23andMe Launches New Genetic Report on Osteoporosis

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23andMe (Nasdaq: ME) has launched a new polygenic risk score (PRS) report for osteoporosis, exclusively available to 23andMe+ Premium members. The report analyzes thousands of genetic variants to assess an individual's likelihood of developing osteoporosis, a condition affecting bone density that impacts approximately 12.3 million Americans, with an additional 40+ million having osteopenia.

The PRS report utilizes 23andMe's proprietary research database to create a statistical model considering genetic markers, ancestry, and birth sex. According to published data, genetics accounts for 60-80% of bone density variability. The report also provides actionable lifestyle recommendations to help reduce risk factors.

Osteoporosis, often called a 'silent' disease, results in approximately 2 million new fractures annually in the U.S., exceeding the combined number of new heart attacks, breast cancer, and prostate cancer cases. Despite its significant health impact, about 80% of individuals with osteoporosis-related fractures remain untested and untreated.

23andMe (Nasdaq: ME) ha lanciato un nuovo rapporto sul punteggio di rischio poligenico (PRS) per l'osteoporosi, disponibile esclusivamente per i membri 23andMe+ Premium. Il rapporto analizza migliaia di varianti genetiche per valutare la probabilità di sviluppare osteoporosi, una condizione che colpisce la densità ossea e che interessa circa 12,3 milioni di americani, con ulteriori 40+ milioni che hanno osteopenia.

Il rapporto PRS utilizza il database di ricerca proprietario di 23andMe per creare un modello statistico che considera marcatori genetici, ascendenza e sesso alla nascita. Secondo i dati pubblicati, la genetica rappresenta circa 60-80% della variabilità nella densità ossea. Il rapporto fornisce anche raccomandazioni su stili di vita per aiutare a ridurre i fattori di rischio.

L'osteoporosi, spesso chiamata malattia 'silenziosa', provoca circa 2 milioni di nuove fratture all'anno negli Stati Uniti, superando il numero combinato di nuovi attacchi di cuore, casi di cancro al seno e cancro alla prostata. Nonostante il suo significativo impatto sulla salute, circa l'80% delle persone con fratture correlate all'osteoporosi rimane non testato e non trattato.

23andMe (Nasdaq: ME) ha lanzado un nuevo informe de puntuación de riesgo poligénico (PRS) para la osteoporosis, disponible exclusivamente para miembros de 23andMe+ Premium. El informe analiza miles de variantes genéticas para evaluar la probabilidad de desarrollar osteoporosis, una condición que afecta la densidad ósea y que impacta a aproximadamente 12.3 millones de estadounidenses, con más de 40 millones adicionales que tienen osteopenia.

El informe PRS utiliza la base de datos de investigación propietaria de 23andMe para crear un modelo estadístico que considera marcadores genéticos, ascendencia y sexo al nacer. Según datos publicados, la genética representa aproximadamente 60-80% de la variabilidad en la densidad ósea. El informe también proporciona recomendaciones de estilo de vida prácticas para ayudar a reducir los factores de riesgo.

La osteoporosis, a menudo llamada enfermedad 'silenciosa', resulta en aproximadamente 2 millones de nuevas fracturas anualmente en EE. UU., superando el número combinado de nuevos ataques cardíacos, cáncer de mama y cáncer de próstata. A pesar de su impacto significativo en la salud, alrededor del 80% de las personas con fracturas relacionadas con la osteoporosis permanecen sin pruebas y sin tratamiento.

23andMe (나스닥: ME)는 23andMe+ 프리미엄 회원에게 독점적으로 제공되는 새로운 다유전자 위험 점수 (PRS) 보고서를 출시했습니다. 이 보고서는 골밀도에 영향을 미치는 상태인 골다공증에 대한 개인의 가능성을 평가하기 위해 수천 가지 유전 변이를 분석합니다. 이 상태는 약 1230만 명의 미국인에게 영향을 미치며, 추가로 4000만 명 이상이 골감소증을 앓고 있습니다.

PRS 보고서는 23andMe의 독점 연구 데이터베이스를 활용하여 유전자 마커, 조상, 출생 성별을 고려한 통계 모델을 생성합니다. 발표된 데이터에 따르면 유전은 골밀도의 변동성의 약 60-80%를 차지합니다. 이 보고서는 또한 위험 요소를 줄이는 데 도움이 되는 실행 가능한 생활 습관 권장 사항을 제공합니다.

골다공증은 종종 '침묵의 질병'이라고 불리며, 미국에서 매년 약 200만 건의 새로운 골절을 초래하며, 이는 새로운 심장마비, 유방암 및 전립선암 사례의 총합을 초과합니다. 상당한 건강 영향을 미치지만, 골다공증 관련 골절 환자의 약 80%는 검사를 받지 않고 치료를 받지 않고 있습니다.

