23andMe Introduces New Feature Helping African Americans Trace Their Roots to Post Slavery Communities in the South

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23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) has introduced a new African American Genetic Groups feature that allows African American customers to trace their roots to over 200 communities in the Southern United States. This feature provides insights into ancestral connections from before the early-to-mid-20th century migrations, including communities like the Piney Woods region in Mississippi, the creoles of the River Parishes and Greater New Orleans, and the Gullah Geechee of South Carolina and Georgia.

The feature offers information on shared ancestral locations, common maternal and paternal haplogroups, and additional details to help trace connections. Approximately 88% of 23andMe customers who self-identify as African American will see connections to at least one of these newly identified groups, rising to 95% for 23andMe+ Premium™ customers. This initiative is part of 23andMe's broader effort to improve representation in its product and research.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) ha introdotto una nuova funzionalità Gruppi Genetici Afroamericani che consente ai clienti afroamericani di risalire alle proprie radici in oltre 200 comunità nel sud degli Stati Uniti. Questa funzione offre approfondimenti sulle connessioni ancestrali risalenti alle migrazioni avvenute tra la fine del XIX e l'inizio del XX secolo, incluse comunità come la regione dei Piney Woods in Mississippi, i creoli delle River Parishes e della Grande New Orleans, e i Gullah Geechee del South Carolina e della Georgia.

La funzione fornisce informazioni su luoghi ancestrali condivisi, comuni haplogruppi materni e paterni, e dettagli aggiuntivi per aiutare a tracciare le connessioni. Circa l'88% dei clienti di 23andMe che si identificano come afroamericani vedrà connessioni con almeno uno di questi gruppi recentemente identificati, che sale al 95% per i clienti di 23andMe+ Premium™. Questa iniziativa fa parte dello sforzo più ampio di 23andMe per migliorare la rappresentanza nei suoi prodotti e nella ricerca.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) ha presentado una nueva función Grupos Genéticos Afroamericanos que permite a los clientes afroamericanos rastrear sus raíces en más de 200 comunidades en el sur de los Estados Unidos. Esta función proporciona información sobre las conexiones ancestrales anteriores a las migraciones de principios y mediados del siglo XX, incluidas comunidades como la región de Piney Woods en Mississippi, los criollos de las River Parishes y la Gran Nueva Orleans, y los Gullah Geechee de Carolina del Sur y Georgia.

La función ofrece información sobre ubicaciones ancestrales compartidas, haplogrupos maternos y paternos comunes, y detalles adicionales para ayudar a rastrear conexiones. Aproximadamente el 88% de los clientes de 23andMe que se identifican como afroamericanos verán conexiones con al menos uno de estos grupos recién identificados, alcanzando el 95% para los clientes de 23andMe+ Premium™. Esta iniciativa es parte del esfuerzo más amplio de 23andMe para mejorar la representación en sus productos e investigaciones.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME)는 아프리카계 미국인 고객이 미국 남부의 200개 이상의 커뮤니티로 뿌리를 추적할 수 있는 새로운 아프리카계 미국인 유전자 그룹 기능을 도입했습니다. 이 기능은 20세기 초중반의 이주 이전에 해당하는 조상 연결에 대한 통찰력을 제공하며, 미시시피의 파이니 우즈 지역, 리버 패리시 및 뉴올리언스 대도시 지역의 크레올, 사우스 캐롤라이나와 조지아의 굴라 기치 커뮤니티를 포함합니다.

이 기능은 공유 조상 위치, 공통 모계 및 부계 하플로그룹에 대한 정보를 제공하며 연결 추적을 돕기 위한 추가 세부정보를 제공합니다. 약 23andMe 고객 중 아프리카계 미국인으로 자아를 정체하는 고객의 88%가 이러한 새로 확인된 그룹 중 최소 하나에 연결될 것이라고 하며, 23andMe+ 프리미엄™ 고객의 경우 95%에 이를 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 23andMe의 제품 및 연구의 대표성을 개선하기 위한 보다 광범위한 노력의 일환입니다.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) a introduit une nouvelle fonctionnalité Groupes Génétiques Afro-Américains qui permet aux clients afro-américains de retracer leurs racines dans plus de 200 communautés du sud des États-Unis. Cette fonction fournit des informations sur les connexions ancestrales antérieures aux migrations du début et du milieu du XXe siècle, y compris des communautés comme la région de Piney Woods dans le Mississippi, les créoles des River Parishes et de la Grande Nouvelle-Orléans, ainsi que les Gullah Geechee de Caroline du Sud et de Géorgie.

