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MFS Investment Management announced monthly distributions for various closed-end funds, effective December 31, 2020. Notably, MFS Charter Income Trust (NYSE: MCR) will distribute a total amount of $0.059020 per share, sourced from other income. Other funds such as MFS Government Markets Income Trust and MFS High Income Municipal Trust reported similar distributions. The funds have adopted a managed distribution plan to maintain investor returns, which may involve capital gains or returns of capital, potentially impacting total assets and expense ratios.
MFS Investment Management has announced the distribution income sources for its closed-end funds for November 2020, including MFS Charter Income Trust (MCR). The current distribution for MCR is $0.05832 per share, with a breakdown showing 53% from net investment income and 47% from return of capital. Other funds like MFS Government Markets Income Trust and MFS Intermediate High Income Fund reported similar distributions with varying sources. MFS operates under a managed distribution plan, which may impact asset levels and shareholder returns.
MFS Investment Management announced the monthly distributions for its closed-end funds on November 2, 2020. Notably, MFS Charter Income Trust (NYSE: MCR) will distribute $0.058320 per share, with the ex-dividend date set for November 17, 2020, and payments to be made on November 30, 2020. Other funds, such as MFS Government Markets Income Trust and MFS High Income Municipal Trust, reported distributions of $0.028780 and $0.0210 respectively. The announcement highlights the fund’s managed distribution plan, which may impact the market price and the composition of distributions.
MFS Investment Management has announced the distribution income sources for its closed-end funds for October 2020, including MFS Charter Income Trust (MCR). The distribution amount per share for MCR is $0.05856, with 54% from net investment income and 46% from return of capital. MCR's annualized current distribution rate is 8.07%. The funds have adopted a managed distribution plan, which may involve distributions of capital gains and returns of capital if sufficient investment income is unavailable. This could influence the fund's market price.
MFS Investment Management announced monthly distributions for several closed-end funds, effective October 30, 2020. Key details include distributions for MFS Charter Income Trust (MCR) at $0.058560 per share from other sources, and similar amounts for other funds. These distributions are part of a managed distribution plan that may involve returns of capital, affecting total assets and expense ratios. As of August 31, 2020, MFS manages $557.0 billion in assets. Shareholders should check for tax implications related to capital returns.
What is the current stock price of MFS Charter Income Trust Shares of Beneficial Interest (MCR)?