Mondelēz International Selects 10 Start-Ups To Participate in Second CoLab Tech Accelerator Program

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Mondelēz International has selected 10 start-ups for its second CoLab Tech accelerator program, focusing on innovative technologies in snacking. The program, led by Mondelēz's R&D team, aims to advance the company's 'Vision 2030' growth agenda by identifying and scaling emerging technologies.

The selected companies offer solutions in areas such as cocoa processing, well-being snacks, sustainable packaging, and enhanced sensory experiences. Notable participants include Bread Free (gluten-free technology), Enginzyme (prebiotic sugar), and Kokomodo (cell-cultured cocoa).

This initiative aligns with consumer trends, as Mondelēz's 2024 State of Snacking Report shows that 60% of consumers increasingly prefer snacks to traditional meals. The 8-week program provides participants with mentorship, resources, and access to Mondelēz's global network to help scale their technologies.

Mondelēz International ha selezionato 10 start-up per il suo secondo programma di accelerazione CoLab Tech, concentrandosi su tecnologie innovative nel settore degli snack. Il programma, guidato dal team di R&S di Mondelēz, mira a promuovere l'agenda di crescita 'Vision 2030' dell'azienda identificando e scalando tecnologie emergenti.

Le aziende selezionate offrono soluzioni in aree quali lavorazione del cacao, snack per il benessere, imballaggi sostenibili e esperienze sensoriali migliorate. Partecipanti di rilievo includono Bread Free (tecnologia senza glutine), Enginzyme (zucchero prebiotico) e Kokomodo (cacao coltivato in laboratorio).

Questa iniziativa si allinea con le tendenze dei consumatori, poiché il rapporto sullo stato degli snack del 2024 di Mondelēz mostra che il 60% dei consumatori preferisce sempre più gli snack ai pasti tradizionali. Il programma di 8 settimane fornisce ai partecipanti mentorship, risorse e accesso alla rete globale di Mondelēz per aiutarli a scalare le loro tecnologie.

Mondelēz International ha seleccionado 10 startups para su segundo programa de aceleración CoLab Tech, centrado en tecnologías innovadoras en el sector de los snacks. El programa, liderado por el equipo de I+D de Mondelēz, tiene como objetivo avanzar en la agenda de crecimiento 'Vision 2030' de la compañía identificando y escalando tecnologías emergentes.

Las empresas seleccionadas ofrecen soluciones en áreas como procesamiento de cacao, snacks saludables, empaques sostenibles y experiencias sensoriales mejoradas. Los participantes notables incluyen Bread Free (tecnología sin gluten), Enginzyme (azúcar prebiótico) y Kokomodo (cacao cultivado en células).

Esta iniciativa se alinea con las tendencias del consumidor, ya que el Informe del Estado de los Snacks 2024 de Mondelēz muestra que el 60% de los consumidores prefiere cada vez más los snacks a las comidas tradicionales. El programa de 8 semanas proporciona a los participantes mentoría, recursos y acceso a la red global de Mondelēz para ayudar a escalar sus tecnologías.

몬델레즈 인터내셔널은 혁신적인 스낵 기술에 중점을 둔 두 번째 코랩 테크 액셀러레이터 프로그램을 위해 10개의 스타트업을 선정했습니다. 몬델레즈의 R&D 팀이 이끄는 이 프로그램은 신기술을 발굴하고 확장함으로써 회사의 '비전 2030' 성장 계획을 추진하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

선정된 기업들은 코코아 가공, 웰빙 스낵, 지속 가능한 포장, 강화된 감각 경험과 같은 분야에서 솔루션을 제공합니다. 주목할 만한 참여자로는 글루텐 프리 기술을 가진 Bread Free, 프리바이오틱 설탕을 제공하는 Enginzyme, 세포 배양된 코코아를 생산하는 Kokomodo가 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 소비자 트렌드와 일치하며, 몬델레즈의 2024 스낵 상태 보고서에 따르면 소비자의 60%가 전통적인 식사보다 스낵을 점점 더 선호한다고 합니다. 8주 간의 프로그램은 참여자에게 멘토십, 자원, 그리고 스케일업을 돕기 위해 몬델레즈의 글로벌 네트워크에 대한 접근을 제공합니다.

Mondelēz International a sélectionné 10 start-ups pour son second programme d'accélérateur CoLab Tech, axé sur des technologies innovantes dans le domaine des collations. Le programme, dirigé par l'équipe R&D de Mondelēz, vise à faire avancer l'agenda de croissance 'Vision 2030' de l'entreprise en identifiant et en développant des technologies émergentes.

