ManpowerGroup Named One of the World's Most Sustainable Companies by TIME
ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) has been recognized as one of the World's Most Sustainable Companies by TIME Magazine, ranking 96th out of 500 companies with a score of 70.48. As the top performer in the workforce solutions industry, ManpowerGroup's commitment to sustainability is evident in its comprehensive approach and ambitious goals.
The company focuses on five key areas: increasing renewable energy use, decarbonizing commutes, electrifying fleet, promoting eco-responsible business travel, and scaling impact through the supply chain. This recognition follows other recent accolades, including being named one of the World's Most Ethical Companies for the 15th time and achieving a Platinum medal in the 2023 EcoVadis assessment.
ManpowerGroup's sustainability efforts are further validated by its B rating in the 2023 CDP ratings and its position as the first company in its industry to have 2030 emission reduction goals validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) è stata riconosciuta come una delle aziende più sostenibili al mondo dalla rivista TIME, classificandosi al 96° posto su 500 aziende con un punteggio di 70,48. In qualità di leader nel settore delle soluzioni per la forza lavoro, l'impegno di ManpowerGroup per la sostenibilità è evidente nel suo approccio completo e negli obiettivi ambiziosi.
La società si concentra su cinque aree chiave: aumentare l'uso di energia rinnovabile, decarbonizzare i tragitti, elettrificare la flotta, promuovere viaggi d'affari eco-responsabili e amplificare l'impatto attraverso la catena di approvvigionamento. Questo riconoscimento segue altri recenti premi, tra cui il titolo di una delle aziende più etiche al mondo per la 15ª volta e l'ottenimento di una medaglia di platino nella valutazione EcoVadis 2023.
Gli sforzi di sostenibilità di ManpowerGroup sono ulteriormente convalidati dal suo punteggio B nelle valutazioni CDP 2023 e dalla sua posizione come prima azienda nel suo settore ad avere obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni al 2030 convalidati dall'iniziativa Science Based Targets (SBTi).
ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) ha sido reconocida como una de las empresas más sostenibles del mundo por la revista TIME, ocupando el puesto 96 de 500 empresas con una puntuación de 70,48. Como el mejor en la industria de soluciones de fuerza laboral, el compromiso de ManpowerGroup con la sostenibilidad es evidente en su enfoque integral y sus ambiciosos objetivos.
La empresa se centra en cinco áreas clave: aumentar el uso de energía renovable, descarbonizar los desplazamientos, electrificar la flota, fomentar viajes de negocios eco-responsables y escalar el impacto a través de la cadena de suministro. Este reconocimiento sigue otros recientes, incluyendo ser nombrada una de las empresas más éticas del mundo por 15ª vez y lograr una medalla de platino en la evaluación EcoVadis 2023.
Los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad de ManpowerGroup están aún más validados por su calificación B en las calificaciones CDP 2023 y su posición como la primera empresa en su industria en tener objetivos de reducción de emisiones para 2030 validados por la iniciativa Science Based Targets (SBTi).
맨파워 그룹 (NYSE: MAN)은 세계에서 가장 지속 가능한 기업 중 하나로 인정받아 TIME 매거진에서 500개 기업 중 96위에 올랐으며 점수는 70.48입니다. 인력 솔루션 산업의 최고의 성과를 내고 있는 맨파워 그룹의 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신은 포괄적인 접근 방식과 야심찬 목표에서 분명하게 나타납니다.
회사는 재생 가능 에너지 사용 증대, 통근의 탈탄소화, 차량 전기화, 친환경 비즈니스 여행 촉진, 공급망을 통한 영향력 확장이라는 5가지 주요 분야에 주력하고 있습니다. 이 인식은 15번째로 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업 중 하나로 선정되었고, 2023년 EcoVadis 평가에서 플래티넘 메달을 수상한 것과 같은 최근의 다른 여러 상을 따릅니다.
맨파워 그룹의 지속 가능성 노력은 2023년 CDP 평가에서 B 등급을 받은 것과 2030년 배출량 감축 목표를 Science Based Targets 이니셔티브(SBTi)에서 확인받은 첫 번째 기업이라는 점에서 더욱 강화되었습니다.
ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) a été reconnue comme l'une des entreprises les plus durables au monde par le magazine TIME, se classant 96e parmi 500 entreprises avec un score de 70,48. En tant que leader dans le secteur des solutions de main-d'œuvre, l'engagement de ManpowerGroup envers la durabilité est évident dans son approche globale et ses objectifs ambitieux.
L'entreprise se concentre sur cinq domaines clés : augmenter l'utilisation d'énergies renouvelables, décarboniser les trajets domicile-travail, électrifier la flotte, promouvoir des voyages d'affaires éco-responsables et amplifier l'impact à travers la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Cette reconnaissance fait suite à d'autres distinctions récentes, y compris le titre d'une des entreprises les plus éthiques au monde pour la 15e fois et l'obtention d'une médaille de platine dans l'évaluation EcoVadis 2023.
Les efforts de durabilité de ManpowerGroup sont encore validés par sa note B dans les classements CDP 2023 et sa position en tant que première entreprise de son secteur à avoir des objectifs de réduction des émissions d'ici 2030 validés par l'initiative Science Based Targets (SBTi).
ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) wurde von der TIME Magazine als eines der weltweit nachhaltigsten Unternehmen ausgezeichnet und belegte den 96. Platz von 500 Unternehmen mit einer Punktzahl von 70,48. Als Branchenführer im Bereich der Workforce-Lösungen zeigt ManpowerGroups Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit sich in ihrem umfassenden Ansatz und ehrgeizigen Zielen.
Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf fünf Schlüsselbereiche: den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien steigern, Pendelverkehr dekarbonisieren, Fuhrpark elektrifizieren, umweltbewusstes Reisen fördern und Auswirkungen durch die Lieferkette verstärken. Diese Auszeichnung folgt weiteren aktuellen Ehrungen, darunter die 15. Nominierung als eines der weltweit ethischsten Unternehmen und eine Platinmedaille in der EcoVadis-Bewertung 2023.
Die Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen von ManpowerGroup werden weiter durch die Bewertung B in den CDP-Bewertungen 2023 untermauert und durch ihre Position als erstes Unternehmen der Branche, das bis 2030 Emissionsreduktionsziele hat, die von der Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) validiert wurden.
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"We're committed to progress, not just pledges, so this recognition is especially appreciated," said Ruth Harper, Chief Sustainability Officer at ManpowerGroup. "For us sustainability is not a fad – it is how we grow our business while caring for people and planet. We have set ambitious goals and our Planet Leaders and teams around the world are taking decisive action to implement Climate Transition Plans. We know where and how we can shift the needle across five key levers: increasing renewable energy use, decarbonizing our commutes, electrifying our fleet, promoting eco-responsible business travel, and scaling our impact throughout our supply chain. This progress also means we can lead in creating the talent organizations need for their own green transition, while helping people develop new skills, and building a more sustainable future for all."
ManpowerGroup's high ranking in TIME's World's Most Sustainable Companies list reflects its comprehensive approach and commitment to sustainability. The rigorous evaluation process by TIME and Statista assessed over 5,000 global companies on more than 20 key data points, recognizing the top 500 companies across 30 countries. The methodology considered factors such as CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) ratings, adherence to the UN Global Compact, Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated emission reduction goals aligned with the 1.5°C pathway, GRI and SASB compliant reporting, and various environmental and social performance indicators—all areas where ManpowerGroup has excelled. The company has also made significant strides in renewable energy use, gender diversity in leadership, and employee safety.
This distinction follows ManpowerGroup's recent honor as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies® for the 15th time, as well as achieving a Platinum medal in the 2023 EcoVadis assessment, improving from a previous gold rating and placing the organization in the top
For more information about ManpowerGroup's sustainability initiatives, visit:
ManpowerGroup® (NYSE: MAN), the leading global workforce solutions company, helps organizations transform in a fast-changing world of work by sourcing, assessing, developing, and managing the talent that enables them to win. We develop innovative solutions for hundreds of thousands of organizations every year, providing them with skilled talent while finding meaningful, sustainable employment for millions of people across a wide range of industries and skills. Our expert family of brands – Manpower, Experis, and Talent Solutions – creates substantially more value for candidates and clients across more than 70 countries and territories and has done so for more than 75 years. We are recognized consistently for our diversity – as a best place to work for Women, Inclusion, Equality, and Disability, and in 2024 ManpowerGroup was named one of the World's Most Ethical Companies for the 15th time – all confirming our position as the brand of choice for in-demand talent.
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