales
  • Acceso: Datos desidentificados disponibles para investigadores aprobados; acceso gratuito para investigadores y instituciones sin fines de lucro

El estudio cuenta con el apoyo de Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies y tiene como objetivo abordar la urgente necesidad de comprender la genética del cáncer de pulmón y mejorar los resultados para las futuras generaciones.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME)와 20개의 폐암 advocacy 조직이 폐암 연구를 촉진하기 위해 폐암 유전학 연구를 시작했습니다. 이 연구는 유전 가능한 유전학 및 환자가 보고한 데이터의 포괄적이고 오픈 소스 데이터를 구축하여 발견, 위험 감소 및 치료를 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 주요 사항:

  • 목표: 폐암 진단을 받은 10,000명 모집
  • 참여자: 18세 이상 미국 거주자로 폐암 진단을 받은 자
  • 수집되는 데이터: 유전 정보, 자가 보고된 경험, 의료 기록, 종양 바이오마커 정보
  • 접근: 승인된 연구자에게 제공되는 비식별화된 데이터; 비영리 연구자 및 기관을 위한 무료 접근

연구는 Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies의 지원을 받으며 폐암 유전학을 이해하고 미래 세대의 결과를 개선할 수 있는 긴급한 필요를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) et 20 organisations de défense du cancer du poumon ont lancé l'Étude sur la Génétique du Cancer du Poumon pour faire avancer la recherche sur le cancer du poumon. L'étude vise à créer une base de données complète et open-source de la génétique héréditaire et des données rapportées par les patients afin d'améliorer la détection, la réduction des risques et les soins. Points clés :

  • Objectif : Recruter 10 000 personnes diagnostiquées avec un cancer du poumon
  • Participants : Résidents des États-Unis, âgés de 18 ans et plus, diagnostiqués avec un cancer du poumon
  • Données collectées : Informations génétiques, expériences auto-rapportées, dossiers médicaux, informations sur les biomarqueurs tumoraux
  • Accès : Données anonymisées disponibles pour les chercheurs approuvés ; accès gratuit pour les chercheurs et institutions à but non lucratif

L'étude est soutenue par Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies et vise à répondre au besoin critique de comprendre la génétique du cancer du poumon et d'améliorer les résultats pour les générations futures.

Die 23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) und 20 Organisationen, die sich für Lungenkrebs einsetzen, haben die Lungenkrebs-Genetik-Studie ins Leben gerufen, um die Forschung zu Lungenkrebs voranzutreiben. Ziel der Studie ist es, eine umfassende, quelloffene Datenbank zu erbtbaren Genen und patientenberichteten Daten aufzubauen, um die Erkennung, Risikominderung und Versorgung zu verbessern. Wichtige Punkte:

  • Ziel: Rekrutierung von 10.000 Personen, bei denen Lungenkrebs diagnostiziert wurde
  • Teilnehmer: US-Bürger, 18 Jahre oder älter, bei denen Lungenkrebs diagnostiziert wurde
  • Gesammelte Daten: Genetische Informationen, selbstberichtete Erfahrungen, medizinische Unterlagen, Tumor-Biomarker-Informationen
  • Zugang: Anonymisierte Daten stehen genehmigten Forschern zur Verfügung; kostenloser Zugang für gemeinnützige Forscher und Institutionen

Die Studie wird von Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies unterstützt und zielt darauf ab, dem dringenden Bedarf nach Verständnis der Genetik von Lungenkrebs und der Verbesserung der Ergebnisse für zukünftige Generationen gerecht zu werden.

  • Collaboration with 20 lung cancer advocacy organizations enhances research potential
  • Open-source database creation for improved access to lung cancer genetic data
  • Removal of time and cost barriers that can slow research progress
  • Potential for improved detection, risk reduction, and care in lung cancer
  • Free access to the database for nonprofit researchers and institutions
  • Study to U.S. residents, potentially limiting global applicability of findings
  • Recruitment goal of 10,000 participants may take time to achieve
  • Reliance on self-reported data may introduce potential inaccuracies

The launch of the Lung Cancer Genetics Study by 23andMe and 20 lung cancer advocacy organizations represents a significant step forward in lung cancer research. This collaborative effort aims to create a comprehensive, open-source database of heritable genetics and patient-reported data, which could potentially revolutionize our understanding of lung cancer.

Key points to consider:

  • The study's goal of recruiting 10,000 lung cancer patients with diverse backgrounds will provide a robust dataset for researchers.
  • By making de-identified data available to approved researchers at no cost, this initiative promotes open science and accelerates research progress.
  • The inclusion of genetic information, self-reported experiences, medical records and tumor biomarker data offers a holistic view of lung cancer, potentially uncovering new insights into risk factors, early detection methods and treatment strategies.