23andMe (Nasdaq: ME) a lancé un nouveau rapport sur le score de risque polygénique (PRS) pour l'ostéoporose, disponible exclusivement pour les membres de 23andMe+ Premium. Le rapport analyse des milliers de variantes génétiques pour évaluer la probabilité qu'une personne développe de l'ostéoporose, une affection touchant la densité osseuse qui concerne environ 12,3 millions d'Américains, avec plus de 40 millions d'autres ayant de l'ostéopénie.

Le rapport PRS utilise la base de données de recherche propriétaire de 23andMe pour créer un modèle statistique tenant compte des marqueurs génétiques, de l'ascendance et du sexe à la naissance. Selon les données publiées, la génétique représente environ 60-80% de la variabilité de la densité osseuse. Le rapport fournit également des recommandations pratiques en matière de mode de vie pour aider à réduire les facteurs de risque.

L'ostéoporose, souvent qualifiée de maladie 'silencieuse', entraîne environ 2 millions de nouvelles fractures par an aux États-Unis, dépassant le nombre combiné de nouvelles crises cardiaques, de cancer du sein et de cancer de la prostate. Malgré son impact significatif sur la santé, environ 80 % des personnes présentant des fractures liées à l'ostéoporose ne sont pas testées et ne reçoivent pas de traitement.

23andMe (Nasdaq: ME) hat einen neuen polygenen Risikoscore (PRS) Bericht für Osteoporose eingeführt, der exklusiv für Mitglieder von 23andMe+ Premium verfügbar ist. Der Bericht analysiert Tausende von genetischen Varianten, um das Risiko einer Person zu bewerten, Osteoporose zu entwickeln, eine Erkrankung, die die Knochendichte betrifft und etwa 12,3 Millionen Amerikaner betrifft, während zusätzlich über 40 Millionen an Osteopenie leiden.

Der PRS-Bericht verwendet die proprietäre Forschungsdatenbank von 23andMe, um ein statistisches Modell zu erstellen, das genetische Marker, Abstammung und Geburtsgeschlecht berücksichtigt. Laut veröffentlichten Daten macht die Genetik etwa 60-80% der Variabilität der Knochendichte aus. Der Bericht bietet auch umsetzbare Empfehlungen für einen Lebensstil, um Risikofaktoren zu reduzieren.

Osteoporose, oft als 'stille' Krankheit bezeichnet, führt in den USA jährlich zu etwa 2 Millionen neuen Frakturen, was die kombinierte Anzahl neuer Herzinfarkte, Brustkrebs- und Prostatakrebsfälle übersteigt. Trotz ihrer erheblichen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit bleiben etwa 80% der Personen mit osteoporosebedingten Frakturen unverifiziert und unbehandelt.

  • Launch of new revenue-generating premium service expanding product portfolio
  • Addresses large market opportunity with 12.3M Americans affected by osteoporosis
  • Leverages proprietary research database for competitive advantage
  • Report to Premium membership subscribers only, restricting market reach


The launch of 23andMe's Osteoporosis PRS report marks a strategic expansion of their premium service offerings, with significant implications for both the company's market position and revenue streams. This development is particularly impactful for three key reasons:

Market Expansion & Revenue Potential: By targeting osteoporosis, a condition affecting over 12.3 million Americans with an additional 40+ million at risk, 23andMe is tapping into a substantial market. The integration of this report into their premium subscription model could drive subscription growth and retention, particularly among their female demographic, who are disproportionately affected by the condition.

Competitive Positioning: This launch strengthens 23andMe's position in the growing women's health genetic testing market. By expanding their suite of women's health offerings (including breast cancer, PCOS and uterine fibroids), they're building a comprehensive platform that differentiates them from competitors and creates higher switching costs for subscribers.

Healthcare Economics: The timing is strategic, considering that osteoporosis-related fractures lead to approximately 2 million cases annually - surpassing the combined incidence of heart attacks, breast cancer and prostate cancer. With each hip fracture estimated to cost the healthcare system between $20,000 to $30,000, early intervention enabled by genetic screening could significantly reduce healthcare costs. This positions 23andMe favorably for potential partnerships with insurance companies and healthcare providers interested in preventive care initiatives.

The successful development and deployment of this PRS technology also demonstrates 23andMe's ability to monetize their proprietary research database, suggesting potential for future revenue streams through similar health-related genetic reports. This could lead to increased institutional interest and partnerships in the healthcare sector.

Provides 23andMe+ Premium members with insight into their likelihood of developing osteoporosis based on thousands of genetic variants

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME), a leading human genetics company with a mission to help people access, understand, and benefit from the human genome, today released a new polygenic risk score (PRS) report* on the genetics of osteoporosis for 23andMe+ Premium members. The report informs customers if they are at a higher likelihood of developing osteoporosis based on a statistical model developed by 23andMe through its proprietary research database, along with actionable lifestyle factors that can reduce their risk.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density becomes too low, which makes bones more fragile and prone to breaks (fractures). It's estimated that 12.3 million Americans have osteoporosis, and an additional 40+ million have osteopenia (a less severe form of low bone density).