Les entreprises sélectionnées offrent des solutions dans des domaines tels que le traitement du cacao, les collations bien-être, l'emballage durable et les expériences sensorielles enrichies. Parmi les participants notables figurent Bread Free (technologie sans gluten), Enginzyme (sucre prébiotique) et Kokomodo (cacao cultivé en cellule).

Cette initiative s'aligne sur les tendances des consommateurs, car le rapport sur l'état des collations de Mondelēz pour 2024 montre que 60% des consommateurs préfèrent de plus en plus les collations aux repas traditionnels. Le programme de 8 semaines offre aux participants mentorat, ressources et accès au réseau mondial de Mondelēz pour les aider à développer leurs technologies.

Mondelēz International hat 10 Start-ups für sein zweites CoLab Tech Accelerator Programm ausgewählt, das sich auf innovative Technologien im Snack-Bereich konzentriert. Das Programm, geleitet vom F&E-Team von Mondelēz, zielt darauf ab, die Wachstumsagenda 'Vision 2030' des Unternehmens voranzutreiben, indem neue Technologien identifiziert und skaliert werden.

Die ausgewählten Unternehmen bieten Lösungen in Bereichen wie Kakaoverarbeitung, Wellness Snacks, nachhaltige Verpackungen und verbesserte sensorische Erlebnisse. Hervorzuheben sind Bread Free (glutenfreie Technologie), Enginzyme (prebiotischer Zucker) und Kokomodo (zellanbauender Kakao).

Diese Initiative entspricht den Verbrauchertrends, da der Mondelēz Bericht über den Zustand der Snacks 2024 zeigt, dass 60% der Verbraucher zunehmend Snacks traditionellen Mahlzeiten vorziehen. Das 8-wöchige Programm bietet den Teilnehmern Mentoring, Ressourcen und Zugang zu Mondelēz' globalem Netzwerk, um ihre Technologien zu skalieren.

  • None.
  • None.

CHICAGO / ACCESSWIRE / September 6, 2024 / Mondelēz International

  • Participants are early-stage companies selected based on potential to accelerate their novel or innovative technology through access to Mondelēz personnel and capabilities

  • Cohort represents potential global solutions to help address sustainability, mindful snacking, and consumer trends

  • 8-week program is designed to help participants advance and scale technologies

Mondelēz International, Inc. (Nasdaq:MDLZ) announced 10 companies selected for its second CoLab Tech program, an accelerator led by the global snack company's research and development team. This year's cohort represents technologies that can help advance the future of snacking in areas such as cocoa processing solutions, well-being snacks and ingredients, more sustainable packaging and manufacturing, and elevated sensory experiences.

Development of innovative technologies is important as consumers increasingly prioritize snacking. Mondelēz's 2024 State of Snacking Report revealed that, over the last five years, six in 10 consumers increasingly prefer snacks to traditional meals. With demand for snacking anticipated to continue to grow, new and innovative technologies are important catalysts to help maintain and drive continued growth. CoLab Tech was created to help Mondelēz advance its "Vision 2030" growth agenda by identifying emerging technologies with new capabilities and helping accelerate and scale those technologies for possible future use by the company in its mission to lead the future of snacking.

"As one of the world's largest snack companies, we are thinking creatively - including by seeking access to the newest technologies - to be ready and able to meet the opportunities we see coming in snacking," said Ian Noble, Vice President for Global Ingredient Research & Development at Mondelēz International. "This year's CoLab Tech cohort brings exciting, disruptive technologies across the entire value chain. We are very eager to work with and learn from them, while also providing the resources and expertise that can help enable them to grow and scale."

This year's CoLab Tech program received nearly 100 applications from all over the globe. The 10 companies selected include:

  • Bread Free: This Spain-based company developed technology in the gluten free category that essentially neutralizes the gluten in wheat flour to deliver the same eating experience as mainstream baked goods and snacks, but without gluten.

  • Enginzyme: This Sweden-based creator of enzyme-enabled biomanufacturing processes is developing a sustainable and cost-efficient method of making a prebiotic trisaccharide, or ‘gut-friendly sugar' that can lower overall sugar content and calories without compromising the taste and texture of food products.

  • Enjay: This Sweden-based company is the first in the world to create a system that can recover and recycle waste heat generated by manufacturing facilities, restaurants and other exhaust sources, and then re-introduce it into the production cycle as a new energy/heating source that also lowers CO2 emissions.