While the immediate impact on 23andMe's stock may be , this study positions the company as a leader in genetic research for lung cancer, potentially leading to long-term value creation through partnerships, intellectual property, or future drug development opportunities.

From a financial perspective, 23andMe's involvement in the Lung Cancer Genetics Study presents both opportunities and challenges:

  • Positive aspects include potential long-term revenue streams from intellectual property or drug discoveries resulting from the study.
  • The collaboration with 20 advocacy organizations enhances 23andMe's reputation and could lead to increased customer acquisition and brand loyalty.
  • However, the immediate financial impact may be , as the study provides kits at no cost to participants and makes data freely available to nonprofit researchers.

Investors should view this as a strategic long-term investment in 23andMe's research capabilities and market position. While it may not significantly affect short-term financials, it could enhance the company's competitive advantage in the growing field of genetic health and personalized medicine.

The backing from Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies adds credibility to the project and may reduce financial strain on 23andMe. Overall, this initiative aligns with the company's mission and could contribute to future growth opportunities in the $200 billion global cancer therapeutics market.

The Lung Cancer Genetics Study has significant implications for the broader healthcare and biotech markets:

  • It addresses a critical unmet need in lung cancer research, potentially attracting attention from pharmaceutical companies and investors in the oncology space.
  • The open-source nature of the database could accelerate innovation across the industry, potentially leading to new drug targets and treatment approaches.
  • This collaborative model between a for-profit company and multiple advocacy organizations could set a new standard for patient-centric research in other disease areas.

Market impact considerations:

  • Increased interest in genetic testing and personalized medicine could boost demand for similar services across the industry.
  • Potential for new partnerships or M&A activity as pharmaceutical companies seek access to valuable genetic data.
  • Long-term market growth in targeted therapies and early detection methods for lung cancer, currently a $25 billion market.

While the immediate market reaction may be muted, this study positions 23andMe as a key player in the evolving landscape of genetic research and personalized medicine, potentially influencing future market trends and investment patterns in the biotech sector.

Study aims to build a comprehensive, open-source database of heritable genetics and patient-reported data in lung cancer

SUNNYVALE, Calif., July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME), a leading genetic health and biopharmaceutical company, in collaboration with 20 lung cancer advocacy organizations, today announced a new study to help advance research in lung cancer. The focus of the Lung Cancer Genetics Study is to better understand the genetics of people with lung cancer in order to improve detection, risk reduction, and care. While recent developments in tumor genetic testing and targeted therapies have provided hope and years of survival to many lung cancer patients, lung cancer remains the number one cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States. Yet, much remains unknown about the disease and its causes.

“There is a great need to better define the underlying genetics of lung cancer,” said Courtney Granville, Chief Scientific Officer at GO2 for Lung Cancer. “We are privileged to stand together with the research and patient advocacy communities to contribute to this effort to better define inherited risk for lung cancer and inform our ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat people. Ultimately, the learnings from this study will improve outcomes for future generations.”

The de-identified data from the study will be made available to approved researchers, and access to the scientific database will be available to nonprofit researchers and institutions at no cost.

Sobering lung cancer statistics only tell part of the story
Despite advances in treatment options, lung cancer remains a critical area of unmet need:

  • In 2020, lung cancer took more lives in the United States than breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers combined.
  • One in 16 people in the United States will be diagnosed with lung cancer in their lifetime.
  • It is estimated that in 2024, 234,000 new people will be diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States.
  • While lung cancer accounts for 12% of all new cancer diagnoses, it accounts for 20% of cancer deaths.
  • Despite being the deadliest cancer, lung cancer research is underfunded compared to other cancer types.
  • Early detection of lung cancer through screening can dramatically improve the long-term survival rate. Only 25% of all people diagnosed with lung cancer will survive 5 years or more, but for those whose cancer was diagnosed through annual screening by CT scan, the 20-year survival rate is 81%.
  • In people diagnosed at 55 years of age or younger, lung cancer is more common in women than men. Among people with lung cancer who have never smoked, approximately two-thirds are women, making women who have not smoked more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer as men who have not smoked.

Behind every devastating statistic are people from communities across the U.S. impacted by lung cancer. Through this collaboration, advocacy organizations, lung cancer survivors and advocates, and 23andMe hope ultimately to help advance research toward finding a cure for this disease.

“LUNGevity Foundation is excited to partner on this community-driven project,” said Upal Basu Roy, Vice President of Research at LUNGevity Foundation. “As a researcher and a patient advocate, I'm most excited about how the data collected in this study could be leveraged to help patients in the future. For example, it could help researchers identify new drug targets and mechanisms for drug development or find ways to address side effects proactively.”