La fonctionnalité offre des informations sur les emplacements ancestraux partagés, les haplogroupes maternels et paternels communs, ainsi que des détails supplémentaires pour aider à retracer les connexions. Environ 88 % des clients de 23andMe qui s'identifient comme afro-américains verront des connexions avec au moins l'un de ces groupes nouvellement identifiés, atteignant 95 % pour les clients de 23andMe+ Premium™. Cette initiative fait partie des efforts plus larges de 23andMe pour améliorer la représentation dans ses produits et sa recherche.

23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME) hat eine neue Funktion Afroamerikanische Genetische Gruppen eingeführt, die es afroamerikanischen Kunden ermöglicht, ihre Wurzeln in über 200 Gemeinschaften im Süden der Vereinigten Staaten zurückzuverfolgen. Diese Funktion bietet Einblicke in die Vorfahrenverbindungen vor den Migrationen des frühen bis mittleren 20. Jahrhunderts, einschließlich Gemeinschaften wie der Piney Woods Region in Mississippi, den Kreolen der River Parishes und des Großraums New Orleans sowie den Gullah Geechee aus South Carolina und Georgia.

Die Funktion bietet Informationen über gemeinsame Vorfahrenstandorte, gängige mütterliche und väterliche Haplogruppen sowie zusätzliche Details zur Unterstützung bei der Verfolgung von Verbindungen. Etwa 88% der 23andMe-Kunden, die sich als afroamerikanisch identifizieren, werden Verbindungen zu mindestens einer dieser neu identifizierten Gruppen sehen, während es bei 23andMe+ Premium™-Kunden bis zu 95% steigt. Diese Initiative ist Teil von 23andMe's umfassenderen Bemühungen, die Repräsentation in seinen Produkten und Forschungen zu verbessern.

  • Introduction of new African American Genetic Groups feature, potentially increasing customer engagement and satisfaction
  • High percentage (88-95%) of African American customers expected to benefit from the new feature
  • Expansion of 23andMe's product offerings, potentially attracting new customers and retaining existing ones
  • Aligns with company's efforts to improve diversity and representation in genetic research and products
  • None.


This new feature from 23andMe represents a significant advancement in genetic ancestry tracing for African Americans. By identifying over 200 specific communities in the Southern United States, it offers unprecedented granularity in connecting individuals to their ancestral roots. This level of detail can provide valuable insights into family histories that were often disrupted or lost due to historical events like slavery and the Great Migration. The feature's ability to trace connections for 88% of self-identified African American customers (95% for Premium subscribers) demonstrates its broad applicability and potential impact. Additionally, the identification of African ancestry in 5% of self-identified white customers could lead to important conversations about hidden family histories and the complexities of racial identity in America. From a business perspective, this feature could enhance 23andMe's competitive edge in the consumer genetics market, potentially driving new subscriptions and upgrades to their Premium service.

The introduction of this feature has profound sociological implications. It offers a tangible way for African Americans to reconnect with their heritage, potentially strengthening cultural identities and community ties. This could lead to a resurgence of interest in the histories and traditions of specific Southern communities, contributing to cultural preservation efforts. The feature also highlights the complex racial history of the United States, particularly through the identification of African ancestry in self-identified white individuals. This could spark important discussions about race, identity and the long-term societal impacts of slavery and segregation. From an educational standpoint, this tool could become a valuable resource for teaching American history, offering personalized connections to larger historical narratives like the Great Migration. The potential for this technology to bridge generational gaps and foster a deeper understanding of family and community histories is significant.

The new African American Genetic Groups feature traces customers' ancestral connections from before the early-to-mid-20th century migrations to more than 200 communities in Southern states

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 23andMe Holding Co. (Nasdaq: ME), a leading human genetics company, released a powerful new feature that enables African American customers to trace their roots to over 200 communities of people of African descent in the Southern United States. These communities include those with connections to the Piney Woods region in the dense forests and rolling hills in rural Mississippi; the creoles of the River Parishes and Greater New Orleans who draw on a unique mix of French, Spanish, Native American and African cultures; and the Gullah Geechee of South Carolina and Georgia, among many others.

Many Americans do not realize that before the Great Migration, more than 90 percent of the Black community lived in the South. Then, during the two waves of the Great Migration between 1910 and 1970, roughly six million Black Americans left their homes in primarily rural southern communities, moving north and west in search of economic opportunities, and to escape poverty, repression, and racial violence.