  • hs-tumbler GmbH: This Germany-based company has created a ‘new age industrial mixer' without stirrer that is a faster, gentler and highly efficient way of stirring, rolling and mixing ingredients. Utilizing ultrafast micro-batches it can be programmed to deliver personalized, consistent, smooth end products.

  • Kokomodo: This Israel-based company uses cell-cultured technology to navigate supply chain challenges by creating real, controlled, climate-resilient cocoa. This allows cocoa to be consistently produced year-round and anywhere in the world without relying on specific climates.

  • Luminescent: This Israel-based clean energy start-up has developed a thermodynamic cycle that uses liquid instead of gas to dramatically improve the efficiency and economics of heat-to-electricity and electricity-to-heat conversion. Luminescent's suite of solutions includes a heat engine that converts heat into zero-emission electricity, a heat pump, and long-duration energy storage.

  • Outlander Materials: This Netherlands-based company has created a technology that upcycles food industry waste into a flexible, lightweight packaging alternative to single-use plastics. The company's product, "Unplastic," is compostable, toxin free and has a 70% lower carbon footprint than conventional films.

  • Savor: This United States-based company's technology can produce fat and oil using 1,000 times less energy than commodity agricultural production, and at economic parity with the production of tropical oils such as coconut and palm. Savor's process can deliver net-zero, deforestation-free fats.

  • Tasteomics: this Switzerland based company has created "Peakaroma" - a plant-based product with no inherent off-flavors that takes the Kokumi flavor and sensory experience to new, novel levels. Kokumi enhances the intensity and mouthfeel of basic tastes - and Peakaroma can take that beyond the current levels with the added potential of reducing MSG, fat and calories.

  • Yangi: This Sweden-based sustainable packaging start-up uses a proprietary technology called Cellera to convert cellulose pulp into 3D molded products. By using no added process water and less energy, Cellera can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 70% compared to traditional packaging solutions.

The cohort will participate in an 8-week curriculum that includes hands-on experiences, virtual sessions, 1:1 mentorship and access to Mondelēz International's global network of partners and experts. Learn more at

About Mondelēz International
Mondelēz International, Inc. (Nasdaq:MDLZ) empowers people to snack right in over 150 countries around the world. With 2023 net revenues of approximately $36 billion, MDLZ is leading the future of snacking with iconic global and local brands such as Oreo, Ritz, LU, Clif Bar and Tate'sBake Shop biscuits and baked snacks, as well as Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Toblerone chocolate. Mondelēz International is a proud member of the Standard and Poor's 500, Nasdaq 100 and Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Visit or follow the company on Twitter at

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Words, and variations of words, such as "will," "may," "expect," "plan," "continue" and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements of belief or expectation and statements about Mondelēz International's leadership position in snacking. These forward-looking statements are subject to change and to inherent risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Mondelēz International's control, which could cause Mondelēz International's actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those projected or assumed in these forward-looking statements. Please also see Mondelēz International's risk factors, as they may be amended from time to time, set forth in its filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. There may be other factors not presently known to Mondelēz International or which it currently considers to be immaterial that could cause Mondelēz International's actual results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements it makes. Mondelēz International disclaims and does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement in this press release, except as required by applicable law or regulation.


Desiree Battaglia (Media)

Shep Dunlap (Investors)



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SOURCE: Mondelēz International

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What is the CoLab Tech program by Mondelēz International (MDLZ)?

CoLab Tech is an 8-week accelerator program led by Mondelēz International's R&D team, designed to identify and scale emerging technologies in snacking. It aims to advance Mondelēz's 'Vision 2030' growth agenda by working with innovative start-ups.

How many start-ups were selected for Mondelēz's 2024 CoLab Tech program?

Mondelēz International (MDLZ) selected 10 start-ups from nearly 100 global applications for its second CoLab Tech program in 2024.

What types of technologies are featured in Mondelēz's 2024 CoLab Tech cohort?

The 2024 CoLab Tech cohort includes technologies in cocoa processing, well-being snacks and ingredients, sustainable packaging, manufacturing, and enhanced sensory experiences for snacking.

How does the CoLab Tech program support Mondelēz's (MDLZ) growth strategy?

The CoLab Tech program supports Mondelēz's growth by identifying emerging technologies with new capabilities and helping accelerate and scale them for potential future use in the company's mission to lead the future of snacking.

What consumer trend is driving Mondelēz's (MDLZ) focus on snacking innovation?

According to Mondelēz's 2024 State of Snacking Report, six in 10 consumers increasingly prefer snacks to traditional meals over the last five years, driving the need for snacking innovation.

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