This study includes the following collaborators: ALK Positive, Biomarker Collaborative, BRAF Bombers, EGFR Resisters, Exon 20 Group, Free ME from Lung Cancer, GO2 for Lung Cancer, The Happy Lungs Project, International Cancer Advocacy Network, KRAS Kickers, Lung Cancer Foundation of America, Lung Cancer Research Foundation, LUNGevity Foundation, MET Crusaders, NTRKers, Oncogene Cancer Research, PDL1 Amplifieds, RET Positive, RET Renegades, The ROS1ders, and Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies.

“Studying the genetics of lung cancer can help us understand risks, improve early detection, and develop better treatments. This collaborative effort unites patients, advocates, doctors, and researchers,” said Jill Feldman, patient advocate and co-founder of the EGFR Resisters. “By making the data securely accessible to researchers worldwide, the Lung Cancer Genetics Study increases our chances of breakthroughs that can save lives.”

Enhancing lung cancer research
The 23andMe research platform will enable consented participants to come together to provide critical data for scientists studying lung cancer. Research data will include genetic information and self-reported information about each participant's unique experiences (using responses from online surveys), as well as additional data sources such as medical records and tumor biomarker information. Through this study, advocacy organizations, advocates, and 23andMe aim to enhance research into lung cancer by bringing together a large group of people to better understand how genetics may influence lung cancer, expanding the geographic reach of the research study by enabling participation from home, and removing some of the time and cost barriers that can slow progress.

How this study can help further research
The goal of the study is to recruit 10,000 people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer, with no restrictions on the type of lung cancer, stage of disease, gender, smoking status, biomarker, or other variables. The lung cancer genetics study is recruiting individuals who are 18 years or older, live in the United States, and have been diagnosed with lung cancer. Participants in the study can receive the 23andMe kits at no cost.

“Through the launch of the Lung Cancer Genetics Study, we hope to fill an unmet need for a comprehensive database that bridges the gap between genetic, clinical, and patient-reported data,” said Anne Wojcicki, Co-Founder and CEO of 23andMe. “Because lung cancer affects people from all communities, it's important for this research to truly reflect the diversity of those impacted by the disease. This collaborative effort unites survivors, caregivers, researchers, and advocates who are all dedicated to improving the treatment and care of lung cancer.”

The Lung Cancer Genetics Study is made possible by support from Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies (TWP). Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies deploys philanthropy and mission-related investments to organizations that are accelerating cancer research, tackling climate change, and advancing human rights. Since 2006, TWP has committed more than $100M to researchers, academics, and entrepreneurs committed to making a positive impact on the world. For the last 15 years, 30% of TWP’s funding has been dedicated to advancing cancer research.

For more information on the study, please see the Lung Cancer Genetics Study landing page.

About 23andMe
23andMe is a genetics-led consumer healthcare and biopharmaceutical company empowering a healthier future. For more information, please visit

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included or incorporated in this press release are forward-looking statements. The words "believes," "anticipates," "estimates," "plans," "expects," "intends," "may," "could," "should," "potential," "likely," "projects," “predicts,” "continue," "will," “schedule,” and "would" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology, are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. These forward-looking statements are predictions based on 23andMe’s current expectations and projections about future events and various assumptions. 23andMe cannot guarantee that it will actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in its forward-looking statements and you should not place undue reliance on 23andMe’s forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties (many of which are beyond the control of 23andMe), or other assumptions that may cause actual results or performance to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and as revised and updated by our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K. The statements made herein are made as of the date of this press release and, except as may be required by law, 23andMe undertakes no obligation to update them, whether as a result of new information, developments, or otherwise.

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What is the Lung Cancer Genetics Study launched by 23andMe (ME)?

The Lung Cancer Genetics Study is a collaborative research initiative by 23andMe (ME) and 20 lung cancer advocacy organizations to build a comprehensive, open-source database of heritable genetics and patient-reported data in lung cancer. The study aims to improve detection, risk reduction, and care for lung cancer patients.

Who can participate in the Lung Cancer Genetics Study by 23andMe (ME)?

Participants in the Lung Cancer Genetics Study must be 18 years or older, live in the United States, and have been diagnosed with lung cancer. There are no restrictions on the type of lung cancer, stage of disease, gender, smoking status, or biomarker.

What data will be collected in the Lung Cancer Genetics Study by 23andMe (ME)?

The Lung Cancer Genetics Study will collect genetic information, self-reported experiences through online surveys, medical records, and tumor biomarker information from participants. This data will be de-identified and made available to approved researchers.

How many participants does the Lung Cancer Genetics Study by 23andMe (ME) aim to recruit?

The Lung Cancer Genetics Study aims to recruit 10,000 people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer to participate in the research initiative.

Who is funding the Lung Cancer Genetics Study launched by 23andMe (ME)?

The Lung Cancer Genetics Study is made possible by support from Troper Wojcicki Philanthropies (TWP), which has committed more than $100M to researchers, academics, and entrepreneurs since 2006, with 30% of its funding dedicated to advancing cancer research over the last 15 years.

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