“History is written in our DNA, and it’s important for African Americans to see how their family histories are woven so deeply into the history of the United States,” said Steven Micheletti, Ph.D., 23andMe Senior Scientist, Population Genetics, and lead on the 23andMe African American Genetics Group feature.

“Many African American families whose ancestors fled the South during the Great Migration kept some connection to those communities that they left behind, but over the decades, some families lost those connections. Learning this information could help reconnect families to these communities.”

The new African American Genetic Groups feature offers families and individuals direct links to the places where their ancestors once lived, providing meaningful insights into African American history and heritage within the United States. These communities offer a window into the unique histories, cultures, and traditions passed down over time. The new feature will include shared ancestral locations, a list of common maternal and paternal haplogroups, and additional information to help those tracing their connections to these communities.

23andMe customers will be able to trace connections to the following African American Genetic Groups, among many others:

  • Southern Mississippi Pines African Americans
  • Yazoo River Basin Mississippi African Americans
  • Georgia Coastal Plain African Americans
  • Central Carolinas Piedmont African Americans
  • Central Georgia Piedmont African Americans
  • Central Kentucky African Americans
  • Chesapeake Bay African Americans
  • Savannah River Basin African Americans
  • Lower Alabama African Americans
  • Maryland Western Shore African Americans

(For a full list, please see our blog post).

For many African American families, tracing their roots can be challenging due to the disruptions caused by the transatlantic slave trade, systemic racism, and displacement during the Great Migration. That massive movement of people transformed the political, cultural, and social landscape in the United States. Families moved along well-worn paths to cities like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and Detroit, forever changing the fabric of these urban centers.

Approximately 88 percent of 23andMe customers who self-identify as African American will see connections to at least one of the newly identified African American Genetic Groups. For 23andMe+ Premium™ customers, who have access to more distant connections, this number rises to 95 percent.

About 5 percent of 23andMe customers who identify as white or caucasian and have some African ancestry will also receive matches. Whereas many African Americans are well aware of their mixed ancestry that often includes European ancestry, many people who self-identify as white but have some “hidden” African ancestry may not know that same history.

This important new feature is part of a broader effort to improve representation in 23andMe’s product and within its research. For over a decade, 23andMe has taken steps to enhance the diversity of its research dating back to its Roots into the Future Project, and its African Genetics Project.

Most recently, 23andMe collaborated with researchers at the National Institutes of Health and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to publish the largest and most diverse genetic study of the sickle cell trait, linking the trait to increased risk for certain blood clots. In 2023, scientists from 23andMe, Harvard, and the Smithsonian conducted a historical DNA analysis of 27 enslaved and freed African Americans who labored at a Maryland iron furnace and established genetic connections between them and 40,000 of their living relatives. 23andMe’s new Historical Matches feature now allows customers to see if they share a connection to these historical individuals.

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23andMe is a genetics-led consumer healthcare and therapeutics company empowering a healthier future. For more information, please visit

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included or incorporated in this press release are forward-looking statements. The words "believes," "anticipates," "estimates," "plans," "expects," "intends," "may," "could," "should," "potential," "likely," "projects," “predicts,” "continue," "will," “schedule,” and "would" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology, are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. These forward-looking statements are predictions based on 23andMe’s current expectations and projections about future events and various assumptions. 23andMe cannot guarantee that it will actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in its forward-looking statements and you should not place undue reliance on 23andMe’s forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties (many of which are beyond the control of 23andMe), or other assumptions that may cause actual results or performance to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and as revised and updated by our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K. The statements made herein are made as of the date of this press release and, except as may be required by law, 23andMe undertakes no obligation to update them, whether as a result of new information, developments, or otherwise.


What is the new feature introduced by 23andMe (ME) for African American customers?

23andMe introduced the African American Genetic Groups feature, which allows customers to trace their roots to over 200 communities of people of African descent in the Southern United States from before the early-to-mid-20th century migrations.

How many 23andMe (ME) customers are expected to benefit from the new African American Genetic Groups feature?

Approximately 88% of 23andMe customers who self-identify as African American will see connections to at least one of the newly identified African American Genetic Groups. This number rises to 95% for 23andMe+ Premium™ customers.

What information does the new African American Genetic Groups feature by 23andMe (ME) provide?

The feature provides information on shared ancestral locations, a list of common maternal and paternal haplogroups, and additional details to help those tracing their connections to these communities.

How does the new 23andMe (ME) feature relate to the Great Migration of African Americans?

The feature helps trace ancestral connections from before the Great Migration, which occurred between 1910 and 1970 when roughly six million Black Americans left their homes in primarily rural southern communities, moving north and west.

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