Osteoporosis becomes more common with age, and women are more likely to develop the condition than men. Other risk factors include having a family history of the condition, having a small body frame, taking certain medications (such as corticosteroids), and having certain other health conditions. Often called a "silent" disease, osteoporosis usually has no symptoms until people break a bone — most commonly in the spine, hip, or wrist and often as a result of minor falls or normal activities.

If diagnosed early, osteoporosis is highly actionable. There are medications that can help slow bone loss, and strategies that can help prevent falls. Importantly, healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise, diet and avoiding smoking and heavy alcohol consumption can help lower one’s risk of developing the condition. Despite its actionability and health impacts, osteoporosis is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, about half of women and up to a quarter of men in the U.S. will break a bone due to low bone density, but ~80% of these individuals are never tested or treated for osteoporosis.

“Predominantly diagnosed in women, there are around 2 million new osteoporosis-related fractures in the U.S. each year, which is more than the number of new cases of heart attacks, breast cancer, and prostate cancer combined,” said Dr. Noura Abul-Husn, MD, PhD, Vice President of Genomic Health at 23andMe. “We’re proud to continue our commitment to developing genetic reports that impact women’s health, adding osteoporosis to our existing slate of offerings that include breast cancer, gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), uterine fibroids, among others.”

23andMe’s Osteoporosis PRS report* is based on a statistical model developed by 23andMe through its proprietary research database. The report takes into account an individual’s genetic results at many genetic markers, along with their genetic ancestry and birth sex to estimate the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. According to published data, it's estimated that genetics explains ~60-80% of the variability in bone density.

The Osteoporosis PRS report was developed by 23andMe scientists and clinical experts using 23andMe’s database of genetic and health information contributed by consented research participants. A published white paper provides full details on the science and methodology behind 23andMe’s PRS technology.

While 23andMe's new report provides an estimate of one's likelihood of developing osteoporosis, it does not account for every possible genetic variant that could impact a person’s likelihood of developing the condition, nor does it account for non-genetic factors. To learn more about the new Osteoporosis PRS report and how to become a 23andMe+ Premium member, visit

About 23andMe
23andMe is a genetics-led consumer healthcare and research company empowering a healthier future. For more information, please visit

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included or incorporated in this press release are forward-looking statements. The words "believes," "anticipates," "estimates," "plans," "expects," "intends," "may," "could," "should," "potential," "likely," "projects," “predicts,” "continue," "will," “schedule,” and "would" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology, are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. These forward-looking statements are predictions based on 23andMe’s current expectations and projections about future events and various assumptions. 23andMe cannot guarantee that it will actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in its forward-looking statements and you should not place undue reliance on 23andMe’s forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties (many of which are beyond the control of 23andMe), or other assumptions that may cause actual results or performance to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and as revised and updated by our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K. The statements made herein are made as of the date of this press release and, except as may be required by law, 23andMe undertakes no obligation to update them, whether as a result of new information, developments, or otherwise.

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*The 23andMe PRS reports are based on genetic models that include data from 23andMe consented research participants and incorporate thousands of genetic variants to describe if a person has a certain likelihood of developing a condition, but do not describe a person’s overall likelihood. The PRS reports do not account for lifestyle or family history and have not been reviewed by the US Food and Drug Administration. The PRS reports are not intended to tell you anything about your current state of health, or to be used to make medical decisions or determine any treatment.


What is the new osteoporosis report launched by 23andMe (ME) in January 2025?

23andMe launched a polygenic risk score (PRS) report that assesses Premium members' genetic likelihood of developing osteoporosis, based on thousands of genetic variants, ancestry, and birth sex.

How many Americans are affected by osteoporosis according to 23andMe's (ME) 2025 report?

According to the report, 12.3 million Americans have osteoporosis, and over 40 million more have osteopenia, a less severe form of low bone density.

What percentage of bone density variability is attributed to genetics in 23andMe's (ME) osteoporosis report?

According to published data cited in the report, genetics explains approximately 60-80% of the variability in bone density.

How many new osteoporosis-related fractures occur annually in the US according to 23andMe (ME)?

According to 23andMe, there are approximately 2 million new osteoporosis-related fractures in the U.S. annually, exceeding the combined number of new heart attacks, breast cancer, and prostate cancer cases.

What percentage of individuals with osteoporosis-related fractures remain untested according to 23andMe (ME)?

According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation data cited by 23andMe, about 80% of individuals with osteoporosis-related fractures are never tested or treated for the condition.
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